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<br />- , �. . ��9-s'-' ��D�2�.2 �
<br /> o TOGfiTi�R v�tt7�t'a�i tbc impsovaneats now ar h�affa ea�cted on Q�e�ope�y,aad aD easea�ent9.�t�naaces.sa� ''F`
<br /> �aaw��ereaftrs a pa�t of tt�n Pa+�rtY.AII rep�m�d additiaos atiaall aLsta be wvaed by tII�Sacaaity►Iusua�nt. � -_
<br />_ Att of tt�e f�eg�Lqg is cefesred OD in t�Lv Soctui�y�ns�mait as th�°ptapaty.° � � ' ' � ~-
<br /> BORRO�A�R COYffidAi�PI'S that Bffirawa is tswf'ulty seiso�of ttu est�e henebY aonvey�d End has the rdght co g�aat aad �,
<br />: coslvCy It�a t mg�ty aad$ffi�iRvpct�is�&�+sxrx�t ica�t�^^�x3�:tx�r1�.Ham����^ �'11 --e._
<br /> ��-
<br /> defcacl g�aaIIy tDe titlln m tha Pmpray againsiell claims a�td�emaaQs,►anbjcxt to any�ta�m�aa�s of rowrd. � �-_
<br /> TtIIS SECtTR1TY�N51RUlVl�N�combiar.s mnifmm oavmaam'far r�B�tFnn�1 ase aad uon-�mi.fo�caover+anm aIth l�mite�t �`
<br /> � v�rtai'sans 6q�n m c�nsti�ta a tmifQam se�urity i�nmeut ao�rin8�FmF�Y• ` �,
<br />_ 11N�ORNlCOVBl�TAN'I'S.B�m��etsadLeaaercavY�antea�agre�asfnit�� , '=
<br />_ L Atyn[m!af Pt�yt)aad Int�sti�7��t�nd L�te Cbasgea B�war sbaU gromptly pay. w6ea dae tbe �,
<br />` ' �rapal af ead intotestan thetiebtev�raced by ahe Nata�any pr�ayasentaad?ated�8esdne aada tIIeNot�
<br />_ �.Faads for Tim[s and I�¢ra� S�bject to applicabk Eaw ar to a wriuea waivar by Irenda.Borrawu sUaii pay to
<br /> ' I�on ihe d�Y.�Y P�Y�mce dae aad�r tbs Not�aat�ih�Nou is p�d'm fnit.a sum t°FYmds°�for.'(a)yaalY t� -
<br /> aad a�aa�s wh�cb unay anam p�Iry ovcr t�ais S�tyr Insro�umeut as a lie��s the Prapr�ty;@)Y�IY��FaY�� .-
<br />- �gtotmd��the Pcagaty,if anYa(�)Y�Y���D�P�Y�s�'�P�:(�Y�Y��P�N�►¢
<br />- �►Y:��)Y�Y�B'���•¢�Y+�{Q any s�s�3lable by Ba�mwer to Lcudct,ia apcarda�e sui�dca =
<br /> pravisia�s of p�rAgeaph 8.ta liea of t�e paymeut of martg,aga m.saiaaoe pr�.1�ese items�e canad 'Esecaw It�ns.°
<br /> Lsada'maY.stany ttms.anEect and 6oldFuudstn aa emormtnat meAOeed�e maximum a�naant a�da f�afedaallynlaud .
<br /> �888e��'�4�far B�mv�s es�mW acc�a�the fodeial Real B�Scstle�at Pmcidme.v Ar�t of 19?4 as -
<br /> a�from�ae to sim�12 US C.,Sai�an?kAi u seq. ("RFSPA°},unkss sa�tha law tLat applits to the Funads s�s a�
<br /> . �aaat If at.Le�dQ taay.at�►y tfi�wllect and hold Faads�n aa amnimt not tu.�aed.tI�e 1e�.�amit Leader tnay -
<br /> esdmate t�e am�mt of Fbads dcse�tbe basis of caaeat data and�eastsnah2�estimanes of eapaidimre.v of fu4�e Fscrow Items�
<br /> a�owi�e m acoo�daooe wT�eppliaale 1aw • ' '
<br /> 'tne Ft�nds sbaII be�eTA in an instimdan wuose deposits e�e�by a fede�al agm�Y,�t�it�►.or e�ii7+fmdndiaB .
<br /> I.aida,9f I�der is socb�n in�a�).ar u►auy Fedaal F�ume Ia�Baa1c.Le�der shatl agply the Fimds to pay ths Escmw .
<br /> � Lte�s.Leader msY�nt clsarBe Bormwes f�iaotd'mg aad applying tLe Faads,en�aIIY maty�n6 Qie esaow aa�o�m4 or vuifyi�g
<br /> t�e FaAaw I�s.�m1GSS I�dri paYs Bdaower int�esi�tbe Fm�ds and appIi�le 1aw pe�miiq�4►malce such a ebarga
<br /> gawava,I�der may teqairo 8anrower oo�y a aaea�ct�ge fnr aa�a�l e�atc t�c tepattiag savioe�usad by
<br /> La�in on�w3�@ris 1aan.nakss�plicabk lew�ovides athetwisa ETa,+��zan a,�wit is aoAde�ar ap�acabk.�w �.. ;
<br />_ ��niae.st to be pai�d,Lmdet sbaIl m¢�l�reqairad to pay�Bam�'nt�►inteiest�ea�ngs�S�e Fimd��Bvuawa a�;."�::.::, . ,�
<br />- La�maY a�e m writtia$,however,�hat�tarest shaU be paia on t�Cxl'1�.I�ades sbatt give to Samwer.wit�ont cha�ge,a�t�;�::`%.
<br /> � mmaal�coowating of 8tia Fuads,showing eredba aad dcbiLS t�the Fuud�and the pu;pose�fat whiCtt eacl�debii w d�e Funds was �
<br />- • e�3e.lbt Faads ara pkdped as addiaanal a�emity for aR�sac�ced by mis Soctaity Ins�at. • _ .
<br /> - If th�Famds he�d(r�►I�da exoxel 8�e amamts p�ru be 6e1d b�r appliqbk 1aw.I.eadar shaII scoount�s��:a�mwer fior .
<br /> � the a�s.s Fimd9 in aooadanee wltA Q�e n�uit��of app�law 1f 8ie ama�t of�e Fauds h�ld iry ieadei st any dma is
<br />_ aot�a36cia►t tio pay th�H�aw Y�s evri�e,�e.I�esrder may sa nodfy Ba�rower in wr�ang.�d.in such c�se 8�rawrt sbaII pay
<br /> �6�I�aOa tlse aiaoomt nxessuy to make�ap tLe def,�a�cy.8oaowa sLaII make op Bk 0afu�cy iA e�o mae tt�an twslvt
<br />- montiilp paymmta;atLeada's sok di�tian. '. ,
<br /> Upvn�pRymeac en fnII of aII sans secured bq Ws Sec�hy Ia�t;I�shail pmmptiy��FsarmWQ�a�av- = - - '..
<br />- Letd by I�eadei It,unda��8��da s6all aoquue ar r�ell t�e Prr�aty.Lebder.Dcior w Qx ar�laisiiina ar sata of rhe
<br /> _' F�Q�y,shaU epply any F�nda peM�p E�etider at flfe t�e of acqaesitto�or sak as a exedit against�he anms�eee�ued by dr�i���, --
<br /> Secu[ity Iastnanmt. ;;�. . .. . � . .
<br /> 3.App�ntio�ot P��i�.;��47nLess epplu�b3o 1a�v prov�es ott�wix►aII p�m�eat�teceivad bq Leada ander p�r�ph.i . .
<br />- 1�2 s1W�be eppliod:fast►'Cn anY�Yment�h�g�t dae�da t�e Nat�socand.t4 amamts PsY��P�!Z+ .
<br /> tt�Cd.ta intecest Gu�faurth.to prIticipal du�aad last,to�ty iaio c.t�ges @ne and�s the Note. . �
<br /> 4rCWtrLes;Lte�. Sotmwes sHaD p�'r�llaxes.asressmeats.cl�rge�fines�d imposit�s atm'6�iabLo ta the Bmparty " .
<br /> -� whicfi maq a�ain paioriiy uvca�:�i3°w ..i:y,Tu^a^r.���t���,�'�ts���tQ zw^ts,'3+P r�y.��s� � �,,,,i� -
<br /> oblig�tions in tbe m�nner pmvidald in pa�a�ayL 2,ar if fiot paid in that msanar.Hc�i�-Q s�aII p�y tLam ua t�e directty to tve' ' �
<br /> pcssbn nwat f/�:►�L Barawer sAa11 prumylty fiunis�m LenBer ail twtices of i�nq�rr�ta nr;t�padd anda tt�is pacagraph.If' .
<br />_ Bo�mtvCr�;tbese paytnea�ts directiy.$orrowes sbail�mmptty t�unish W Leadrs recetgts av�g ti�n p3ymeuLs. ;. . ' -
<br /> Barmwec�tiyalt P�P�Y discharBe any!i�w�ich has p�i�ity n�cr t�is Sccurity Insaummt ui�s,i Barmwer.(e)ag�a��;ur-:, ..
<br /> wiiting to the pAyrt�eat of the obligadon secateQ by the li�in a ma�r acoept�ble m Y�eaQa;(b)oc+at�sts in good faith th�liic�n :, .
<br /> � �.ot defwds�aiatt�t of t1�e lien in�Ie�l pmcaed'm&�whlch ia the Ltada's op3nion opastc�A� yn.went t�b,'", :
<br /> enforoaneat of tbe 1im;�(c}sacares fmm the holder a��e ii�an�ag�aaatt sodsfacton►co L�dQ sabordiratiu;3 tht lim m� .
<br /> t6Lt Soctuiry Ias�un9eat Tf Lemdar deuamdnes that any�t of ihe Pm�aty�S aubjxt oo a lien which may a�ain�riraity oves r� �. .
<br /> :Socm�ity rn•�+,�++� Leader may gtve Barower a mtlroa idendfytag�i:z�.Banawer s6aU�t�e lien ot tnke one or mm;�
<br /> of fheactia�s set fo�tL abave witbin 10 days of tLe giviag of nodce. . � ..' -
<br /> iasm so2�4r�o . _
<br /> � ��R(N�tn��l • Payaote tj�u•
<br /> . , • -
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