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. , ,;t � .. " .� <br /> :{ <br /> , .. _ . - • �� � .. ' .� �, � <br /> . •� �. . � . - � ... " . <br /> -�---'�--'—— . - .'.- --"-.--. ..� . -'-.-'—"-- .. .- - - <br /> _... ..-.-----' � . _ <br />. . . ._.. - � -----�-----..'-----'--- — - ---' . ' � 1`. <br /> � " ,, ; ., . . � , � ., .. . . f. _ ,, <br /> ' g 5_ 91Q+49�2 <br /> i <br /> ' pnymcnts muy no longcr bo required,at th�opNon of L..cndcr.iF mongago insw7u►co covcraga(in U►¢amount nnd for tho period <br /> thut L,endcr rcquires)providcd by an lnsurcr appmvcd by[.cndcr again lxxomes availnblc and Is obwincd.Borrowcr shaU puy thu . <br /> .. premiums requircd to muintnin moitgago inRUr�ce in cffact, ar ta pravldc a loss rescrvc. until thc rcqujrement for mortgaga { . <br /> inauronoe cads in accordancc with cu�y wriucn ngrcxmGnt bctwccn Sarcawcr and l.cndcr or applicabla luw. ' � <br /> ; � S►.Inspection, [.endcr or it� agent moy ms�lce rcASOneblo entries upon nnd inspecdons of tha Property. Lender shall give f <br /> Sonower notirr.�ss at the Umo of or prlor to a�insp�xdon spocitying reasonable causa for tha inspocti�n. I <br /> � 10.Condemaation. Thc pracccds af any award or cWm for dartwges,dlrcxt ar conscqucndaL in connocdon with any f <br /> condemna�on or otha taking of any part of the Propeny,or for conveyanca in Ileu of condemnatlon.arc hereby a4signed aad �„ , . <br /> shali bc�pa�d w Lender. ' <br /> In tho avent of a totai takjng of the Property�the proceeds shall be applied to the sums sccured by ihis Securlty Insuument� � <br /> whether or not then duES.with any eaccess paid to Borrower.In the event of a paNel teking of the Property in whlch the fair maricet <br /> vNue of the Property immediately before the taking is cqual w or g�eater than the araount ot the sums s�ecurcd by ihis Secudty • <br /> Instrument immedlately before the taking� unless Bomower and Lender otherwise egrce ln wridng. tha suma secure�by thia ' ., <br /> � � Securlry Inswment shall be reduced by the amaunt of tha proceeds muldplied by the following fracflon:(a)the totel amoant of , <br /> the snnu secured immediately before the taking,divided by (b) the fair maricet value of the Property immedlutely before tho - <br /> taking.My balance shaU be pa{d to Rorrower.In ihe event of a partiel tallcinng of the Prope�ty in whlch the fair market velua of the ' •- <br />- Progeity Lnmediately bsfare the takla� ls less Ihan tho amount of the sams secUred immedlately beforo the takinB, �m1eR.s � <br /> Borrower and I.ender othawise agree in wrldng or unles3 applic�ble law otherwLse pmvides.the proceeds shall be appHed m the '. <br /> .. � sums socured by Uiis Security Instrument whether or not the sums am then due. •. <br /> . If the Property is abandoncd by Borrower,or if.after nodce by Lender to Borrower that the wnderaa�or oft'ers to a�ake an <br /> award or settle a claim for damages,Bo:rower fails to respond to Lender within 30 deys aftea the date We nodce i�glven,Lettder . <br /> is suthorjzed to collect and apply the proceeds,at its opHon,either to reswradon or repair of tbe Pmperty or to the sums secured :�ti <br /> by this Securicy Insnvment,whetLea or not then due. � ,``,� "._ <br /> - Unless Y.ender and Horrower otherwlse agree in wridng,any applieadon of pmceeds to prineipal shell aot eactend or postpone �� <br /> the due date of the monthly paymenta refe.tted to In paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the emount of such payments. `�' <br /> 11.Borrower Nat Reteasedi Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the dme for payment ar u«odificadon �" � � <br /> u . <br /> � of amordzation of the sums secured by thls Security Insaument gcanted by Lender to any sua�sor in interest of Borrowea ahatl ���, ''•� r ; .. <br /> ., ----- n42�`_r9te i4�l�s�hi l�iibllity�f ih�?ori�inal B�rmwer qr Bc�rmwet'c cuccessors in int�test.I.ender shall nat be res}uired to r � ' _ . <br /> comnneuce pmcecdings against any auccessor in inter�st or refnse te extead time far payment a othetwtse modify arao�iZation of ' � �,y ., i <br /> ., . .'.'�,1.;, the sums seciued by this SecurIty Instrwnent by reason of any demand mede by the origlnat Borrower or Bo�rowes's stcccessors '., �� ,. <br /> . � �.°;,�� ., in interest.Any farbearance by Lereder ia eacerc�s�ng any right or remedy shell not be a waiver of or precluda the e�cen�se of any �,; ;�,s�{ . <br /> dght or remedy. •, ' A;�� <br /> 12.Successors ead Asaigns Bouad�Jotat and Several I.iabllity; Casigners. The coveaants and a�ments of this �`� �r� <br /> �„ ' Securlty Inst�uneent shall bind and bei►�t the suocessors and essigns of Lender end Borrower.subJect to the provlsiona of � r � � <br /> � . . paregraph 17. Bamower's covenants aad agceements shall be joint end seveaal. Any Horrower who co-sigas this Sec�rtty � °n <br />. . Instrument but dces not execute the Notc: (a) is co-signing this Secucity Insavment only W moitga�ge,grans and convey ihat <br /> �� Bwrawca's iaterest in the P�roperty uader the terma of this SecurIty Insuumea�(b)is not personally obligfued to pey the sums ;..-___� <br /> � secured by this Sacurlty Instrumeru;and(c)ag�es that Lender and eny other Bormwea may ag�r�ee to extend,modify.forbear or � . ��� <br /> ��, �-_. <br /> ., �• make any accommodations with regard to the tec:ns of this Seciuity Iastn�meat or the Note witLout that Bomower's conseat "' .• t`�=°� <br /> 13.Loan CLarges. If the loan secured by this Securisy Insuument is sub}oct to a law which setg maaimum loan charges. .� <br /> �� . and that law is finally i�te�preted so that the interes�or other loan charges collecced or w be cxllected in conuoctlon with the loan _ <� ...,, �o,,�� <br /> ';:,,;, eaceed the permiried limits�then:(a)eny such loan charge shall be reducad by the araount necessaiy to reduce the chesge w the : � <br /> ' �:;,'�',�" �ennitted limit;and(b)any sums already colleaed from Borrower whlch exc.eedod nern�iued limits wW 6e refunded�u Bomoaer. . :��;' ''''�:; <br /> • �;:`'`;;'; Lenda ma choose to malce this refund b reducin the rinci owed under the Nots or b malcinn a direct �, �1..Y�� <br /> ,� • y Y 8 P Pal Y mal 8 I�Yment to . �:f.,,�.,.. <br /> ,: ;;,�:;: ,ai . <br /> `:,•', ; . .,,;,.���,; Botrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reducdon wiU t�e treate�ag a P�P�Yment wid�out anY P�PaYment charge . ���� :• <br /> • . .�,,:i;�:t�.;",.:; oadertheNote. , � � '.;:,'"�`-`.-` <br /> � ����� x4.Notices. My notice to Borrower pmv:ded for in this Securlty lnstrument sball be glven by dellve.ring it or by mailing it `'�;�?;�.�,�� <br /> ' ,�..... <br />°°, : -1 by fuat cla�s niaU untess appIIcabtc 1aw requires use of anothcr mcthad.'Itte notice siuutl!be dlrected to!he PrQgerty Adaress or .. . _ . <br /> _ . � any other address Bosrower dealgnafcs by noflce to I.ender.Any nodce to Lender shall be given by t'ust claqs mail ta Lender's . � .' . <br /> . ., t address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by nopce to Bonower. Any nottce provlded for in this Security <br /> ! Instrument st�all be deemed to have been glven to Borrower or D.ender when given as provided in this paragrapb. _ <br /> " � 15.Governing I.ew;Severabll(ry. This Securlty Insuument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the <br />- •. judsdtetion in which the Property i�located.In the event that eny provision or clause of this Security IresVument or the Note <br /> = � ' conflicts wlth appllcable law.such wnfl{ct shsll not affect other provLslons of thls Sec�ulty Yns�umens or the Note wtdch can be <br /> , � given effect without the canflicdng provision.To this end the pmvisions of this Socurlty Insuument and the Note nre declarat to � <br />- ' � be sev�able. <br /> . �. r <br /> - } ,`. ' . <br /> "- i Form 9028 O/90 � <br /> � �•8V(NE)tex�z� Pogosol8 Inluale: _ --- . . <br /> _ � .. <br /> _ •:5' ,r ' 793-4 <br /> . t � <br /> _ � <br /> - -__=_- �_---=;:-,-_ <br />�.� . .. -- <br /> f . • ' . „ � .. � . <br /> � . � . . . - - ' , <br /> +. .. <br /> i.. <br /> � .. � <br /> � • ' , ., <br />..� • <br /> �, .. � „ <br />:t� .. <br /> _' . <br /> � " ; <br /> iY+ �� . , <br />