�;,a. ' . . . i _ i�? �1L:_r.5�wanerr,mP�. _ --
<br /> . .-7"�i�'=. li[.. ° - ��s`�'.m.�.�._-- -�.�.�- --
<br /> .. .. . .� . ., ._._. _-�- �------�---�.—.-- ,---.'. .- -- �-----
<br /> ._.. - � � !� ` ' ' ,, ` . � . . � • � - � — .--
<br /> ' : . ,� . . . � . � . . � .
<br /> � � . � � 9��-�.�5�� � � �
<br /> �!�.!ls�,�s Yaiiifi�.Tnt�+r dhal!Re�p tM PrapnRy En campifartcs wid�a11 appitc�bte taw�.�sdJnances and n�u'tatkns
<br /> �etattn��tnQwtel�l h�qt�ne ar envircnman�l prolactl�ts(cotiactivety imterrsc!ta haretn es"�nvironmental l�tva`�.Tnu�sr�ha!! .
<br /> . k�p.B�ePrapa�ytroes,.,r��]wOshrrc�adoem�dta,at�u�erQausort�accurt�+►sdnyEnvrronm�ntsttawstcoRa��ty►�err�b
<br /> . , heratn iu"�H�zarQaua M�l�rlaf�°�.Tniitor heraD�warra�b uzd r�p�eaerits W t+e�der Mat therm are aa�iu�rdouf Ma�is oa or .
<br /> tutidertt�Ps�rti►.Trt�stnrherNsy��sto(oedemnHyendhoidhumt�s L�dsr.tbdUacfori,ofttcsr�employsaa�d sQM�an�,
<br /> . . ��r�y auccs�ars to l.��des'a ir�erL tran ati¢a�utmt u[y a�utd ail atun�,duna9as.toss�snd I;abliitias ariatrr�In c�rtsectlon w�stf
<br /> �hs Presan,sa,v�s.4is�ssal a tran:pqrt at any HaiRr.Qeus�tert�ta or�:unGa�.•ftam or�o�!Ne.Pca�erd�+.TttE�DR�63DlES�--.--_. -
<br /> ,-= � -"':irani�w�'"_ »s �'�' � ris ucs�i.csw���i�aa�dAfif���ti��l�OtiQt��nie�"--=i�-��ii�{.i.. , � .
<br /> S1jR1tNE RECOM/EYl1NCE OF'YHiS OEED DF TRU91: � , . . • . �
<br /> -.1fl.�.:.�G3#'..r'�.Ttlr�stts,.,�'�r;�fft?�1��Yi+,$r-�.�.1�ati�3a��dprc,i�i3o?�9F,r6�ety;pr6YtG9duriai�ttt�r _ - _
<br /> ' . atWLu�t�theoccurrmncsot�nE��nto9Dehui3haraunder,fi�vethedshttocotiectandreiatnauchrents.ta¢uesnndpmfibasthey .
<br /> become due ate�gs�bt�Upon tAb accurteace af rn Event o!Defaui�i.ender rt�ay,either in pen�on cr by asen�wltti or wItlwut
<br /> . bris�trm anN actian or proceedtn�:or by a r�c�iver appaintae by a c+omt an�wi�o�Et repard ta ths adequaey of Fta s�urtty.en�
<br /> upcnan�dt.a�ks��rooasaaton attlui PmRartlr.arar�7►P�.w��s�r���.,ftn�yItaow.�n�na�mtaar[n tM namaA um#tbe Tiuws-LAa�and doar►yacS�wti'.c�ti►..it
<br /> �•'.��.'�•iQr��s������1/��'!1°!"�'�'u•7�•V��wY������fQ�••lrOl�yM�•�������YUra _
<br /> . incraas�ths income tl�erstrmm ar protec3 th4 wc�rNty hsrsaf end,with ar�vit�ow fakln�pQssatsiQn af the Properry,suA for ar
<br /> olhqrwi�i cali�ct tM renb.[a�ras artd prMifs ttiareo�[nctudfnQ those p�st due artd unAaid.artA�pptY the sams,tass cosps md •
<br /> w�pmsnofap�t�tbn tndc�llecttort tnciudt�att�meys'teaa,uponeny Indebtadnexs aecumd heesby.ali inaui�ords►af Land�r
<br /> '_ . � may dqlertniae.'ihe entwin�upo�ensf tektng possa�tan at the Rroport�+.the ccileasion of auch renis,lssuss and prefib an9st�e
<br /> aaplleaUon fhereof sa'afo�eaaid.sha(I not cure ar waive any defsuft�r noNce oi_defau(t hereunder or imrat�erry sct d�one In
<br /> , re�ponfetoauchQetaut�tarpurauanttasuchnadeeotdafaultend,n,otwithatandingthsccn�nuancetnposlesstonoltheP�rope�rtyor
<br /> . . �e coikCC�on.recei0t and aDWicatloa at�ents.la�ues or Orbfttt.an�.Trut�tee and°LenEer at�atf 6e end't�ad 6a exercise e�erY rl�i
<br /> pnaviQ�dforinarryottheLpen QocumeMsorbytawupor�accurnnceofanyE�antolQefault,indudin�witl�outlimitattanttrriyhtto
<br /> � . < exarcbefd�e power ot aate Wnhar,�,ec�e�s�ights and a+emedtes unde►Wa paragiaph ahall be cumutsitHe with,and in eo wr�,+a '
<br /> !�lt�ite!�!n!+�r.��r�!?�ts s3�s�sss�++��un�aay�a.�ni ctl�!�and�n�s resotde�e�ln�tS�49ro�:t,r.�r.'i'�.s
<br /> etidtltetea9�varstWibeiFablBtQaccount:oNy.thosersntseCfualiy[eC9ivetl. ` .
<br /> . �1.Ewt�s d�Ti�e idiowitts at�tl cartstiArts an Cvant ot il�ault undw ihl�Otled at Trust .- . .
<br /> • (e3 �dhue to D�Y�S►trtatallm�rtt W princfipai os irtf�eat at arry ather aum eecur�d hereby wice�d� � .
<br /> . • (D3�breurcAotordetsultundecanYpTOVtsione�r�teir,sedbtfleNate�thlsF?eedM�nis't.anyoitt�t�0ocuments,or�n�r
<br /> � . ofl�er Itan or Ancurnbra�tce 1�the ProperN: . .. . .. ,. .
<br /> . . • (c)Awtitofexecu�on.orattachmernaranyaUNtarpioces�at�allbeenterbdagatnstTruatorwh��shaD6ecortieatierson
<br /> tlae Pcoperiy cr anY Ponlon tnereo!or tnteres2 tl�etn; '
<br /> (da Thera ahalt'tie Sted by ar ttgalriat Tcuato►or 8orcawer a�►aGtton un�ler any presetn or tutrsra federd,statie or alttes
<br /> atatute.(�w qr regrr�atfon relatic�g to Eaniwptcy.(naotvency or olher relief�ar debtor�or thsre sha��t�r�ppotr�ed anydv�tss.
<br /> �rece[ve�orliqutdatrr�iofTrust@rorBorroweroratatlo�aerypaRoftheProperty,or�ferents,fssueaa��fiibfheraof,prTruatos ,
<br /> or Horrawer shaR c��ce any general assfgnment tor the benefit oT credi0orr• � '
<br /> , (e�.The�eat�transfer.tease.assignmenR comeyance or furthar�sncumbrance o!atl or,arry part ot or ai�y inle�rt in tsre
<br /> Pr�.efther.�rctuntari[y or imrafu�tarii�r.without ths e��s written ca4rsent ot L�nder;provided thaE Tnrstor ahati_be
<br /> per.a`�!to exeeute a teasa of tc�3 FropeRy t�ratdoes not eon�in an opticn ta purchase snd tt[e t�e�m cf 4yhich daes notexceed �
<br /> one year; � . , � . . , . ..�;
<br /> � ` (�! Abendotu�att M tfi4.Progerty,ar ' �.••.: . . �`;: _
<br /> . ' (�)BTiustnr3lyr�tanirtdtvtdual.thetssuance.sate;tra»sfer.asstgnmei?�;'�onveyanceorencum9��atinorethanatotaL • •
<br /> of.�,_pp�erst ot rt a caiporation)its issaed anA outstitndiag awck cr�ii a pac��:�ip3 a tutsl o! � percdnt o'f
<br /> . pertr�ar�riip Irtter�si`s dJring ttie pertad thfs Deed of Trust rem�tn�a Ilen on the Prop�rty'.
<br /> 12 �e�1�AoaMralionttponp�YulGfntheeventotanytEveniof0efauflLendecmay�wNhoutnatic9excepfasrequiroQ�y .
<br /> iav�e.d�c�rs aii inrisb:�drtaa aacured hereby to 69 Qua and AaYa?�je and t�e seme&'�ati ihereupon heCOtne du0�tlA pay�b4s � .
<br /> -. _4��.�'����..m:,.�-.�;��s�°s�srs;'.�ssQrTl�r�.L,.,'.'s�:.-sr-���-=- ---'-------- .
<br /> (�)�Osmand that Trust�a.exprcke the POWEA OF�ALE grantsd herein,�nd Tiu�tee ahall tt�aa(ler cauM 7rwia's _
<br /> inta�in fh�Prqperty to bs saik�and the proceeds to be d'qMbutad,ait in the nianner pravldea[n Ms habraska Yiuq�'N/ds
<br /> , /tc�q,;;:;�.,� . .,:,;
<br /> • �(#lj��aercbsanyarxlallri�htaprovidedtarInar►yofthelnan�oc�ner►borbyl�iwupononcudsnp�ti�!�nYEver�tntONauIK
<br /> �.:� � •.r„a:.;; .
<br /> �(a)�ommei�c�ta�nactionMlarectotattta,�t�dotTrustasamorEpape�MSreceiver.aepec�°yerrtorceanyaHhe � •���.,.
<br /> � �>,:;;
<br /> � covertou�tt hxaoi. � . � ,, .. . . � ';`;`,;�..`
<br /> No�er.��dy Mrein conleriod upoi�or reserved ta Truatee or Lender Is tnt�nded to Qe exclutlu+��t any otfier remedy henip.in th�
<br /> Loen tlo�umenW or by lai�proviQsd or petmitted.but escb stW I be cumut�}ttv�.ahail�e tn��tri+diti4n to ev�xa►othsr ron�CY 0�+
<br /> : f�rsuF►der,in the R.pau�OcICCUmenta or norr nr heretft�erexisftng td 1#w or tn e�uity os bY�tute.and mmr beaxerc�d t�nax�vx�U�r. .
<br /> frtdepstwaentyors�rcCes�i�ty. ' • � . • . . . ,•':i.
<br /> - 13.TnafM�.'6tsR rrul�e may resl�n at any time wi9�out eauss.�1ntl lender may 8f any tlrtw and wifhout cauN,�ppotet a� , .
<br /> succ�seor.o�'subet�[utbtruKee.Truties ahail notbe tlabfetoany Pariy.inctudln�yvithouiltmitatlon tendAr;Btxrawsr.Tnataor�r►y
<br /> Rurch�t�itlte Property.ta arty toas o►Qamage uniet�due W r6�Rtes�or wtfiful misconduc�end shal{nM pe requtret!�o,Wa tt�y
<br /> actturr h:.¢�:nnectlon wtU►tRe er7torcement o!thfis Deed of 7rr�unteea indemni8ed,in wrWn�,for all coat#,compac�a�ail�n or
<br /> � ' O�i�tirAdch may be a�wciatad therew(th.tn addttlon.7rust�e cnay pecoms a purchaaer et erry sa(e of the Proparty�ui%�la{a �•
<br /> undK 4�e powrr of�at�qrant�herun};�stpone t�e:at�ot a1l ar arry portlon of the Propeny.as prav�by ta�;oi belt tt�
<br /> P�opr►ty�s a wtroM,ar tn esp�raM parc�ts or tas at Trusleeb dt�crs�lon. . �:�,• .. . .
<br /> . 1t.giw ani E��.ki tt�+i�re�t Tru�tsf sefts ths Propaty bY exerCtas ol po�rer o!aeta rruatee aP.ta�4 be er�tted to apply. .
<br /> eny�aM���nOCeeQs flrst to payment a8 all costs end expenaes af exerctstng power of eete.tnCtudinp etl Trustee's tees.anQ te�der's
<br /> and Tnipae�e a attomsyr'a tees,acu,alf�incurrad to extant permftted by appllcabfa uw.in the ovent Barrowerer Tiustor exac�t�I�ny � .'
<br /> riQht prtivided by law to curs an�+rant ot DefBUI�Lender shaf t be snUUed ta recovar trom Truator etl couta and exp�ns�t utualty •
<br /> incuRelQ es a result of�Truata�'s delaut�tnctuding without ItmitaUan all Trustae'e.and attomey's tset�to the a�c9ent perrmimad.by
<br /> epp11Ca6ts Isw. .
<br /> t5. Fu�w Adrax�s.Upan requeri of 6orrowa,Le�nder may,et(ta�opUon.matce addlUOna1 and tuturo advanCes�nd re-
<br /> advanc�'tn Borrower.Such dd�rance�and rondvancea,with la�ereattheraon,aha11 be sec�cred by�i'Oeed of Trust/�t no�me ah�l!
<br /> the princlpal amount of the(ndebtedneas aecure0 by this Oeed of TruaL notlnctuding eurtts advanced W prctect tha�ecuriry�f th�a _ -
<br /> � .Oeed o!Tiust excesd the oriatnst pdncipal emount atateQ herein.qr�- .wt�tchever is.�rester. •
<br /> te. �Ii�iwoin ProMhiptW,, � � .
<br /> {a) Baero+w�r ttol RWwA.Euflan�tan ot the�mA tor paymaat or mod(R+caUon o1 amoN7atian ot t�s suma securad tiy thts �
<br /> Osed ottru�t�ranbd by Lendsrtoany euaca�saas In intereatot 8orrowerehal!notoperate W csleaae,inany mennei.the Ita611ity
<br /> oltheotlQirtal Borrowerar�d Borrowet's euccessoro(n tnterest Len9er shaii npt be�aquiredto tammence proceedings egatnst
<br /> s�sc8�uccs�w�or roNts toextend timefar paymentor ath�rwlae m�dityamoRFzatlono!thesumssecured 1�yfAts 0eedot Tiust
<br /> by reason of arry d�msndsmads by the oriytnat Borrower and Barrowa°s sue�eewro tn IrtterasL �
<br /> (b) S�d�r's Powv�,Without ettecttn�tRe tieWfity ai erry othe►pareon liabie tor the paymsni of ar�y ob1)patlon heretn
<br /> menHanad.and wlthoutafMclfnQtAs tisnor charpe ottAta Oeed W Tru�t upon arry partlan althe Properry nctthen ortAeretetae
<br /> f • reteasedas�ecuritytprttcetullamounto}atlunpatdabll�atiana,Lendeamay.iror�Umetotlmeandwtthoutnottce(i)releaseany �
<br /> person so ilabte,Ai)externd the maturiry oralter anyotthe term�of eay xucb obiF�atlons.(Ui){�rantother(ndui�er:see,(tV�reteaae
<br /> ' or reconvey,or cause to b�reteased or�oconveyad af mny Ume ai Lender'e oy�on aroy paresf;parePao or all of the Propory.
<br /> (y take or rotoaas any Oiher or addiUonal secudry tor any abitgatton Aerein menqoneq.ur(v�make comjwatttorts or.other �.
<br /> . �r�rg8mertia WiCf ttebtfJta iri iaTd4Qn BfBf�. ' �
<br /> - , ' . ...',.• •J-!.,'.. t+. �..
<br /> � •� _.. i�_ e .Y
<br />