� '��� .. . .. __ .. . � . . .,� .._ . '��'3'^",° r.� ^-_
<br /> L � �� < F c _ ,�b -Y t . . ..,_,..�,..._,..v-4 -t 54. c � k'•�.� _ __
<br /> `v slY�E.IJ -- F �t(-�- ..�� F'� Yi • k-R-�; "F ra' .,i. � u_� .f "�` F. M!.j,. �`M. "tk�� ---
<br /> .Yy�+,---r�.-CL47w��wL' "'mc� �`� `$'�� �• t '-��_.- ' — —
<br /> erti�.�, - ' _ __ _
<br />_—.�'
<br /> . . ; . . . � ����� ����6/ � - .
<br /> ------����:t��,n����S���a:��:,,�'�.`€��m.�#x��...in���atsue3�suc�55"�or�stusettye`xtena4trne - -- -
<br /> i�rpaymantaathsrwisentodiiy�mo�tiaROfifiasumssecuredbythisDesdofTh�tbyr��son sny► em� made-_- ,._ _
<br /> by thso�tginat Bcrrcr��rartd Borro�rePstsuc�assorsts�lrttecesi:As►y fa�bearanceby Lenderfn ex�rc3etrtgarrydghict`
<br /> remsdy her�under,cr�therwiss effacd$d by eppitc�abta I�w,shali noi ba a�n►atver mf or pseciud�the�xxercts�a of arry �
<br /> � � . _
<br /> � s�ch►ight or ramedy. � - - `
<br /> 11. S�ces�orsaiadA��es�aund;Jotr�t¢nd�rsratl.Gablliry;Co��Ign�.Thec�nsntsandagreemens
<br /> � � he�eifl�ot�tined'sftati[�ind�aadiha�igh�Aereunder shatl inureta Lha respecttvasutxessots and e5signs of t ertder _
<br /> and�orrower.sub�ect w the proytstons ot patagraAh 1�hereol.Ali oovanants�n0 egreemsnts oi Barr�vrer sha11 bs . . , _
<br /> jointandseveiat.lvtyBorro�re�;�hocayslgn�thisDeedofTrust,butdaesaotexeca2etheNot�(a�is��9�� -
<br /> ; - Q88tl�l�oniyfo.�aiu�c�C�r.'�."�tlt�L:t:�:1er's!�.��n*h9Rr�+�?ttytnTr�9yndQCt�eiam�.9�this�e8� __- ---
<br /> of Trust,(bj ts nui pe�5onatiy liabto on the No�a or un�er thi§Oeed otlP�ast,ana�cj agree��nat[�ter ane any�,�er -
<br /> BortowerRereundermayaa,lreatowctend,modlty,forbear.ormakeairycthersc�ammadatiartswiU►reSasdtat��te�ms �.
<br /> of��peedofTrustortheNats.withouttf�af8orrot�u�serttandwlthouireteas�ngthatBorrt�rerarenadi���this -
<br /> �9'[�u�as tq that 8orru�sPs tnEsrest in the C?�� . -
<br /> [�8t�:,� .
<br /> ���:, Q���.6ccept iar arry nottce required un��,,�qlic�bie Iaw to be given in enoiher manner,(a)arry nctice _
<br /> � :::?�F�......;�:
<br /> 20���rrowe►provided far tn this Deed pf Trus+t shali @c�gtven by delivering it or 6y maailTTng such notice by certi4ied . �
<br /> m�addressed to BomoNrea at the PropeRy/�ress cr at such oitie�ad�ress as 8orrawer may dosignat�by no�ce• . �
<br /> � 1a tender as provlded herein.an�(b)any aa�3ce to L4tnder sJtall he given Iry cBRifled enait to LendePs flddtes� , ._ .
<br /> siated herein or to such oiher address as Len�er rnay designate by natice to�oir�wer as provtded hereln.My
<br /> n�tice provided far In thta Oeed otT�st shail be deemed to heve besn given to Borrawer or i.ender wh�n�tvan 1n the .
<br /> rnanr►er dest�nated herein. • •
<br /> �9.,Qe�rtmtn�law;3�rabJitiy.Yhe atate end focal t�wsappilce�ta to thta Deed oi Ti�ust eAall be tt+e lawa ot��
<br /> the Juri=dic�oni�wt11c1ftAeFrapect�tls tocaYed.7t�etaregcina�entence shalirt�otQm(tiheappltc�bflf4y�Faderaf taw
<br /> to thls Deedsf qiust.ln the svant tt��tany provision arctause olthie eeedaf�fuat atthe Note contllctswtth�p�ltcabte
<br /> (a�w,euch contlt�t shetl nat attect ott�er pravla(ons�I this Oae�d ot'Rustorthe Nots w��trc.�b�ptwn�ifactw�ihrwt,
<br /> � theconfllcUnpRta�►i�fan,�andtothlsendtheproviston�o9thtsDeeQolTFuatanBtAeNotearedsctaradtobe����abto �
<br /> Asusedherein,"cost�;"�xpenaes"and"ettameys'tees"tncludealisumstntheexte�t�notprohibited byapplicabte
<br /> t�rotlimStadherefn. . �
<br /> t4: Bar�t's�opy.BoROwershail be fumish�d a contormed co�y of tfie Mote and of this Oeed of Trun a1 the ,
<br /> time of execution or after recor�atton hereaf. ' � '� � � � �
<br /> t9. R�h�bfiftatton Lan AQreemen�Barrawer shffi1 Tulffil all ol.Barrower's�o?aligationa undsr any home
<br /> rehabili�on,tmprovemer�i,repafr,orotherloanagreementwh[ctaBonowerentersintowithLende�Lendef,ffiLer�ter's
<br /> optio�,may requira Boaower�o execute artd deiivar to Lender,in afatm acceptable to Ler�der,an asst�trtertt ct any •
<br /> � �ri9hts,ctatm.aordefenseswhichBoROw�ermayhav�againstpaRieswhosupplylabor.materiatsassni�Cesfnaunnec�ton
<br /> with improvements made to the Property. �
<br /> t8. T�anarer of Propert��r a Banetleid tntetes4 tn 60r�Q Ii all or any part of the Property or any ititere�t
<br /> In it ts sotd or transferred(or if a ben9f ictef intorest in Bo rrowar[s sold or trensfecreQ and Bamower[s not e nat�at pe�on)
<br /> w.ithoutLendar'sprlorwritienccns8nt,Lender may,a4i�soption.requfrelmmediate paymerRiniuilofaiisumssecured
<br /> bythis Ceed ofTrust..However�this opt�on�ralf natbeexerdseclby Lendsr ftexar��iseis�prohibiied bytederal tawas•
<br /> at the date of this De�d of'IivsE. :
<br /> tfLenQerexercisesthisaption��ertdeq�h�."Ig:�roBerrawernaticeofacceleration.ThenoK��f�afiprovideaperiod
<br /> � ¢�tp�µotles�than30daystromtPiedatethen6uEt�e�a��;a�dormailsdwithinwhicfiScrcowerrriustpayal➢su.^!ssecured
<br /> c��ie oeed otTrust.i�eorrower faitsw paytr��se�.�isr�(p�ior to theexpiration afthis p9riod,Lender ma����i�iteany
<br /> � r�medtes pem�ttted by tbls Deed of 1Fust without fvrGc�noflce nf dem�nd on Bor�ow8r.
<br /> NONt-UNIFORM COVENANT9.Barrower and Letxter furthevrCarenant and agree as�oitows: �� :
<br /> �� 17. A�a�Nration;Rem�die�.E�ac�pt a provldRd In p�es�ph 18 t�nsot.upon Bo�w���bnaicA o4 Mfy•.;.��:,' .
<br /> � aawnanE or�r�t o!8omawr In 4hi�O�ed c�t'1�ust,tnclu�iln�Borrorwr's hi[ur�to}�y.gl tA�snd ot iQ �..
<br /> caNndqday�dhrthyaredu�aaysumssecutedli�ythlsD�edotlfust�t�nderpr[oetosoeakMbn�i�it�iw • .
<br /> � notk�toBomarr�rssptoviMdtr�PuaS�a.DhlZher�rot�pecftying:(ljthebre�tch;(2ythe�lortt�uinOtocur�
<br /> . s�d+ae.chst3l�a�arnoeN.sthan�ttc4r�s�4�orntheaacd4hsnoZiaam�ui.atoeomew�e+�f3�irw�icnsss�hb,..ch .
<br /> mwtb�cuned;+�t�d�4)thatfallureto�u.�e3uch Ere�ach on or b�ton tlie dst�specNied�smifi�i notic�mix rautt • .
<br /> inacc�raticnofth�wmss�curqdty�Deeda�'�ustutdsal�olthsPrap�rty.Thsnotia��hNl�ltu�b�rtnfon�n .
<br /> Borrowrrotthsrl�Mtoroimbte�eccekr�tttar,�th�N�tto6rir�ac�rtact►ontoaafrtuts no�ods�
<br /> at a dshuR or�rty other d�fens�of Bomaywer te ara�ei�ration and sate.H ths bnacb is npt cuc�ed on ar b�tas
<br /> tf»dah sp�cifUd In ths notice,6emdias,�t I�enQer'e optlon,�dectars aii atthe aumssecur�d by this Desd
<br /> af linisttab�imm�dlatetydusand��blewlthoutturtherdem�nd�d0 mty(mroksthepowsrof aaNanduy
<br /> c�J�er�sm�dlespermittedbyeppik�btel�v Leredevs�aitbsentitteAtocoHeetdi�san�blicasbsndeocpsnfes
<br />- �r+�cu�ed in punnin�ths mmedtei prar�:�d c:��,�'!�parasraph 17�incfudtng,but not Iimited ta,rae�wn#bts
<br /> •ttorniya't�es. .
<br /> , _,�tth�pow�roiraNtstnvoicfd,'�Muet�eshatlracacd�noticsoldsiauBin�achcouMylnwtdehth�Pe�pp�rty
<br /> oram�parltMnof liloceted�ndsh�!trndicopieso4wch noties�ntfi�m�nn�rpre�cdbed by�pplicabtelev
<br /> toBonorwr�ndtotheott�ptr�taPre�cdbedbyap�►11k�btel�w AfNrrth�laps�aiwcht�n►rasnwyti�t�quirod
<br /> by�ppi�eabb h�w,liru�sh�li qivf pubiia noUce ot uts to the psrsons and In tM manne�pnscdb�d'oy
<br /> • �pplic�6t�i�rv.71u�tN,withdut dtm�nd on Bo►rows�,shall seil the Property ot pu(blic�uctten tot!»bi�l�at
<br /> � bldQ�r�t tM tims end pl�c�and unQ�rt�s t�erms de:lgneted In th�raotics ot aak tn one or mon p�rceis rnd
<br />= In�uchocd�raTirust�msyQetermine.'itusteemaypwtpones�leotatlorenypar+celofithePropertybyp�iic
<br /> ` � announctmen!�t the tims�rtd placa ot eny pravlonaty echedufed aets L�ender or Lensfsr's d��lynee msy
<br /> - puKCh�=s the Propevtyl et any�ate. � . �
<br />: Upon rccetpt o!paymeMoithe pric�bl��Ttuateeshsliclelivertothe�OUr�ehaaer7tuates's deed combying
<br />= thePropertysold.Theneclte4slntheZYustee'sdeedehetlbepHmataateevideneeolthotruthof�hestetemenb
<br />= maAe thetein.'tfuatee ahall�pply the prviceeds of the aats in ths to!lowing or�der:(ay R�at!roasonabis costs� '
<br /> p �nd expenses af the este�Includtng.�ut no![�-*.1ted to,trustee's tees actuailty inc°.r�d o!nat mors than _
<br />� 9�botthegross satepr:;a,rs�taattortrr_,�leesaaeDc�tsoftitieevider�ce:(b)toailsum�
<br /> - ,secure��x�r this Deed of 1Yust;and���th^��xeras,if�rry,�L�persa�c�y�ersona tegaity anti::�s 4heroto
<br />- 18. Q'r��awer'8 Right to Reia�at�.CSotvAtP�standing 8.��`�r-.d'�acceteratioro of the sums secured by thls Deed
<br />��' ofTr�st,.dt�etQ�orrowet'sbrc3achSBccc�a�ershaUhavatherigf:�bPraveanypraceadingsbegunbyLendertoentorce • -
<br /> _ this DeAd af Trust discoMinued at any time prior to the oatlier to occur o4(if the fifth da;r beiore sale of the�roperry -
<br />- pursuant ta 4he pawar o}sate cont�ined in this Reed otTrus3 or(i�ernry o4 a judgmant enforcing this Deed of Trust if:
<br /> {a)Borrov�erpayaLender&Ilsumswhtchwoutdbetiten6ueunderthisDeedofTruslandtheNote�iadr�q�aG`etatton =
<br /> t < ,��
<br />