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<br /> co�idemnatlan ar cther ta�ng af any part of tke Ptnperty:or for�veyauce in lieu af co�tdemnatloA.are hcs+eby asslgned�nd ,
<br /> shaB�e paidtoLe� . •' ', , " .
<br /> ' � (n t3t�event of a i�ta1 taking of the Ft+epeaty.ttc�g�uc�eds s�xil1 b�.applied ta ttt�s�sms�sccuned by 11aia Secltrlty .
<br /> Insmuuem;whetker ar nottRen�du�with,eny e�oes.s�Oatd W Ebrrawer. !n the�vens aY o pa�ti�l tol�ing af�FcogertY in
<br /> `�rh.I_h t� a;��:!rk�vatue of the I�tagerty�imrnediaiei�befare the taking is eqaal m or grcatet thatf t1�amouttt oF ehe svms • ,
<br /> ' sr�uced 6y't�iis�SecarFty�nstiument i�m�diatexy 6efa�e thg taking,uaiess Ho�aweA cutd l.ender mRervrlse ag�ur w,�g. --
<br /> '. the sums secnmed IIsy th#s 5ec�aity Insfnitaent shaU t�e z2dur,eci�y the ucnatutt of tht psaceeds�►t�li�'►i k�d'��i faltnrris:g �-
<br /> fiacbioa (a�the wtal araauat of the siuns secured Immediately�are the takiag,divi8�d by�b)the fair t v�iue of aha
<br /> � Ifiugeaty.i�nedialtelX befo�the micsng. Any_bafarica ahall ba pai�to Hormwer. �n the ev�t of a pasaial nkiag of die .
<br /> . -pmgerty in whicri the�'air�ei valuo of the Pcapeery iaunediatelY.6efa�the aking is leas than the amaunt of tFxe sums .
<br /> se�ured immediaLely�before ti�e talcfng,unle�s Botre�wer and l.ender otha�vise agret� writing ot untes�applicable Iaw
<br /> otherwiae pravides.che praxeds sIlatl be applied to�fie suass secused by�his Sawiry Insoniment whether or not the sums a:e - .
<br /> . then¢uc. �' �
<br /> � If tt�Aroperty is ahandaned by Bormwer,or if,�after adtice isyi Lendez to Bamnwer that ehe cac�deaictar o�as t4 mnke .
<br /> an aw�l or s�ute a c1�i�far d�nages.�mmwe�faiLs W tespond to Lender within 30 days after the date tht dotice is given,
<br /> . 3�d�r is author'r�ed m coilect ar.d applp the praceeds,at ics apdan.esther W restoration or repair of tbe Propeisy or ta the .
<br /> sums ses.v�d Isy tbis Sec�icY losnumenb whether 4r nat then dp�. �
<br /> Ualess�.a�a aad Boncoiver.athenvise agree in wtitiag,any applicarion o�pnoceeds Eo prinsipat s3iatl not exread or
<br /> post�one the duc.6ats of the mvathtY PaYmcnu=eferred m ia paragrapt�s 1 and2orttiaage the�mouat 4f suci�payments. . ..
<br /> • . 11, goFSOwra Mo�t Reieased; Forbe�raaa By I.atder NM a Waivu. E;tension of tir� time for paymeat.or .
<br /> � modfficatian of amartiratioi►of ihe s�s saeartd by this Seciuity Insirument gramted 6y_Lend'er to any suceessor in.interest
<br /> of Bamuwer shali not�e�xte to reiease t�e lia6�ity of the origi�al Bosrower ar Bmm�wer's successars in inienst��i.euder �
<br /> shatl aot be x�w ca�nmeace prooe�ngs�.agamsr�7+�essor�in inter�st.sx refusc to eatmd�thne for payaaent or . ,
<br /> otherwise�nodify amotti�at�an�f the sums secured by ttus Secariry It�saniment by r�asoa of any�ma�d�nads iry tfitee origina! �
<br /> ','��:,;.. , Borrow�er'or B�rower�s saccessoQS in mtetest..Any fozbearanee by Lend�,^r in exe�siag aay rigttt or remedy sF�1}not 6e a' .
<br /> , .,,: _ araiver af or�recY�e Hie exerclse of any right or reme�y. �' . . .
<br /> � 12.�Suc�essors and��auaA;doint aad Sev�t3a6vity;Casignees.�7�e covenams aad agceements of this
<br /> Se^°�.�aey Uunument shatl b�sd affi 6e.nefit t1�e surcessoss aad assigos of d.ei►der and Samow�er,subjcct.w the pravisious Qf
<br /> ps�i� 17.8vaower s covenants srtd agreements s4iali�e joau aad several.Aay Bormw+er who co-sigas dus Ses�iry
<br /> � Lts�anent 6�t d�es not exacate the Note: (a)is co-signing�us S�urity Inswment only w moitg,ag�.grant and convey t1�at
<br /> • � Borraw�i*s"m�t�a,�fi�ri the Propeity w�derthe teims of this Se,curity tnvtra�ifi (b)is not petsanally ob2iga�tec!m pay the sums
<br /> � �� sec�md 6Y�;:��artry Iastrnmen�and(c)a8te�s�tltat Lender a�any at�Bomowes m�y agtee t�excend,m,�difY.fo#�r ,
<br /> .`�:'� or ma3ce any.��-.,sumadatip�wltB regard to the f.eans of this Secuuty�isistrument or the Note witlinut that Bonuwer� '
<br /> �� �:: •• con�en�' ; , . ;. • ' . • . �
<br /> ,�: � ' , .;._�3.. Loan C�arges. If rhe loan secuted lry t�6is Sacuiity Insoruinent is subject t�a taw wttich sets maximum foau
<br />�.�.:.°: • . c�:s.and tLas Liw is finaIIy interpieted so thai the interest ar other loan charges collected ac w bB coltected in connection • .
<br /> sr'rff�the to�n exs�ed Uie permiued lumts,th�ta)any suc�!oan eharge shall be zeduoed by tha au9+wnt necxssarY w reduce
<br /> ,. ;';,-. �ti�cS�arga tar the penpiued limI�attd(b)az►Y�s al�eadY cvltected from$oaower whicJi eaceeded permittc�Z',mits wiI!be. .
<br /> re��tded to Bamwer. Lender may choose to'maice ihis ze�d by redncing 1De priacipal awed uridcr tlss Nbte or hy,maYing a
<br /> d'uect payaient to Bflrrawer. If a refund.reduces principat,r�ir reducwon will be treated as a partial pnpayensm without�ny
<br /> ' Qn�PaYme�t�har8e under tAe Note.. `. - . .
<br /> I4 1�IMkcR. Any notice W$oriower proylded for ia this 5�'y Ips�nr�►t�shail be g'ivtn by tkliverin�'�•�by
<br /> � . mazG°g it�y fiiss5cll�s mat�uniess appllcab'.c taw raquixes use of anoth�i�od.'[t►r notia sl;all be fiu�ected to ttio�upeity. .
<br /> 'ABdness or any+�t1�addiess.Boimwer dessgnates by�noace to Lender. �y notice to I.endu at�all 6e.givea by first�lass
<br />,� muil to l�eader's a6dress siated��n or nny other address Lender desigr�ates by nodce to Bofrov�ior. Arry nadce pc�.i�eti fot . .
<br />;' . in this Secafit}r Instruiawt J��[��.i.e dcemed to have bera;.�iven to Bomower ar L�r 4vhm givat as provide�:aia rl+3s . .
<br /> ..:�� ;•.:.; ,.. , . ., . ..:,.:..
<br />� puagaiplt, . � . .. �.,, : ;;`:`::`•, . .
<br /> k 1S. Gova'nieg Lsnv;Sc��i'i�i�ItY•''�s•Sec►�cin'irLsu�ment st�all b�govetn�a��p ftd�eral 8atix a4d tht L�i'nf the'
<br /> � �' jnrisdictiqp in which the Pcoperty is 14cat�,;1�}zhc event that any gtavision or cfause of thts a^ectns�t5!!rn�`�Ument tir tt�e I�Sote � . .
<br /> � corifticts�ntb apFllicabla lacy�suoh conflice'S2ia�1 not affect otIlsr pm�ians of this Securhy InstrumebttaF the Note v�itich caa
<br /> , be given effecc wit6aut the confllcting provision. 'Ib t6is ead the pravisions of ttus Secvtity Instrument and tf�,Note.are� .
<br /> � � dpt�i;s.-ad to be severable. . , . .
<br /> . ; .ib. ItarroRer'e Capp.�Boaowes shall.be g,lven on�c:�ir,.famied copy of thc Nooe and of this Securiry L►atni�cis+�=.� .
<br /> • 1� 7t�r otffie Propertq or o BentRci�l Intt���n Bor�o�r,..�f'�lI u�a.�y p�of ske�F�:�*�y or�ny ir.ur�s it�
<br /> ' it is sotd or tnµirt�yW°�ad(or if a ixnef��ial'interest in Husrower is sold br�ansfertW aud Borrower�s nat a nanual persva) �
<br /> , � without L endee't�;�rlot w�tsn coasent,Lender may.aE its option,reguire immediate pay�nt in full:of a�}s��ms securcd by ..
<br /> i this Security InstrpaienG Haw�ver.this opiion s�all not De�exercis�d hy Lender a�exercise fis gmhihited by federai taw as of
<br /> ; . � �¢datc Af this Securlry I���a� : � ,-, . .
<br /> ' If l.ender exercises this r�cian.Lende�'sha11 Bive Bcamwat notice af acceleratio�.�Tht aotiC�sh,�ll pravide a period of �
<br /> � not tess tlsan 34 days from the dzu the norice is delive�d or mailed within winch Borrawer must�ay r.�sams secuced bp tius
<br /> � Secutity Insi�suntn� If Boirower fails to pa.3�,these sums priar to the eapitation of thia period�l:cnder may invQYe any �
<br /> � �sncAiss pemutud by Wis 5xurity Inswmcr3,without ftuthet notice ar demand on Borrower_
<br /> . • 18. Borrawer'b I�hi'to Relostota If BornowEr r�eets certain conditions. Borrower shall hav�the right to have
<br /> �ecenient of this Security Insm�ment disc�o�tinned�ati at��►tit�e prior to the eazlier�� (a)5 days(or such othEZ��asntod as
<br /> i Singfe Fianu7y--Fasdk Maelblreddie fl�e UNItOHM 1NSTRUMENT—U:ii[erm��nm 919f fW8t4 vJb pogts) •
<br /> c� . . .' T a� ,
<br /> . . ,
<br /> � .
<br /> --=�.;,n:'--.+�+�n�eexi-"��..-._,.�.'»%�ei+�.�.rsas,�� --�
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<br /> _ ---__-- '..�.:,75^.dA;.�Ri�6_Wi�+.��.� _-_' --_--_-_ . --_
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<br /> 5���.��4�4�+��r r�-e-;:i�_�l�i��d ..��L��.F�IMFiu{��r�(a..��s �«-�_ -_ __
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