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<br /> 17.�'ransTer Qi tdee Ppo�'ar a Baietkf�iittea�st ta Sorrowes.If�II or s�ny part of t8e Property�r uny inierest ia it
<br /> is sold or transt'erred(or ef a bene icic!inte�st in f�orrower.is so[d�r era�sferied�d Ba�mwes is not u aatusal peisom)without
<br /> i�cr's priQr writtea cdasent. Leader may� at its op�n, nquire immediate payment In�Il of alt sum9 sacuaa3 by this
<br /> , Securtry�savment.However,this option shall Aat ba eacercissd by L�nder if exercise is prohibited by feder.�Iavr a�of We dau .
<br /> of tliis Se�urity in.ctre►ment.' � . , , .` .
<br /> - - !f!ee� .�m_ises�is_ogti�►n;teader sball eive Saaower notice of acceletation.'�'he ccatice s5a11 pmylde a periad of aoi---.'` - -' _
<br /> tess tl�an 30 days from the date tfie agtice�s delivered ar m�iled cvY'e�in whlch gorrower ntust pa�a11 sums secur+�d by th� •
<br /> � 5ec�uiry Instrum�at.if Borrower fa�ls.to pay th�e sumspriar to t1�e expiration of this�eriod.[.ender may invok�an}r re¢c�dIes
<br /> . pezmitted by this 5ectnrity tnsuutnem Evitbout further aotcc�or dea�nd on Borrower. '
<br /> 18. Boa�tiKe�s Rtght fo �teinstate. If Borroiwes meets certain wuditions. Bnrrower shaU have tIIe tight to tiave
<br /> ' enforcement of tLis�ecuriry Iasnvment�'isoant�naod,at aaryr tim�prior to the eariier of:(a)5 days(or susb other perfad as
<br /> applicabte°faw may �ecify for re4nstatea�eni)befa� sale of the Property pussuanc to any power of saie eontained in ti�is
<br /> : Secu�ity Insm�me�rt;or(b)emty of a jadgtneat�forcia�tFus SecluIty Instmment.Titose ooaditions�e that Borrower.(a)pa�ls
<br /> Leu�ier all snms whirh thea would be due under thts Security Irastivment nad the Note as if ao a�celeiation had aocurcod;tU)
<br /> cates any default of aay other covenants or agmetaeats; (c)peys aU exp�nses incurred in enforcing this Secµrity.�ns�ttumer#t,
<br /> incIuding,but nat limited to.reasonable atto 'fees;an�(d)takes such actwn as L�der may reasonabtq reg�ta�ssure .
<br /> � tGat the lien of this Secuaity Instru�tten�I.end�rights in tt�Progerry�Basrower's obiigation to pay the s�s s�cur�d by � .
<br /> [his Seivrity Instn�eat shai�.continue nachanged: [ipon reinstat�e� 6y Borrower, this Securlty Instriimeat and the `
<br /> oblig�tions se4ureA Aeteby shall remaia tY►Uy effective ag if no acceleratc�had occuaed.However.this right to reiassate shait
<br /> aoiapp1y in ti�e wse o�acoeleratiian�uader paiagraph 1T. � . ' � � �
<br /> �i9.Sale ot Not� Ct�auge of Loan 5ervieer_ 'IYie ATote or a partiat interest i� tAe Nute (wgeihet adth this Secnriry .
<br /> Iasmtment)m�y'be sold ohe or more tisaes without prsor rcutioe to Bareavrer.A sate may resnit in a ctiange iu the entiiy(Imown
<br /> , as[tse°EAan Seceicer°)that eolte�ts manthiY paYm�nts dLe.aader the Note�and tliis Se�ty Ynsmirc�3.There aiso may be one .
<br /> or cr•.�re c�ang�s�the l.aan Servilcer unrelated ta a sale o��e No��e.I�there is a chaa�a�c�the Loaa�c-avicer.Bormwer will�e
<br /> givr¢n wYitoem e,��of thc change in accordance arith pa�24 si�oYe and applic�Ie ll�r.The aotice will s�i�e aam�e and � .
<br /> ad��f t�z�x Loan 5e�ricer aa�ibe address W wA,f�c�ayments shonld be ma��;,'�h:notice�ift aiso�a any other
<br /> �iafe�ationie�'d 6Y aPPlicabte.taw. : , ,.::, . :: .,
<br /> � . "Z!!Ha�s Substaae�. Borrower shal! not cause or pem�it the presence.s�.'d'is�p`usal, starage.or retease of aay
<br /> .. Hazardoas SuE� on or in'the Property. Borrower shall aot•da, �r allow anyone etse to do, atsytWn$ af�ecting.the�
<br /> . . Pivperty thni is�c�avio�ation of any Environmental Iaw,The preceding two.sentences sball not a,ppIx w t�ie preseace,us�,or
<br /> . sw�age oD the Pbperty of small qa�tities of Har�duus SnbsCa�tces x�at are geaeialiy recagni�d to i�e appr+Sprlate ta normal
<br /> ._re�ideniial nses a�cl to tbaintenaace of the Property. • . .. . , •
<br /> • ,Boimwer slta�l PramDUY give Lender written nntiaa qf any investigatian,clain�,'r�,tawsuit ar other aaidn by any
<br /> .� govem�ntal os�alatorY�Sency+ar privaie�s,,..r'y inva4ving the propeAy and any,HazarQous 3REt�t,zace at Environmental 1aw�.._
<br /> ' of.wbich Boma��u 6'rras actual knowledge.Tf�?�dr�^��ver learns,or is a��trY�Y 8�vernm�t�dE+�-:5�egolatory atnhority, th�::;.;;,;;. .
<br /> any nmoval o�remediation of any Haz�Y�i�Snbs�.2ace.affer►��fi,�S�mperty is necessary��s�uh�wer s5all pmmpdy t2�:�..�::::� '•
<br /> alI neoessary uctions in accordance w;��ivisar,m►t�l Law. � ; . ,��::, � : �
<br /> t1s ased in�this paragrapb Z0. "Aazardons Su6stan�"'are those substamce,s de6aed as toxtc krr harardous snbstarces by.
<br /> B�vironmental Iasv and�the foll�wmg suhstances: gasoline, kerosene, ather tlammatile or toT.ic pemoleu�pr+odacts, wxic
<br /> �'pesticides and Itec$:..'Ides,voIatlIe soIvems:trta2eiials caniaining as6estos or formaldelryde.and radioactiva materials.As use�Sn
<br /> . t6is paca�raph 28, "Enviroamcntal La�v"means federal laws aud laws of the jwisdiction cvhere the Pmpecty is I�atod that
<br /> reiate to heaith,safety or environtaentat pmtectian. . •
<br /> NON-IINIFORM COVENANTS.�Horrower and�Leader fiuther eoveaant and agree as folTows: ' �
<br /> 21.Acce[eration;Ranedies.I.ender sball give notiar w BarroWer pdor to aooeteration[ot�ow3ng Bnrt�nwex'�brr�ctr
<br /> ot auy wvenant or �ent Qn tLis Sec�rity �nent (b�t aot peior to acaeierxtion andes pwrag�p� 19 unieas
<br /> a e ts�w.�►vidrv ot6ervrtse).Z7�e Qodce shall spedfy (a)the defIInll�(b>tbe as�lon�+equixal to aue the defawt; . '
<br /> (c �d�t�:��f!li�s:t�n 34 days fram the date the aotfce ts g[ven to Borrowv,Dy whkh the d�ault must Ife curat,and.
<br /> (� Wii t�t�i=tai.��airre t6e defaaIt on or i1�-'"nre the date s➢ecifletl ia the zwtice may res�ilt.in'ueoderation ot We smr�';._.
<br /> . ea�rcd 6y 1�:;:3Ccuslty�ament and sw�e of tha�erty.TI�e notke sh�U furt6er inforn�BorrowsP of the't�l►t to�� ,.
<br /> �ri�tte at�er accdeiatbn aad the sigtul�tfl brt�s�,dr�:action to assert�tLg:�mce o4's dd�nit or any M1irt
<br /> defe�se�oi Bnrnrper to a�N�ian a�i�ple.It tfie�t is aat curM on or'fl�n t�e dittg spec3tied fn th�notke,
<br /> . l.etlder.aY Its o�laon.tt�s►Y re4utre i�6iif�,Payment in fuli o!al}sams seciFre�;�y th�s Se�±u�in'Instrmnent witbo�at
<br /> . �im�E6er danand aad m�y favolce t6e po�nq�;ieC,sak cu�d a�ry ot6er m�sedies permttt�ed by: [cIe law.Lend4r s6all be
<br /> � entit�to ootleet aU eipe�s tacurred fri-�rsuing tbe remedles psdru�rdf�1 In tbts���raph 4;:f:�t�:ding,bpt uot limit�
<br /> to,.a�so�bt+e atloraeY$'tas a�d c�sts of title evldenc�� � . � � ' _
<br /> 1!tfie powcr of sale is ,Ti�avoged,Ttnstee sbail roq�rs3 a riottce o�defanit�UI�`�cb-wun� ID W�CL�y►pp�6�I11E•
<br /> Praperty is ta�ted s�ad sha�fiii ihuil copte,�:.af such notiat�n tLe ms�w�P�+��by�PP�aI Ie!aw to Borrower oud to
<br /> ' � the ot�er Pe�sons pnscdbed�y a�tplt�I�x�13w.ARer the time'mlutr�l by a}�plicabie taw,�rasLee�l�aU g�ve publIc notke
<br /> of s�le to the pasans and.tn t�e maan�ar..��ti�cn'bed by appltca6te�n�*.:.Trostee,without dac�ua�on Borrowe�,sl�U setl
<br /> the Propc�ty stt public uucUo�ta t6e tii�tu�P 6ickle�ai the ttme�d�tf�ce and nnder the terms designated in tbe notice oi
<br /> . sate tn oqe or more p�n�ets�ud in smy order Teustee detem�ncs.'I�rastee may.j�=�pone sate o!xl�or ang , 10!tl�e
<br /> Property by pn61k announce�eae at the time an8 ptace oP any grevlonslq sd9i�is£ed s�te. L.endcr or its�e��iee cqay
<br /> pne+c6�e tLe Phoperty At any s�le. . . .
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