• • .yr��r F.LLI}�%� • `. � . . �.1 .i7�. . . h`.'NfW7KYY .2.._: 1�i.3i..Sfi� _—_ -- "—_—'
<br /> -. ' y..• " f . . _ _ -- _.__
<br /> �i.4> , c . • :.��.�...._
<br /> .. .-.,_„�_�:.�a�.�Cw.�' ,- n — —_ —_—.
<br /> __.._... � .. -� . •• ' . �. ' - .. y - ., c•. . , . � <
<br /> _ ,. , . � ` ,; '��c... - . ' !i��.o ����. �n the
<br /> . � rrower sbali k th� impravements amw ex�istiRg on c�resiltcr crce�ed
<br /> S. Haraxti or�'t+upe�'ty Yn�r�. Bo �P _
<br /> proPe�3r�ured agaiast Io�s bY fiie,ba�rds inCiuded within the term°eatgnd�cnvernge°�nd any othri h�2aa'ds.ins�udit�
<br /> . ..IIaads�o�ttaodir�g,for whiab I�ndeE r�quims insusar,�.7'his insurance shalt He m3fnt�in�la Fhc amour�s and for the pariod�
<br /> :3�at L�ader r'equires.'I�e insarance carrie�.A�viding the iluurnnce sl�all be cha�n•by Bo�rowcr subJect�ta LenQ.�r's apnraval .
<br /> - ._. �h:c�sl'.�-usi:be�mvc�a_�►��bly withttt:tsl:If 1Borr�wer f�ils to,maintain covenge dessei��alwve.Lcndcr may. ut Leader's --
<br /> - --- --4Fti°n,uhtain cover�.ge to protect I.ender's rig,Rt�in tke Pcopert,r�n aocordanex witli p�ra�Piy�. �� .
<br /> n n ci���F°�e� .: .-
<br /> � All.instuaace policIrs and renewals sJ�a13 6e asoeptahIe w Lendei and sS�al#,{nchFde�a�tta�srtottaaae�u--
<br /> . � sh�lt har•e the r�t ta hntd tAen'c�es�Ia the evea�of loss,Bot�rawer shatl g8 p o�pt noh'ee�o t�he n}rsursuic�rar�ler�$nQ'�nderf
<br /> pai�pre�iunos and aenewal tcts . . ' , .
<br /> . I,endermaY make Proo£af lass if not mad�f:amptty by Butrower. ' � � r of the
<br /> `'"` • Un:�s.L,e�der ancf Barrower ut3ze►wise a�in writing,insuiane��proc�iis.s6a11 tre a lied ca oestoratlan�r tepai..
<br /> • ProPettY�,
<br /> �f the reswraidaa or r,�,rai�is eeenamicallY feasi'ble'a�d l.er►dEC's seasrity is not tesSt�ned.Ii the r�storarion or� . .
<br />. . repair�s nat economic�ity.fcasible.c,���ac��'g.sec�i2y wouId be lessa►e�l,die iasumnee�roapt�s shall be applitd to the sutns. _
<br /> cR
<br /> � seca�ied 6�y thqs;SecuritY ins'nvm�ft;:�;�i��;eF or not then dne, with any e�ccss patd,ts.Bnmovrer. If Hosrotiwer ehandons/ite
<br /> ' prr�perty;or d�aot.answer wit�a.��D;��'s a nflttce�from Ixnder that the ii�surnn.ce carrier i�t�ofYered t�se�tte a slaitn,t�en
<br /> LenQar ma use cbe proeeeds w rrpair or resKOre the Froperts► or tfl-pay sums
<br /> . Lender may co3lecC�the insuraaca��'"� Y .
<br /> � �*�3 by t6is Security Instr�m�:s.,�����r ar ncsk then due.'�he 3ti�day peria@ wlll begin whea the natice ls giv+en.
<br /> `t'':,:;;;° �writin an licatioa�af roce�ds to Qrinrip3! shall 6ot eatend or .
<br /> ,;,��nl�s �ader und Bo����:��Y�bei�se agree' S. Y �P p
<br /> :°:��;i�ione the due'date'of t�a�����fi'���s refer�d Eo ti►paragraPhs i ansT 2 nr change atce asnnuns of the payments. If ,
<br /> ,.;'': :.;t�der parag�h Z.�����w:uaz�4ed gy Lender,Banower s xight to any insuraase potiaes aad pracerds r�sulting_from .
<br /> .:�,:�� `. rlar to�e:a�'�isition shali pass w�L.ender to the exceat of ttze su�s'secured by tbis S�curity Instn�oent .
<br /> ; :�map,�to t�e PrapertY P . � . .
<br /> : ;;;.immediately priox cu the aeqaisiriob:.:`�::: .
<br /> ` ,"�;....;, 6.O�npnnas, Freserv'stio�p,Mu.nte�ance and Yr�ection otthe Property:8orrawer's Loan ApplicAtWn;l.ea�old9.
<br /> �,ii.::'S�• � •
<br /> ..;:.,,�������pY,��1�,����property asBarrower's prinsi�a!resider.c�wittdn sixty days afte�!he rxecution of
<br /> �`�::i=`�:;�s Sec�tiuity Insltumeut ands�all wncimse�xo occupy the Pmpeity as Bonawer's priaciyal residence fut at Icast one yeu tafter ; .
<br /> � SeC
<br /> t�;.;:.,t�^�date of Accupaucy,aniess I�ender�r�ise$g�s m writing.ahicb cansent shatl uot be uttieasonadly withU�ltl,Qr ai�eas '
<br /> '`.;:r�tenaating ciraunstaaces exist whir�,�art.lb�re�d Borrawer's control. Horrmwer sh�lt aot destroy. damage or isnpair the�
<br /> pmperty. altow We Praperty to d�o.:t�;�e�miE waste on the Propeity.`BoPruwer sttall be in dtfautt if any forfieitu�
<br /> . artion tsr praceed.in$,wl�ether cn�;..ar`;cr.�'cct�.,::�.�eegun that in Eender's gaod faith judgment cpuld result in forf�iture of the
<br /> .. ,.�:
<br /> � i'roPertY oi othcrwise maferiali��u,�ni amt�?.=�i�by tIus 5ec.vriry Iastratnent ot Ls�er's securiry inierest.Bortow�et�Y
<br /> � cur�spch a defauh and reinst�r�,ff�,�vbitled i:��xt�r�gh 13,bY causing the action ar proceeding to 6c distnissEd wtth a ruli�f$
<br /> � � that, in I.e.nder's good faicl���,i�aenaeton;���:si�:i�s for£eiture 9£the Banower's interest ia the PmPerty�.or other mnteria�l
<br /> �� � impaiFn}�s�t of the lien cc�afe�i:�,�.:�is Secori�:*L;swur�.;n�s�t aa'L�ender's serurity iaier�est.Bosrower sL�li atso 1�in dcfanit if ..
<br /> &srrm�i�u::�uring the toan�pp�,�w�:i:.r�yrocess,�:�re�iater�i:x�tC�se�,or inaccurate laforniation or statsme�s to Lender(ar faitad.
<br /> ta preiG�s�:Lend�r with any.cna:e��t�;��ormation)in eom�ection with the loan�widea�d by d�e K�te.��d+�8•tr��t�ta! ,, .
<br /> � . to.�f;�entations conceFning Sc.;�s��r's occr��,'Y of the Property aS u principnl resideace.If thi�Sec�trity Ynstritrnent?s on a
<br /> l�ot�, Borrower s�alt cozr�i3�.'�,==`� � �-'�, �?vis�ons of thC Ieasz. If Barrowrs acqu�r�3.fce title ro the.Propecty, th� .
<br /> ' kase6old'and the fee tdite ahall na6��rge'unies�,°��ndEr a�re�s to the merger in+xritiag. � �
<br /> 7.Protec�ion of I ender's RiShts in the Proptrty.If Borroweer faiis tc�pecfomr thc cavenaats aad agreemeats corr�taainod ln
<br /> � ttus Securaty Insuumerna vr there is a legal prdceeding that ma}r significanily aNto�Leridec's sigl�ts ln tha Pro�ertY'(such ea a , .
<br /> ' pc�oc�ac�'•ai�g:in bankRUptcy.pmbate.for condemnution or forfeiture or to eaforce tx�s c�.:segu3ations).thez}1-ender mmY do atic3
<br /> � fdtt aylwx�vec ts eueessary te pratect.tve v�tue nf the Ifioperty anct Lxnder's r'agltis in dae�PrespenY- L�et'�setfo�m�cY
<br /> � ' ine�ii3d �:aping any sums securcd gy a.lian c�,.'� has p�iority over this Security instrumm�t, ��ng in eourt,.�paYinB . .
<br /> •seasonabte atcpzney,s'�'ees arjd�'r;:mr,��n�e �.���`.:..`?3t:to.�atce repairs.�1lthoug6 I:en,der may taice aeti4n under 4tusP�B�
<br /> � 7,Leitider do��ot have so do�m._:`' •: . � . : . �"� :,' . .
<br /> ' pny ariis�{r7�;disbursed�� l�=7 c.."��?�ti�.t�''��t?��' shalt b�came adc�tianal debt of Borrower securod qy this
<br /> . � S�irity Instrn�.'EJntcss T�;:��a�7�tznnd i.�t�=�'�.�t�er terms of payment.these.amounts shaU beaP.intorbst from the.
<br /> � �datc of disbwses!aa:r.�t-the Nore xat�ami sliaTt'txs pa�ta�"_z.�with interest. upnn no9.ice Srom.l.�nder ta Borruwcs�eeyu��lr�.
<br /> � psytnent... ,. .,- . ; . ,. . .
<br /> � . �.1�Yo�g�ge:��s�,-�ce.If���»r•iequire�l�mortgaoe��rs�.raace as a c,onditinn of making tke toan secured by this Security .
<br /> � tnatrument. Honow�}�r�:2il pay.tbc premiunu tequire�sm'+r�!�'.tain the mortga�e insararxx in effeat. If.�for ariy rcason,the
<br /> moAgage insUrance caverage required by Lender IaDses or�ceasea to be in effect,Bmrrower shnl}puy the premiunqs required to. .
<br /> ' obtain covC[age su6stantially eqvival�nt to the mortgage insurance prevlously in tffect.'at a cast�substa�itially equivalent to tlic
<br /> cast to B�arrower of the �rt�age insuranoa previously�in effect, from at�altemate mortgage insuior approvecl by Lender. If
<br /> . w��}��y�ivalent tnortgage insurance coverage is not avaitable,�orrawer shatl pay'to Lender each manth a sum eqwl to
<br /> � ono-twelflh oE the ye�:y inortgago insurance promium bei^g�aid by Borrower when ttre insurance covtrage lapsed ot r„tated to
<br /> ' bc in effxe.Lender will accept,use anc!�retuin these payments as a lvss r�eserve in lieu of mortgago insurance. Loss reservt
<br /> � � � . . . . �+aoas ai�o �
<br /> . . . .. � ,�. � Pay30f8 . . .
<br /> ... . , . . � . - � � � .
<br /> .�,.__. . . _'R5tiii��t��y1� ---
<br />