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<br /> _� -�..i.-. -. x�}��^��J'" .
<br /> . ��. - .� ali �l�F�f ��tK M �at.A �' iG a.l � f A.�J'�'�fd cY�� �"• +-�4v�__,tiX} 1Ya-�1�i"s __
<br /> � __ — — m ��e`���'�'���';`���`�';,E � �'?.�} 7 t:� 7r�-��e p c=' '-,� Yx���r"`•�--
<br /> ���'z�ti,� rt,. ,��c�. - ,� � .`•F,���� � � � -, t �t ^� r: � �.
<br /> .— -- -_ - �'r._�`r,,.`#�=���:�-=�'�?E.i`��` �_:�.:.�:r'�'� . :�s-��-_.�-- - -- � _ .
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<br /> ' , � . . ' . . ` � . •. �1�(�a� �ViI/1��� �
<br />--- - , - . .�'W4� b'i��.��.� � i+li���.�{ZaZ�j ��1'`�.*.>- ei-ac����.--IiBT� '�����., •--- - �--
<br /> witg► an�,�e�ccess ga�.d �n B�rrowe�s. Zg Eoshrowers albandon the
<br /> � .Property, .or do a�ot aazswez withfn 30 days a not£ce from Lender �ha�
<br /> ' P.�e #nsouance carr�er' �eas ofSer�d ico settla a ciaina, �hen Lender
<br /> � ��ay aollect tRe 3.nsurance proceeds. �d�r may use the procee�� ts
<br /> • repais or restore the P�o1aarty or to pay aums seaured by thi�
<br /> � seeurity� Ynstsu�en�, �rhetli�r or not .then due. �e 30-day.peaiod
<br /> � ' . �wi11 beqin when•the natice i� give�.° �
<br /> ` � . . 4. PxBServatiQa attd YKainteaanae of Pro�rtyr� 7�sehoide. �
<br /> �o�royrers ehall �not destrs�y, daaage or substant�.ially oh�uaga ths .
<br /> .Property, allow ttae Pzo�sertg to deteriorate or commit vaste. Zf
<br /> � " this Security Instswaent is on a Zeasehoid, �ess�awers shall c�ply
<br /> � � with the prav�sioa�s of the iease, and. ff 8��rowess acquir� !ea •
<br /> tftle to the.PraPerty, the leasebo�. ae�ad fee tatle s�lea].I not �erge .
<br /> • uniess LenBer agzess �� Lhe merger,.ixn..writfnc�. , _ . .
<br /> . 5. �'�Protection of i�eiades's �tightis_$s� �`:I�cmP�Y: Mortgage •
<br /> . tn�_ranCe: IL' BOL"towerB fdfl tQ �L�1"'�CtI�!'- tlis �:ORTeA�fits� tllid '
<br /> � �agreea�ents aontairced in thia &e�urit� .�s�r�ent, 'or there is a ::�;`•, .
<br /> l�gal. Praaeediai� that may� sigrtiPfcan��:'at�fe�t .Lender�e ric�htis 3n ;' ;y:'
<br /> ttte Property� (such as a prcceedin9 ��► b�kruP�Y. P�obate, for �.,�:;;�:����� ,
<br /> corademnati�on �r to e�force laws os regula�iati��, lh�n Ss�ider se►Y, do .�,
<br /> . aszd ga� for whatever is .necessa,r� to proti�a.'t �he value af,:•,�Ae
<br /> � Property an8 Lercder's r,ights in tiie Prope�ty. '"�,ender�a action�"�taY �. ,
<br /> . in�aludQ PaY�9 �Y sam�.a secured by a• �.fi�ea whic� has�:.g�•riori�y over ,�;_;:..
<br />° `> �is Security instru�r�t, appearing.��� coiut, PaYi�q reason�ble ;";:.`�'�
<br /> � • attormey's .g�,s and�.�u�terfag on ths�� �rope��r to �a1ce repairs. .
<br /> ti].tiiough Lend�sr.may take act�qn�under.�his pa�mr,�raplt 5, Len�der does ... ,
<br /> nat have to a��c�sA. � � ' :
<br /> , ,.',''4 ..
<br /> . • Ang� a�aottxrts dis}�itia^spd 'my Lendsr'under this paragr�ph 5 e�lanll ,
<br /> � becvme addit�nai de�t o� �ffior9rovers seaured by this �ecuzi�.y .
<br /> � Instrumen�.. Ti�e�lesS BoricQOZ� �nd. f�ende�r Sgree t0 Othar tez�s o!
<br /> pa�,•m�t, thes� �o.t*�ta . * ''��- be�a iaet�ze�� g�en �i� �ats o! • �
<br /> �;� dSsbursement at th��:`Sp�,ghest rate a�.�.owed by appais�le aaw t�nd ��
<br /> � � shal�.. be payable, �v�,�h. �ntereat,' .�on nutice f�ui;°, Lender• �to
<br /> � . Bvrrowers requesting' Pa3�ent. °:,: . ' . . .
<br /> . � -.;�.:,:: ,.�.. , �
<br /> �f Isn��.�eguired mortgaqe f.nsu�anae as'a�eon8itfon o!� �a1+c3t�g ��
<br /> . � � ttie �n sec�ed by t.bis Secuxity Ia��tument, Barrawere shall pay
<br /> � ' ..�Che'•p�emi�ms requirerl to mafntain_�•'t:� 9.naur�nce 3n ,�ffect until• - �
<br /> , sucb ti�me as� a. rea_u��e�+�� fQS the ins��n�e . *_e��*ea� l.a� :�'- .
<br /> � �' accor�9ance w�th Borrcwer�• ,�nd Lender•s written ac,�eeme�p� or � �
<br /> ���� appll�abYe lhw. . • � .
<br /> .; :..
<br /> . 5. inspection. �ender or its agent �ap .ma�; reas�nabie
<br /> ' � entries .upon anr3 in�pectians o� tt�e' Pronerty. � Lena�`� shall _giva •
<br /> � � � 8aaczawers aotiae at the time of or priv�r, t� a� inspeat�.ora
<br /> speeifying r�asvnable cause foi� the inspect�.acf�: .
<br /> . •,' -
<br /> � ,;. �
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