[:< ' ' ,y . r ;�. �. ;y ,.-F v����,��_� .a��`y..�..' �_ _— .
<br /> „ - i Lr.,� ._ _ 1 - --�sa.52.7cx3i�- _ _
<br />� w�:idLB.m�uitw�35illilitl�""°`�"�-�ee� —_ - — _ '_° .��
<br /> .. .. ..__ '.
<br /> .—. . _._. . _ —. . . . �__ . _ • . �. . `, , : , . .
<br /> -. ."_.._. �
<br /> . __`__. .-... . .. _ , ' . , .. ` t • . . ' . � , e . , -
<br /> - .� • `. .. .. . _ . • ` ' . . ' _ ` ` , ' • ', .r. .. .
<br /> • - ' . • , _ ����'�!d��}�,� `.
<br /> � at �e�t teai. �l0) daps,� but nQt a�rs ��ea� thirt t�30), deYe, pri�r . ' .
<br /> to the.e�➢.e;. and the ,Trtitstee� e?�e�ll �hen sell �e�d Psm�e�tg at tho . .
<br /> ` ��iaae and pla�e deefgaated ia the notice, fu th� manner provided •
<br /> � � by la� �.0 effe�t•at t�e t.�me of ��iling �aid �notiao, at publfc. �
<br /> auatioa to t3�e &.i.gta��� �3ddsz•for c�sh anc� '�h+d]41 e]si�ver �o suah
<br /> - - - - -pnr�rz�s�r s-a�u ya �-&=�Q,.-t-� s�2�,•-r.��aistc�at ��*� thq--�em ia - : - ---
<br /> _ off�� at the ��e. ' , . . -- .
<br /> ' , �� Ugaiu .receip� 9f paym��t of the psi8e bid.,Tr�stee ahall.de- , ,
<br /> � lfver t� t.he purchaser, Ts�isL�es deed aoav�ying the .Ps�pesty
<br /> soldl. Recit�.s in, the Trnsteee el$ed'e1u�I� � g�ima faol.e evf-
<br /> deaoe�•of tbe tsuth o� the et�fiemQate made th�rai.n. �tustes sh�7.l . .
<br /> .aPP�g�the: praceede. of �he sale ia the fol�awf.a�g +�rders �{a� to� ,
<br /> � all reasonable _co�ts and �cpea�ees of,the �eale• ia�cludinq butt sot .
<br /> ' limi.�ed� to, Trusteae :fees of aot mo=e thea 1.S$ of ths .qrass
<br /> � �• eale piice, .seaeonabl� attosnep' fess� aud costs of;titte +�videnae: _
<br /> . . �(b� to +�3.1 suss gectai�ct bg �s.DaecB of Truat;. aad tay the ex-
<br /> � c�s�. 3,f ai►Y. to �ha •peraoa' or p�rson� �egallp. entitl�d thereto.
<br /> . . .Atiy p�xe��, 3�ua1u�13.nq Bene�iafasy� ma►Y Purch�se eaid P���rtg at-
<br /> eai.d sa].e. . � _ � ' � � ,
<br /> ' � The per�on conduQ�g the sale.maY, fQr any aause he�ar she , ,
<br /> . �d�em$ expedfeat, pastpone the sal.e fraut.�.ime� tb ti.m� aat�.� it '. , -
<br /> sha►11 be a��etecl .and• in ev�iy snah �ase, aotfce of postpoae- �
<br /> � a`snt ah�all Ioe given 1�y publi.a decla�ation �hhereof by, snah gext�on
<br /> � �t t4�o timb nnd place last apgof.nted for the eale� .providsc�n��if � �
<br /> � � tihe sa7.8 ie postponed for Ioager than one (1) .da.y beyond tF�s.d�te� �, .
<br /> ' des�.gaa�ed f.a .tlte aoti� cf ea2,s, aotic�e thereof sbrall be gi��r��.; .�; .
<br /> � �tn,tlie srims manner aa the origfaal notice of .eale. � `.:�;�;:�:' : .
<br /> � 14. T���d�es No �xclueive�. Trustee a�$ Beaef�ta:�axY,��and� �
<br /> � , . eacEa af�th�p, .s�al2 be .e�nt3.tled to enfor+ce .papment aud. pe�fars- '
<br /> aace o� ang fadeb�tedness ar oblfqetion seanred hereby-and tQ ax'
<br /> � ercise all rights and.powers undet thie Deed o� Tr��t.o= q�'adez'
<br /> nny lo�a ias�svment or other agreement os anp. laxs aor ds he�eaf-
<br /> � �tes es�£ar�ed. notwithstaading eom�: or a].l. o# the indeb�edn�esr. end , .
<br /> obligations aecured hesebp which nay ncn� o= her+ea�ter be other�
<br /> � wise ee��tred, ,whether bp mflrtgaga, deed of tlr�sst� pledge,. 1fea.
<br /> assiq�aaeat oz o�thez�ise. NeitlLer the ac��ptaace df �h3e Daed o� • ..
<br /> Tru:st aor ite enforcoment, Whether by ao� �act�an ar pur�uant to .
<br /> � tha pc�rat�oiE� ea�.te .ar other pawer� �erein contained, ;eha�JL pr+e�u-
<br /> � �� di.ce or f.a any manner a�fect �.'s�stees or 8eaefia�:arSta rigbt�-to . . .. .
<br /> . � re,a].f ze.upon oz eafozae anp� other•security now�or #are�aft�sr hsld: •
<br /> • � � b :'.�stea or Iietaeficiary, it beiag�.a�greed, tl�,at 9�,�:�te� aad Hene-
<br /> � � • : • ��+��,'ary. �axpd eagh of t�rem, rhall.ba�'enti�led, to e�"r��rce this Deed. .
<br /> •�!`,�,�r:�:� o� Trust ah� at►y ot&es secnr�.ty aaw or herea�ter held bg t�a . ,
<br /> � . Seneficiary o� Tstistee i.t� euch order araai manaor ag they, ��'ei�
<br /> ' ::�� .a�� ��a�, war 3a �a� a�aa2u�� ����e����. determine. �•�to: �-
<br /> _ , �iiirsdy.he�rai.n eo�fe�red upmn.or rest�xved to Tacusttse or Henefa.ci-
<br /> � a�a�r"ata intended to be excl,usive o�':�r�y ot.�s� itemedy her�in or by �
<br /> ��w p�ov'fd�d.or permitted, but eac�i �sha1Z'',i�e cnmulat�i.ve a�d sh+sll � .
<br /> he !�a �dc�ition to� every ot�her remedy �qiven hereunder or nao► os �
<br /> . � h�ea�tes e�ci.etinq at le� or 3a �.ty os by statute, 8�verY ,
<br /> . power os remedp. :qivea by any o� f��ei.Yoan iastruments to•Tiugtee .
<br /> or 8enafai.ci.ary or to �hiah':e�ther•rz� them.max ba othexwise: eati- �
<br /> � tlad msy d� ezeralsed, cpncurreatlp or f�ar�ePandently, frone; �3.are �
<br /> . ���;':� to tf,me q�dt. as oftoa as ma►y be de�m�ed exp�emt by Tntat�.��r
<br /> � � �� B�e�fei�, end either of tfiem msy pureue� iaconsfat�nt i�iea.
<br /> � H��:I��.ng I�erein shall be aoastrued ae prab�bs.tiag I�rt�fiai±a,ry from
<br />- � � see➢ci.nc�;�:`def�afenay �udqment aga�.net Truator to ;�� estent� encb�,,. �. � .
<br /> , � � action 3ss�,.g��rmitted by law. . „ �
<br /> . . . .: .
<br /> � � � 1�. � Reqneat for Notice. Truat�ar Hessby re+�t�eta a copy of
<br /> a�;..natice of delault ansi that anp not3.ce of oal���;�eseundes be � .
<br />- ma�s�.ed to Txuetor a� t�e address se��forth in the' ffrat paragrapb
<br /> � - .� �of thie�De�d of Trust. . • . . .
<br /> ' 16.� Ap,pointment o��uce�ssor Tru��Qe. Beaefieiary may. ��.
<br /> - � . � fram, time to tfine, by writtea fnatrum�t eicecutied and acknowl- .
<br /> edged.by Beaeficiary� mafled to Trn�tor a�d record�d in tha
<br />-' � . Count� fn�whfch the P�roperty as lacated and bp otheYwf.eo eomply� ,
<br /> . �.�,� s th-t.�°v gL�Q;°.��=°.�-�-.#.�.��»��L,tA tAQ1. Al� thB StatiB Qf Ha-'
<br />;`'i . . . 5 "
<br />