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<br /> -�_ . . . �4 . { . . . �` • , w t . 4�C -.� `�. A...� 4, - + �' 4y`.�-�
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<br /> _.;�y:.°`z,, �';;:,; . ' by ovmer's�nd ope!etora of simUar prApertles and as Beneflciary meY require_fot Its protectian. Tcuator wtll copnphr _
<br /> -_;_�,;�,li..`��: _with saach othsr requIrements as�enaFiciery mey trom ttme to ttme�quest foa the protectton ay insur�rtce_of the . _
<br /> �y#�;� r .' T` intetest_o9 the respsciive�pdrttea All insvrence poltctss matntatned purauant to thts Deed of Ycuat shall name T�ustar
<br /> and Beneftcfary a�inaured,as their respactiva interest may eppear an�provide that thare snati ba no cance0ation or
<br /> � � E�4��"� madiftcation witttout flfteen tf 6!daya Qr�or wdtten rt�tiffcati�n to Yrustee and 6�neftctary. IN the event eny poflcy
<br /> �. " � -.
<br /> � ;•:%-'�°r ' ' hereunder is nat�enawed on or betota fitteen 11 S)days pdor to its expTratton Qate,fintstea or 8eneficiaty nna�d procure� -
<br /> ----- -, -'':`:�"-�'��; sac�irtsurart�e�in et�car���ea a�ti��rrai:�a:�of E�s��sap'� ?. Tn�staa sOt�!!d�t+:9r*.�6sr�ft�=c�! *1�e�rtoinA! -
<br /> . �tc:3�r�1�.�-. _
<br /> ::y.,� . polides of insusance andi renswsls 4hereof or coales�f sucti pat'tctas snd rersav��ls tlssrsaf. Et�t�tts to flut�sh sucte _
<br /> ,�������• insuratirs bY tn�stor.4r retiewals as teQnired hereunder.shall.et Mo o�tian of Bensflciar{r,constiWie a dotauti: All ._
<br /> �`� � ,�.; � urtearn�d premiums are hsr�t�y as�Igrted to Trustee es addit�anat r,etwr'tty,end a saEa and�onveyance of the Prope�ty =
<br /> �.:,�"` . ``�: �:_� a -
<br /> ,,�,,_�,�,�,r�,.�A • t�Y the Trust+ee sheil operate to canvey to the purchaser the Yrustofs irnerest in and to el!policIes of insurence upon �
<br /> � ..ji�s��f. � �ttte Trtaet F'r�periy. � � � _
<br /> �:.�:�'�°F•''=�� � � S. Tax�s an�AuasmMts. 7nistar 8haf1 pay el!taxes end s¢ecisl essessrqants tevicd oz assssset!�g�inat,or ,
<br /> - �`��- dae upon,ttee Fraperty tyeior�QelinquencV end wtil detiver to Benefc�sry copies ot rece�pts�howing payment of such
<br /> . �;�1;�.�; � t8�c�8.t flitd speC38�e3383SITt8f9tS. � � ° , _
<br /> � ►, �. Addiziand Uena. Trustor shalf mafce all payrs�e;n�of irrterest arts principal,and paymems of arry other charges,
<br /> '' `A�?�'._ r , . . fees,�d expenses Fonuacted m bB paid to arty existing tten hotders or prior 6enaftciaries under.any pri�r Oeed of _ ,
<br /> � Trust,Mongage or other secudty egreemeen3,before the Qata they sre delinquent end to pay atry other claim whlCh
<br /> � L_�_��:-_ jeopar�iz�as tha security grented herein. � �
<br /> �- . .-�°. ��. ' �. ProtacHon.ot Benef[ctary'a Sec�:�. Shanld Trustor fail Lo make any payment.���i go da arey act es herein
<br /> ._.�,a�;n� -� ptpvided or.i�aay ection or proceeding Ts corrxnQrraed��vliird�materietty-effec�Beneflcia�t's�raere�t e�a�e Proparty, t
<br /> - �� - � irtdud4c�; l�ut n��Iimit�d to, emineni.domain. tasolveoCy, anartgemenis a:prqceedin��tstva��a`C+aNcntpt or
<br /> a r decedent.then Benefictary or Treisige..but witfiaut obiigaEion to da so,end wititout�so4icer�;�:��snd upbr�Trusi�or.
<br /> .�'�� � ' ant3 without �eY�+p5is�9 Truatc�'hom eny ob9tgatlon hereunder,ee�m��e or da the asm�„��n�t may.payd,puts�alsa,
<br /> , �E�, contast ar comprnmTse andy eraaumbr�mc:m,cherge or t€�n,whtcl�3'n�the judgement of etther appear�t�aNect�ufn#
<br /> Pr ;in exerclsin any such powers,tha Benefi¢��rqr ar 7nrsteo may inan�b_abfiity snd expertd wh�tre�r am�oua�tsy
<br /> �•,3`�'� .
<br /> a�rsrtlt 9
<br /> ���r� trs�g dis6ursements of�easonabte�tcomey's ta�,whtct�in their a6sait�a+discrat�on may be rtece�sary. !n tire
<br /> � • event thaY�ruatar shalt fatl to proc�re tnaurance, f�it to pay taxes an� special easessrnanta,or f�il to rs�ske any � �
<br /> �:.:ti,�:;s,."-��:_ ' .
<br /> ,����, payments tv existin�or prtor lien hatders or behe�Icierias,the Beneticiary rtaay pracure sucfi insurence and mnke sucl�
<br /> ,a�rterits. L!U sums incuned o:expertdea!by Benefr.�ary or Truste�e iro accordance with the provEaions of ihe Deed of
<br /> _—� -�;�=� _ Ye�nue eecurad hereby arid,AVithout demand,s3���1mm�diatety due and payabte by T�stor artd at��,bear intarast
<br /> sa'��ate provide0 for advartces under the loan ll�..'nant;provided,hqwa�rer,that ec tha aption o��Benpfic�ery ��
<br /> �• ;;,�,�.� ar'�rusfee,�:�h�ums may be added to this prina.�s!!_ibafance of.any indebtedness seaared he�oby�nd'shat!bear the
<br /> - -�'°,�t:. , �: seme intare�ae�.such tndebtednesa and�tt�tf b���b[e ratab�;�:t�.�er the ramaining.�enn.t��reot.
<br /> - ---_---':'"`:, .8:. Asri��t of R�ts, 8eneft�iar4r�:1����3 ui9 rigfit,pci�r°and authaS�Y durtng��ntfnuance of thts�,9
<br /> af'6emsi to caits�t tho�cnts,isacac�B ased pt�#`��t�ls ir'�operty anti�of anY�?��al properiy loca�d�ti�ea»with'a:r
<br /> ��:, ut taking possession oLthe Property af#ected k�r�by,artd Trustar heresS�.t�so[utety and uncondiit'��e�aSly assign�
<br /> - - alt 8uch rent�,dssuea and profits to BenefiCC�ry..Bet��:.�ciary,howevar,hereby c�nser�to the Yrustor'`s+�oRectinn and •
<br /> - ------- �'� � retention ot sach rents,issaes end proflts.s3ss�ifrey�ascrue and become payabte so long as Truatar Is not,at such tTme,
<br /> � ' : , in defaiiit with �eapect to payment�oT c�a,�p�.�e�t�dness secured hereDy ar in the pertormance of any egreemeM
<br /> -- h�r�unQler. Upon«ny auch defauit,Ben9ftciary rn�.q?�t any tlme.either in per8on,, lay egent or by a rer.eive►to be �
<br /> — • �p�t;ti�ad by a court,without notfca end wtthout r�$r�rsi to the adequac�l ot eny security to�the Inde��eas heroby
<br /> . ie�u+sif: {i! enter��po� and take possession of the Property or any part tdereo} ant!in its own r.r� sus tar or �
<br /> _ - ' qthervvise c�fTac�.sucb rartts.tasues end prbfits,inctuding thoae�Q�t due and.unpai0,an 0pply the s�rne,tass coats :
<br />-_ - �" antf exQeni�,ia�r.ta;�erettor�end coltection,inciudtng reasortable�l.��tey�teo�,upon any tndabtedneas avaured herqbY .
<br /> - �� an�f�fp��uch+�rdbr es BenefIsiery may deteimine:(bl Rerdarm such acts ot repalr or prots�t�n as may b���cessary oe
<br /> .� � �cr�r.,2�conserve the vetue ot tRe Property:�clleasa,i�ie seme or eny Qart hereaf tor such renlal ter�x:a�tfit�upon such
<br /> � cv.id(�..FOns a3 tts judpment mayt dictete. Unlesa Trus�av end Beneftctary agree otherwise in writIr�,an�{appticatton ot
<br /> .—__--�',:+,: ra�,is�uss or pr9fst5 t9 any indebts0ness eecere�herehY g�aii not�xtend o�postgonAthe due dete of the ttt�stsllment . _
<br /> _ -'�� Peymq�tts as.provldad in the Loan Agreement,end the epplfaattot�thereof aa aforosaid ahail�nat waivs or curo enK
<br /> °�"� • QeFauh or noUce of detault hereunder or tnvalidete 4ny eat done purauant to sucfi notice. Trusttle also aaaig�s to
<br /> - �-�==-_=-� � . Benefictary, a9 further security fqr tha perfomrtance af the oblfga2ions sacured hereby,afi prepaid�ents snd ati monies
<br /> � - whlch rinay have been or may hereafter be deposited with aaid Truator byr e�ny feas.ed of the Pr�operty.to aasurs ths .
<br /> ,� �. paymerit of any ren�and upon detautt tre the perfo►mance ot any ot the provisicns fiereaf,Truator sg�ees to daliver
<br /> _ _ ---- auch cenU end aYoposits to the Beneftc4aay. OeliverY of written c,ottse of Benefcciary`s..exercise o!the r�gt�ti grantad
<br /> - hersin to Any terient occupytng eatd premises shall be sufftctert to.require said tenent to psy said rsnt to the '
<br />_�__--- '� Beneffcisry unt3.1#urther noitca. �
<br /> ��°'� �� �9. Cond�rfmtlon. ff�i1�a to any part of the RroFerty shei�be tmken in condemnatton p�ocaedtngs, by►ight ot
<br />-��,�;� eminerEi domain o�simliar action, or sha?f be sold under thrent of condemnation;ei!ewards, damagss and praceeds
<br /> ��"`::�`w_�; . are Mre6y aaalgned�and ahatl be pald ta Senetioiary who shaif appty such eward,demagas and pcocaeda to the aums
<br /> -
<br />