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' '•1 <br /> � ... . :i3� • <br /> - '.I•.. � .. <br /> .4�� .� . <br /> ,a�, <br /> , „ ., „ <br /> ,. <br /> ��• � . . <br /> , t, ,, - . . .. �. � . .. �:n:�x <br /> . . ... . <br /> .. ..� . . , �, <br /> , ., . ----- � ., ,_.� <br /> . .. .. . .. .. _....- - <br /> � , , . <br /> . .,.. , <br /> , . . _ .. .. ...... .:._. <br /> "__...__._:f..l� . _ ......_._:A...__'... . . . . .. .,. - - • �. <br /> �-- ----- 9 5' �a��x � �. <br /> keep the property free fram meahaniae or other iiena not ex- <br /> , �� preesly subozdiaatod to the lien hereof= �o not make, sufter or <br /> .. ' permit any nuieance tA oxist nor to diminish or impaix the value <br /> " „ �� of the property by any aoti or omieeion to aatf and to aomply with <br /> : � all requiremen�a af law wi4:h respeat to tho proporty. <br /> g. �nsuran�ce. At all timee dur�ng the term hersof to <br /> - .. . - proaure and =aaintaia poliaies o! all-riek "extended aoeerage" +. <br /> � � _ � . ia8urance oa the property, in sums and uaderwritten by aompanioe „ <br /> � aaceptable to HBNBFICIARY, in an amouut at leaet equal to the <br /> „ �� property's full ineurabl�+ valua, but aovez lese than the amouat <br /> due undar the parties' Trust Deed Nate, whiah poliay shall aame <br /> �BNSFICIARY as additional 3.neurede, with the proaeede payable ta <br /> n the as their interes�s may appear hereunder. TRUSTOR „ <br /> �� � � agrees to provide B��IEFICIARY with aopiea of suah or <br /> ` � certifiaates of insuranae durinq the term ofr thia indebtedaesa, <br /> ' ' whioh poliaies of insurance =aay not be aanaelled by said carsier <br /> " � .. . without fifteen (1S) days prior written notiae to RBNSFICIA�3Y. <br /> � _� -> TRUSTOR further agrees to Lqroau�re and maintain a einqle-limit <br /> � � liability poliay in the suta af One Million Dollare, which polivy <br /> ehall naiae SBNF3FICIARY as additional ineureds. Any applicatioa <br /> , of praceeds to indebtedaees shall not extend or poatpone the due r, <br /> " .,;,. date of any paymeats und�r the Noto, or aure any default <br /> � ,�,,� thereunder oz hereunder. <br /> '' :'.� 6. Condemnati.oa. In the event the property, or any part , <br /> ' �` thereof, shall be taken by ead.neat dcmain, Beneficiary ie enti- .• <br />- ° � '?' tled to aollect and receive all aompensatiom whiah may be paid ' <br /> .. ' : �; � for any property talcen ar for damaqes zo prvpei y not t��n, and <br /> �. Beneficiary ahall apply such aompeneation, at its option, eitBer ����, <br /> � to a reduetion of the indebtedneao soaured hezeby or to repair �`` <br /> F:^*a� <br /> "�� aad restore the property so taken. -� <br /> _:��. <br /> " �� � 7. �erform� ae bv Beneficiarv. Benefiaiary a�ayr but ehall '-e_ <br /> ,.. , ��.- �;. have no obliqation to, do aay aat which Truetcr has aqreed but �.. <br /> _ � • ;{}�;:,,�.r` failed to do, and Beneficiary may also do aay act it deems neces- = <br /> ;, sary to protect the lien hereof. Truator agreea to repay, upoa �_ <br /> .. ,� demand, any eume so expended by Heneficiary for tbe above pur- __ <br /> - �� � poses, aad aay sum so expended by Beneficiary sha1L be added to �_ <br /> :';?�7,,;;��..;:.�;; .�.;�.�'� the indebtedness secured hereby aad beaome secured by the li.ea � <br /> ��.�i;.�+���%'->� .�-��:� hereof. Heneficiary shall aot iaaur any pereonal liabiliLy bQ- �, <br /> --- � cause of anything it may do or om�l.t to do hezeunder. �"` <br /> .. ���� - <br /> • � � �ti��� 8. Assig,�ent of Rente. Henefiaiary shall have the right, _ <br /> � � ��. po�ver and authority du�ing the aontinuanee of this Deed of Trast �-; <br /> _ ' -� to aollect the reats, issue� and prof3.ts of the pzoperty and of �= <br /> � � � � i aay pereoaa� pzoperty looated th�reon with or without taking pos- -- <br /> � ,.��:.��- <br /> =::.°��.. "_..r� . se�aiou o� the �roger�y af feated hereby, and Trustar hnrcby ub�o- G= <br /> � lutely and uacoaditionally aesigns all guch rents, issues and �` <br /> .:� - ��� <br /> ,' profite t� Hetnefi.ciasy. Seaefiaiary, however, hereby aoneentec to <br /> °<r' '� _ , Trustor's callection and retention of such rents, issues and <br /> _ � profits as thep aaarue and become payable, so loaq aa Trustor ie . <br /> �� � . not, at such time, in defauLt with zegpect to paymeat of any in- <br /> � "° debtedne�� seaurc�d hereby, or in the perfanaanae of anY aqreement <br /> hereundc�r. If any event af default desaribed hereafter in re- <br /> ." epeat to this Deed of Trust shall have ocaurred and be aontiau- <br /> ing, Beaefiaiary, as a matter of xight and without aotice to ,. <br /> _ .. Trustor or anyone ala3.minq under Trustor, and without regard to <br /> - � the value of the trust estate or the i.nterest of the Trustos <br /> - � therein, shall have the riqht to apply to aay aourt havinq jurie- <br /> . diction to appoint a reaeiver of the property. ' <br /> -� - - 9. InsAectiona. Seaefiaiary, or its aqenzs, reprenvui.n- - <br /> - �� � . tives or workmen, are auttaorized to enter at any reasoaa191e time � <br /> � ; � upon or in aay part of the property for the purpoae of inspeatinq <br /> - � the Qame and for the purpose �f performinq any of the aats it ie <br /> � authorizod to perfornt under the terms of any loaa instruments <br /> . , executed by Trust�r. <br /> ' 10. Tranafer of .Propexty. If all or any part of the prop- <br /> '° erty or aay interest of T�rustor therein is sold, transferred or , <br /> - further eaawabered without the exprees or writtea consent of <br /> �~ � Henefiaiary, Heaefic�.ary may, at i�e sole option, dealare all ,; <br /> .; <br /> " 3 , <br />_� „ _ <br />