.C-. _ ' _ _�' _ }aY:�:t'1_. .hi'f�!`LR�'.i'Sia�c-.""_ ,—____'-.._.....
<br /> 'v�ia•h,_.,:..- — iL� —__=.��.� — —��, _�'
<br /> . �_— -_ _ _ __ —�+�.�..:.++�-..-+.—_��J'^^�`^`^'YY�•---�—_'"�� __ _ -- �..�--�.�_.__.
<br />. . � , . .. i . . . � , .` ����a- ` ' . . �..,n i • ` `(:1� ' .
<br /> . ' .. � . � - . � ' ' �����. . ' . . •
<br /> ' ,� • ' •�1"�P '���H�(�l0�p!'D�'t'`IDkIILS Q�SII t)f�Of Ct�'G��d f�.'�fi�ts$L1���dStYT�AtSi ayY�+•CB�iCC3�+ :. �
<br /> . and�uid�cs�.w or Ixt�e�ter a�tt af tIg progeity. A!1 teglscemtais�nd additians shatl al5o be c�vest8 by dtsls Scruriry, ,
<br /> , �as�t A!1 of tbe fn�egoing ts rtfec�d td iq t�}is SecurIty ic�ssuaa�ut as tL�"Prapetty.° � . •
<br /> BQ23ROWEFt�OY6rIlONt�t2tat Ba�m��a�s Iaw�u]Sy scised of ttte estart.bestby rorivbged und�ttt�r�g�t W grant � . " .
<br /> .. ' at�c�e��e�r the Prane�y and that the.FnnDe�v is���mt+��e_caoc�t�or c�c�6[anoes of ra�r�. B+o�rou;er wareaats�x! �� '._
<br /> � 3vila�Sef�g c s�e m t�y tha ei�e tn d�e�tp a�}st etl ctaims aad detmrnds.snbjeca to uay a�wnb�a�es cr�m�or� �
<br /> � TtiIS`S�LlIRTfV EIVV$'dR�ll�ffi�P3`comiunes anifa4a �avenaat� far a�fdanai'we aad c�ac-vmTa�covgaaut�wizt� � _
<br /> � Umiud��iatio�s!►y j�utsdictfan to c�astItuu a unifarm secu�iry:snstium�t cavertrtg�ai�uape�r. � •
<br /> � .ONiFARM tG�VGrYAI�PfS. Boaaxtir wd LendeK catieaaat�ac1 ng�e as fol�ows: . • . .
<br /> ` �. R�y�ot Pri�Ep�1 ad Int�re�:Prepa�mmt r�d I.�C�. Baa�ower s6u110��Y WF w���
<br /> � � �pdneigsl of and i�tcnst an t�d�t eridmceQ by ihe Nate and aap�Sep�ymeut and fare chaugcg dns�citr tbe Nooc.
<br /> 2. Ftu�ds to�Z1�sa td imuasoa Sub�oct ts apglisaDYs!aw or to a srr►tten avair�tiy�i:endrr,�iiiq�c�a sh�11 p�y tfl.
<br />� L�sndtr an fhe dsy.n3or�hly p�nts�e due uader�he Nase.iuntill th�i�Iat is paiQ is�t�ll,a s�sm t"l�m6s�)for.(�yca�Y ,
<br /> taFSS aad assesamaa�s whish a�y a�in paairy over W€s ryYasuument�s a liea an the Ytnpeity:(�j Y�Y� .
<br /> paymen�ar giatnd�enES�Uie�opextY•i4�ny,fc)YearS�y h�d or propr.�ty ins�tauce premitttns;td?S�eadY So� .
<br /> dasn�ace p�ni�+�f?mY:(e?Y�Y�8+�8����►if t�;and i�l�Y�P�Y��bY Bamcv�er W
<br /> Le�der.tn�.xQrdaact witD tBe pmv�s�o�as af p�g�h�.in liea of tB��DaY�t���8��� �
<br /> i0ems st c�tkd'Esrmw It�eu�s.' Le�ermay.at�ny tim�coikct aDd hotd Eitads�n an�mouat m+t tt��xceed dye mt� • . ,
<br /> � � atc�mt g Isod�far a foda�Uy relsted mo�Rgaga toux atiay.3oqoire fmr Boaoc�ds aaaw aaceoat under tLe�fede�l Rexl ,
<br /> Esiste Settiement PYaced�s Rct of 19T4 as��time W tinae.l2 u'S.�C.�2601 et scg t°RESPA"?,�mkss�ott�er ,
<br /> � r Oaw that�pp]ies to the Auyds s�a Issxr�amt If so.I�u�ay.at�y tim�a�llax and 6add�iu�ds in an fmamt mt w . �
<br /> eac�i the Iesser.amnuaL i�endes may estimu+e t�e amoont of F�ttid��due an tbe 1�sic of cuaent d�ta and tr�uaaWe � .
<br /> , e�asmf e��tams�:f f�8sc��v Item3�atl�vise ia accrsd�ace with apgli�e iaw. ' � . �
<br /> '�e�s si�ali.be T�eid�n�uistimtion,wtiose deQa�its sne ins�by a fod�eril x�ency.iasutmaea€�ity,or eatity
<br /> ('�clad"m�L��eal�er,if Lea�eris,�sa ins�imti.o�)a ia any F�edea�i�i�tne La�B�Tt. Lsndes siW��iy t�e�ds b payr .
<br /> . . .the Bsa�uw Ftaa�s. 'Lender may aat ch�ge B6imwu fa R�1d�8�sPPIYipB��•��1��f���'.
<br /> ,; a�q.or vaitying.tbe.Esctom Itc�s.aaks�s Ir�der p�ys Botrou+a intarst Re the Yrlmds aad opplirabtc.Izs��tmd(s .
<br /> , l�det+to�ce sach a cl�e. Howev+�I�endtr mry requue Barmaer to pay:�oae-tfime ct�tg�fot on independeat�at':
<br /> atste taz ctpa�tiog Secvioc osod tiy T�er in oo�ectiaa wit8 this luvn.ankss apptkaDk!aw pmvides othetwis�. IIuie6s aui :
<br /> a�is m�de or a�ipHcabk law re�e3 m�t to be paic4.1 ender s,h�t1 not bz neqoured tu psy Barowa aay In6ensa�. . .
<br /> e�cnings on ihe�I�ada Boa[oRrez and.E�nder mry a�ee ia wri6a��wever,tb�t intt�+est shall bs paid on tbe�itads. i.esdez , .
<br /> shall�va P�Bnav�ra.�hotu ch.ig4 an�nnt�al aeooumting af tht�nds,slyoa� ccatits rwd deb�to tLe R�ds�aod t�e ,
<br /> pucpose for wEicH e�ach debit to the�ovas m�ade. 11�e tirads a�+t P�B�����9 far aII a�s secu�tdl by :
<br /> tBis Secutixy irestm.,+�wt � . . � ' . .
<br /> 1f t�e Fi�ads I�eId�hy Lendra exoetd 4be�toimts permitr�to be lseld hy 1' abte law.Lendar sh�ll�oant•ta �
<br /> , BocmWSr€a ti�e�xcas Hmds in ace�ao�e with the.re4uur�nents of apgIicable tsw. If tbe anqount of tbe.ii�ds beid by
<br /> I�x1er at amle ti�is mt s[�cisat to gay 1he Escmw It�as wtxa d�I.ender tiu�y so notefy BaumvPei m�7itm�g,ao�.in .
<br />- s.rcb+e�Ba�+awea�hals p3y m l,ea�ih�z�at aea�ss.ry bo r_n�;ug tbe de�asi�y. B�+�r�2�12 tmioe ar tTws .
<br /> . de�risnc�r in�mvra than tw�lve�onthlY iz►Ymentsr at Lenckr's vok discmip�. � . ' .
<br /> Upon:p aYment ia fisll of all sumv seGUal�iy tbis Secatity Instiramea�I.endet s�ll afimd to BoRwMet�e}r .
<br /> . Fi�ads tield by�.tacier. Ii�iarder patpaph 21.Lea�ier sAaII.�cquine ac seU the Plvpcxty.l.efl¢e�i, 'ar W tbe�oqitisittun tx . .
<br /> s�le of t6e pmgeccy.sfiiU arppty wy Punds del�by I,�ender at t�e tiwa of acquisitiu�or s�ie a5 a cndit ag;ai�ast�the s�
<br /> . seciu�ea by tLis Sec�aity Iastr�oedt.. . .. . . . .
<br /> �: ApRiint�os of h��. t7nkss applicabk Iaw pcofi�cs ot�awise,aII paYmerts�;elv�od b7r Isnder�er ' �
<br /> � pacagcap�s 1 aod 2 sinTl be npplied:f�i.to aaY p�ayment chaBes due wder�be Nota;secaod.to amoants peyable uo�let
<br /> � ga�r�h�;ihitd.W u4ia�est d�fou�i.tQ piacipa�du�aad lstc.w auy lace ch�►�es dne andpcthe Noee. . ,
<br /> ,..�. C1ar�Rs;f,3eMr. �oceowa sball pey ail Fax+es,a�sm�,.�h�B�s.fi�s an4������•�a� '
<br /> . �;�xty�vldc�mry'atta�p�iodry ovtr d�'s Sahuity.lnsut�mem.and�s�3 payme�ts�ar gmund•ren�;���aby. Ba�nr�� '
<br /> � �i�Y�abligatinc�s 9n the m�ener providod sn ga�s,giaph 2,a if not paid in that m�,Bacroa}it;fli�l pry tbem o�:,.�
<br />" time diiectYy to tUe pescxi owcd p,yiamt. S�mm�rer ahail pr�mptty famisb W�.ender ail�notisxs of an54�tc�t�St����` _
<br /> . ' . tlsis pan�ph. IP BQSOavvet m�lcrs these gayasents direcdy.Bo�mwer sh�U P�t1Y fiunish to Lcndert��;��evid�encing � . �
<br /> . �>�:�'� fl�e paymeata, s:;; , ,� � ' . .... .
<br /> . . . .�bx�a•::�:s�o;!�hri't�'3y�i�;,�.^g.;��y�}ca�icb s�p,-ic;�ty a::,r s�'%S»...^^�i�;�^�:��s B�ra:{")a�.�c �
<br /> in vv�ting 2o the gayritenk af tLe obllgetion savred by the iiea ia a�maoner acceptaMe w l�er,de�:(b)coatesW in�acrd f�t6 tbe.. •
<br /> . lien by.or deEends agnias�t entacoemenk of tI�liet�iu.legai psoceedin8s which in t�e Lenderk opsaiae operate.tn pctvatt tlle. �.
<br /> . enfcxcement af ehc liea:.v.a.{e)secures f�t�e:Pi�1!e�of th�lien�agT�em�nt satisfactory co I.ead�snbordia�tirtg�.,li�eu� . .
<br /> � W this Sttwity WuumCiif'. If I.e�fda ' �t�t+struly part of the Pt�opaty is subjpct to s�fien wtich mry attAin p�ity �
<br /> over this Secucity tnsonimenb Lender may give�. `�� '�er a morice idenafying tt�e liea. Ba�inaier.shsll suisfy d�e lieo ar tsice.
<br /> , oee a mae of thc actioas set fath above wii�re„��'.���sf the 8i�7�8��- ', . ' : .�'•`
<br /> ' � �. Ha�t+Q at l�g�y i�rat�rae. �uirc�i�":11�i:Icap�lrt�imp�ovement�now e�sti�C$;�rlx�ft�eca�oa'1�C!;t,';,"..,;:
<br /> . I3opetty ins�ed'sgainst l�oss by fue.�bia�ds LfcIut'�9 witbin thc�t�'►u"txtended caveiaga"�n8�y ot�er'bs�l:,roclu�d'at�:�'":.
<br /> flocxls a ftooding,fas wl�icb.i.endet�crogufiies insta�.tltr,;e:.: Zhis�If'sivance sbaU be m�intninal in tlfa a�(i.tiis and far tht ����
<br /> � i ,.,:, ,.,.
<br /> , � �ifs3lQt �!i (AcSaaoj6D4S��� �
<br /> ,, .
<br /> ----- ,�,.s.a�.�za.���o_��_�-.���-------
<br /> - --—'`-��.`,4�'�lr.�u's�v���-- - - __ -..
<br /> ..:�v��,���mr���,. L`.tiL�,:�i�'[..�. -- - - --- -
<br /> —���i11l.i�3',�a�.4{3�i�i�d�k�."'1e.�{14_ •4 Yj ��5[1c .�. -_� —
<br /> � �t1T �'i"-S�'�py7'� �,'1}y����� .��5�� . ����"�ti_._
<br /> `Sti�l� h�'�Li:����r'�{:�.i'.:1�''� '`�"''r.`ffi��i��f s•.1 �_`-.Lyd ..;;. � � -3. [�w i 1 �� -- -- -- — ---
<br /> ..._, ._ . _. . .4�i_ _ . . �i r.. .ir._- F.. ._ . ._._ _- — _ --
<br />