:4'.... . �..—:� -+..., . (o� i , _.z.^ �h.--c:t .�'�-t'.._ • _.__ __
<br /> .. '♦ l ���.a�.�4��• � . .�t L.fC: _ � ' ` . _— —_ _—_--
<br /> ..su'�p:'i`r���a=i�i}tC_�v�t t.`Y
<br /> '. �.�,'tr :i��;.s: 5.:�: _— — -- -- - _
<br /> �..k_ — - - — °--
<br /> -_=— --- — ---- -- -- -- --- --
<br /> - - . --__ _ -_ . - --- -- -� - - , . - --
<br /> i , : .� ` � � ,- . ��5� ��'�a� � . � , . ` .• . t . .
<br /> g�ymciuts aay rxi�Ian�cr ee�ieqetlte�#,at tbe�psaon oF Le�er,if m�rtg�gc insuraffse aab ersge tia t�e as�aun�aad for t1�pefiQd ,
<br /> , 'tbit!ende.e requires)Pt�si'iaed 3�S an icasvre�s}p�ravcd 8y Lcn�dtr aga'sn beco�cs avuilable�ncl is o�taiaasi:Bbrrc�R�r sS�p�y �
<br /> � tl�e�mniams ra�uired to.mein�ai�o mor�age tns�srat�ce in effcct:os in p�vide a Iass izs?aY�usui!t�e,�quir�ment for ar ortgage �
<br /> ', �su�e ends in aa�oniasx�witmany wntten r�g�meml b�tw�cn Born,wer:�nd i,e�der or applicable law. . �
<br /> � 9.Inspatiaar.[,ender or its agent mm�jr m�e ar�son�ble emri�s,apoa ancl inspertions af t&e Pt�pe+ty.Lerwer ShaU gi�e � '. ;
<br /> �£�oirower aotise ut d��rne of or prior t�en ias�tian�fyiis�g�onshle�i�use for tbe i�sspec�ion. � . _ . -
<br /> " �Y6:Eoad�taaat��.'iito�p7ocead�af amp ss�F�r3 or ei�im�crs.�. �recc�s oarss�uerrtia.I.ia�cm wil'u xc�r:'�-
<br />. •''c�ndemu�ion or�tfi�r ta�ing of m►g+pa�t of the Iyrvg'etty.OF.�OY ObSVeySII00 iII 1i011 Of o0il�CID433i0II.�her�eby�ass��ned�s!
<br /> ' s�at�be�rai3 m is,adc,r, � <. . . • . � .
<br /> � �tn tht evee�t of a total tagic�of the Fraperty,the prno�ds;hall be applie�t�dse sums secur�5y tius 5'�r(ity Irstivment,
<br />, whetiset or not tfKn du� witb uny exaess pa��!ta 8orr�r, In tve e�cvt mf apatdal tating of che Ptu�uercy in whir8 the fa�'
<br /> m�{icet v�lue ef�g P�operty iinrnodiately befare thc tah�g is'cqual to ar p,teater ttian th�3maunt af the stmis s�ued b�ths
<br /> � Statcity Inrnumtni immedi�tel,y bcfare the talcing.antess Bur�ower and I.eader otAerwise agee in w�iting.t6e sums s�ecured tsy .
<br /> ' ttbiis Securi�y Ict�ttument�stiall 6e rtduced by tha,amannt uf the�praoxrls mult�iiad 8}+�hz fouo��ing frs�ion:qa} the total
<br /> amount of thc sums sa�and iimnediatety he$oro t�e taJdn$,divided hY (b)tne Cair market vatue of the Pnor�tty iIIUaediatety
<br /> . ,brfare thee ta�kiag.•Any bale►ite st�l 6t paT+d w,$�muwzr.tie the eveat of,a Putial taYis3g af tI�e Fa+nperty in w1uc1�the fair .
<br /> 'm�ricex w�tue of tLe Prmperty immed�acciy before ti�e taYit�g�s less tban tLe amount af t�sui�s,se�,v�+d immadiAtelY txfore tbe
<br /> tat�iri$,ustess 8omower'and i�othtiwise agte�e in t�riting or nnles.q apPlicabtt law otl�etv�ist Pti�vides.tha prooeeds shst�i�,
<br /> � SC 2�11ic�d W 0lte swlts sb�utEd��sy,this Se+o:tti4y Is�stmmv.nt vvY�ethtt'oz tio�t tve s�sms ere tht�due. � . -. � ' . .
<br />_ . . Yf tlz��raparty is abar.dor�ed by Baiiag�e�.br if,aRei notice hy Y;cndes ta�B6iros�r�i'+f�t 1t�� 'obr�tidnar a�ls td N'a�c�a� .' . .
<br /> ' awud o�;se�tie a ct�m far d�a8es.Bonarv��f�la to resp�sM tu[�nder R�'s�tin 3if days atla the�te i?ie Aotia is�ivre, � :<• .
<br /> La�der is auti�sizad w oallxt an�apply th4 proceeds.at its uptiaa;either io restor�tion or reyairof the•Property�to ti�e ssms • , <.
<br /> ' _j: �ccuFed by this SKCUHty[tutrument,wi�er ar tsot t�t dua . � .. . . •
<br /> . Untess Leuder and 8omriwet othecwise�gsee in writing,aay application qf pr+oceeds.tn.Priac'sgat.st�ll aot�xtemd�sr • .
<br /> postponc the duc date of Ne mar�tlily PaYmeats nferred Yo in pxragraphs.l and 2 ar chaa�t the aumunt af s�ch psy�ents. . .
<br /> . I l,Bon+nrre�Not Rsttased;Farb�rtnoc By I.mder Nat s W�vtr Ea�tensiou of the Yime for�or madi�cadi�t -
<br /> ' of emort�zaric�n of the suma sexured by Wis Sxnrity�um�ment granted by Lead�tcr aay�sQaessar in interest of Boitu�ra�ll � �
<br /> �aot.operate to release the I'sabitity.of the original Boraower or Bormwer's suec�is fia inte�st.L.ea�es shall riot 6e nqairod to , .
<br /> • . ' comm�noe Pla�oeedin8s against amY succesw��inter�t or refuse to extend ti�e.far-Payment or otheswise mndify amorti�on
<br /> af the�wns�secvcrod by th'ss ar�vrity Luuument �by reason of any•demand•made 6y the ongina! Borrovvir at Borr�owa's .
<br /> � ,'syoeessors�ta enter�st. Ai�y fortreazance by I.ender in exercising a�ri�ht or rtmedy sLall nai.be�vvaiver o€or pm.clude th�
<br /> � e.zerci5c of aay right os remedy: � • . .
<br /> �Z. sueaeasois�wd Assigc�s Bat�Joiu�t.and Seva�af l�ability;�o�sig�ntrs. 'the coverants a�agineana�fs of this .
<br /> ...ao�rity�tnst�vm�nt sh�ll tiM�nd 6enefit tt�ee su�ssors and�siga��of Len�aex;ard Borrower. s�bjea to t�e pYUVisions of
<br /> � p�r�t t7. 8ar�wE�'s oo��rsenrs ar�d agrtemenu shati t�e jai�aq+d sevr�al. A�ry H�rcower_wt�o ca-sig� t�is.S�.vriey ..
<br /> Iri�trumc�t 6ut dncs not�eaecute tAe Nntc: (a)is casigaing tbis Secuxity instsur�nt only to mortg�ge,grrnt a�nd convey that -
<br /> �orrower's intartst in the PYoperty under the temns of tliis Secuaty Instru�;(@)is not}persan�lly abdig�ted tq pay the.swas � .
<br /> secure�i by Uvs Security instrument;�aAd(c)agr�s tbai I.ender anrl any otlser SW,asower may agra to e�ctend,modify;'�farbeat or. .
<br /> �x�ice.any aeco�tutiodations with rebet�d to the terms of this Sieurity Instrument c��he Not�without th�c Borrawer's ra�sem: �
<br /> 13.Loan,.Cht�es.U the loan secured by this Securiry insvument is'subjoct fa a taw wtvch sas mazimum loin ci�as.•
<br /> and t2�c!�w is finilly ieter�nted so that t6e interest or other lain charge�ooltoctad ar to be mliaecod ia oonoax�a�wids t6e� . .
<br /> '. .. 'laa excood the permitted limiu,then: fa)any snch iwn charge shaU bc roduoed bl►ti�axnount aoassuy to roduce thc c6ar�c ,
<br /> ::�°�to t!x p�mnit�ed limit:and Eb)a�Y 3ums alr�ady oatIectod'from Bosrowei whic€�ezeetded permitted�timits��r�i•r!be re�iendad to .
<br /> "� Horrow�r. i,ender may rho�se ta ma�Ce this refurd Hy reduciag the prinsipal owed uttider the Idoto or�! tnei�iing a rjiroct
<br /> � ;, payme�t to &irrower..I�a.rtfuud rr:�ces.principal, the redu�xion wilt be treated es � IxurtW PnMYment wit�out.�y• , �•�
<br /> .. pmq�yment clnrge andei the Note: . . ,::,, �� . '. �
<br /> . t4.lVirtiocs.Aiiy cx�tice"to Borrowet provided for in this 5ec�_'*';!y Tnstnueent sflal[be given by Qelivering it�or�y maiting� . .
<br /> if by 6rst cIasS mail unitss appilcable law requit�cs use of dnother metl�oA.'i'he noticc.stialt be di7tcted to the l�operty A�s
<br /> c,r any bth�r �ddress �orrow•r.r designatzs by noti�to E.ender. Atry ratice i�a Lender sl�tl'be given lty,?'r's�t,cla�s.��il to ;.
<br /> � � Lenclei s�;,ds�ess staEtd hetein or'azry ot}{er addrqss Lendtr @esigpj.�tes.by rio�G�to Bor�vJer.M�.n�tiae p.!�.,vicied' (^•ya:; s • �'`•�'�
<br /> �,_ ihr.
<br /> Security Ipr�Y:'tir�ient,shall.be deer.�ed ta tai�ve,been given co Borrv�ti�Xi��Lea�der�xhen given aspnr±id�ect in this P�tiB?'.�t�:::.;::`;�:
<br /> . �S.�verning��v�► &vers�il[i�:�:Chis Securiry Instru;tt�u�t�sh�(l Q�.,��vemed by,�`ec:erat law::�d:the Jaw oYthe .'
<br /> � .;;::;_:• jurisdicdan in wlucfl t�e Property i�tocated.Tn rnu r��et�t that arry pro�is�an o�rr,fause af this�Seeurity Fn��imenl or the Note •
<br /> .;' ; .:.conflicts with applicable taw:such contlioi st�atl Acr�Hi�'ect otiier pr�Yisiaris of tls;�'Securiry instrument ord9(�:F�ate•wluch can be � <�,:.
<br /> . r.,_: .,,., ., .
<br /> • . •�•:�� givert effect without the cooflittir,g pmvisidn:To t2�is end�the provisipnsof this Security Yn's�rtur.+eent and tiu Note�are��tclatecl •
<br /> � to be sev,�sahde. � � ' . ;., . . � • . �. , • '
<br /> . •; 16:t�Yt�;�oRti's Copy.8orrow�SJ`�.all be givcn one confom�tei��`��apy of�tT�Nflte and u€this Security Instrumenc. . . � ..
<br /> ,':.: . , . � �'; � � .�. 5o.nr 3028 9i90. �
<br /> � . � , Ps�da�.a ,7.:� .
<br /> . .. � - . . .:1-� . � ' . . .
<br /> . ' � :'�..t.i. - . . . . . .
<br /> - . . ' • � . � . . ,, .:i. - . _ � .
<br />