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<br /> ._, , bEED OF TRUST � ��''�`'
<br /> NOR1`JEST 8AN1t N�6R+�SKp��.A ..
<br /> , �iT� p.0.DOX 3R0� �
<br /> . OMA►'JA�h� �31�3 �, ,.
<br /> � "� � - ATTN: PHYUS 1ENSEN �p1�o ,.
<br /> \
<br /> � .. , _ THIS DEED OF TRIJST("S�curlry Instn►ment")is made on JUNE 19, 199 S .The tcustor is
<br /> . ("Borrower").The uustce!s HOAWEST BANK NEBItASKA. NAT'[ONAL ASSOCIATION ` '
<br /> �� + �
<br /> �- . •
<br /> . ("Tnistee").The beneficiary is NORWLS� BANR NEBYtASRA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION .
<br /> •��:. ... .
<br /> ; whi:h is orgenized and exfsting under the laws of �I� STATES OF AI�RICA .and whose ,. :_
<br /> a:;_`.-
<br /> , • addrtss is ��9�s ��� 13TH STREET. GItAND ISI,AND, NE �68 3„ `.
<br /> _ t"I.e�er }.Basror.�ec a�.�Leixier thP principal sum of
<br /> • ��',
<br /> .. .'` ;, .�Yf,
<br /> '" ollars(U.S.$ 25.331.50 >• '���
<br /> � ' 'll�is debt is evidenced by Bormwer's note dated the seme date as thts Secudty InstNment("1�Iote").which provides for ��'_
<br /> monthly payments.wtth the fuA debt.if not paid earlier. due and payable on 07/03/00 '�,�
<br /> `" This Securiry Irntrument securcs to l.ender: (a)the repayment of the debt evldenced by the Note,with interest.and all renewals. _
<br /> � �• eatensions and modifications of the Note; (b) the payrnent of all ot�er sums, with interest. udvance� under para�caph 7 tn _
<br />. . �., pmtect ehe security of this Security Instrument; and'(c)the pedormance of Borrower's covenaz►ts and a�reements. For this
<br /> �'`" pu[pose,Bonower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee. in trust. with power of sale, the following described property �'
<br /> —_-----�- located ln �,I, Cuunty.Ncbraska: i;
<br /> , .. � .,, � ;_
<br /> . y� �, � 4;�,.
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<br /> - - -��— - A'=T(r.
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<br /> �•:'.�..�'. � �., ,Y which has the address of 3126 WESTSIDE STREET, GRAND ISLAND (sueci,ciry�,
<br /> � Nebraska �g n ("1Properry Address");
<br /> - '�. !z[�Ca�e� ,.,
<br /> , ` •' TOCiETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erecte�on the propercy. and all easemenu,appurtenances.and •
<br /> �, ��;'`. ?' � fixtures now or hereafter a parc of the property. All replacements and addittons shall also be covered by this Security
<br /> � ..,:;.'`'', �,, • Instcument.All of the foresoing is referred to in this Securiry Instrument as the"Properry. �
<br /> � , BORROWER CdVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estat�hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and
<br /> �� � �:�;,•' convey che Property und that the Pcoperty is unencumbered. exeept for encumbrances of recocd. Borrower warrants nnd will
<br /> defend generally the title to the Property against ait claims and demands.subject to uny encumbrances of re�ord.
<br /> � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combines uniform covenants fo�national use and non•uniform covenants with limited
<br /> � variations by jurisdiction to rnnstitute a uniform security instrument coverin�real property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower nnd L.ender wvenant and a$ree as foltows:
<br /> 1. I'eyment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Lnte Charges. Borrower s1�W1 promptly pay when due the
<br /> . pdncipal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nate and any prepayment and late chac�es due under thc Note.
<br /> —,--_ _____ -_ � F��nela fnr Tnx�a�nd Iitsur8tlCe.Subi�t to applicab(c luw or to a written waiver by i.ender, Borrower shall pay to `
<br /> -------_ - -• -----
<br /> .�__. , __�..
<br />- Lender on the dny monthly payments are due under the Note,untii tbe Note�s paid in iuii,a sum i"�u����"��•��.�a;i•�v�^w• -_;;
<br /> and assessments which may atwin priority over this Security Insnument as a lien on the Property;(b)yeariy lea+ehold payments
<br /> or�round rents on the Property,if any:(c)yearly harurd or property insurance premiums;(d)yeurly flcwd insurance premiums,
<br /> if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurnnce prerniums, if any:and (fl any sums payable by Bortovs�er to Lender, in uccordance with ��
<br /> the provisiomof p�ragraph 8, in tieu uf the payment of man�age insurance premiums.These items nre c:�lled"Escrow Items."
<br /> ' I.ender may. at any time, cuilect and hold Funds in •rn umount not to exceod the mcucimum nmuunt u lender for a federally
<br /> related mnrtgage lo�n may mquim for Borrower's escrow uccount under thc federal Re:il Estute Settlement Procaiures Act of ,
<br /> ' 1974 as umendai from time to t�me, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another inw that appli�to the Funds
<br /> sets u l�scr amount. If so, Lender may, nt any ttme. collect and hold Funds in an amount not ro exceed the lesser umount.
<br /> • . Lender mny estimate the:unnunt of Fund�due an the basih of cucrcnt datu und masonable estimutes nf expenditures of future
<br />- " Escrow Items or othcrwlsc in urrorduncc aith upplicablc luw. �
<br /> �� �_ , NHBRASKA•S�ngle Fom11Y�Fannle MeelFroddEe Mec UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 9/90
<br /> �NI 12T97 MTO VMP MORT6A6E iORMS �31��2BJ 8100 i000�371 7�31 vop 1 01 d Amended 6/91
<br />_
<br /> .
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