.C`� s _t�.K °• t^w1����`xa� . � ,' � F a� ^;�iNS.�,+a�+w � . . _._ �+. L.s..c�
<br /> 4. �c�� `r:�' ��Lo �'y u s �'33SStlttY�ti1�k-;��a."_�55�.•)st����J.St,�.' -
<br />. ; S p �'C � �L.:..Gna�13'iiFa?� __ —'_ �--�� __ i_6va�'- __ - __.
<br /> i:T2 _— -_'__'- __ _ _—_ --__ _- -- --__ _ —_�'—
<br /> _.� . .. _.��. ___�� v. .__ _ "___,.Y_.�.- - — — - _.. - -_
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<br /> . _ _ sr�m _ +��9Y_ __- - - _ - _
<br />_ � - — ;. i= � -_-,F-- : - ——� _—-_ _ ' _ _ -- -—�_-:. __'_.
<br /> ' . , � � � . � A'��`° �(l��� . � �
<br /> . ��,aym�nts�ns;���tangre�bc rcq�ises.at-t.T�e u�ti�.�s nf Ge�,Ff mon�ago fnsura�oe cr►ve:aga tin e�c c��aat a�nd 4'ar t�:pes�aG
<br /> ��fsat[�c� ect�uires)Pra�rt�i by an i�ts��r�priwwEd�y L�1cs e,g�in becotngs avallable an�i is oDtains�. 8orrmtrr s�li piy
<br />� '• tt��L�4un�re��:d ta�s�irt mo��ase ir.s�ra�C i�l e�t�t,osr to ftro�ido�tc+ss rseiee,e�gtt4 t?��tca�ule�m�stt foz aQateg�a •
<br /> ta�sw�artcr;csds in{�cozQar.�e wich Qny er�ittcta ege:er�ent�;esn�aa�u�e�nnd Lsn��r or nppli�fiD23 Inw. . -
<br /> � ' ` �`-$'.-�..�CtiGII+i.c�dc:r oi�iEa a�cui��u-�''-c r'a�ca"�:o��.:s'_;�*? A�4�.����nf�P?c�t4�1�Y-[r.a�es�l.gincg_ .. .—'---
<br /> ---- •_ �����+:�?g���.�ng�r��c,a'�r.n ias�.sPcsi�3t�3��asata�Ie rx�ro for t�i�iuspec�Qn- • ,
<br /> lb.€�nn�nnAt6an:TF.�pr�x�r,ds of any awanA`or dsim for�sna�ea,�iiacxt or consequcnsiat� #n w�cciun wiih IIny , —
<br /> coa��atoar��ur�her�g of any psnn pf th�Pragerty.ot fbr,mauveynnce in liva oP wr�Iear�atiaa,ese geieby assigced and ' _
<br /> ' �t,a12 6e paid*.a Le�tder. ' ' . ` .� ,
<br /> ` in�cvent of atotal ta3c�ng.o4the Prapsrty,the pmeeeds sha!!bcugp}icd tatlte snras�sea.vir�by this Security Instracnem,
<br /> wiiether ar oat tt�cn dae,wiih aay�xcess�aid to BorroWer.In tbe event of a p2rtia4:tascing af ehe Fia�r�Y izt w�tae fair ' -
<br /> masioet vaiva a�chc Pto��im�liaxely 6�'Fere dse takiq3 is eq�ial w or�rtater thsn the smaunt of the�ums se�u�od by ihis.`
<br /> Sta[rity Lss�me�t itnmsdiate�y befvice tt�tzYir�g;oniess Horrower and_Lender otherwisc agree in v�iting,tlae sunn�sesured 6y .
<br /> this Secur�ty,it�r�sha11 6e teduced by the amauat af the pmoeeds m�ltipi�ati,by tba fullovrin�fraciiaa: �a)the tQtaS :
<br /> ' ' '�amaus�T af ttye:s�'s�ed�iateIyr 6cfor�.ithc tatdn�,div�d�d by(b)the fatr maricei vafie of cL�P�o p�erty unmodiatetty .�: � �`'
<br /> ,beface t6e c�di�..Aay balstnc�e&hai[Eie paid:;n B,n�aq►�tr. Yn ths evert of a�tia1 tai�nqg of tt�e Pmperty�n wtuch the i'an� ; �" :.
<br /> . iouk�.�a.'�`i�`??�e FropertY imm�iateIy befa�tha t�ag.ts less than the aaiowst of the suinY secured�mediatoly:ti�nie�th� ,
<br /> � taYtt��,a�.��srxrav+ei attd Ler.�er'othecvrise a�,in.±vritur�a�unic�appl��t?�1F luw otite�+L�e provid�s,t�grod��1�rID :
<br /> , ueagp�fCp''�s�vans�ec.ur�lbytt�Se�ui3�+fins^tta»en[:�y�prnd��fii:suQS�s�tit�dk�. ' . .. ,:• ,:.::
<br /> � �If ihe Pmperty's at'aandon�Dy.Barrowes�,a�}�;t�f�i�tice by F�t t�s 1�ic�wer tfras tilc ai�s qffeis ta,na]ce aa �.
<br /> "i�awar�or�ne e ctai�a�ar d�images, B4trow�tai���ti�rPSpoad to L�tt�er�S�daps afr,er ct1.�d��1d�e natice is g�vta, :; , .
<br /> � �.LenQtr is autharlaed to cultect anal epghj the pra��s;{at du aption.either ta�aa a��^..�of it�e ,r�ity or to tb�sc�ns � �` 'F�:�-
<br /> . . secu�ad by lhia Security�t,cq�e�tier or uot th�n dsia '� �� F;'� ,. � � ' ' ' .
<br /> , iTnIess I�er at�d Borra�v�"a t�tte�wise ag,eaae in wsitt�g• anY gFP I'u�c v a t�u f p3o�ds.�Q Qrinci� s t e l t n n t e x t c n d oi •
<br /> '� r r' t�e due cia�e of the ma�q;�Yments ret'�ad to dn parag�pbs 1 i�tr��c�;hau8�Ihe atnnai�tt':�f�ch�agmeut,s,.:�. +�,��'y,r�:
<br /> � ,f p�o#t�one
<br /> r � r, - 1 a.B o r r uWer N o t R d e�a d;F o r�r A x K e e,f�u`�v�,;�d c r N'�t a W a i v�c��i s t c m o f 9 h e t i�n e f�r}��p u�+t�,o z��d i fi�a� k,�+��
<br /> u<< 's s •. �� ��Y �Y !0'� � �� �� r
<br /> ��' ,.: o�iniaorti�itou of tha sums sec�ail;��sgr`;h1s �n�!, t l:endetto s-ucoessor w �c wez si�all ��
<br /> , �
<br /> . "�;inW csperst�.w r�iease the liad51�.,,�f'f�fa.rs�xigi,.° ',�d�weror Barrowar's suooessors in ini�t L�a�'r� '�r�#ItL t to •
<br /> � �.�1�►C�;pr�Sg fi8�i�s�s�!�t,..s�,f�t`.r�t;�'r" os refuse w e,xte�d tti�for PaY�,?A�.�r:o� :r.��i�af��°a .
<br /> {, ,�. . .�� � `` b ' ' ori ,- ..� 1�'QF BO�YICI�B
<br /> ,�,.�of"Qtn.�'se+:um.d hy this 5�'cur��isnn�i�i7�G�,,/ ,,.:, of aay dom�s4°_�e y the ginal �Y
<br /> `.',�twucpsors in•imerest. Any forbearancs 6y Leivler�in;�iag any right at.#�Y shall nat be a wai��cY or prec�uda t�e . .
<br /> � eiflt'�fsC of at�y righ't oi rem,edy. � :
<br /> 9�. S�rctsross anA AsslgQS Bo�nd;dotn!�td S�vtsal�.ilbil3ty;�a si�rs.'I�Le oover►aitts and agr�s af tT�is � .
<br /> ' �. Sear�iry Insvume�:t st}aU bind EaA beatfit the suocessois aad assigris of Lender nnd Bas�uwer.suDject to the.pmvisibas isf
<br /> P�B�Dh Y7. Beriowes's coven�als and agreements st�il be��int and scveraJ. My �otrowes wluu oo-signs ttus Secarity
<br /> lnsuuroerit but does no;exccute the.No:e:(a)is co-si�this Se�uritY Ynsuununt only to miartgage.Srant azid convey thnc .
<br /> ,. �otrawet'a 8n[uesi ia�[he#°ropercy ander the le�rtns nf_this Security insirurneat;(6)is not persanally obligitad t�pay the arass �. _
<br /> ' s�wr�by this$ecnrity Insttnment;�d'(e�ugt�+that Lender an+d any otlter Sairower may�gex to extEnd.modifY•fotbGar ur. .
<br /> m�ice arry accammudations with ceg�rd to the teims of U�is Seciutiy tasttume�tt or thG Notc witlxwt{hat Barmaeg's co�at. .
<br /> . 13.i•aalt�ChargeQ.If the Yoan s�uted iry this Savriry Insuvment is sirbject to e faw which seis itnxim�un lo�n.charges►
<br /> �. and tliat lavr is finatly iwtetpretc�so t�iat the i�t or aiher Iuan charges coltacted or to be cbllxtod in oannocdon wit6!�e
<br /> . loat azceas3_tbe permitta4;�f�its.ti�en:4a)eny suc�:�a charge sha11 be roduad 6y the amount noc�essu�►to redu�e tLe c�¢
<br /> �� � to tho permitced i'unit;and(b)any�ams alae�dy cc�i�ted fram Boaawe�r whlcb exceer�ed permitDod limits wllf Ac nfurr�a!to
<br /> ,,. Borrower: Leader may chaose to nr�ts�,e c6is r�fi�d,6y,redusmg the prir�cipa� av►�ed undes the Note tfr by d�ctvg a dicect
<br /> �ymrnt.to Rorrower. If a cefurid ti�acrs prm�?�il;'.�►e reductian�wlll be an�ta! as a P�� P�Y�� �� �Y � .
<br /> � Pre�aymem charge under thc Note. , . � .,:�:�� � � � ,;' , .
<br /> : 1�.NWkYS.Any notice�to Bor�o?�er piovide�lY��a'in this Securiry iasmunent.s.h�ll be givcv by deliYif��it or trS�mziliag
<br /> � it by first class ivai!�unless agplicabi�r;lfa�+reqiur�i`it;�of anntGer method.7]be rmtioe st�ali t�e dirocted to tltie Prvperty Adidress .
<br /> t�r any other adrSr�ess Boaower dess�ir�tes by, uoti�e ta I.e�dei. Auy�aotice W�ender shall be given 6y fust clus maii.to
<br /> � ' Lendee`s a4'ctress state�hercin os ariy othet address�JG�cnder d�ig�ates Dy natice to Borrawe:. Any nntive provided fos ia thi. .
<br /> `,. 5ecurity j��wmicc+s sha11 be deerned to L'ave t+een.gi�t�t�a to Borrawer or�,xnGer�wtKn given rts provided in tI�p�rag�aph• _
<br /> 't.,�•c:�;.�. . t5.GavGrei'ng i.=v►; Senetnbility Ti�is Sc�niiry It�tn�ment s,hall br��:�i;+vgmai by fedeaal tavr��l the law of the
<br /> j'),;_:,- . .
<br /> �urisdistion in whisb the Frop�.'rty';E�;�pcated.�In t�e event tbat uny provuia�i�fr clause of t8is Sxwrity InsEnuae�it or t�k�r.�iote
<br /> �,.�;��� ooat�icu with appficable[�}�t�v�Cd;'r�`ci shaTl nnt affee�!��er proui:,�a�s bf�Lis 5ecurity Insuamenc or the Note wLicib.�sn 6e �. .
<br /> �;�.;:::. Sivcn effacs wit�r•,wt t��a'�1:�i�i�;tg'�S�vistoa.To tl�is eac!the pmr.;�l;�;�;,�e��this 5acurity Iustrumeat and!�e No'te ant dcclax�d
<br /> '.' tUl4eseverable. �, "
<br /> � !b.Barro�rer's�ypy.�►ZVv��er shali�e givem ace cassfomxd copy of fi�ltate an�oF ttus Secvrity I�st�araent. � .
<br /> . . . w�n sar8 9J90
<br /> • � . . vapesme � . � � .
<br /> .
<br /> . • . � - �• - . .
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