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� � .. .7� i . ... . n i' . .. . <br /> � i . . . . <br /> .� . .. - - ��� . . . <br /> � ., f � ,. . . .. . .. A . � ,. . <br /> . . � .. . � . - . .. . - .. .. , � ., ,.�W„•. <br /> .. ' . .. .. - � <br /> .. <br /> - .. . . . .. .- <br /> __._— '_._ .' ._' ___ —_'._—._. '_'__. ....—. ""' __....�__.._._ _-____ -_._ __ — <br /> i. <br /> :, � l�y_5-�.04��� <br /> ' „ � perii�ds Ihat I.cndcr reyuims. Thc insurancc camcr providing t8c insuruncc tifiull hc rh���en by Bonowcr+ubject ta L.cndcr y <br /> „ t�ppu�vnl which shuQ n��t bc unmu:;onnbly withhclJ. If Borcowcr fiiil+tu mnintnin covcru�;c dr,crihcd iibi�vc, l.cndcr may,ut <br /> . t.cndcr.l uption,obtain covcragc to pratcct Lendcr�rights in thc F'ro�x•ny in accnrdunrr with parn�rnph 7. <br /> All insurunce policies und renewulsshall be ucceptuble to Lendcr und shull imlude��stundurd murtguge clausc. L.ender <br /> � -° .� �hall have the right to hald the pc�licicc und tenewulr. If Lender requircti.Burn�wcr+hidl promptly give to Lender ull rec�cipts <br /> � uf paid premiums und renewul notices. In the event�f laxs,Burrower,hull �ivc prompt noticr ta the insurunce c�rrfer und <br /> .. � Lendcr, Lender muy make praof of loss if nat mude prompNy by Hormwer. <br /> , Unless Lender und Borrower athenvitie ugrce in writing,insurnnce prncecds shull Me uppiied ta t�starution or mpuir of <br /> the Pr�ny dumaged, if the restoratian or repuir is economicully feusihfe und Lender's security is not lessened. If the <br /> • �• restoration or repair is not economically fcasiblc ar Lendert zecurity wauld tn lestiened,the insurnnce proceed�tihull he <br /> . applied ta the tiuma securcd by this Securiry Instrument,whether or nat then duo, with uny excess paid to Borrower. If <br /> „ pnrrawer abandons the Property. or daes not answer within 30 duys u notice from I.ender thut the insurunce c:urier has <br /> " _ affered to settle a ciuim,then Lender rnay collect the insurunce praceeds. 1_ender may use the proceeds ro repair or restore <br /> , , tho Prapeny or to pay sums secured by thi� Security Instrument,whether or�ot then due. The 30-duy period will begin when <br /> ' the notice is given. `` <br /> ' Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agrce in wdting,uny npplication af proceeds to principul shull nat extend or '4• <br /> ,.,, "' _ , postpone the due date of the monthly payments referned to in paragraphs I und 2 or cbange the umount of the puyments. If <br /> under parugraph 2I the Propeny is acquired by Lender,Borrower:s rtght to uny insurunce palicies �nd proceeds msuiting <br /> � • from dumage to the Propeny prior to ttie ucyuisition shull puss to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> .. Instrument immediutely priar ro the acyuisition. <br /> ' 6. Occupancy, Prese�vation, Diai�tenance and Protectton oP the Property; Borrower's Loan Applicat[on; <br /> . LeASeholda. Borrower shall occupy,es�abtixh,and usc the Property uc Borrow•er?�pnncipi►I residence within sixty dnys�fter <br /> •• the execution of this Security Inscrument und shnU continue to occupy tlx Praperty ati Borrower ti princlpal residenee for at <br /> v, leust one yenr ufter the date of occupency, unless l.euder otherwise u�mes in writing, which consent shall not be . <br /> ;� unreosonably withheld,or unlexs extenuating circumst�nccs exist which am bcyond E3orrower:s control. Borrower shall not <br /> destruy,dama�e or impair the Praperty,allow ihe Property to deteriorate,or commit wa�te on the Property. Borrower shall <br /> „ ,-�; be in defuult if uny forfelture uction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun thut in L.ender s�ood t'aith judgment <br /> - • � couid result in forfeiture of the Praperty or otherwise materlully impuir the lien created by thi.r• Security Instrument or <br /> � Lendert secur�ty interest. Borrower may curc such a defnult and reinstute,us provlded in paragraph 18,by causing the nction •- <br />�•-,-, _,;','- �, _- _ �r�,���£������Fx��j��pjar,P�i with n n din�thnt,in I.ender;eoad fnith determinutton.Qrecludes forfeiture of the Borrower� , ��`i� <br /> ^ � ° interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien cmuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's 9ecnrIty '�= <br /> interest. Borrower shall ulso be in dcfAUlt if Borrower, during the toun appllcutton process, gave materially fulse ar '�t <br /> � ; inuccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with uny materiul informatior.)in connection with �a?�±' <br /> , the loan evidenced by the Nae, including, but not limited to. mprcsentations concemjng Borrower's occupancy of the ���, <br /> •• � , Property as a principal residence. lf this Securiry Instrument ix on u leusehold,Borrowcr shal[cum 1 with All the rovistons �- <br /> P Y F �...� <br /> • of the lease. If Borrower�cquires fee t itle to the Property,the lensehold und the fce titic�hull not mer�e unless L.ender agrees <br /> ' ° to the merger in writing. �- <br /> 7. Protection o!l.ender's Rlghts in the Property. If Borrowcr fails ta pert'orm the covenunts and u�reements �� <br /> "'�'�` contained in this Security Instrument, or therc is o le�al proceeding that may significuntly uffect Lenderl ri�hts m the �!��'_ <br /> • ' Property(such us u proceeding in bankn�ptcy,pmbate,for condemnutian or forteitum or to enforce laws or mgulutions),then "°"`` <br /> •�� Y P Y �Y P P Y � Pe Y• ��_. <br /> Lender ma do and a for whutever is necess to rotect the v�lue of the Pro ert and Lender�ri hGc in the Pro rt _;;:� <br /> , � l.ender:s uctians muy include paying any sums secured by n Ilen which hus priorfty aver this Security(nstcument.appearing �;..:,; <br /> 1s +; in caurt, a in reasonable attome s'fees nnd enterin on tl�e Pro to make re u9n. Althou h Lender mu take action °—""" <br /> , .. P Y � Y � Pe1'�Y P € Y �- <br /> - � under this paragraph 7,Lenderdces not have to do so. E_- <br /> . Any umounts disbursed by Lender under this pura�raph 7 sh�il! beco�ne udditionul debt of Borrower secured by this �'°_:, <br /> � � ��''" Securiry Inswment. Unless Borrower md l.ender agree to other terms of pnyment,these amounGc shall beur interest from the ��-- <br /> E.,.... <br /> " `�`� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be puyable, with interest,upon noticc from Lender to Bornower requesting ��:.. <br /> . payment. �`��z <br /> - 8, Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance us a conditton of maktng the loan secured by this ',`•` <br /> =� •'��F Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums requi�ed to maintain the mortgu�e insur:uue in effect, If,fur uny <br /> :' . - • 1: neason,the mortsage insurunce coverage required by Lender lapsex or cea�s to be jn effect, Bomower shall pay the <br /> _ -°-� . - -•=.y prcmiums rcquircd to obtain covcragc substantially rqui�atent to the mortgage insurunce�� in effect. ut n cost —_ <br /> , • . . substunttally equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgA�e insurance prcviously in effect,from�n altemute mortgage .. <br /> .. � insurer approved by Lender. If substaniinl ly equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not uvuiluble,Borrower shall puy to <br /> � , Lender each month u aum equul to one•twelfth of the yearly mortguge insurance premium bein�puid by Borrower when the •� <br /> = a insurance coverage lupsed or cea�ed to bc in effect. Lender will ac�ept,uxe und retain these payments a�u loss mserve in lieu . <br /> of mo�gage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no lon�er be requimd. at thc option of I.ender.if mortguge insurance � <br /> . coverage(in the umount nnd for the period that Lender mquire+)pmvided by an insur+er approved by Lender ugain becomes • <br /> . . ., , uvailuble and is obtuined.Borrower shall pay the pmmiums rcyuired to muintuin mort�age insurnnce in effect,or to provide a , <br /> ' loss reserve,until the requirement for rnortgage insurnnce ends in uccordance with any written agreement between Borrower <br />_.`:,� ' and Lender or arplicable law. , <br /> - 9. Inspectton. Lendcr or its u�cnt mny makc rea.wnablc entries upun and inspections of the Propeny. Lender shnll <br />- � givc Botrowcr notice at the time of or prior to un inspection specifying reasonuble cause for thc inspertion. <br /> - � � 10. Condemnutton. The proceeds of any uward or rlaim for or connection with any <br /> � <br /> � Singlc Family--Fnnnle Mqe/Freddle Mnc U1IIFORM 1N�I'RU1IF.NT--Uniform Covcnant� 9/90 fprxe.;���A�xeA�s/ <br /> „ + Grcx taky RuaOnes.+Fann.Inc.■ <br /> � �a a�aer cou �.emr,3aa��►o rnx o�aze�•>>ai <br /> - ___� <br /> ---- � <br /> -- -- ---� <br /> • .�._— , - ,-,---. -----, ------------�------ - , , _ . . .. . °--�•--,----R-- . . <br /> . ' ; ' .. ' <br /> . . _ _ . .. . „ , ,, <br /> .. `} •• " . ., <br /> z�� , ' ° .., � „ <br /> � �. � <br />__ • , <br /> . : . , <br /> �° _ - - - -- <br />