�_ . e�+�':L:• " - '.i' T�� c `��..w.�...�� ��i'�`��' �- - '----
<br /> - f. 'S'' T '���eT=,.,� - -___
<br /> _ -_--___-__- _ _ - _- -
<br /> __-_-_----_- _-.__-_._-__ _ - ..
<br /> ___ -___.-_-__�=��--�s_....a.,...�.��_, - _. �-a_�--....��._�_ _'-.__-__
<br /> -��______.._._. ._'=��i�._.,sia*f-:aa�a�sr .-. __-, .
<br /> 5.�3A..,'�cw�;..�-�.���
<br /> __ ___ -_�T _ - _
<br /> .����.�..��.� .
<br /> - - __ '_�..o_... _i �— '--' �,_�ass�. _- -
<br /> _ - ___- -__ _ __ -_ ,xr f3TF�� - _ -_ _- _
<br /> _ . _ --- — , . , . , . � ` ,���-�.��1.�°� ,;� � .
<br /> of tt�e Pro oz intetcstin:ft
<br /> �17.'Te�nslet a?t!�€Properiy tzr a BeacefccFal Intei+es3�Bart+aa-er.if sill ar any gart PertY• �Y
<br /> �is sold or tcan.sPerred ior if a lr�nefic�ai inter�t ia�srotivz�'is�otd or uaos€erced and Borrower�s uot u a�tural pe.rson).arithout� .
<br /> i.endee's p�ior writt,ea� wnsent, Lender magr. at�ts option, cecNue imaiedlate paymsnt ia tull of.all�su�s s�ured 6Y��
<br /> Security Insttisment.Hocxever.this ogti�on s�aU cat be exercised by L�r if�zeTr�se is pr�u''hu��Y f�eral law as cf the datt "
<br /> � o�tttis Security insaumeut. � � s�l P. F� .
<br /> ' I�Lender e�enises dus ogtion,Lender shall g�ve Bomower not�ce af ercelerstion.The�oti� mvide a ad of noi
<br /> � t�ss tf�an 30 days from the date the eotice is deliuered oT;maited anthin which Rorrower tnust pay all sums sesumd by this
<br /> ��*�,.�*.:�*,.-�}t��pe��'2iL io. y rt,e�e c�rns»sior to the ex�liration_of this periad.Lcnder�may iflvoke arry reaa�lies-- --
<br />— —-�tued!�y E6i�S�tg Instrument�ut fiuther n�ott'Ce or den�and on�oirower. — _ _r. - - _ . -
<br /> . 18. Ba�ro�c�s'S �ht to ReiBState. If Bor�wer meets ceAai;► mndit�oas, Barm�uer s�ait have she �i�ht to Ba;re � _ °
<br /> �nf'ritcem�nt o�f'this g�cutity Instt�mue�tt disconiit�.ted at any time pt�or to t�te eariier af: (a)5 days{or such atber peaiotl as
<br /> applicable !aw msay specify for reie�rp�:R:�-�r}before sale af the Propesty Pursuant to anY Pawer of sale contained in tliis
<br /> See�lrity Insttniitent;�or(��enn'y of s ju8�a�nt eufotcing tGis.Secnrity Instraaten�1Y�ose oondttions are thai Barroc�ei�:(a)Pa,Ys
<br /> on 6ad occ�rre,3;(b}:
<br /> �ender aii sums ufiich then wauld 6edue n�der t3�is Securiry Instnsment_and the Nots as if��erati.
<br /> c�res uny default of a�ry other covea�anu or a�;(c)pays alt expe�s incaire��e�;�th�s��3►.�'
<br /> includ�ng,�ut r.at limited to,reasanable attomeys'fees:'and(d)takes sudi atxioII as L�nnder a�..J�flpabYji�nue so assare .;:
<br /> � � `thsi the lieri uf this S�curity Instrumzn�Len�er's rigUis m the�roperty�ncl Bor►�ower's obliga�i�tn pay the svms secuxed by ,:;`�
<br /> dus.Security. Instrument shai� continue aachanged Upmn reiastrz�f by �ornswer, tbi�::'�erurity Iash'ument �;�e
<br /> obligations seait�d i�reby shaU remain fa[Iy effectIve as if ao acfle�tion had accurred. fYa�e+v�i,ttus right to reinsfa2���31' ..-:• � .
<br /> c�t aPPly in the case af acceterapon m�s,s paragragh 17. ' ' �°�''�'`� ;��.::
<br /> ' 19. Sate of Not� Change of tosn Setv�s� 'I�e Nute,or a paitial #�,st irs thz Nate t�8�_wifh this 5eeurity . .'<;�:-;:
<br /> .�.,:,
<br /> Instttunen!)may be sold one or more dmes`wiihoue pranr aotice to Borrower.A���st�Y result ia a c}tange a�a�ie emity(known ..`.,';
<br /> as the"t.oan Serviser")that colle�xs mr.�t3�Iy Qaymeats due under ihe Note aIId�'•�t3►•I�steument.'t�e�r�a1so.�y be trne �
<br /> oi mor,e ehunges of the E.oan�enricer a�etated to a sate of the Nate.][�'ihese is�;cii�n.ge of th� an Servicer,Borruwer��t�e
<br /> h
<br /> giwen written ttotice off the change in aa:ordanoe wit6 paragraph t4�rive aad a;spFic�able L�J,'.. �`notice w�7!statc the aame and .
<br /> � eQdress of the�new Loam,Serd�ces and the�d�ss to afiieh payments sflautd b�':�d�.Tbe,aotioe will aJso contain ssy ot�ier :
<br /> infamtation requtred bY aAPlicahle Paw. � . - .:�:'.� ' � ° .
<br /> 1A. H�us Sab�ances. Borrowizr shall noi causC�r pemut the.pr�eserice,use.dispcssa9, storao,or r�of.th
<br /> HazarQous Substanoes on or in tize Property. Bom�wer shalt not•do, aar atlow aayon� else t�o do. aayti�Q'mg �p8 . _
<br /> pr�sPertS+t�ei ds 3n�viol�tion of any, Environmental Law.'�'fte pre�eding tvro seniences shal9 noi apply to t�i �ressnce,ase, or . .
<br /> - < storage on the���o��ty uf small qu�ntlties of Ha�udnus Su6stunces ti�at are general[y recogaiz�!w be appmpaate to nom�al,
<br /> resideatial uses to maint�nance c+4 the Properiy. • •
<br /> Bqrmtiver shall promptly give Lender wntFen notice of�any i�vestiP,a6on,.claim.demand, lawsnit or other action by any �
<br /> ' govemmentn}6r regulat4sY ageh�Y ar Privade party i�olving the PrnpertY ai�d any Na7ardons Substanee ar Emiivnm�nia�La'w .
<br /> of whlch Sorrower has actual Icnow�ge. If Borrower fearns,or is no'hfied by azry.gm+emmental or ragnlatory autttori ,that
<br /> ,s neces �,Bortower shall gr take
<br /> any r�rnoval or othet remediatioa of t►n�!�rarardaus Sub�aff�the Property' sr� ,.• ; .
<br /> . ali aecessalty.cemedtal ac�ons in aco4r�ht�with Environmental�.a�.: ',;_ .
<br /> As�secl'in this paragra�h 20, °Aa7ardous Substans;es" are��i�:substauces defined as toaac a��hazardous sabsta���-laY� .
<br /> Environmental Law and t�.�'ollawing substances: p,asotine. kerosessa. other flarnnzable or toxic petroleum pmducts,•�tixic ...,.
<br /> � pesticides and hErblcides:;v�tile soivents,materials containing asbestos ox fo�rJ�leHyde,and radioacuve materials.As ns�d�n . ,.
<br /> this paragapb 2fl, "Eavirotunental law" �ans federai Iaws:and Iaws�of tIae;�arisdiction where the Pra�erty is located:that ` ,`;��;,:
<br /> relatc io heatth,'ssifety oT envirbnmentat protearo�a, ' � .. ,, ,;, : '
<br /> � ' NON-LTNIFOItM COVENANTS.Borrower and L�sder farther coveAattt and agree as folI6ws: �. ',.,,:;:�:.
<br /> 21`.Aoee�ccration;Reme�.�xndee'shall give natiee to$asoWe�'pzior to sooeleradott foilowing$orrotiser's bY��
<br /> oc »��
<br /> o[ sny cov�et oc �ent ia this•Secmtty Ia�trame�t tbut not prIor.to �aratbn urxkr Lah ,
<br /> ,s�b1e Ixw pravides�¢be�Lse).The aottce�'Qil specifYs (a)the defa�¢;�)the ac@on ' t�care ths defr�nit;
<br /> • fc�p date•awt kss than 30 d�ys trom the date tbe:notia fs given to�orsbv�"�'.f�y wI►ic�tfie tletaalt must be��ued;and
<br /> ` (t�th$t failure to c�re tiEe defsmlt on or 6efore t6e date specif�ed 1n the nottce may_t�u1t in aoceia�4ioa oR the sw�s ,
<br /> � eecu�sd by!Ws Sa�urit�e;Tnshvmtnt aac!ss�e of t�te Property.The not?ce sl�all[urti�'�aiotm Barrower�oi the ki�ht�to '
<br /> rdq�ete W.1tee acaksation And thf r(ght i°brtng s court sqiun to ass�'t.t6e ao�enoe ef�t def�it oc aay oti�n'
<br /> dKeo�o[Borro�ver t�o.'�tion and svie. U tlie ddiuit Ls nat�curad�,t� or�beiore t6e date spec�tied�n t&.00tk�
<br /> ' . I.ender,at its apNoa..�9�' ral�'e tmme�tate p���nmt In fali.o@ alts�r s�red by thb 5ec�rtty Imtrna�wit�t '
<br /> tYu�ther dema���d may invoke tbe pu�ver of sale and anY atber rea�t�c�.P�tted bp appiicable law.I.cnder sb�1�be
<br /> entttted 3o edler,t�Il espe�es tacurrr,d:�paisatag tbe remec'!i��vlded in tUi9 pirag�raph Zi.indudi�>6ut mnt timited . ','
<br /> t�,rea4onible attosneys'fecs and costs ot tttle evt�lesc,e: . . .
<br /> .U t6e wtr of sale is imokecL,Trustee sltall ceeard s rtotk�e uf�default ia eath in wlyich any p+�rt at t6e . .
<br /> _ a�,��y��tr�anel�sl+�iil rnail cop[es o!such,:�ee 3n the ms�nne�r pmssr�becl by stP�1e�taw to Borro�rer and ta '
<br /> the otLa�persons P�e�tbed bY applicab�e Isw.Aftt�r the tfmc ra}uired l�y'�►�i�tMe tnw,�YOStet stit�i gtve pui�iie eatkt
<br /> � of sile to the.pe�soa��nd•ia the mAm�er presrrihed b�r applk�ble asw.1tti�±aos�p�r.without demand c�a Borrower,ehl�l�edl �
<br /> _ thG Pro��att pnblk�uc�an to ti�.�ts�st bidd�r at the tim���d W�e und under tbe terms desi8qatcd in the notics ot • �
<br /> � saie tn one dc mo1�e pfrscets and Ln gGY o�er 7'�ustee detetri�2.��,.s Triostee a�y p�stpa�c satt of s�i!or any parcei o�t,t�e ,
<br /> t�coperty by pabiic�na�uncanent at the time and place o!�►}r g�revionslY sc�dukd sat�e.Ltnder ar its d�siignee eaay.
<br /> parehaee tlrs Yroperty tr3 any ssllle. � , � . : .
<br /> � 4 . . . • . . .
<br /> . � . .� ior,n�72E1•!1"�¢' �
<br /> • . • va9�oota _ � � � • � � �� -- �
<br /> ��_.�_.�.,,�,�_. _.__..----�- --- -
<br /> �--- ---- -�wr_v�ma}�s:bLY_�6i�.^��a,'�'�ati:--_ _—�„-
<br /> �___'-�....._.� -___'__'_�'_�_�_'__.___..__._.__:����.�.�:-__—.._.
<br /> �- �x'7Z.��a:rara'-.�`'��°'.".a'.'7�1lM�p.t��l�Yr __- ' -_ �__' -- -'
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<br /> .. �r �-� ��r��tc,�... - . ��T �a�- -_` 4� -
<br /> .SYii�"s f e�st.• {;�+�F d - `AiF�..j,�}•r'FS''4"'+•'`�, s.�.Y. - , ... . . . . . . . .
<br /> ti �.si.�a;'L dl.i.h����I��'"��a�iirM�:� �_�, 'L .'s-��sl� 'fa�La .;. .�_�i.-- .
<br /> ����;F^liti' �`-��u'��� }y.'r��.�.,��ylq•:'iJ:i1r`y rj..-ai�k•'7-��b�.�'j'�F. ;� nr� ►_ '�!i a ��� . _ .
<br /> ,�4 r tw • 1 T.af� a�.11�W 1!.Ya�} !1��•,Y � �1��� �� h - _ _ _
<br /> . .�-..�+....-.'- �- •. r..�. -ki_ .a t1. „ > a=.a-. I _. , ,.. .�s.. _'�.`i4_. ,� � ._ . ._.. .
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