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<br /> �. M additional�eaurlty,7Fwtor henrby give�W aad wnfea upoa BeaeRoiuy the rlght,powar and nutho�ity,dudag tha contiuusace of „ '
<br /> theae Trusta W wllect the r�nu,ietuas attid pmAta of xaid pmperty,e�egonrfn8 uato lhutar the�ight,prtor W eny default by 1lnutor in paymenf
<br /> ' ° of aAy ladebtcdacc�cccurcd hex�by or!n Rnrformnnro otnny a�ree�neet herounder,tocollect and retaln auch roate,teruea nad proats ae tLey
<br /> beoome due aad pyrable.Upon�y�uc}►defattil.BeaeAdnty myr Rt aqy time wlthouf aotice,eithae ta per�oa.Ay agea�.or by e ncoiver W bo
<br /> ' agpotatat by e cowt,aad without eeQaed to ths adequaoy nf any Kcurity[or ehe ladebtcdneee hereby eecu�ed.entes upoa Qad tate posaeidon „
<br /> : of�aid property ar aqy put the:eof,ta hi�own name�ue for or othosaiee collccs eucb rersq,ieauea aad psoAte,iaclndiog Wose pa�t due ead •
<br /> . �- unpaid,end syply!he ume upan u�,y iadebtadaes secund hereby,and la such o:+der es EeaeRdary may determine. The entestng upon aud
<br /> taldag poa�eatoa of eaid property,eho coUecNon ot nuch nat�. iuu�s aad yro9te and the applieatloa thereof as etoreasid.sbaU noL cure or .,.
<br /> • waive aqy dethWt or notloe otdeihult heroundes or ie►valtdaW aqy aat done pureuant W such aot[oe.
<br /> 6. Upoa defaalt by 94astar iu We pqyment of aqy indebtedraot��ecured heraby or in the perforpaanca af aay agreement ooataiued herein,
<br /> all sums aecurad hereby�heU immediately become due aad paya6lo at the opiioa oithe HeneSdary. Ia eueh eveat and upoa wrlteea rEgneat
<br /> of BeaeQciary.�tee�hh�ll eeU the trwt PmPertY.in naoordaaoe wtih the Nebmeka 74vat Deede 11ct.at publie auctton eo the highert bidder.
<br /> Aqy peraon except 1lwtee auy bid at 7lwtee'e ealo. 7lrwtee s1uU apply fhe peoceede otlke eale as tbAowe: (1>W the a�cpeaee of the eale.
<br /> , includtag a reasnaable 7Miatees fee;(2)f0 WE ADIIBYZIOA YlCp��t�WD DCBfI OtTlt18L',�S)1�Af!811T�It18.�Y8!{Yi shell bo distrlbuted W the peseous . ..
<br /> . eatitled thereto. .
<br /> 8.1lrustee ehall deliver W the purelw�er ut the aalo tti de�d,without warreaty,which a6a11 convey Co the pnrchaser the iatenst iA the .
<br /> pmperty which 7lnutt�r I�d or had the power to canvey at the time otdis e:ecutlon of fLie Deed of ltust,�ad�uch as he rnW have ac4uieed �
<br /> the:eafter. 1Yusteas d�d a1Wl redw We tkets ehowln�that the�lo aee aonducted tn compliauoe with nil the requineu�eate of lsw and otthis
<br /> .� Deed ot7futt,wl�ich redW a6a11 be prlraa facle evidenae of euch oomplianca aud oonclusive ev[dence thereof in t�vor ot bonn 8de purcheaeie ',�""
<br /> aad eacivabraaoet t6r vdue.
<br /> . 7. Tke powar of eaie ronfereed by this Deed ot7lruat is ttot on e:ciwtve mmedy;HeaeAcisry u�ay cause thiB Bc.:,d of 14uot W be lbreeloaa8 , „ -'--:
<br /> • ae a mo�aya. '
<br /> �,.,
<br /> , , 8. In ths event ot ilu death.iaapadty�dfsabiUt,y as eealgaatba of ZY�utee,HeneftdatY�Y�Pl�t in wrtWig a wooeuoi bwtee.�nd . .
<br /> ' upoa the e+ecordina ot sueh aypoiapneat ia ehe morfgage nwrda of the oounty in wbich tliis Deed of 71vst ie ceooided�the saaoaeos dwtee ; '
<br />_ �IuU be vetted with aU powees of ehe oiigiaal leuatee. The tHatae is not obli�d to aofi$r aqY Parq'hento otpe:tdtng wle under aay ot5er }�
<br /> Deod otl4uyt or ofany ati�a or praeeedtn�fn which 7twWr,ltuttee or BeneSc[ary�s�ll be a parf,y tuaesa such ection orprooeedtag ie b:on�ht �i=..
<br /> o . � by the 7kuetee. �Y
<br /> ' - 9.Thb Deed of 71wt�pylfa to,inuer,�W the bone8t of,aad i�biadtng noi oaly on We p�rties hereto.bat on their hel�e.devisxo.legetaas, :'�:
<br /> .." adminiitraton,eucuton,suaxssor��ad as�igns.The term BeneBciary shaU meaae the holder and owner of theaote eecuied hereby,ahether '_�:
<br /> . • or not twmed as BeaeSc4ry herofa. �
<br /> ; :� 20.R�far Y.at�e a!B�nlL ar I3a!!�e a!8al:. It 3a rr�u�"d lhei s snyy s�ir�r N�Ll�,•!�t n.}s�»tc or Notles ot 8de 6e mailed so earh �'�'
<br /> . .. pesann wha is named in tLiis 1�ui!Deed at the mau[nQ sddtea�of�uch pe�on ea set out aDove.
<br /> s Do not si�lhiu paper before you read it S.Yon are eatitled to a copy oi --�'.
<br /> NO�!'ICE TO COleTSUIi�I�. 1. �--
<br /> lbis pe�pe�r. S.You maY Prep�'the nnpa�d balaaee at any tlme without penalq►and may be entltled to "�_�°
<br /> .� , reaetve a retuad oi�nnearrned cLarQes!n acaosd�aae avlth le�v. ,:,. ::�,°
<br /> , g��� 13 �,yp� Julv .A.D.29� '.;,i�,;,,..�_
<br /> BTATE OF NLSRASI{A � X -" - G �(/ .„�` �,—
<br /> ._�.-.
<br /> . ,.. )ea. °
<br /> . Hall COLJNTY ) X • ,c�-;' —
<br /> �
<br /> , ° ' ", pA� 13 � �{ Julv 5 b�fora me.tbe underel�ed,a Notary Publlo. " .
<br /> y .A.D.19�� commitsioaed and ...;:r,..,' .:�LC�
<br /> ' quRtiBed forand rea[diagia eaid conaty,pereonaUyceme Steve M. Wentz and I�vnette K. Wentz. husban � ���":` �'
<br /> - „ � w i f e as �o iu t tenante ��e�ov,n to be tha idenLteal peaxo�whose uames a f�e d to W e f osc g o i n g i n e t r a m e a t ",, .�. , .
<br /> . ..� .
<br /> . • ae YYtiuWr � en.d ackaowledged the eame W be the{r =_
<br /> ,.� :�l';•:�;:: ":-
<br /> wtunwy nd aad dee�. �. .
<br /> .. ������._
<br /> `� Witnees my band andNotar[a18ea1 tke day /f ,�. y
<br /> , . =�� My Commisaioa expirca tho 8 dnY �l�d��6 . . .^' ;�:• . -
<br /> of February ,19 99. � �r ';�.^`__
<br /> � L� `'� No �uo - - - ----
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<br /> ,:::�,:, ` � Entered in Nnmertcel Indes ead Sled for racord in the o�co otthe Rog[ater ot Deads oteaid couaty.the '
<br /> •,�„`t'� � ,,,, day of �19 .at o'clock snd miautea M.,
<br /> 1:�,,, ead duly e�ecmded in Sook of Mortgoges Page • ,
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<br /> . �� Regleter of Deode .
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