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. '`•7nAtn:Zyr� . . ! '. .fi _. � - <br /> . +'ifiil+� " ._ <br /> �} <br /> . . �� 'j� .., F•. � (7 ' . <br /> . �. <br /> :. . <br /> .` � . '..:.�_ . � . - .. . ._.Jw..� . . <br /> �� .. .. .. . . ..� .� . .. .� <br /> , <br /> .,. _....... .. .,_. .. _ .. . . . <br /> - .� � ._ __�. .. .. : <br /> ��95- 1��89'� ,. . <br /> the Property in violation of any law, ordinance, or regulation1 . <br /> and shall pay and promptly discharge at Horrower'a coat and � <br /> expenee all liens, encumbranaes and charges levied, imposed or ` <br /> aeaeased againat the Property or any part thereof. „ ° � <br /> 6. Eminent Domain. Lender ie hereby asaigned all • � . <br /> '. compensa�ion, awards, damaqes and okher paymenta or re11�f , ., <br /> �� (hereinaf�er "Proreeds") in connection witl� condemnation or other � <br /> ;. " taking of the Property or part thereof, or for coaveyanoe in lieu . <br /> af �ondemnation. Lender shall be entitled, at its option, to <br /> commence, appear in and prosecute in its own name any action or , <br /> proceed�.nqs, and shall also be entitled to make any compromi ae or � <br /> settlement in connection with such tak3ng or damage. In the <br /> �, ...,:c. .. <br /> ' event any portion of the Pxoperty is so taken or damaged, Lender z,t��,�:•.,;,;�, .:,;�:�;.; <br /> aha�.I have �he option, in ita sole and absolute d3.scret3on, ta � � . � � � <br /> • apply all auch Proceeds, after deduating therefrom all aosts and <br /> expenses incurred by it 3.n aonnection with such Proceedr�, upon w, . <br />� any indebtedness secured hereby and in auah order as Lender may � , � <br /> , determine, or to apply all such Proceeda, after such deducti.ons, ' . <br /> to the restoration of the Property upon such conditione as Lender <br /> � may determine. Any application of Proceeda to indebtedness 9hall . ' <br /> not extend or postpone the due date of any payments undex the ., , <br /> Note, or cure any default thareunder or hereundes. " •� -� <br /> ,�.. <br /> " . 7. Performance b Lender. =n the even� oP Horrower'e � y�' <br /> > failure to per orm any o t e cavenante hQrein or make Any pay- '� -- <br /> menta r�quired hereby, or if any act ia taken or legal proaeeding . � _ � t`�'�,� <br /> . commenced whiah materially affects Lender•a inter�st in the �., ,��' �j <br />- " Propert�, Lender may fn ita own disaretion, but without obl�ga- ., ' Y <br /> � � tion to do so, and without notice to or demanc� upoa Borrower , and ., :� �� , <br /> •, . without releaeing Borrower from any obliqation, do any act which `� ' '< � '�� ' <br /> ' the borrowex has agreed but fails to do and may also do any c�ther ` � �� � <br /> act it aeems necessary to protecE the security hereof. Borrower - � <br /> shall, �.mmediately upon demand therefor by Lender, pay to Lender . . ��' �� ; <br /> �� all costs and expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender fn ' � ' '�� <br /> connection with the exercise by Lender of the foregoing rig�ts, , ,, � ' <br /> �. . � �oqether with intereet thereon at the de�ault rate provided in <br /> the Note, which shall be added to the�nd�e�, tednesa aecured , ±__ <br /> . hexeby. Lender sha11 not incur- any liability because of anything : �{,�--:� <br /> it may c3o or omit to do hereunder. ,4,:,-�, t�;,_ -`��- <br />` ' 8. Hazardous Materi als. Borrower shal l keep the ��� T ,��>�<4. <br /> , Propezt�v in compl ance w t any and all federal, state aad Local �� �`'''�� <br /> :- ;�::�;:;, <br /> � laws, ordf.nances and regulations relaCing to industrial hygiene •�•', <br /> , � ' or to environmental conditioas on, un�er or about the Broperty, . ���� <br /> � ,� inc3.udinq, but not Iim3.ted to, soil and groundwater conditic�na. � � �'�'"`�y <br />�� . Trustor ahall not use, generate, manufacture, store or dispose of �'''":'� � <br /> on� und�r or about the Pro erti or trans r�rt to or from the � �' <br /> P Y Pr� � •. �:;;::� <br /> Property any flammable explosives, radioacf:ive mafierials, hazardous �•�= �"=�� - <br />� „ .. ' wastes, toxic substances or related materials, including, withou� . <br /> � liraitation, any substances defined a�t or included in the defini- �' <br />- ' tioa of "hazardous substanaes", "laazsrdoue wastes", "haaardous • � <br /> - � � „ materials" or "toxic substances" undez any applicable laws, . <br /> ' ordinances or regulations (collectively referred to hereinafter �� <br />,:;:'- , as '•Hazardous Matezials") . Borrower hereby warrants and repre- � ° <br /> •, seata to Leader that there are nolHazardous Materials on or under � <br /> ' � the Property. Borrower hereby agrees to indemnify and hold � • <br />_� , harmless Lender, its directora, officers, employeea and agents, <br />- • and any auccessors to Lender's interest, from aad against any and <br />-_ � all clg3ms, damages and liabilities arising in connection with , <br /> the presonce, use, storaqe, disposal or tranaport of any Ftazardous <br /> Mater�.als on, under, from or about the Property, including, odith- , <br /> � ' � � out lim�ttation, (a) all damages direatly or indirectly axisiag ' <br /> ._ .. _.._ . .__._...__ ..__... _4 .. <br /> ° �- --� out or tne use, generatson, storage or disposal og Hazardoug - � ` <br />' Materials by Borrower or any prior owrier or operator of ttie <br />�� Property, and (b) all costs of any required or necessary repair, <br /> `•'' . cleanup or detoxification and the preparation of any closure or <br /> -V° .. ,� other required plans, whethez such action 3s required or neces- � � <br /> � sary prior to or following traasfer of title to the Property, to . <br /> the full extent that such action is attr3butable, direc�ly or <br /> Y • ' indirectly, to the presence or use, generation, storage, release, <br /> '� threatened release or disposal of Hazardoue Materialg by any <br /> � � `, person on the Property prior ta transfer of title thereto by <br />: � . <br /> fi <br /> _ <br /> � -3- . <br /> �� <br /> ' � <br />