: _ .` .:s�:i._.�:SS'=:��`is`�i� _ �.._.--.,9�..cv ^ri.cc."�C�^t^cs?t
<br /> :,'��'WTi6e:ar;�&--s..Z.St�. � a. .,.�..wc` � ---� -----
<br /> , . . .-- ----- � - -
<br /> f . - • ` ._ _. ._ ..__. __. . __ . _ , _.. .__ __-.—
<br /> —. , � ' , � . . � 'a.���.'1���$ _`� � . � . ;.
<br /> . 'ft�ET�1�R Wf7'�f u!1 the ir�pro�re�a�.a naw os herratt�r er�te�an t�=P�olseity.und ntl�asemcats.�PPurten?ncea,ts�
<br /> _ eaxtcr�s��w �crr ttcrcafr.er n gatt ai the pt�aryc=��11t r���in�rss �+.�1 ��s � � el��� cxie�ed 1s3 iflis �a�ity-� �� --
<br /> d�suiim�na.A!i oF tlse€ore�oing is refcr,ed to is�t�ls Secuiity Instnunent us tt�°Faropercy.° ' '.
<br /> ' BOARQVyF.lt2�AV�dANfS tbat SorrQ�•er is Iswfutiy s�ise�of the.estate hereby conveycd aixt has the rigAt t�gtant sud
<br /> cunvey th�Propea�y and that the Propertyr is u�cumbared.e�;ept for ea�6ranscs of rtcord. Bc�rrawer�aa�aats�a�will'
<br /> ' � � defcud g�erally tf�e title ta dte Prupetty ag�nst�clslms and de�;su6jaet t$aay encum6�oF r�ord. �
<br /> ; ' TRIS SECURITY IATSTRtJMENT�mbines unifosm wven�ts far aational use and rion-uniform aov�enants Rith limito¢
<br /> , : varinti�ns by jutisdietion to cnasts�te a�fasm stfiurRry iastrument aavtring rral pioperty.. .. _ ' , . . �
<br /> llNfFORM COVENANTS.Batrower atxl Ixnde�oavenaflt and agtte as follows: • .
<br /> � �l:Faymeat ot Fri�gal an�i iaierest; fireP�ya�t�+d�tie C6e�8es.Bosrower spiall P��Y �9 whw due tt�e �
<br /> , ' g�i}�,�ti of artid iaterest oa.th�de�t evictenred 6y ttie 1�'ete and an}r pnpap�an6 tate cha:g�,s due orxter the Nt�e.� • - `
<br /> : �.�4'ar Taxes and i�na. Sub��t W appiicahl�taw or w a written�waivtr by F.ender,Horromw�r shsll pry.`tQ
<br /> � I.e�te7 an:the day monthlY paYmems are dae under the•Note.until the Note is p�in fu�l.a sn�n("Fw�s"l tbr,t�}yearty tazs� ' �,
<br /> � . r�sod a�ses�cats which may attain psc�t�ov�r this 5aur►ry Instcu�ent as a IiEa on t4c Prapert�r;(6j Yeariy[casehaid gaymetus �.
<br /> � �B�rcats on ti�e l�PertY:iE a�:(cD.Ye�ar1Y har�ar pmpaity it�tiraa�.P�iu�:f�}9earlp flaod tns�ran�premin�.......:.�..•..
<br /> ��1:(�)9�iq�n8�cipsntairee pt�Orrfs:i�t&iiy;,a�(fj euy stind�PaYabTe By��otiotve.r tss�cn�er,in�oordaiice�_with :..___ -
<br /> ,ttie prov�sinns.of paragrrph�. isi lieu of t�payment of�a�stga�;.�sura�ce premi�s.These it�ns an c�dtad'�scrow It�ms.•
<br /> ' Lender may,at ady time,wF2ecc�nd hold.Fi�nds ia a3�opnt not m exoee&shc maximum ama�mt a i�ader for a,fakc�lly
<br /> reIated moxtgage loan a�ay rbquIte for HutrowePs escmw acxouat upder ttre foderaf Rr��tate S�tttemat Proredw'e.c/�ct of.
<br /> q974 as amessded�fmm time to time. 12 4'.S.C.Sectioa 2501 u se9•�"RE�PA"),unt�cs�nothsr?aw that applies oo the F�m.ds
<br /> cets a lrsser amaunt�If so«Lrlider�nay,�any time.collec�t as�d ho2�Funds in an�a�oaas r�at to ta�eod tha texseF aufamt. , .
<br /> . •Lendzr ataY�tima�te the arrwui►t af Fuads da�on the�asis of corrent data t,nd reaso�able�stimates of expenditnres of�tuduc . ,
<br /> �scm�+Items or otherwise in aacordauoe with app�cabt�law. _,__ �. � .
<br /> , ..TE�t �unds shall bc hetd in an anstit4�an•�vT�ose degosits.are insured try a feda�I agen�cy. iasttu�iry, or.eatity :
<br /> . 'ti.ncl�ding[.tndet:if t�ndcr i�such an instimaon?mr in any Federal�iome I.aau H�nk.Lende�sh�apply the�Qnds to pay the , `
<br /> � Esrraw Items.Lemit�t.`may not cf�argc Borrouer for hotdid8�$PPZY�B tAa�a�s,annually ar�a{yzxn�g�t6e estrow acoountr ns .„'.: _
<br /> verlfying.ttie PsctvWf��s.ualess I.endee pays Borrower intsmst aa ttie Funds�d applicable taw pe�mits.Leniter ta naake such .
<br /> a chaige.Howe�rer:Y;ender•may re�}Te B6mower to p�y a moc�dmc cbaige fot an indepr.�ileni real estate tax rq�Qtting ser�ria .
<br /> ttsed hW'l�en�fer in wnnectiom �uf:t�tbis toan, an2ess �ppiic�te Iaw pror�ides othe�wise. Uniess an agre�men[ is.m�de or. .
<br /> s�pplk�bie lax reqr.dres iatereu bo�Pxid.Leader sbali not bt requiied ta psy Bnrrowec any in�t or eamings a�n the Fu�. �-
<br /> ' Borrower and Lender may agree i�writing,however,Wat intensi shall be�paid on the Fuads.L.eader shall give to Borrower,.
<br /> with6ut charge,an amn�al aavpanting of the Fands,si�owing credits arul debits to the Fands and the.puzpcise fer wiucb�rach •
<br /> debit t¢the Funds was made.�e�tsnds are Qledged as�addia�b secmity for all sums secnrpd by this SoGuriry Lutrume�u.. .
<br /> • tf;Ghe Funds 6eid.by I:ender exceod the a��ts petmii�!;o be heid bY a�SPlia►4te law;l.etjdcr st�Il seeouet ta BotaoMer
<br /> . for�c eac�ss Fiintis in accordancc wi�h�reqnilrements of'otFPlicable law.If the zmount'of tGe Funds hetd bg 1�Mer at�j�. .
<br /> ,�,',>;V nmc is not sµffcient to pay the Escrow Items wt!..Frz.riue,Lender may so no�fy Borrower in writing,zr�d.in su�c�e Horr� , :.
<br /> { ..,.
<br /> �{�'°'�'�, twelve wotntt�iypayri�nts.�IOO�nt�=�sary discr�tir on,�tha defi��r:8omower st�tl ns�lc,e np ttee deficiency im�a a�ore.d��';+;,!• .
<br /> E3paa paymmt.in ftili of�tt.sums saauod by this Se�uriry Instrument, Lender sl�� PramptlY reflu�d�to Borruwer a� � .
<br /> � . Fimds�:.[tt�ci by L�nder.IP.untles�t�s1�'aph ZI.Lende►shaU ut�ttire or seil 11�e Property.L�ender,prior t�tLe soguisition or.s�[c�.• .
<br /> � of the Arqxrty,sh�1i appfy aay F�knds hefd by I.tader at ti�e time of apquisi6on or sale as�crodit 'i�1j;�t the stuns secarM b ,ac:�.;, ��
<br /> •th�s 5�urity It�t�tt�t. . '.: , . ,at►f.,..�: Y �'i�c;;; �
<br /> . ,.:•�;, . ;�j�;a. .
<br /> �,,.. , r..t.
<br /> ' 3.A�piicatiqn pf Paytntnts.Unless applicable!aw grpyides otbeawisc.al!payments r�ae'iy�i i��`�nder ur�t�r�r�s�:,..
<br /> �:���^,fi��1t��'►i�:;us�.to a�ry��ges ttues��.r�.tider tfle Nete.saond,ka'�oaut��rayahte tinder paragr�2: • - -
<br /> . . third;;�t�ft�tt*est due;fuurtb to d due•u r�tas to s;; ,�� � ges ue'uad r . . . . ,
<br /> . �:, . F � , G �:��i"cf�ar d � �ha Note: . • . : ,:�R,,. ,
<br /> ' Ct�*�es;:fi�i�s.�orrowxr sha11 PgY ali.taxes.asses�ars,�eharges, 8nes and imposi6�aas at1��3�utable tn thc Pro�crty��:',;t�;;i
<br /> .. whicb:a�y attai�:•�t�.N�try over this 5e��rity�i��u�pt,and Iessehold payments or gound nnts,i�°.j(ia�j•Bormwtr ahali pay ��'`r.
<br /> ' •Wese obligations in the mant�er providod in para�f�h Z,o�if ciot paid in.that a�anner.Bormwei sh�31�P#yi it�om om time diroetty .
<br /> � ..to the persqn owed paya�nt. Borni�ver,si�all,�+nmptiy fumistt to I,endrr atl�tces of a�r.uars to 6e paiQ unBer t{�}g p��, �
<br /> If Bai�wer malces these PaYmecie��:directty,Bomawfr sha31 praix�ptty fumish to I,cnder ruasi�tts eviderir;�g the p�ymcnts. . •
<br /> Bonti�wee shall promPdY dischazge aay liett•:�Ytuch�as priarity aver this Saurity Instiumenrunksr;;l9�rrower:(a)agtees iQ. :,;
<br /> • writing to the payment oP the obligation s�ara��lk•the Liea in a manner aoeeptable ta Le�cr;(b)oont�x�s in good faith t�e lien�,;;;:'v',•;•
<br /> � 6y, or defe�s agaiast enforcemetit of the lieg�n, tegal prnox�lings which in the Lender's opiuicn aperate to p�vetu the �'''�: '
<br /> enforcetn�nt of the Is`en;.or(c)set�uns ftotn tde holdet of the lien an agneement satisfactnry to I.ender suiwnlinating tt�e liea to" �� �
<br /> . tliis Security Tnstniment.If Lender detennir�s that aity:part of tLe praper�y is suAj�t to a lien which�ay attain p:iority ove�;�•,�'��.�
<br /> this Sc�cnrity Insm�sent.Leader msy give Borcx�R•er a nntice idemifying the lien. BomesKCr sliall sabsfy the lien ar t�ke one or^;
<br /> more of the a�ctions set forth abuve wit�in 10 days of the giving of.potice. • . .
<br /> . � • . �crte 802� .9t9D�
<br /> ' � � va4.seto . .
<br /> �m:��i�;u,a.y..,....�,..-�_T.3LC.,:r;`'S-��fTAL1�-+�n_rEi�ata-_---- — ---- --
<br /> �.r._-.-_—___ - unemi��i�ar�v��ir.�:a�a�',_�rT.i�i-��=.=�_..s . . . . . .
<br /> ...s�._ a.�.��.
<br /> --- -_---.va-��c�w.ars.a�a'��-�
<br /> �-°3�� �9-- '• - °.i�'.�'.�}�,�'�� =s•a.�
<br /> .,_.-_._.....,,.�..a=:a __
<br /> aa._ anw.��la�r .....�. . �.i 1.�^-. — _ . -
<br /> � _ l� '"�_�� ._ -F"[
<br /> :.kiyii+tri�41...lI�►.�iR.`ztwse:�..,-.m��a.�-�i,n��.. u.. '��'�r�.. ...,..��!.� -4.�_------- ---- - -
<br />