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<br /> . • . ' , ., • . . • t . . , . . _
<br /> ; � ' < �• ' , � POW�i OF ATTORN"'7C. � . .. .
<br /> . � , � .
<br /> , _ .. - �t �� �.�a��� � � .
<br /> .- , , ` I�aW'ALi� �tEN �Y �HF�� PRESE�S: , ; � . , ' � . �
<br />� � Tt�at �I, �i�rold B: Nul.l�, a r.esident �g�. Grand Zs2and; NE, �do by_
<br /> �� t�ese ��asesents, matce; constitute and �ppoint my �wife, Hortense T. � -
<br />-�---- -i�vi��, �ay�san,� Rogert `3race. i3uii, r�y dau�&ter s l�a�rg�r�,•��ubh�rt;, a�s� `
<br /> . , - -�te> �'��s� FIgt3.Gtt&1 �a�tt o€ Grttstd Islatads ar �ng b£, them, ss m�r ..
<br /> � Attarneys-in-�ac.t, to do ,for me and on,my behelf any of the £ollowf.r�g: `�� .
<br /> � 1� To rai.thdraw by ch�c�i �or o�herw3.s� £�com a�►y ahecking � , • •�
<br /> �. = �. .accou�t .or .savinga .accau�t which ]L snay have•: • � - • .
<br /> 2: �.•Tq endaarse� e�ecks far'deposi� 'to zuy check�.s�g -account :�� � � ' � .
<br /> . . � � � o�c savin8s �accoun� �nr� ta recefve any prop�:rty or ; � , , -
<br /> � � . credits. owr�ed, by ma,� inc7.udia8 an�r �nonies payable to me . �
<br /> � � � ; lay any governmeatal age�acy. ,. `, . � .
<br /> , � ;�3. To G�eil 'or lease �any assets owned.by uze, whether reai. � . ..
<br /> . es�ate ox. personal property arid s:izcZuding homs�tead" ,.
<br /> - � � � p�ope��y and stiocics anc� boads, 'at .such �irices; �n such • . , ,
<br /> :.:,�,,. , ;,.
<br />;f:;.,,;;,, _ . � ' t�rms,. for r,uCh Ie�i�Ch of �ercn, a�i�, in such manner; .
<br />:;ti`;::.���� � � ' `� � �ah.ether at paciva�e or pub7.ic sal:c�;�a� �.egati�.aticre as my � � '
<br /> �` ' �� Attiorneys�-in-Fact deem advisable,"�.:.;�"tsey.�m�� conv�� any � � �
<br /> . �. propexty. �o so�.d .�p Clzem by. �.nstrcai��ii�s,,c��:;..�:on,veqaince wi.th • � _ �
<br /> . , cusromas•� war�antiQS. They:=may en�r�� art���,�afety deposi�.
<br /> �� � � box �. Le,ag� and�rsay. remove any ite�� th�refrom.. �'heq � :.',�t•. �
<br /> �: ara empnwered to maise� any gtfts for me. � . . : . : .�;<:�,::"�
<br /> :;�.
<br /> . :::.,:;:.
<br /> . , . � ;.t..,..
<br /> � . �. To �eriter 3.nto agreeme�►�s perCaining to any prope�ty�.or . - ��,.,
<br /> • � � ' �ir►teres� in properCy owned by� me �and on �uch t�erms.�as . .
<br /> � • � ' my Attorneys-in-E�� deem advisab�. .This shall include � .- �,..,
<br /> ,� ' � . . � --.ce��racts .for� goa�;;;.Yepair�s, 3n����ments, repZr�:u:enneritis: . . ,
<br /> ` . • and personal servii��9 for:the ma -�m�iax�ce:of iay:���pe�cr3�.. :.. �, ��;
<br /> . . � � �, � ,. ., , � �.: , -
<br /> � � 5. In ge�ne�ral, ta� enter i.nto any business tf��sac�ians p�x� ••. , �. •
<br /> ' � � �inis►g to �my propesty and £or my maintenance as�.;,Eully�. ,.,, �
<br /> ',.� . as�i could dto. it �r�yse].f. . ,°';,; ; � � �:;.:,
<br /> _ , . �;;;•:�•� ` -�-- — ���� ' -
<br /> � b. To e�ter �inC¢ any aonrrac�s or ,agreements fo�: a�z�'�medi.ca�., � � ��, .
<br /> • • • . domic5.liary, or other care needed by.me. as de��zmined .to..
<br /> � . be in my bes�� in��.xests �by �ny�a��:r�y Attorneys-3.n-Fac�, � �
<br /> . and��aay all fees �d.�charSes� nec��Kary £o-r m��ma.iinCemance • �;'�.,;'� ��
<br /> . � .. . and care. To a�at��rixe any medi�a�,. pro�cQ�3ure$ �or r�e., . � �..``,.
<br /> � � ra�igy► �nd conf�.rn a1.T .�cts done by► my A�tArneys-in-Fact, oc � .� .
<br /> � "a:►3 a� nc�r�, un3ex this �!��'*:r oE �r�e�zey� .As� n� m; A�tor�r►e��»ir►- . .
<br /> . � "" Fact_ are spec�.£ical2y �em$r���red to. act�una�e.� �his Power. of A�rorney . -
<br /> . indepen3entily ofe the othe��, and any decisi:atins .ax .�c�idns 'by �.ny QC . . ,
<br /> _ � . �tl�em gieed not � �ained in and consented �a by the -ot'n�;:s. I Yesc:-rvc �
<br /> �.. Che ri.�ht� �o revok� tl�s PoweY af A�torney by �he fili���of sue�l .. .
<br /> . revacaC3.o�t�i� 'c�ie�officeg of.the. R�gister of Deeds axxd Caunty�Cie.�.c . . _
<br /> � � of . �all Cauntys �Nebr2�ska. �T�a£s Power ;r�f Atrorney shall remaxn -
<br /> �.n �u17. r�rce even thou$ls I may Mere�ft�r. �T�ecorae rcen�a].ly or � •
<br /> .phys�.ca�:�.y inCCi�opeten�.. � . . � . . :. , �
<br /> � � na�ea ��ts� ,,, i„ �� day o� September , x'3 a2. . : . .-
<br /> .. . . � �`� � �
<br /> � STAiE Or^.NEBRASKA � ") , H�tr ld B . Null. . .
<br /> :, ss. .� � � : . � . ' . '
<br /> � � CUUI3TX 4P� HPtLL �. � .. � . .
<br /> pn rhis . 1� clay of �Septeralier , 1g 8� BeL•ore me, the u:laerci;:�ed, . .
<br /> � ,a :�atary Pdb2f� within an �or sa d County, persanally camc �arold .B: Nu1L
<br /> � who �is knowx� tc� me and ImoVm rc� mr� to '6e Cha ideriL•ical �
<br /> � p�rson whose name i� �Efixed to the for�gt�ing Pawer af At�orneyi,. and
<br /> he acknowl�dged his execution� thereoL to he hf s voluntary ac� ar�d de�d.
<br /> •--_..-.._�--:-:-- :- _._.-:. . :.. . .
<br /> ,. . : _ . . _ ._ _.. - - .
<br /> t1it.:ess my fiand�and f�o�axial- �eal�tiie �da�e Iasti above i�si��e"ia� -" - - �"--�� - - �- -"�-
<br /> . � �9y•Votaxial. Commissior► expi�ees:,F'eh. �►, i98�,�. _
<br /> t�s�cearun-s:n.�tn►.fi. . . . -
<br /> ltRTFtUA G MA1'FEi �
<br />- • �"': !1"�Ccmm E.e�4 Fe+�61£3A . '! . .
<br /> .
<br /> _ �.,.....�.- -s--��
<br />