4 . .
<br /> z_ � . .r: �i . --'�-y[-.�^,�—`�_ .1i_Y3:�e�e-
<br /> _ :y-� _ ���r.TC . . -'i41�1 �vti-5ci. .'.a�Of"^+.^^ __ _— _
<br /> . .T.i ].�r -�a. 1_f6 ■ —
<br /> _— ___'�'_.__��.�__'� _— --_ _ _— . _ ' —_._. . .. _
<br /> '--- _— '_—__ _�_ . —.
<br /> . . . . .... . . . . . _.. _ .. , r_ . � . .
<br /> . ' ' - - � . . � ' • • . _t'
<br /> , . . . . i - . f� . . . . .
<br />. �. ...` ` , c r , c.. � .. . . _ ."_ •. • , .. . . ' `�.. -. . _.. , . . ' —_
<br /> ;. ` ` ', '` . �_ ` ` , . <. , . ` ` . � • � , �e �+ ..` � e . , �, � —�--�
<br /> . �' � ������.'� , ,
<br /> '. , ��reof. �8e1t+��9.cfa� i�la3Z tiot, 3.ac�ur say gersona�,1ia63.33.�y ba- � ,
<br /> : • aaus��o� �say�taing it. �ay'do ot o�� �� do��era�er.. � < .
<br /> .' . • . . S. „� q�n of... ants4, Hma��iaiaay �Y�ai� hs�e���he rig��, , � �
<br /> � � �res �d�.eutr.tiority dur3nq tlt� co��fnuance�o� ��ais Deer.� af 2�rnat , .
<br /> � �o �o�le�t the i�a�tso ies�es and pro�ite .of tYte Pso�rty aad,o�. , �.
<br /> - � � � �� ���=P�o�g_I��t�d �h�xecn �i�� a�;w9.��aic€a�.�° .._ -___= �
<br /> � ses�ion of.the Pzapesty af�ecLsd herebp, and �'�custvr herelsy���+�-
<br /> ° l�utr.].y and ua�aan�ditiosa7.1� a�o3c�� all euch �em�s, f.ss�es�and .
<br /> �. . �sofit� to Hane�'3.o��ay,.. Banefieiarg, haweve�r, hereh�y e�nseata.�c►
<br /> Txttstorr collec�fon and rstaatf�n of suc� rsatm� 3.ssues. aad . •
<br /> ,. ' Psof�tts as th �tccsae and hecome'F�3�1�► so Iong aca Truat�� �.e ,
<br /> $at, at su�h �.�ra, i.xt defavi�.t wfth respec� � paymeat oE aag fa- �
<br /> � � d�►b��ctaess'�tacurect he;ebYt or fn the p�r�o�ce �€ aap agseemr.mt
<br /> � hefeumda;• Tf any�eveat'of dafauLt desc�ribed l�eaea�t�r fa► se" �
<br /> � � �s�ec� to �s Deed of TrnsL �eha].1 ha�a occurres� a�d be coatinu- .�
<br /> " 3.aqM Hensffc3a�y; as a �stter .oE right and vi.titiot}t am�tice to
<br /> . � - .Tru�tor,os at►yaae �lafminq under Tzustor, �auid Without reqard ta �
<br /> the vaiae.of tho trnst e$tate or the inter�at�of the� Mraatar .
<br /> � �hezein, eh�21 hav� the x,�T�ght t�s apply �o aag coust hav�.nc� juris.: .
<br /> • d�3.ct�.on;.ta appoiat a r�ecefv�r of�the Property. � . � ', � _ �
<br /> 9- . �,i����t�on�• $eaeficietryr�.�or f�e aigeats, re�relteuta�-
<br /> t�.ves or �o�kpen, s�Ce anthorized to ea�e�'at any reasoaabl�a �iaa • �-
<br /> ' .. upoa or #a• eeny part �e� t�e Propetty €or tl�e pnr�ose of inspec,ta,aq . _ ,
<br /> � - the eaae and fo� the �nrpase of perf.orming aap af the aats 3.t $w . _ ., .
<br /> • aut�orized to perfti�r�o �utder the terma of any loa�n►�irsetzuaentr.
<br /> ' , . �xecutad hy Tru¢tar. � � . � .� .
<br /> " � 5,0. Tranofer of Prop,e�v. If all or a�p p�rt of� the �� :
<br /> Prape�ty��r any i.�teras� o� Trmsto'r thezefa is sold, t�au$f+e�ctad ,
<br /> � or f�rthe,r eacu�mbared�withaut �he expre�s or Wri�ten_c�onsent of. `�'��
<br /> _"..`:t:c;.`it�,� .
<br /> �8enef�iciary. Berie€iciary may, at ita� s�l.e optian, declaare au. ., . '�:.:� .
<br /> � ��uss eeeured� by. this�Deed of Trr�,r�� to be iaied�.ately dua pad �x�" . . . ;,
<br /> . ' able and pr�cae$ ta the r���availab le to �t u n r 3er th�•dew;:,.<�,. .
<br /> ' . fault provtsibns coata3.nad� he�er3�s:�� . . . .
<br /> ': :.:,�, .
<br /> Il. . �ents of-be�,�uult: � of t8e fallo�iag eventu shall . .
<br /> � � b@ dee��ed an ev�ent of_a�e�ault �eacew�tdert� � � . __ �. -
<br /> . . (�) Tsust+�z sha].�'ha►ve fai�].nd to's�alce . , �
<br /> .' � � .p�pip�nt or aiAp �astallzeat af fatezest, pri.�- � .
<br /> ' � . a�pal or psf.naipal aad fntereut or e�ny otb�r � � . �
<br /> � ' �ua�s sacurad herebp.vhea d�e; .
<br /> � �b1 There ha� ocavrred�a breaoh af or � � . •.
<br /> � � � d�fault nnder any term, aovena:it, agra�aaenti, . � .
<br /> � � • , condifi.�on� prov3�efon, repire�ea�ati.on o�t,war- � , .�
<br /> - . � � . �ranty contafne� im ttii�.�ueed os' i����,.s� ,�,,��;,;,f -. . . -
<br /> " �nate ot aa�:.atr�er loaa 3r,o���st s�urc3 � _�,,,,��,. �
<br /> � . . . �,�, h�ebyy , . .� � , . , ,
<br /> ' . '�;;�'� . • • • � . . �.;�;
<br /> . ' . . . � (c� � There hne bean � default by the � . � �. .
<br /> � . Tz�a�or in the pay�eat of any pxior..ar. �ubse-� , . . .
<br /> . . �`�:;��'.� 91u�'�.. l�ea ar e�tcw�breace f�a respect.,,to sll . � ,
<br /> o�e= �t�[#y Part of the Propertyr;, � � � � .
<br /> � � . .. . •�. � . • �'
<br /> ','�;;: � � � �d� �staz ahall f�:L�;,��volnatary �4°�
<br /> ''.:+:� � . �3.�i4n ian tisnkrupta� a�r e2a�a�� be ad�:u�3.catad .
<br /> ' `':';.'�::: . ba�a�pt ar iasolveu'����.��.�`�t��13 ma�c+��•�n.as-, � . � .
<br /> ��" ' aiqament for the bene�it��+��•:�seditors in re- , . �
<br /> . � �I���, spect� to the PrAperty; ar� �a►� actian to ea- � ' . . .
<br /> forc� any li�n or ena�nmbran��e� or judg�ents � .
<br /> � � ayaiast the Property is co�menaed. .
<br /> 12.. � Acaeleiration Qpon �efanit. In the event o� �aay de- � ;
<br /> � f�ulL,, Bene�faisa.y may, dealare a].l ft[debtedaess aecused'here�y to _ .
<br /> , �s dµe and p�iyable, and the �a1me shall ChereuFo�, bQaome due and
<br /> ' ��payable ��thout ariy pre�ent�n�, dermm�d,: prot�et as aotice oE aay
<br /> � k�.nd, Thetea�f�er, �ea�fic�iasp m�y: , � . '
<br />- . . ,. . • � � � , � .
<br />