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<br /> ` �_^,�+ � F y�t 7v 9:l - _�a�i wr � C.,,s�✓�Y��i S�`�`�'��`7`� -.-_
<br /> `!�:'�i..�.u..-...f::.�T2il:iCca.�e" +.�iif�� `����4'�#� - - �
<br /> -__ - --__-__-_ � _- - - ---__--__---�..lN}niL]ec�.��___:-_- _ - --___-
<br /> __�... _ ��.��_._�._ ' . (`- . _��.} ... . • . " ,., �
<br /> .•:- -.___ '`'`-_' _ - '_ . �' __-";__- _...._,_- ' '_ ` ` , , E ''-.
<br /> / . ♦ . � . ' 7:. - � ' � ' � � . . . .
<br /> � . . < < . � ' ��9�-�.0�5� . .
<br /> . . . FOWER OF �l�i'ORNBY , . � -�
<br /> - � � � I�t�W ALi+ L�ER�ONS ITY �THESE PRESE:NTS, that the FSD$1tAIQ DSEO�IT � ,` .
<br /> INSttRANCB CORPQRATZ01�, a Corporation drgasii.4ed aad exietSng under
<br /> � , an Rict pf Congres�, keereinafter. called the "FDIC°, actiag fa sts ,
<br /> ` -R�c�i�er��a�,p dr ee�aarate .Cpr�Ya�e fia�tac�t}• Qr as L��nage� of the - - _
<br /> r^�I,IC Resolutioa �und has acqui�ted at�d wf12 a�quire cer�asfi assets
<br /> for liqai.da�ian a�d detes�mi.ae�i tY�at it �s ae�egsary to 'appoi.x�t a
<br /> repr�Qeatative to aat �on �its bel�alf £n�,,c�nnectioa. with the
<br /> , �a�atenance .aad 2iqu�.dation of safd asse�s. �ere�aafscer called the
<br /> � "Acquired Assets.�" � . � � � �
<br /> � ` �� ��rxv �_ Fleneina ha� been d�Y �PPQ�ted to execute ari3 �
<br /> • � delinex documeats of � depositary instit�tioas as the
<br /> � represea�aCive of. the L�DICs a�d �Cliat uader �ection C 438) of , .
<br /> the Re��`:t` '._�. o� i�'DIC's . Boasd of Di��etore dated �une �2�
<br /> ' ���'�. 49 , �he �mdersigned Marv C^ t+�'u'uraer_,. :
<br /> �_199b, Se z :..
<br /> � � Assie}ant R�acs=#�esaa�=iltanaa�. Midwe$t Service Cen�cer, D�.v�aion
<br /> of. D�posiro� `an� �,sset Services o� �$ ?•n►Po�se�d to, execute`"
<br /> : -:". . . . . .. � . ..... . ..
<br /> � �Povzers�af Atitb�e�'._dcn,�.�xal�-�� Fl3IC. .: . �� _ . �
<br /> purpo$� of facili.�a�fag_ the �tal.atenaace aad liquidation .of the
<br /> g�qoi.�q ALQUIRED A3SETS i.n acc�rdaace with its �rigbts and .•
<br /> p�ivileg�s, dees hpreby autllorize and empower �errv L. Flemf.aa, it� _
<br /> attorney-im-fact, to: ' � _ . . . . .
<br /> � (1} Sign, se�3 and�deliver ae the act and deed.of t`he�PDIC ar►y � `
<br /> a.nstri�meatc in writing, and ta do�every oth�s thi.ug�,. nece�s�zy and
<br /> proper_�for the collection and recopeYy of any a�E .�.�- �ao��$ �d '
<br /> �pxoperties cf every kind and n�ature whatsoener fo� aad ori beha3f of, , .
<br /> :�,,.
<br /> �he PDIS aatd to �ive proper receipts aad acquittances ther��ore ia ...;�,.;
<br />_ �1a� name aAd on behalf, o€ the F'DICs . . ;;`�"�
<br /> - (21 Release, discharge or.� .'�gig�a aay and all judgmeat�, �
<br /> �
<br /> � mortgages ea real estate' or p��na1 property t�.acluding ths
<br /> � releaee and dischasge of the same of record ia the of�£ce of any
<br /> . prot�uaotiary ar Register of Deenl� �herever. lp�cated where payr�nts .
<br /> oa acaownt of the aa�ae in rea3emption or o�her�aise may have beea . �
<br /> mac�e by t2� debto�Cr�)]. �d �o ��se receipt of such payntent upoa
<br /> th+e reco� in. ai�� �ppropriate ���xc oEfice; . .
<br /> . -;;;�.-
<br /> . � {3}���cei.pt, colleci;.�nd gi,�.all prope� arctuf.tta�ce:�.��:or �a:�� . ;°;�,,.,�
<br /> a�Fa�r e�.s of m+���, awiag to thEt,;��ZC fo�r any acquired aas�� w�;r,�i;.. . � ; . .
<br /> ' , tY�ri attorney-.ia-�a�t map sell .a,�.';i:�iepo$e Gf: . , � ,
<br /> . ,,
<br /> � ��} i�cecute any aaid all .tranefers and assign�eats. ae may be .
<br /> � ae+cessary .to ,ass� anY �ecur�.�iea .or otner el�osea �.�t act3.an;
<br /> (5) lSign,'s�a��, acknov�ledge.�td deliver a�y a�ti� all agreeme�a�
<br /> as eha�l be deemed aecessary or ��oPer by the at���ney-i��..�C�ct.`��i �
<br /> the aara> arid� mau�gemeat of the A�qui�ed Assete; • '.�..'.,;� - .
<br /> . (6) Sign, ��a�., acknowledg� asad deliver indemnity �agreemen�� � :�,:���;:
<br /> � a�d surety bands��•£a� the name of anc� on behalf of Cho FDIC; .
<br /> {71 Sfgn re�eipts for �he p�yment of all rents and proEit� due • � .
<br />— or to be�ome due on .the Acquired Assetaj .
<br /> , (e! Execute, acknowledge and deliver deeds of real property�in
<br /> the name oE the F'DIC; � „
<br /> (�9) Extertd, postpone, relaase and satiafy or ta}:e� surh other
<br /> - � action regarding any mortgage l�en held in the name oE the FDIC;
<br /> _ - (IU) Escecute, acknowledge and de].�ver i.a the name of the i�DiC •
<br /> . a power o� attorney wherever necessary or required by law to any
<br /> - attflzney emplayed by the��AIG; .
<br /> s� . ti�)� Perecla�e �ny mortgage or other lien on e�.ther real ar �
<br /> � .. . �=xs��s �re�Q�r��s, ah�rever locateds: . _ . . _
<br /> _:� ,
<br />-��
<br /> ='� � .
<br />-_._ -
<br /> . � .
<br />=:� _ _
<br />