f f�V �.,.c. . r� . ; � ',y iT` .. - . ':y�,�T�- - _ r -
<br /> , f 4 � .�.L „t�' �, �ase_`t""�'� ._�F'�! Z.Sti xJbvYl3C-_:�"_ .
<br /> � y�i,C`.L:S. .,e � Y SC "�y"'y�.� _ _ _— ___ _--
<br /> :�A� _ -_-_ --'�Sr���=_e� _�._____ -
<br /> ' ' � " . . ` . � �` . ` ' � . ' . ` . , ., ; -
<br /> 1:� '� . ' �� ' . . .
<br /> . `�,�5+� . . � . ' : . . . , .. . . --
<br /> 8. Botrowet ahalt����DERSi in g�FO6 repdrst�sha:1 not eommit�nraste or partnit�aimtont or datedoration o!the fRopartV. �. .
<br /> 7.!f tlt�8orraaNnr f�ila tn:a;r•hain4ata or�ay the pr,srr3iarts�ortSia ra`quires!i�uuranco oY th9 Rroper'ty,or hI psll taxes6ef�edelihQuee�T.nt c3'Rs9�an� '.
<br /> `amanni due usdee e prIm mnrxgag:,ns ttc�st�asd beigro`deli�ueM.or d)maYest�n tha ProAarty ee yovd rey�r.oT oi psdcsm pssU Qt ttea cu�r.ana or• .
<br /> ayreemsnts of 2hiaTcu��Resrl.t1�pr►Lender may�t its optian psy sucA insurortce premtums,tanas.mortgage or hirstdeatt PsYmersts,�F��a�P�9
<br /> • a�td diiDyrse such sutr:9 end taha such 8,.^tion as it deerhs a4�°-�Y to pmteet its inierest without v�arvir,g or eHeCtin �ts�ight ta deciard o�deix�it
<br /> � and accoteiate tlte debt seeured 9�erdiy Decausa at any sach faTurb of 3!►e Bot�onear. Any amoants so"Ci9bur�ed�YAe.�.end°r stuik e°nsatute
<br /> a;dpitfcna}(ndebtrSness of Botrtcwar se�ured by tfiia Taust Deed ern3�I�ear isrcerest trnm tho Q.ato of disDsusnment at tke rate payahte undei the
<br /> Htetp. NoEhiarg contatrtad in chis paragra�h�a:i requtre Le�t��meRe�il snch disLursemertb or take nny ec�on crfiatsaavar, _
<br /> :..; , � . .
<br /> r a�i�seectinn oS the Prcperty.
<br /> �S:isadbimayoia&ect-�nsami:emaoer��'t�as�'�..^"t— - - - • -- - - -.--,- - . --
<br /> .�,- .: : t. �.. . . . . , . _ .
<br /> .9.'zhs ptaeoeds ot erry estrnlw.ata'rts fes d�seages,d+rec?.�ir�cnsequs��,in conna�tion with any cor.�emn..ciao es othar tatiing of�dta Proy�Hl►:
<br /> yss�asi thereof.o:?OP CO1N8}F3116f3'�ES 11Ett OI COiId@fi1fl3U0�1.�hnreby assignad anr!sh�11 be p2id_te laroder to ti��axtern of xha fufl+unounc of ths
<br /> ;;ix�xt't�a'l'in8��ad tndehie4tsbss�rad by this.Tsust Oeed. .. • , �'
<br /> tf the Piopertp ia�andarnd 4Y Barrowsr,�or it,Aftes nofico by lander to Bottaprar tfiat tAe cm�dersmar offars to m'ske a�avraca nr�aitte a cisisn fot
<br /> da�na�s.6onowertaitator�.sportdtoLe�sdnrwiship30daVsaftt+thedateeucfirte6celse:saited.Leadarisautriori�ed.toeofbctanAapplytR�procea¢s .
<br /> to S�s�aT►s+secuYed tsy tl}ia'iaat Desd.• . . . . .
<br /> Candemnation procaeds ur awartls.shati De cradited to the tqst maturing in�t�ImeMS a�thf,Indsbtt4ne�i�eaurM�nd d�ait not�ac��d.otPda�on! •
<br /> •the due 8ste ot thsiastaltmes�ts referreo�to in pua�apfia',T�nd 4 hereof ur chanpe tRo amflunt nt euchdr.st�llm�at�. •
<br /> " 10. IR cha Lesi¢er tasues p pania!retease of thi�Truai Qeed,ths�racoed9 c�cetved th4retor shatT 6o crsditad to tha Uift rnaturfna instaitmsnte ct tha
<br /> �lnQebtedna�a secure8 hsreDy: . , ,
<br /> 1 t, !f landa either vatdnt�diy or irtvolunta�ty becom�a s�party to My suit or i�gat procaedidp reteting to ths Oraperly,Noi�pr 4h1�Trust pHd,tMn `,
<br /> 9nrrowar wNi reSmbarse the LenRar tor ali easis aixf,to the esteas!permitte�bY ta�v.•reasonabia attomsY fee9 incurted 6y ths Lend�r cpl_attngto sutY �,
<br /> ,, ot tap31 pr�aad;c�ga and sat�swns sha4 eonstitute edditi�ltal iM�tsdrraas saeur�d by thla TtustUsed andbae fntiXiyt at th�rot�payi6(�urd�r tF{b
<br /> � Pt�e,until pfc�. . ...,,. , • :.:. �_ , . - , ... . ... . _. ... . ._ . .. . ,.. . _.. -. -I. .. .._
<br /> �12.�Ae additEortat secudty Borrower daes heurhy asstgn,uansfer and se3�ve*to EqM4�.i?���of defsr�tc tn L�ra perfarm�ncs of eny ot ths tem�.+m- "�-
<br /> ' �co�ttona o�ttd�Tcust Baed,the Rote,or the urme of any inQ�bteCness aecured hereCy,�ti ot th�raTS�,�av�nues and any inoottie uf a�Y tYD�
<br /> what�bwer to be derived fsam the Proparty,includinfl IaM r+entract paymenb. Leadat,in pdrroif,by agant ec by ieceivsr,without rsqard to th� ••
<br /> sMyencY ar insCMency of the Borrawar ot rhe walue of ths Propetty.shali be etrtiffad to tafn possea�on.ot;rapat�,rent ar.d mansge the Property and
<br /> .�.to cd[ect the tePts,tdvenues and i�icometherefroma�hdi4 mry paY ouY ot eatd inooms��efqfenses of repafr and costu tncurrad in reqUny a�tnanagiag. '. •
<br /> � tha Fropbrty arv!cottecting rentefs and for paymenE of ir�urance promium�wttt►+nY rem�(ning 6atance to he applied ia the fast msturirs�paY���
<br /> � of ihs�dbt seeared hereby. Upon presentkng ss copY�t thie Trust Oeed and dsmartd to afil�nssee,tanant�,cot3tracx purahaser of ths Prapasty.such '
<br /> persot�stsaB paY all ronts,paYments asef pca�is.accnied or theroaher mecrua�g to the L,�nder untit'furt3iet 6�o�ae ftarrt the Lendar. .
<br /> , f,,. . �:::� •
<br /> '' �13.H di o►arry Qart ot.thslPr.t�i:aty or any imerest thsrein ia QeedoA.841dDy Iand oontraCt r✓.otherr+tisa Car,yayed,aiiariatsd oc furthn ynculnb(u�d ,.•.,.
<br /> eithervoturtfarity or irno*.ur.:.�e{IiP.'�Rhout Lendefs pticf wti�t!consont,os i7 the 7ruabor is�a_ar�.per.�.ss and�'there is s change in ovrnbnhip of 6094 • •t;:;::
<br /> • ormam of tflc corpurattart:^��a'�f,pr lf the Trustor fs a p'at?�enhip and there is a ct�gaiqa�!a r�a.'efishiP er a 6iaaututian of tiis partrn�s� f'� '
<br /> �xcludiog.(a�a transfEr by cy.�on of law upbn the deatA�oi a jofnt tnnaM or ib)the gr�ni t;_����otd interost no!cont�infng an opUon tr� k ':
<br /> _ pureh�a vrith a tease term c?ct�a years o�t�?s.orfe)the creattonof the purctiase money seeudty i,te.• ..�li��,houseAold appluincRs,then Lenda��vixy.
<br /> a�u aptlon,daclaro aU surr•.s•GeCUCed by t u�Trust Oead to he fmmeQfateiy due and payahte. in th3�.saa'st;l�TaB 6erlder conserRS to a�ny suc5 change�
<br /> in o�rnecahip.controt or disri�Tlr2n ar transter of aii or anY part of the Property then tander inay at�Cf1.�?1'adIust th�irKSrbst nt�to uar prrv�Gry .:�.
<br /> �. iats nf intarest�at ischary�+�'G�ew secured Ioans oi t�a?,Yyn socured by thia�trustOend at th�tirr�ecg'"�r:hange in ownind�ip,co�ttrol,disiotution; ::,;-..
<br /> of'v,�n�ter znd tnsY charge'aft;aASfar�ee. • � . , • . . ' .
<br /> 14.Upon 6arla�aefa6ieacfi of any eavena:,!br agroament of Bonower inS:s Trost Oeed,inotuding ths c.cti:epanta to pay whnn due a��tr.r+a Recured
<br /> by this 7nis:wn8b.f.eoder a�1ts opNon�r.�,v�aelare ati n!the aums eeeu:.,x4 by tMs Trust Dsed co b�n�+adiatdy du�and paY�s wr'Y�t+;.t fifrther�
<br /> � , dsmar�ar►d m.Ky'invoiie the.GOV1,.er af s�;�mtAtot any othsr ramadias pemit;�4 by sppilcabb Iaw ir itts�tiyht Lo foroetoas tNS Tc�,�etrA in .
<br /> � tt�tr menmr pcovidnd by tawiE:i;chs iwaciosure of mortgeQes on re�estats. Len�r shattbs dnfCJed•.�oU�ot all rossombl�coats anit trxp�nssa .
<br /> Inovned!n purwtng euofi rec.ts!�'litt4 i�tCludinQ,but not limited to,end ta the extent psmtitn��faw;�Yiaonabts.attorney feKt. •
<br /> � lt th�pow�rof s��ia invaked,Tiust�e shatl record a notice otdet�utt in vach county in W:;.i^.Jn+".aP�.a�::;y oo somsput thawt is ionst«i�nbprov�de. -�-����='
<br /> , notic�thxsof in ths rttannar prescdb�d by sppf(aahis t�w. Aft�t tM laps�of wch tkne u msy h�►e4ia�,by�pplic+bl!f�w,Trii�tee shall yivs puMic. •;;' '
<br /> notio�of s�l�to tl»p�rson!a�5d in the tnsnner proaaribe�i by tppliesbla bw.7rusts�.or tlae et!amdg ff�r�.�i+�TeustK,without dlKnand on BorrAwse. : •�•�
<br /> sh�M sell ths Propecty At pubiio auction to the higqest bidder at tAe 8m��nd ptace rnd,unQet tTir trtm�d�'gnstd tnthe riotic�of at�te In or►s u�morir �
<br /> OsrcNs�nd in such ordar as Troetas inay Getemdnn. Yrustae may poatpons eaTe of�YI qi dt�y parebP q'�19ie P�q�ttY bY OabNO+nnaunc�^t st rtw .
<br /> yrn��nd�ptacs of any ptev�ousty aohettuted snfe. Lender or Laniters�deuqnee msy pureh��.xhe prciperty at any aal�, •� �
<br /> � . Upon rscdyt ot pa�mont of the prlee bid,7rustee c�+�l deliver to the purch�ser a Tnistec�.�etid,�yrithaut warranty,conveying th�Praperty eoid:Ths �
<br /> r�citalp tn the Truate�'s DOed sha(1 be prima facta•evfdence ot[he truth ai tise atatements�mada thare�t.Trust�e ofiali supply,ths proeeieM ci.the.a�is
<br /> in the foilo�ivinq order. a)tu dl reasonabta�,�ta and expensaa of the sa�e,thcfl�ding,but,qat limfte�tcy:�ic�stee's te�s of not more than�.��^a�lundred .-
<br /> � acs�ha:tfl#t S!fi40.U41 F1!u !l?nf iNs of rd;aro smount securea hmebY and le}n�iMng unpaidr mna�,cosw m'ttitte evldenes;b}to�11 sums�ec;v;�by tNs '
<br /> Tniit beed:and c)the exces�.if any. t4�`'e Derson m persons t�gaA►y entiNed tAarata,":�.. • . . . • '
<br /> Ib. Any for6�eren�e by 6�n�i�zt�in exerr,;oing etty right or remedy hereunder,or•oth+�nr�se.anas�a'i�+j apptio�bl�tiw,ahsl{riot b�a wafver ot a;.,',:.:,: .
<br /> pretlud�ths�xersse ot ar��:.c°�6�'�Gf�i2medy In the everit o1 corftFauing or tutu►a breechq�t,t�•r.0(',Jnttowet. �
<br /> � t6.AIKx�m�diesprw}dcdi:-�:�°sTrustCeax:�roNstinctenduumulativetoairirather�tghtcrc�c'+!�dtl�+�,a'`�n!r1slsTruafDe6do/afto[df04yfawor�qu[ty, :��';��
<br /> andmsyb�exerci�sd con.u:rror,t}y;ir.6i�.��sently b�euneeesivetY.ff BoRawer has�ve�s Ge^r�-a�W:���I mortgage,or security ayn�nt on psrsmwt :t '_,�
<br /> proguty as aQsliUunal aec�ir�'.ry far th�dc�tC secrisW hetsDy,in the cvsnt of d�tautt hsnw:rra,x;.l�hernu�Vtsr,Lender�hid have tfis ripht erid option ta:• :;�.
<br /> first forecloae on iaid petaon�l properry c+vithaut pre�udt�s to ita dght to 4heroafter aeil e���i:rnCtoss the Ptapeny or to puiaue a'.1 a.scurity at the s� •
<br /> tiirM or to punue tha person�l praperty ofiac tha sale or forectoauro of thaProperty. � . : ' ,
<br /> 1 y. Upon payment ot all avmf aeaurad bY thia Truet DeeA.Lendet ehait roqpt¢ai trusLee to roeon'vey tha�coperty and aheN elunender thls:Tast t1o�C
<br /> and eil notes evidencing indebtadnesa soaured by th�e Tru�t�aud fo Tnrstee.Trusteo shall eeconvoy the Property wlthoul wa►ranty to the person or
<br /> per�en�tegaNy enUtied therato. Suoh pe�son or porson�shn11 pay aU costs ot roeordaUon,it any. �
<br /> t�. lenQer,et Landa/a oA�Cn.may from Ume to tlmo remove Trosteo end eDpotnt»successot trustee to any Truatee nppointed heteundnr by an
<br /> irtatrument recorded in the Caunty in wNoh this Tnrat Deed is reooideA. Withdut conveyance of tfee Property,the suacesaor tru�tee��all succned to
<br /> afi tiUe,powet en9 dutiea canfer�ed upon the Truutca h3rcin or.d by ay�lfaabta I�e�.
<br /> . 1 g,Exeept tar eny naticoa,Aemands,repuestA or other eommunlcatlona roquited underappiicable lawto be gtven in anothet manner,whenever Lender. ,
<br /> Boeower or Trustee givea or sorvos ony notico Uncluding, with�ut limitatinn. notioe of Cofautt and rtodce of eale?,domands, requests or otha� .
<br /> cammunfcation with raspnat to this'�rust Ceed,each suoh notice,demand,roquest oe other commueicaUon aha0 601n wrlting and shNf be eNective
<br /> only if tho samo is deliv�:�3 bV Porsortal sorvico or muileA by cortiflad mail,poetago propald,ratura roceipt requeste0,nGdrossed:o the addres9�s sot
<br /> • torth at the beginnir.g oi;he Trus:QeaA. A copy of any noUca of dafault,any rotleo of sale,roqulred at petmitted to be given hereus�er,aha:i 0a
<br /> maite�to eacA persc:e�'�o ia aparty horeto nt tho address set torth at tt:oP.aginnlrtg ot thia T►ust Oaad. Any party mayst any Ume change its addrisa
<br /> for such no:iY:a @y�,cj�ci:'t_ng or mailing*_a tho other p�rUes horeto,as�!`:ra;atd,a nottco of sucA change. Any noUae heround3r ahatl bo800mad"to
<br /> • fiave to heon givo�tn Cc�rr:;ves br Le�S�r;v+hon givan in the manner Qdsignate0 hereir„ . . , ,
<br />- 20.'the covenants 8nd�g���cmoMS tsE�a containcd aha11 binA,and tba right9 heraun�etu:;S tr.urq tr:tt'�a ro,^,pective heira,roprosentatives,succesgors
<br /> ond asstgn�o!tho partios. Alt cnver.,.rtts and ogtoari�onts ot tho 8orrower sha116o.�e.•,�l and s�,rer�'._Whenever roforonco i9 made to tho singulat -
<br /> hereundor,lt�hall includo thv piurfil and tho plurel ahatl inctudn tha singutar.
<br />