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<br /> 1
<br /> ° Che Prop�rty in violation of any law, ordinance, or regulati.ont �
<br /> ' and ahall pay and promptly diacharge �t Boxrov�e,r's aoat ar�d
<br /> �xpense all liens, encumbrances and chargea levied, imposed ox ,
<br /> � assassed against the Property or any part �hereof.
<br /> fr. Eminenti Domain. Lender is h�zeby aesfgnod all .
<br /> Qompensation, awar a, amaqea and other payments or relief
<br />' (hereinafter '•Praceede°) in connection with condemnation oz other
<br /> Cakin� of the Property or part thereof, or for conveyanae in lieu
<br />� � � of� condemnation. Lender ahall ba enkitled, at its op�ion, to
<br /> ' commence, appear in and pxoseaute in its owra name any action or
<br /> proceedinqs, and shall also be en�itled to make any compromise or •
<br /> settlement in connectidn with such taking or damage. In the
<br /> � event any portion of the Praperty is so tRke� or damaqed, Lender
<br /> � shal� have the option, in ita aole and absolute discretion, to .
<br /> apply all such Proceeds, �fter deducting the�refrom all costs and , �
<br /> . expenses inaurred by it in conneation with such Proaeede, upon
<br /> any indebtedness aecured hereby and in euc:h order as Lender may ,
<br /> = �� determine, or �o apply al l such Proaeeds, af ter such cieductions,
<br /> to the restoration of the Psoperty upon auch conditions as Lender
<br /> may determine. Any application of Proceeda to indebtedness ahall - .
<br /> • not extend or postpone the due date of any payments under the
<br /> � Note, or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> . '«.
<br />��� 7. Pexformance by Lender. In the event of Borrower's �;j- �
<br /> : .. faiiure to per�any of the aovenants herc�in or make any pAy- , . �,-.
<br /> - � ments required hereby, or if any act is taken or leqal proceed3.ng E-Y•-�j' .
<br /> �� ' � commenced which materially affects Lender's intereet in the Y. j
<br /> � _ Property, Lender may in its own discretion, bnt without obliga- .�.,:���.,'
<br /> tion to do so, and without aotiee to or demand upon Borrowe�, aF►3 • .� ;
<br /> , witihout releasing Sorrower from any obligation, do any ae� which �. , ' �1 :; �
<br /> ' � ��'�'' the Borrower has agreed but fails to do anci may also do any otMer r:;;�,;',�� '' � y
<br /> ' �� aat it deeu�s necessary to protect the securi ty hereof. Borrower ���'". �'
<br /> shall, immediately upoa demand �herefor by Lender, pay to Lender „ £ ��'� �
<br /> - � all costs and expens�s incurre d an d sums ex p e n d e d b y L e n d e r i n . ':� ��;
<br /> - •� " .. connection with the exercise by Lender of ttae foreqoiriq rigfita, . '
<br /> � "' '� together with interest ttrereon at the default rats provided in , �
<br /> the Note, whi.ch ahall be added to the�e-6tedness secured ° ' '
<br /> i hereby. L�nder shalJ. not incur any liability because of anything , „p
<br /> it may do or omit to do hereunder. � -�-
<br /> . �:
<br /> �,
<br /> .,. �� 8. Haaardous Materials. Borrow�r shall keep the � •� �
<br /> . � Property in compl anae w t any and all federal, state and local r����f., r�•iVµ
<br /> H�t,,�tr .. �,;,�.�_
<br /> � % laws, ordinanves anc3 reguilations zelatinq to industrial hyqiene ``f�.
<br /> or to environmenta]. conditions on, under or about the Prpperty, � � '" �����
<br /> inaluding, but not limited to, soil and groundwater con8itions. : ����••
<br /> ,� � Truetor shall not use, qenera�e, maaufacture , store or dispose of , �.� �����
<br /> � � � on, under or about the Property or transport to or from the �, `��"�---°
<br /> ., -�
<br /> , '�-:.
<br /> . :�... . �._ . . Property any flammab].e explos;vee r radioactive ma�erials, haz�trdous -.,�,,, ..
<br /> � � wastea, toxic substancea or rel.ated materials, including, without �`� ;.��
<br /> - limitation, any substances defined as or included in the defini- - ;j°��'���
<br /> F � �;.,.�r�''
<br /> - tion of "hazazdous substancea", "hazardous wastes", °hazardous '.,;�,,�; . „
<br /> - � m�terials" or °to�eic substances" under any applicable laws, �;;tr�;'.';'. . �•
<br /> ' ordinances or regulations (collectivery xeferred to hereinafter -�`y�.
<br /> �" as "Hazardous Materials") . Borrower hereby warrants and zepre- . ,
<br /> �� � sents to Lender that there are no Hazasdous 2�laterials on or under :•:�'•�
<br /> � the Property. Sorrow@x hereby agxees to inc�emnify and hold ���;;:;�.�
<br /> +� � ° harmleas Lender, ita directors, officers, ernployees and agents,
<br /> s: � , and any succeesars to Lender's iaterest, froin aad against any and
<br /> ''• a11. cla3aas, damages aad liabilities ariaing in connection wi�h
<br /> the presence, use, etorage, disposal or transport of any Hazardoue ,,
<br /> "� Materials en, under, from or about the Property, including, with-
<br /> ,� ' out limitaL•ion, (a) all damaqes directly or indirectly arisinq
<br /> ..n: - .-.__..�-:_____T____ ..._. _ _._..
<br /> out of the use, qeneration, storage or disposai of riazaravu� ��
<br /> �� • Material.s by Borrower or any prior owner or operator of the
<br /> Property, and (b) all coats oE any required or necessary repair,
<br /> � ,. � cleanup ox detoxifiaation and the preparation of any closure or
<br /> other required plans, whether such action is required or neces-
<br /> sary prior to or following �ransfer of title to the Property, to
<br /> the full extent that such action is attiributable, directly or
<br /> � indirectly, to the presence or use, qenerati on, atoraqe, release, . ,
<br />- � threatened release or diaposal of Hazardous Materials by any
<br /> person on the Property prior to tranafer o f titile thereto by
<br /> ':.:::
<br /> ..� . ..
<br /> .:, _3- ..
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<br /> � --- - --- ---
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