. .
<br /> � C ,. � . �-::ct�:��a.��r��•- z
<br /> i y i;°-�i._,. ,i.` ��'� ..: -' - `1 — — _ _ — _ _--
<br /> , , w�..i�U.' '.�.' �..Y�__:��-- _=---- - - __ --_ -- _ --
<br />.-:.��_,.. -- -- — --- — ---
<br /> - --- -- - � - --- ---- -- - ---
<br /> - - - - ---- � - -
<br /> ---_-_`�-�_:—•- -�--�--------� ��-Y..--=-r----- --- -�y.- � -�.� ...r..-.�.:,;�-��-��_.. .
<br /> � �. . . � . � . . � . .. � 9�5 ; . ` .
<br /> �. - �19.Tr�stcr o�tha Property or��c1a1 Intemst tQ 8ormwer.if afl`or any paat A£tlle Pcoperty o�i��m it�� '
<br /> � , is�s,a'!d or annsfe�red�ar if a benefisial i�tenxt in Sotrmvec is soid or transferc�as�Bonrowet is rtot a�atura!person)�witAouf . '
<br /> , � Le�k�'s prior wcetten consent, Ltader m�y. at its agtioa. � iina�ediate payment in fuD of all sucns sea�tt,d hy this �
<br /> Security Inscnsmgai.Howe�er,tSus opti�nn shalt nnt tse exercisesf�y Lgnder if exercise is pmi�36ited by federa!tuw as of the date �
<br /> of this'Security[asuv�t. . • . , , � . .
<br /> . . . If Lende�exerci��dus aption:_Liitder shall give Borrowea�atice af asoelcraifan,The�coti�a shalt nrovide a r�erInd af r�_ , `.
<br /> - . tgsa t�.an.30 days fmm the date th� ttoizo�Is�Ive�t}n�ti�.il�wit�i�:which�anrowt� �� t pa��a�.u+�; ��by-t�+is . _
<br /> 5ecurity Insirarner�t.I�Borroaer f:dts to pay tirese sums�icor to t�c�e.Qpir2tion of this pertad,Lender may invoke any remedies � .
<br /> ` � permitted 6y this Secudty�I strumeat wtthowt f�,ther nottc�ar demaad on Borrower. .' � �. �
<br /> � 28. Bor�+ower's t to,R�tate. If�Borrauer ripcets ce�tain coadiHons; Boeroaea,sha11 have the right ta Gave
<br /> . �enfoxc�ment of this Security�Iasmune� tisconsinued at any time pdar to the earlier of: (rs)5 days(or such oYher period as
<br /> � �PPlic�te�law may specifyr for reinstxteinent) ix�re saTe of th�•'PaoFett�'.ixii`sueut to��ny power of saie cantaiQed in d�is
<br /> ry�[nsttumetat;os(b)�nqy of a judgment enforcing tl�iia Sesuriry�nti*+t+*,�nr:Thnse conditions are tbat�omaw�:(a)Rays.
<br /> � nder at!�ums wY►ich then woutd be due under tttis�ecudry inst�trt and the Nlote as if�a azoele:�atian 6ad ocau�;(6� •
<br /> eyQe�atty default of asry onher covenants or ag�emetus:(�)pays�U expeases inevrred in enfo�cing this Security Ynstrument, _ �
<br /> incI�dlpg. but aot tictuted to.reasonablr�att9meys'fees;ant!(d)rakes such actian as Leudes may reasaz�abiy recNire�o ass�ue � ,
<br /> .. thaf ihe lien of this Securit�Insuum�nt. Lender's tights in tha Froperty and Barrower's abligation to pay the sums secared by
<br /> � `. ' this`Sec�ity Iastrumcnt shall continue uac$a7nged. iTpon reuistater�ent hy Bormwer, this S�urity Insteumerit'aad tbe
<br /> obligations serured herebp sbatt s�easaia�lty effective as if no r.�xterati�a had occurred.Howe�eF,this�ight ta r�3nstate shatl .
<br /> not appiy in the.tx4se of adoeteratian ttt�des pas�agraph 17. � ' '
<br /> 19. S�le ot Nat�Chmag�o!Laaa Stx�kes:'Yiie Note ar a partia! interest xn the Note'{togeth�r with thi, Ses�fity`.
<br /> �umentl may t�e sold ame or more[i�s withogt prFor na�ce ta Bonrower.A satr ma}t r�sult in a change in t�e entity tkn�wa� . .
<br /> <....
<br /> :•as ih�-"kocan Servicxr*)�liat�u�4ests awr�t�I
<br /> Y 1�7nuents tIne uadErtJ�eKote�d this•SecurRcy Insalimen�.�Th�rie"aiso:may�adA�. . .._ , .
<br /> .cia mac+e changes of the Lo�r Strvicbr'anretated�so a sale of the•Nou.If the�is a chznge of tha Loan Servi�r,Bormwer wi`U be ' .
<br /> � .' �itveat written iibtice of tbe d�ange in aa:ordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable taw.The notioe wi�•st,�te the namc and
<br /> • . $ddc�ss of tLe ncw Loan 5ertrioer and the�a�ddress to.wLich payaients stFo�Id.ba made: '�aotioe,will aiso oontaisl any txher �
<br />� infocmadon req�tired by app�:cabte taw. � • . .
<br /> ?A.H�zzardovs Sabsta�s.Borrower shali aot cause or pemni4 the presence,use. dispasal, storage. or,releas�qf any� .
<br /> � HaTa.�ous.Sahsrauces.�nr in ahe Pmperty. �orrower.s6�11 not do. nor altaw anyone else to do..aq}R6in� affe�tiag_ibc . � .
<br /> .Property thac is ut�rQEaion of aqy Environmantal I,�w,Ti��stecediag two sentence,s sf�aIt not ap iy w the presence, nse,.or
<br /> starago,oa the Pror�e'�of sraalt quaatiues af l�arardovs Substances tl�aa are generalty recognized ptv be np�srop;isfe t�^,num�a! - � •
<br /> � r�s�ter,�ad;usesanct ro�4nten�uc:eQfthe Praperty.. . ' � � , �.�...::,�-, .
<br /> �tnj�wer s#�!r�.-�m.pdy gitie�.cader writtett notice�of any inv '',`.;: � .
<br /> estigati.c�;.daIIn, deasand, Iawsuit or ot,�er�ti�te��SY��Y
<br /> gover��ntai or reQ.tF��ty agency or priv�ie pa=ty involvin�the Propesty�t•�ny.Hazardaus Subs�tce.����iroiirueRtal I.aw� �.. �-.
<br /> uf wtuch Bprroprer h�s actual kaowt�ge.If Borrower leams.or is nntifie�f Itz�;an y gov�maienta]or�oYy authority,t b at , �
<br /> � aay remova!or other rennediation�rf any Hazantous Substance affecang t�e�?^:��v�:T is�ssary�Borra��r sktall promptiy talce ' �
<br /> all nec°ssary ren�dial actions in:;.�:�iar►�ee aritti Eqvironmentat Law. .: . • . ,. .
<br /> ` ,i?�c�sed iu t4�Is par�grapT��!�"_3iazardous Subst�noes"ar�;t�se sabstazices:i�efc�;�ta�cic or haiardous substances by
<br /> _ Envirciiiqienral Law and the faltovruig svbst�►ces:.gasolir.e� k�i�. ot�$r tlamn�aL'.:-��.toxic peuoleum products,�Wxic
<br /> , p�sticldes and her6ir.��s,vala�le so�veats.ffi3tCF13�S COJIi&iI12I1g 83UCSYl33 aT�'y3q�,�1.dI�CI1j+dC.and radiaattive mstet�als,As used'nr ' � .
<br /> �. ' thfs paragraph 2p, "�tiiro�mental l.,aw"means federal laws and daws c�n'�r�r jurisdictioa where tbe;'rcrperty is laeat�sf that � .
<br /> 'ie�tate to h�lth,�safety.or environn�erital pm3ection. . •.�: . .
<br /> I�I(JN-UNIFORM CAYENANTS.Sornawer and Lender fi�rther oovenant and agree as foIIows: , '
<br /> Z�.Acakrit�on;Remedte�i.-Ler�der slwlt giYr notke to$ai�rmwet�or3o�xe�tion followen�;$nrrowsr'a bra�c& �'
<br /> of ray`+4rovenant dr agre�x�t in tl�s Security I�tromenE�(�t aot'prior W aoodc�tion�� 17 urde�'
<br /> ...,,,.. appilcabk i�w prns�r�es othrrwtse).'1'he aaticc.sbalt.sD�Y�.fa)t�e d�crts::t.,(b)tbt 9►etion.reqatred to cuc�tt�e didaol�;
<br /> ,..;��':' fc)'a}�te;bot tess t�ytii 30 days from tbe dote t�e mtic��ts given to 8orroiver. by�rlud�the defaak muet be�eured;aod� .
<br /> '�•�'��'� (�tMaf,taitara to cur+e tbe tiefaale on or 6etorc ihe dur•�ed in ttie noticY � . �
<br /> : sa�r+e�.#� tids Sec��It3'InsltvmenE and sak at.tlee Pt+n �Y t+esutt i��ood�stiw�o[tl�e�o►ri .` :
<br /> x Fe�..T6s noticr sb�ll�Por46s+'intbrm�orro�rer ot the el�ht W. �
<br /> . Rein�t��lter�oqelE�tion sind th�.rifiDt.to ba� � rnurYrm�fSan to a�sert.the ad�'r!0�3stenoe o�a dtt�iutt ar any otbee _ � .
<br /> ' ddea�e�'�,i�Sonnw�a w Acedd�sd�,i�i and s�k.,It t6e ite�'ad�Yi f�'not c�aed an br ;�tbe d�te spaillied iu tir4�notiee�
<br /> �.e»der,st iis optiQn;may t�eqoi�e immediaYt payn�ent in t61�•ot ait�s�s secvrei�j►lbFs '
<br /> � �urt�et den�and at�may invoke the powcr of sale and any dhar ram�iiifir�i;:t�mitted 6 a ����
<br /> �., :,.a.
<br /> entftie�d ta calkd s�ll.eirpe�ses incnFrtd�in� Y PP��laN� I.tnd�rr aL�(I t�•:.�;;�� :
<br /> l�uesuirt�the remedks�rovtdc�}�tt�is P��B�I��i,ineiudin�;but np�limital �
<br /> . co;rr�bk�tcorneys•rc�nnd c�s oP ti�e�vidence. ,�.. � . , � .
<br /> l�"itga,�u�ver ot sak#s t�oi�r Tea�tee s6aII record��ctotlee of dofidt in�ch oounty in R1dch uti '� of tLe' .
<br /> Y[�f
<br /> �P�J:�tucatec!and slwD�aSi�copi�ot sme6 nattce in t�ie mam�er presccitied by r�p�i'icabk�aw to Borrowa and to .
<br /> the ot6er Ae�soei�pt+[scriDed b�appltrable i�x•:,�,�er the time.req�u�[red by App1icAble Iaw;Teaste+e st�alt�lre publie eotke ���:.
<br /> � ot sak t�r tLe persot�and in the.maener p�ciabed by srpplic�b7a taw.lYustee,aftflout+la�nd nt�Botrawer,si�aU adl
<br /> ' tbe Y�nperty at pubik auctio,n to,flie 6igfxst bi�dder�at tjte tiaae antt pdACe and under the ierrn4 dasl'1pr�ata�d.in th,s notke ot
<br /> . ssk ia qne ar more p�rcMa aad i" �tay or,dcr Tnrsta dettx�tnrs.Trugtee ma�r PostPon�sak o!aii"o��,y p�ned ot tt�e �
<br /> . Propeat',�.�Yp+blic•announcemen���pt the tLne taatl p�.e��P;;anY Drevioasiy scfxduted�3aM.Leuder.or its destgnee may . .
<br /> . p��tr�e Pro}�ty nt�ny sak: . �
<br /> ,.�.� .
<br /> . �� � � � � � . . � .
<br /> � . ' � �;,'.. . ' . . .
<br /> � . � � . � . Fonn 3C'28 9190 �
<br /> , ' . • " F+,(yiL Ot B � , • � . . .
<br /> • . � . � . ' -�i . . _ . a_ .. , (�
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