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<br /> .._—_ —-B�RnI��� —__ -- —
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<br /> ., � T�IET�F.Vi�'I'�all t&c infptovements�ow or�l�er erzstal�n the property.a� e3s�ts.a�purten��s.�d:.
<br /> �f3nture� naar or hereaRe���pare af tf�s Drop�ny Ali,re�2a�aeats tm�d eddidoas �all also be eave�by this Security .
<br /> ' In�:itm�eai.All of t]�e forr�oiag 3s��rsod�w in this Sec�ity Instra�st F,s the"FroP�Y-` �� • .
<br /> - �SORROWER�'�NAI3T5 tlLU flor�awr,z is[aw�'uliy seised of-Ehe�staze h�ebY c+omreS'�aad has the rig�t to gxant aad
<br /> contic�r 8ie Propefi►affii that tis��raperq/is unsr�rumbered,e�cep3 fot eQCaa�ianses of c�oord.Borro�et wa�rants atsd arill.
<br /> ' _e���ra�ly t�ri21e to th°I�'aDertY-agaisu�al�claims aa�demands,svbJett t�any ens�mbraaces of reaord. . -
<br /> 'ft�II5�ECURFFY 3N�tJ1�_�T oam�'�s uauorm oQVenar�ts far national,iue�nd�ni€ort�c�v���ish!'s�it�d. - .- �_;
<br /> vasiatio�s hy jar+sdictiun to constitute�a uniform secarity instrament cavering rial graperty' . ; ._
<br /> UNIFORM GUVENANTS.IIormwer and 1l.�ndeF ooven3nt and a�as fouows: � w�en dae ttie
<br /> . � �. 1. Faymmt o!PcindpN�and:Inta�i;'PrePaYmenit�nd��'Borra�ver shalt pnompttS►paY
<br /> • prtr�cig�al of aQd Interest oif the de$t evldenoc�d�yy!the Nou and anY P�W�nt and!aze char�es dua undet the Note.
<br /> � 2.�ads.for Teue.s pnd I�mce. Snbjest t�applirabte laar or to a written svaiver 6y l�end�r,Bar�owzr sha11 paY,to.
<br /> ' Lender on th:day monthlY P3Y�nta ar+e dus under th�Nute,natil tI�Not�is paicl in fi�f,a s�sm("Funds"3 for.(a)Y�Y��%
<br /> � a�as�smeats�aYuch may attsan pr�arltY over tais Secufiry�nst�ttment as a lien an the Frop�erty;(6)Ye�1Y teasetsotct'paysntnts
<br /> ' or grour.�re�s on t�e Pro�erty,if aay:(e)�'earlY�azard or�np insurarce premiums;(�9ear1Y�fl�d iasurance y�aiums,
<br /> If a4y;(e)Y�Y��Se��Dremit+ms,if auy:and(f1 any svms PayaL'►!e 6y Barrowet W LBnder,iu aooafdpace witEe .
<br /> tAe provisions of�paragfraph 6.in lieu of tT�paymra�t of mortgaSe ins_nrance pr�minms.�`he.ce�tems are called"�ssmw Itsms." `,
<br /> � i,eader may.at any dm�.oollect�nd�o]d Fands in an amoani t�t to��eecd the maatit{�n em�unt a lendes for a.fe�ttalty •.,;�<;,� �
<br /> � relased martgage toan may requue for Borraw�r's�row accou�rs uuder t�e fadraal Rca}Fstate 5eulem�Pr�clar�sAct of._�.�;;,;�;? .
<br /> • . .. .�974 as;a�r�dCt�fmm f.ime[4 tianG,�12�J,S.C.Secti0il 2GQ1 et seq.('R�SFA°i.�rless?u�'t��� that �i [O t$e Fttnds , _
<br /> w � � ,.�i,�-�
<br /> ' S�tS S IP,.SSET�OUIIE. If 50.I.CAdCI ID3Yt 3�811y hIde•.COlIeCf 3IId'�f��s iri 8u�t'IIOE fU'�+�Ce�t�3C�+��tS�tirit.-:;�;:^- _ - -
<br /> f�d'�r may.est'sm�atr�t�e a�tto�tnt of Funds.due an ttte b�s'is aF carrent data'and�asomab!e�of expend4true�of�Cuiut�'F;>=y��'^'
<br /> . , �,;<,;..�;�
<br /> � '
<br /> Fscrow Itetns c+r.othavstse In aovordanse w�th applicable law. � . .>'.;.°::. . ..,�;:.:.;�.'.�`.
<br /> • 'Yhe Funds sl� lse heid in an instituuon whase deposits are`i�sareai 63► a fedetal agency.�itY. or eatity��''r;':�_;f;.�:
<br /> ,..c f.�,
<br /> (uscIading,Y.ender.if Lender i�such aa instituaon)or in amy Fe�erdt Hame Loaa Ba.ntc.l.eqde�sSaU apPtY�e Far,ds�F�Y� • :..,` •`.
<br /> ' . Escfow Itr.ias.i.ender may�*.cl�sge Borrower for hofding and agplying�the Funds,annuaIlY analY.i!n8 the escjaw aaoount.or ,
<br />: . verifying the Fsciow Ttems,ua�ess I.eudes gays Borrowec intqrest un the Fuqds and aPPiicable Isw per�ts Lender to ma(ce sacla• e',. ,
<br /> . a charge.l�Iowever, Lendet may reqaite BarmRer ta PaY,a Q��for aa it�W�e�rea!e�i��ta�c repartin8 sesvi+x`,�r':::'
<br /> ' used by Lender.in connectidn with this Ioan, unlgss aPPlI�le taw..F�`,�id"ides otheiwise.�,Untess a�;agreement is ma�e Qa,':.i`;,,;;
<br /> ' • applicabf�taw.�quir�s intr,rest w De paid gI�ndet�all nax f�r�.m�a3 t�PaY B�aowet any inter�sc ar eamiags,oa thS Funds.:' -
<br /> Bairower and Leut�r maY agee in writin h4waYelr.•thar i.�t shsU��.Paid on the FwMds.Lender stiall give t?;�+�r�Swe�'+��.`
<br /> aKi9houc chat�e,an atmual acc�ountIng of the F�As,sh�wing credits at�.s�its�to tfle Ftmds anJ the.�arpase�'arr��+u(�,�+`�xbf,,:.; ,
<br /> ' , debit to the F.unds was m3de.'Fhe Funds 21�pl€�ged as 8dditioxial seQUS+t��`�2.�1 su[PS S�nured by Qus rx(`;�tzi�5+it75tt�+1�e�-'• `�::._;':�t •
<br /> � ��F�a9�ia vy r.�na��xceea che�,u��a�a co be��',;���,k�•�;t��ni co�we�.:l,:.;,;�: .
<br /> ' foi r�',�:��cess Fmsds in aconrdance afith th�requiaemsnis of applicable:iaw.`�f tha '��;�a�ti�e Fund�Eteld by Le�,i�r at 7uY� "';
<br /> ti,�ad+�t sui{cient ta pay the Escrow Items ahen due.Lender may so notify Barrowerf�wririno.and.ins�ch ease�oflia9va�
<br /> . s�!�'r�ay ta 1.ender the anxiunt nec�ssary to matce up tGe deftcien�y.BormwEr'shall malce pp the dcficioncy in ao ma.ne thuti,. .,•.:
<br /> �;;`r<.
<br /> • ;;.::�w,�t�[�r�nydnthlY P�Y��•�t I+en�ler's sole disyz�ion. ��"� , :,,:;;�5
<br /> .': 't•�`;,:,+�P�PaY�t in fu11 of al}sums:,�.'�"�J+this Sz�atrity Instr��ment, L�def slrall prompdy �to Borrower at►y::,'''
<br /> � F►'�+�eld by Les�det.'�3.uadet���'r�caPh 21,1�RAder 56Z?};.t�J�`.�y.^u}te ArseU tbe�ropettS'.Lendcr.Prfwx toth�aeq�isitioaor stle .
<br /> d��ttii�:Property.shall,appty amy#�is�t!eld 6y Lender ai ti�'t�:de of xquisirion os saIe as a eradi�against the sums seau'ed bY
<br /> . this Sax�rity Iasirumen� '.`'- ., . ,-- ' ` ' . � .
<br /> �.;r . ;. �a,Ap�liqxioa ot P�ymatts.Unless s��ln�abla Irtw pmvides otherwi�,.alt�paymeats ietxived by Latdtr unda'p�gc�a � .
<br /> ��;��,..�st�ll be�agplied:fi�t,to any pca�tayi:�nt chaiges dae�mder the hbte:secorid,ta amounts p�yabia under pasagrapb 2;� ;
<br /> � t���ro interest due;fuuitb,to piincipal i1ue:and last,to any tate charges due qnaer tAe Note. . f;,
<br /> � �``4.Gi�ar�es;Y.kas.�Baaower shalt paY a!t taxes.assessmeAta,charges,fiaes�nd.�,-spositions atui6uubta to t�se Pno�perty. ,.
<br /> � wtuch may wttai�►priarity pver this Security J1,6ri;�uir�ent.�and teasehnld paymencs ur�cxl rents.it;any.Bottower shalt p�y �
<br /> these obligatians in the.manner proYided in[r�'�'�Ph 2.oT if aot pat�l:in thae ma.'iner.Boaowor sh�l:(:�rsy them�n time�Iiraxly . . . .
<br /> tv tt�prrson owed•payiment;Borrower st�11 P��Y fumish to l.tnder.��:l aodqes of a�unts w��d u�„�;:�:�F:sogs�s»-
<br /> I�f�rroweraoakes these�aytn?nis direc+Jy.Borrower sHal?.�w?taptly fivaish w�.ende;reoeipts evides►cipg the p�yinents•
<br /> � •� �Boaower.shall grompttY disch�rge any tten whieh�'s.�e�.otity ovec this Security Instrua�nt�m14ss Bo�rowu:(a)ogrbes in.
<br /> � writing ta fhe payment of the o6tigatian secured by 1Ht l:e:^.�°�a�tnlanaaes„�oeptable�o l.cnder:4b)cont�sts in guod faith tlre l�cn . .
<br /> by. or defends�uinst enforcement of the lie;i tn, Ieg�L.pmoeecling�.��eh�rh in the Lerjder•s opiluon operatc to pn�ent thG� � .
<br /> �_ enfarcement of tl�:+len;or(c)secures f�m t&e hoIder of the diea an ogc�.r�nt satisfactory to Lender subardlnating the�liea za� ."; �. .
<br /> . this Sscurity tastraa►eni.If l.ender determin�ciaat any F:ui o,f the I�roPenY is subja,t to a lien WBich may attain�.oFity over .
<br /> � tLis�rity InsuumeN:.Lender may give Bonower a notiaa fdenti�jing�the l�en.Boaower shall satLsfy ehe liet�cc t�e one oi
<br /> mone ef the�cHOns seC forth ahove within tJ�:ys of the giving of notlre. � '
<br /> � � �atm.9028 8/9D �
<br /> . . � ' vap►solo ..
<br /> . '. . . ' � '
<br /> ------ _ -.-�rrna..=�- .
<br />.__ _�.:��siEY_�:�ara ah.t i.����:�.�is�i--,---'����'ts�a -_ -
<br /> -__-;'RiC'-:� s ' ' �'�;'-- - .
<br /> -�r1]ClnRTC�jT � i��'��4j.��iT1V`�T` ��a-��T1��i9�r;_��_-+a.^�'�.d,-1?-- _-'-'
<br /> r���s�-,*�� ��. +�'���41H�'i�3`-�i���-�o�A•"' .. .____-_._-_". _ . . . _ . . . .
<br /> . ..:`[�_ #'.14�^ j".c'r��'j t ����` ^� }E3i�4R:•-'.�'� !lr-�.-�"Xr�t i 7F'�` ri't7 '3�-.-
<br /> l _ _! ti ��, � . -1�. . . • 9. �. �'- '1 -' -- - -- __ - .�_�
<br /> _ i,���.�. . � � Il.z. v'.i; i-f.�4 . .;�:•!'� y� � . .�. � .�'�:' -.f-IS°1`C- ... ..'— '—_ _— ---- —_ —' '_ __.
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