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<br /> rl � � �'�• ����^-�.�YF-''7 c ., • ,.r _ a * Fk'_- U4 ':qtk� - ir fb - �F f. .. S - _ . '-c i �+'�•'t .n �_ -
<br /> �.� •� '�':�-�'�'-�.'T�-' � � r t ,'S�._.��.'�iyf� t'�' �y e+ � 4.1. '' ;' +- �, _Xy _ - -_.__.
<br /> Ja, f ���•�.S..s_�.'�u�i�ai�1 ""-"`11'�rA�ii�Waf�irlii °-°y2r.�..�_.__ t �'_ ,"�._
<br /> _.�__._•-i_—_-=_ __ --___ --_— -
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<br /> __-' '_-"-.' .' - -� _ ' -.'�-____` _ _— ' 'ii....� �al� �YO�__ ._ '-'_""_ "- , .
<br /> � , , . . f 7Chirs3 Partiy) ����—_ ���d�� . �
<br /> .THiS OSS�! 08 TRUST ("seciarity Inats�mcente) is made and ontsrad
<br /> , in�a ?.his:2N�3 day of �lIIGQST, iJ9�. Tha truator ia NEBR7ISKA TR�CTOA �
<br /> � & E4tRP��rOI�iPAt+tY, � Neb=ask� ,cxo�pmaation (�BorroVers•}. .The �
<br /> , Tlvst�a� f8 DQIIGLAS CODNTY HAt�K i TRIIST �+CO. (�TrtiBtee"j. R'�t
<br /> � ' 2�eneffaiary is aiso DOt1G�.iSB COIINTY 8JlNR i T��sT� co., vhfc� ist �
<br /> . � arqa�aized a�d exfstinq under t.he lawa o€ thg state of 2,Tebrdeka, �td� �� ,
<br /> • . c�hose addrBSS �ls 60�5 N.W. �ac7lal RWy., �mahay Nebraska 68104 � .
<br /> . ("�.ender")o This secur3*y Instrtmaent aecurgs ta Y.ender: (a� ���
<br /> ' payaent� oY all.euma, aith 3nterest; advattc�d }inder�paragraph�:5 #� �
<br /> " protect�the security oP t�i.e security Instrument; (b� pay�r►t�i�� �
<br /> � �.�.all•amaunts due upon that' certain p�ra�issory npte .t*Hote»7 dated
<br /> . ` A�GIIST 2. 1995, i.n Y.�►e pacin,cigal sum of'F=VE IiUNDRED T�OUS1�tD 11t�TD �
<br /> � NO/iOD� �($509,Q00:00�� `ant� executed b� FEAltS.T1iArt't'OR i� E�4##i� _. �.
<br /> , , CO�iPANY T/B/iC/Pl FBHIZS NEE�tASRA � TR�IC'I'QR & •�EQIIYP�T �.,
<br /> . ("Ohlig�or��: amd �c� t3ie p�yment of the abliqations de�ctibad itt .
<br /> � Paraqraph 23. �or t�i� purpose, Borrawe� ir�csvocably �grant amQ
<br /> � � cobvey to �rustee f IN,TRIIS�, WIT$ POi+tBlt OF SALB, �hd loZlow#atq
<br /> . descr�.bed propert� aocated in HaY! courity, Nebrgska: � � •. , . .
<br /> - . . . ' ' � , . . � . . . . . . .
<br /> • . :; •.Lot one (i�, Antonson ,Subdf���n, in the Cfty �
<br /> . . � � �• ��:��:���P arand �aland, sa►il c�uysty;�,��,�braska, exospt �
<br /> . ' `�;�'��'�a aertain tract . deerled to:��the ; State . of .
<br /> , ' Nebraska� as �ecorded �in Warranty Deed as • �
<br /> � �� �ootrirtent Na.` 84*OObaxS !.A .ths �. . � .
<br /> . . .Res��as+�� c!
<br /> � D+��de OPfic.e. ' ,, .
<br /> , � ' . � . . � `.
<br /> . TOG$2HER WSTH all ttte fmprovements naw.or Qereafter ereated on.thd •.� ,
<br /> ' �. Ptoper�y, and all easements, riqhts,, appu�rte��nce�,� . rants, � _ � .
<br /> royalties, ainerai, �i7� an8 c�as righte ,aax� Protlts, t�ata�r rie�h�s .
<br /> , and atock and ail tixtures z�o�r or hereaf�,a part of tII�e Prbpss�y. � � . .
<br /> � � ' AlI. replacemnn�k.s and ad8itions .Bhali �a�so be covar�d bg �h�.s
<br /> = ` . . .�ecurit}• 3nstrnsent. �il ot th�:toreqofnc� is �t�szr�d to 3n tittfs �
<br /> .� •;,r:t�ecurit�► Ins��t as tlee "Pr�'�YtY"• ���:. . . • • �
<br /> r:'' � - '� ''',� � , '
<br /> ,�,} • �
<br /> ���� ' Hqi�4WER$ Ct�VEN1�T; �2�t .�orrOW@r8 er@ la�ul].y aait�dpe0.Ot t2tt
<br /> ' � ���.��astate �r�eby conveyed and have �th� riqbt to grant and��ianvsy tho �
<br /> ,-":�.?�copeiEy. �utd th�t the Prope�x iis �uuencwal�+erad. i�caal�t tor�� . .. . .
<br /> � . ;,;�i�naumbx�ancss o� recorai. �a�°x,r;ave�rs r�rarrant' ;and 5 �ili d�l�n�! .
<br /> ''. `��enerally the title to the 1}top��y agaiast a�l .c��fms and d�sand�, �'
<br /> . eubj�c�;-.�o� any en�uabrances af rea4rd.. � .. �
<br /> 'Horirowers and Lender cove�.�t an8 agree as �oliowa�e � � . �
<br /> - • i. Payment o! Principai �and Int�res�t Fir�pay���.an� L�t� .
<br /> Chargear�.; Obliqos shal�, pramp�kly p�y u�an dc�nd. of �urn8�r �xl .
<br /> ' •. amount� �_dus uader �he �asals oi the No�s.�' Zn the evs�t.L� tor eny
<br /> . xeason, Oril�qor tafZa �o do so, Lender ahaD.lt 2!e 4rititlad to .
<br /> � �xerci�e a21 remedies upon de��c�lt alinw�� to �:3er hsreunc3er.
<br /> -- – -- ---� — -
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