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<br /> • � gtJppLLMEi�stAi.Ii�tOF�"ft�RE.dated�`a�t�o!Avgust.i; 1�45(t�he�u�pleaental•da�Qeretn�re�;
<br /> mule.b�►�d.betswce�3�t�R'[i�tv�►�S'7ERN PlfBUC S�RV[(�COI►II��MY:a�ip�ration argaaiu�i aad-.,
<br /> , � Cl�sE�f3.ii�tdCY thQ tt4�f!�tbC 5litC i3�tTCrB�ii�(t�iC��AQ1p8II���0�`�4 O�Wh€�� �.—
<br /> ` is 331'Aird ste�,�E.,Ruraa Souti�Dakato 5�350,and 1�G�B M�ixt�rCT�N 6�N8(National ..
<br /> . Atsa�zdoe), �t�#tian�l 6a�Cina ssaoaation oigani7td.�x1 e�ting uadec the lawa of the�Tnited �
<br /> Stacac of Ac6t��the'Tcu�t�"�.as'l�tista undtr ttit�encral Mcmgage lndenturt�ad Dad of . .
<br /> � Trwt datat as of�t�1..i993,h�rcinaftEr mcAtaoned.the pat o�a sddr�u of w�ch is A C��ae .
<br /> . l�fetroTecb Centla�.3�Fioor:Bcoo�dyn:�I�r'York 11Z43; � .
<br /> �itNER�. the Compaay l�as heretofare e�ecut�d aad"dsliv+ered:ifs titaeral�M�1tga�e . � .
<br /> �r�dtawre�nd D�a�d of Tru:t datod as of A�gust t,1993(t,ke'dri8�n�1 Indenture�,,ta thc Tr�te� � '
<br /> for she s�urlty of t�ae Bans�s af the Compaqy issued and t,o bs�ued therausder(tlie'8ot�");a n d '�
<br /> � . ,W�, the C.,a�p� �s hcretofor�e�ccuted sad delIvezed to tl�Z'cwtee��xruin .
<br /> � indepRure enppk�enut ta tBse�?fi�in�l Iackat�datal Au�st 15. 19Si3(tl�se Oripoa2�dentnr�
<br /> . � . as auppl�me�ted aac! emend�d by tt� aforeax�ttion� auPPlemmt�l indenbure an� try ti�s . �
<br /> , SuEp��a�ta1 I��u�e being 6ereinafter refemed�o�tSe'�ndenWr�'j:aad . . �
<br /> . WI�RE�s, �Ie Campaay tlesitos W aeate a neov a�rks of H� W 6e isau�.d.uad�t ti�e ' , .
<br /> �adenwre,w be knowra as New Mottgsge Budds�7.1096 Seties dtre 20�5(thc'New Mnrt�e Bc►� �
<br /> � ' � iif the T Y09�6 Series�,atad co'tnndjfY t�+e Ortginaat lndeature itt c�ttaro rdpeets;and .� :; .
<br /> � �,tt�a Coatpaay. ia the e�eicise of We�o�w�ets and au�ho�ity coa��srod a�oa aad� .
<br /> � � reseev�a!w It wtdes the pruvisinas of t�e Indenwra.+�ac!Putsuaat w:Ppi+�tste rESblutiop�o#'t1�a -
<br /> � Bo�cl oE Disc�tatsy�+duYp c�eiohrod and det�tmiaod to m�1r��mocute�nd detiv�t6r�th�Trustoe
<br /> , �a�upplementa�Zn�ieatv�ne w thc farm I�encof fur tha pa:posa�esein pm�vided; a�d • . � � ,
<br /> , . . . � � � . ' ,
<br /> � VItR�,aU canditiam and t�equinn�e�nts neoaa�ry_to m�Ice ttr's Suppiement�t Iaknture
<br /> � : avalid,bindirig and k�aL ansmu�enc 6�e baa don�Petformod end�tulfilled and eHre arcudoa a�d . . .
<br /> deliv�ciq ti�reof hav�tt�in ell.r�sp�t du19 authoriud+ . � , ..
<br /> . � . i�ow,�1��Trtts I���Wn�x: � . -
<br /> - . �H�i�' �torthwe�treru Public Setvice Company, in,' coasiderateoa. of the gurch�ae t�4 . :
<br /> ... o�vne�hip from time to tiune of the Bonds wad tise ae�vice.6q t�e Tn�G.aad ia�uoo�sio�,uadet
<br /> � tbe IQdenture at� af�t)ne Donar td It d�19 P� �'I the'I'mutbe st tic befon"e tt�e meatins �ad. � �
<br /> ,•.��� de2iv�ery of t6ese pr+aear�;ti�recaqpt�rl�ereaf is 6enbg►ac�ed�d.Uer�bY ao�+en�ats and��rors� .
<br /> :��,�;.;,, � to and�vitb tbe Trtutoe ard i�s s�u�iwis•ia tl�e trnst uadet�lia lndentum,fa We bene6t of tho�
<br /> . . ��ho absli hofd tbe.Bon��aa fqlicYws: . � . ;�• : . � . : �
<br /> . . � , `:;.,:.. ,: .
<br /> . �� � . t!g'r[ctEI � � . .
<br /> II�AM•
<br /> . , . � `D�[i02y f yi BOH�S�p ilfuL 9.�fniv,�{�ii�i�3'i�1a`w.� . � .
<br /> ' Sa�iott l.� '�"„Compa�y �erets�r cceates a aew serid of�ond� ta lie tmo�wa � '�► �: .
<br /> . Mactg�ge'$ond�,?.lti�.Strks due 2005' 'tT�e New Mortgaga Bon�io£the 7.1096�Setks s���e' •,. � � .
<br /> � e�uted,arctbentt�tal and delis+�s�d In socordauca with ttt�provi:iom o�atid ihaU in.aU c�espoeb
<br /> , be iubJect''to,�aU of tha term�, cc,�cHsious and cavenant�+ct�.the Jndcntau�as,ecp�td�nt�d and . : .
<br /> . . ' . . a�odiGo�. ' � � � , . � . . ,
<br /> � �e aammenc�'ient uf the t3rct intenst g�riad fot tUe Naw Mia�zg�ge 8a�ch�of the 3:t�}96 .
<br /> ��'Serks ahalt bt�luguat 1,=Y995. 'Ibe New Mongage�onda af the?.10RG Se�la sB,�cA�mature Auguat �.
<br /> � 1.20U6,a�id-a�all bear inttsatat the rate of 7►.1096 pec an�te�m.paYable semi-an�--+�aUy oa the S�ret ..
<br /> dap of Februaiy and t�a 5rat day.of August ia each ye�ir. '�ie pt�a��wbo�e reanbe any of� � .
<br /> ' � New Martgage Boncta of the 7.lOR�aeries are registereA at the ela�se�t't�tes�oa suy record d�a�e ; . .
<br /> -. -P-. _.�.._.�..� .
<br /> =.M`������ r��i5����e�L 1 .� 'Z 4`! - '1 G . . ._ ..:. _ - _ I�w��� .
<br /> � ._ . a� ) �.r�� a�i c .r;•i�.t�A wuaaj°,•aai�'X.'R"�i�l�}["2 -
<br /> � � � '�i1X.�A-F�`r�w�.r-.
<br /> i7L�'K f � �'����y�''L'���e�'S�'���'.�I `7��'- .�-`��.f�.� �' z,',µ• � - _ -_ . --. .
<br /> ..' �aC3 u�'S .- 1 S�_'!.. - .� L cL�° 9:'� ���":b94L�' {— � . -_
<br /> .y '�.vi�\.+.i. �s1l�'� �St��L�"'�4Lf�'n, .�:1'�"',��j.�. `.7 .F`�i� ._- __
<br /> 4z_ �'.\ ' . l �. . - - .r.���� .�•ac�.�, 41 � t{ . 1 �ifiiTlY_ -___
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