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<br /> _ r.-�- ��_ — _- � __ .�ia�af�i'?nY]'�-�n .�-�it1L�Tx.-rr.a;=��i--..i �'FalS ' "_ _'.._-__
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<br /> ' . � R�-t��Od�AaED � '. ,�cJ'- . ` � �, ,
<br /> ,� � , � � � � ' .��g�;��3�� ` � : , i0�83 � � .
<br /> � gcr�ods t�at Lcnde;neqnates. �e uiss�nuice ca�ier pravifit�g the ins�uance shaU t�e ci�osen Q3r�imiher�bject w Letsf{a'� .
<br /> up�rsoval which shall aot�c urtneasanaDly wi�hheld. L�t Barowe:fails w�c�ersg ���absve,Lender m�y,sit
<br /> . '.. �,,,��,�.�;, � *n �r.v�e m mn�L,er.der'�ri�Ws in the R+�Perty _
<br /> . All insurance pglicfes ant�rer,ewals sha3i Ue acoeptabf wy.em�er an�shalt incIude�s�mongaga c;�as� t�'..°: � ,
<br /> �ail h�va the ti$ht to ka�l t1�e pc!list�.s aad iencwaIs. If�.eader c�ues,Bfluowe�si�att i�lY g►vt ta I��all tg�ti�ts _�
<br /> � �� ai paId p¢emiums and ren�wal nonc�s.In tfle e,veat of loss.8orrowcs shaU give Prampt no�ce tQ ih�insv,rance cazrier aad
<br /> Lertdet I.endar may maka proof a�i lnss if not made PrampttY tr9 BmmRe=
<br /> • Unl�ss Lcn.des and Borr�wer•athe►v�iise agre.�i�wttdng,insurance pr�s shall 6e apptied co restaratian ar�pair of
<br /> . , ttie'Pmperty danmage4 if the �estoraiian rn �.s eragamicaliy feu�2e�nd leeader�s securiry.is not tcssea�d. Yf the.
<br /> cestoration�npair is aot ec�nomica�ly feasi le or Lead..°r��eeuritY wauM b$tess�n�d,the iasarance g�e�ds sha11 be
<br /> • ` applied to the wms aceemd try this Secnritl►�°�*whether az not tGen due.witb any eaoe�paid w BomaRies. If
<br /> Boimwer abandanq tht Praperty,ar dces nat answer withia 30 d�ys a notice fmm F�nder tlr�t t�e insuranc�raaiyr I�
<br /> o�red tP seWe ss claim,Rhen 3.euder may coltect tlte insuraace pioceeds• Leader maY use the Proc�ds to repair ar�e � ,
<br /> � qi�e�cOpeYt�r ar to gay sams s�by ttns�ecnrity Insuument.whethez or not th�due. 'ihe 3Q-day period w�l begia when �
<br /> . tt�n4tice is giv�a.. . � . , ,
<br /> Untess Leader and Boaawet.ot�ise agee in writing,anY�on of G�LO P�FaI shail:uot e�ac
<br /> Fwstp�ne!he due date of thc monthlY PaYm�ts tefeaed to in paragrapl�ss 1 and 2 or ctr�ge the�mount of.tbe.g�a►�c-,Yf �
<br /> under pat8graph 2�tt�e Rogezty is acs�u€ard bY Lcader•Bormwets�t to�y instuaace poli�ies amd proo�eds nsulhng .
<br />�,t�- �.f�a:t►,dannage.V�9ie pict�petty p�i�n'to�e�i�sifian'sfiaU pass m Lender to the exten2 of the sums sec�red b�this 5eamty . 1
<br /> , ' :. Jn'st�tnment hn�odiatoly priar tn`t�e acqn�un. _ •• � . - :;s'I� �.. ��� .. .
<br /> . 5 � 6. O�pants�'� Pr�t�. i� ae� Peate�oa'� th�e.Pe+ope�4F:.Borrotser gp
<br /> I,�asehulds. 8�irrawer shaU oauPy,establish;and u5e the P'c�erty as Sorraw�r�s priacipa2 r�dence wit�n.sixt}►dal►s efta
<br /> t�zsa:uti�of this Secutiry Iastiument and s6aU cantivae w occupY!he Prcpert5�'as Borrawetl�piincipa2 tesidcnce for a� .
<br /> ' Ie,ast ane year aRer tl�e date af ocxuPaaaY. unless Lender other�v�se agc�es in arriting, whic6 cQnsent shall aat be
<br /> ptmasoaabSy wrthffiId,or unTess exteauaiing cic�.uinstanoes eaist,whicb s�te beyuad Soaower's controL BarraweT s6aD not <
<br /> - destray�dam�ge fls impair the Ptoperty,SU4w the Pi�petty t0 dCt�tiotAte:_os COmmiY ttrd3[t OA t�le PNpC�ty. �pimwer shaU �
<br /> be in defautt ff any farfeituie action or procee�ag,w$ether civ�7 or criminal,is begun that in l.e�xter'�g�#'aiY�Jodg�nt
<br /> ' ` �ould resuIt�in forfeimre af the Prapesty ar athe�wise 4naterially im�air the lie�cceated b�r this Sbcuri�y Ins�rment or .
<br /> � l,ende�'s se�itY inter`est- �ormwer may cate s�cb a defanIt abd remstate,as provided in p�t�h 18,by��usis6 tt�t actio°
<br /> " • or proceedm8 w be dismissed with a niCuig that,in 7�'�gooA faith determinatiot�.p�+eclrr.���arf�iture d�the Hattnwer's
<br /> , �tnest in t�e PmpeKy or other�aterial impairastr�.of the Gen.created by thi.s Secuiily I�ar D.�c�eri�s�carrty
<br /> mte�st" Bonower shall atso 6e in defauit if�iver, during the loan appFcc�ion procesg, gave nra�saUy fafse or .
<br /> ' inacauate i�fo�marinn er statements to Lender(or f-.i.^zd m pmvide I.ender with aay material.ir�oim�tion)in connectitsb with .
<br /> � the Iaan evidenaed bY the 1�Iot�irulnding, but not Inaited ta,i�resentations conceming i3arrbw�r�accaga�cy mf the .
<br /> ptaperty as.a principal residence. IS 1}�t�,Stcatity Ins�iunent is a�.a';�sehotd�Boirawer shafl c,ompSy,with ali tl�c pmvisions .
<br /> . .of Qie tease. If B�rroweLacquffes fc�[�s to the PrapenY.t�e iease'hbId and the fee t�Yle sflal�not rmrge�less Lsndet agre�s'
<br /> • ta the mergar in writing � � � '
<br /> . ,.:?. Pa+ata�t�on oT�.edd�'s�ttig6is in the Property. If Borruwer fa�s to perform the covenants and ag�eements
<br /> contailned'ui tlus Secwity Instrument,or dtere ia a Iegai Pmceedin8 that may si�nificanBY affect l.ender's rights in tJ�e
<br /> F�ertl►(such as���in baniauptcy.probate,far c�mnation or forfeitbre ar to en€arce laws or rcgulstions),thCa. .
<br /> Lead�er tna}r do 8rid pay fnr whatCVee is�CCSSazy ta piotect ti[e valde of 4'ie Fiope:ty aiK!Lcnde�'�righLq ia tI�Psvy�t;.
<br /> i.eadcr's.actioas may tnclude payin$any sums secnied by a hen which t�s prIority over ttus SeSwity Inst�ment,aP�+eanq$
<br /> in coiut.PaYing reawnaele s�ttomeys'.fess and e�t:sing on t6e Pcaperty tn make repai�s.Although l.endes may taYa action ,
<br /> vnderthis pa�g�aph 7.l.ender does nothav�to`dtvs�+. •
<br /> , , qny a�nou,au disbu�sed 1sy Lenckr under t�.s+ �pa�g�a�rh 7 sbai!becaix additianal deM of BosrowGr sew�d.by this
<br /> Sccurity Insuu�n�. Unless.Borrowerr�ad Lender aSrrs to oihsr tertns of payment,diese amoanrs shall bear intenst finm tt�e
<br /> � . if�atc of disbursement at.We Note rat�and sliaU 6e payable,w�tb intere�t,upon aoncs fram Y.endeT to Bot�ower requesting
<br /> - paYa�jti:; . .
<br /> � � S. .Mart�ge Lp�ursii�e. 1f Lender�martgage insuiance as a a�ition a8 ma�ittg�he losu secured by�this
<br /> • Securtt��n..ruumeat,.�'i�'�f�+er shall pay the prettuwns requind to mair►tain dr��t:ortgagc insurance tn ek�eci. If.for.aay
<br /> ceason,:4.e mortgage'�°'3`ui�rtce:co�retage required by l�ender lapses ar ceas�s�to be in,effoct, Bomower sha�i pay'�eva
<br />_ vaIent to �ue �noj; o in��rares�'tre'-na�ssly in Pffeer,at�a.cost .
<br /> �r=mb�;�ceclulred to oi�ta�n4 ch~ra�h�e•sub5�ntiatiy equi a�
<br /> ; .�; substleid,t�.ly e�quivalent to the cc�t'sn:l�rmwer af the mongage insarance pr�eviousl�r in effr.�tq fcam an altem2te tnottgage .
<br /> �.,'.:. '.: insurer apgmved Ey Le�sder. If su�..kc:.*�iaUy equivatent mortgage insuraske coverugr�s not a��abk,Borrowes s�all pay W
<br /> ` � '" Len&r each maq►th�sum equal ta o�ie•twelfth v�'a�se ye,arty mortgige insurance pn.muw�x bang P�8y Borsower ahen the �
<br /> .�!`��i:�'`' 1ns�ranee cnvetage lapsed ar cease3.to be in ef[� I.ender 3vilt accept,usc t�nd retain these paYments as a losa reserve ia lieu
<br /> � of mortg�ge insuranee. Lass reserve payments may no.tonger ee�required,at the option of L�eader.if moRgage insnt�nce
<br /> cc,vera�e(in the�moimt and fnr the•perlod thaz Lender:equires)provided by an iasurer approved by Le�er again be�nes � .
<br /> available and is o6tained.�Bor�ower��tta11 pay the premlums.required to maintam mortgage insurance tn effecc.or to provid�a
<br /> t6ss reserve.4ntil_the requlcement fe�r inoligage insurance ends�.�t accordance with any written agetment 6�tcveen Bartowcr .
<br /> .and f.ender or apQlicable law. � � . • -
<br /> 9 LnspecttoQ. Lender os its ugent may matce�aso�a62e entries upon aac�insPections of the Properiy. l.ender sliaU .
<br /> • gide�$errrower no�ice at the time of o�fsior to an inspecHoa spetifying reasonsbte causo far the iiaspestion. � .
<br /> �. , ,�i�:CondemuatIoa. 71ie proa�s of any awazd or ciaim for damages,direct or consequential,in cannoction with any
<br /> .. Siqgle Fsniiy-Fa�m�4e Msp'�keAafe 1Kac tJN�i'OHM ITVS7'8U11�[EI�PP-1Jaifam Caven�nts !!!0 (pa,qr 3 oj6 pages)
<br /> _' ," . . , . � . •o� :� ;.ToRb���005'f0�9IlR�lAE626•'{81�t191
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