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<br /> , �5�9,Q4�:S�'7
<br /> • 'POCiHTl�R WITH all tho Mprovementa now or hercaftcr c,rectod on tha pmperty,and sll c�.sements,nPPurtenartces.and
<br /> � tixaires now or hereafter a part ot tho property.All repit►cements artd addldona shuU atso be covercd by thia Socurlty Inawmen�
<br /> AU of iha farcgoing la ccfcrr�to in this Sacudty Inatrument as tha"PropcAy." .,
<br /> � '� " SORROWBR COVBNANTS thet Bomower Is I�wfuUy scised ot the estste hcrcby wnvoyod and hes the right to grant and
<br /> convey the Prop�+�d tdut tbo Prop�sty ts unencumbcnd.except !or encumbranees of roccurd,Horrower warrants and wW
<br /> ..�r• .=��:"�" defend generuUy the dtlo to tha Propccty egatnst all Glatma or►d dcmettde,subjoct w any encum6rtinnc,os of re�erd.
<br /> ,:����: THIS SEC(3R1TY 1NS7RUMBNT combincs unitome oovcnants for natlonal use end non•unlfom� covcnantx with timited
<br /> „�,,,,,,,,,,�. variadons by judsdicdon t4 consdaate a unU'oren socurlty insuument covering re.at property.
<br /> _ . „ UNIFORM COVSNANTS.Bc�nower and Lender covenant and agcee aa followac
<br /> ., •� 1.Payment ot Prittcipaf aad tatereati PrepaSnnent And Late Clu�rgee. Aomnwer shell pmmptly pay when due the
<br /> principal of tu►d inte.r�st an Ihe d�bt avidenced by tha Note and any prepaymtnt nnd late charges dae under the Note.
<br /> �� 2.F'uads tor T�tses and Ieanranx. Subjact to appUcable law or to a wrltten weiva by Leadec, Boirower shall pay to .�.
<br /> I.ender on the day montbiy payaiesia arc due under the Note,undl tha Note is paid tn fuU�a sum("Fuads")for.(a)Yearly taxes "�`
<br /> � � ead asses�nents whIch may ettalr► pdorlry over tltis Security InsWmcatt as a lien on the Propesty;@)Yearly leasehold paymeacs
<br /> . or�ound renta oa the Property�if aay:(e)Y�srly hazard or pronerty inaureuce premiums;(d)Yearly tlood lnswrance premIums.if
<br /> ._; ' �" anyi(e)Yearly mottgage insurence preaniums,if any;and(�az►Y�PaY�la by Borrower w L�dor.in accordance wlth the
<br /> = �� ^ p=ovlstons ot'para�apb 8�in lieu of the paymeut of atottgege iasurauce prctniums.Tltese iteras are celled "BscKOw Itetas." � �
<br /> . : Lender may.at any Wne,ooltect and hold Funds in en amount aat to exceed We niaxicnum ernount a leader for a feclrratly m� ` =
<br /> _. �>`�'"�;. `° p�tgage loan may roqnire for Boaower's escrow ec�ount under the federal Real Bstata Settleaneat Procedures Act of 1974 as �;,
<br /> ---- � — aime�ded fmm ti�ne w dme,12 U.S.C.Secttoa 2601 et seq. ("RSSPA").uutess ano�hea law that appiies oo tbe Funcis�s a l�.s�: ~
<br /> . aznoun� If su�L�der may.at eny t�ne,a►lloct and hold Funds in an emouat not to enc.eed the les�r r,moun� I.eadcr may �z;
<br /> � � . : '��- esdmate the emouat of Funds due an tha basls of current dam and masonable esdmates of expoudiqmes of fuwre B�mw Items or —
<br /> ba
<br /> °='� � ott�uwise in aoeordance witt►appiteable 1aw. �
<br /> '� 'lf�e Fuads shall be held in an �nsticudon whoss deposita ere insured by a foderel ageaay►.insl�umeAmllty�or eatity(iaclndin8 =_-
<br /> �. : ,r ;� LeAde�. if Latder is such an insdtudon)or in any F�I Horae Loan Bank Leader shell apply the Fuads to pay the Bsc�ow �.`
<br /> ei
<br /> , Items.I.eudea may aot charge Borsower for holdia�and applylreg the Funde.annas�lllly enalyzing the esaow aocount,or vedfyIuug =-
<br /> . . the Bscxnw Items.1It11C38 LCJtdEl PSyB B01iOWCt�IItCiCSL OA 1�t8 FUildB Aild 8�IIC8618 ISW�JM�iB I.CAdCr W Rl8k8 SIICh 8 CI18T$8. ___
<br /> :�`;.� " `�` ' I�Iowever.I.ender a�ay require Basrower to pay a ono-Wne charge for en indepeadent real estate tau repordng service used by --
<br /> ,•�_,`. Leadar in connecdon witb this laan,wd�t�tpltcebte law provides oitt�rwiss.UNcs�an�i i��e�t sgplicsble lsrs --
<br /> l � ,. ;
<br /> •s' ��� requires interest to be paid,Lead�c sh�all not be required to pay Bormwer eny intere�t or eaminga on the Funda Boaower and _._
<br /> , � L.eader may agroe jn wrIting.however.d�at int�est sba11 be paid on the Funds.LEUde�shall glvo to�3osrowa'.wUhout chazge,en --
<br /> n n a'U
<br />:`;-. .' .r.. .`..�. --
<br /> _: .,, � ttimnual accoundng of the Funds�ahowing credits end debits to the Funds and the purpace for which each debit to the Fands aes
<br />;r:"�,;:�-;. �;: �
<br /> -�,�`l � made.The Funds are plcdged as addiflonal sec�ulty for ell sums sec�ued by tbis Securlty Iastnunent =
<br /> �*^-y If the Funds held by I.enderexceed the amounts pennitted to be held bY BPPllcable law.I,e�der sball eccount to Bonower for
<br /> �:. �._� Q� _ .:�' -
<br /> �°��4�y.f'�r�i�� :'�
<br /> 4 t he excess F�n d s i n e c c o r d a n c e wl t h the r e qufremcnts of a p plicable law.If the euiount of the Funds tteld by Lender at any time is
<br /> r'�_., �.,<<, `'<�:' not sutfident to pay dte Sscrow Itema when due.Lender may so noNfy Bomnwer in wrihng.and�►such ca�e Bomoaes sdell PaY -
<br />.,.:`:'`�!�•::;t>.�;� to Leader We araouat aecessery ta make up the deflciency. Bomower shail make up 1he deftclency in no more than twelve --
<br /> -,•.� : . at Leader's snle discredon. __.
<br /> :;..�;,_::� ' ..;,. �;: mouthlYPaYmer►ts� -�
<br />=';a;ti�.`��:,�.,�-;: Upon payma�t in full of all sums secured by this Securlty Inswmeat,Lender shali promptly sefiwd to Bo:rower eny Funds -
<br />- _:.��::,s��;;d,,,, •. held by Leader.If.undrr para�aph 21,Lender shell acquire or sell the Property.Lender,Prior to the acquisfidon or salo of the
<br /> :�.�,;,,_,�,, .t:
<br />�,.-', -�- Propesty.shall apply aay Funds held by Lender at the time of acqu9sIflon or sale as a credit against the sums secured by this �
<br /> �'`:?�%:y'"�:=�;:� Security Instcumertt -
<br /> z;ry:7r�.,-.� ��..
<br /> r';��1.:'::; 3.Application ot Payment� Unless appllcable law provldes otherwlse.alll payments raceived by Leader under paragraphs __
<br /> -- i md 2 sball be applied: fus6 a aaY P�Y�enc cherges due under the Note;sawr►d,w amounrs payable ander parageapb 2;
<br /> =�'�;.,i�;:.;". �i thjrd,w interest due;fouM�to principal duo:end lest,to any late charges due undec the Note.
<br /> _ `, 4.CLarges;Lkna Borr�ower ahall pay aU taxes.assessments�cher8es.fines and itnposldons aaribumble to the Property --
<br /> �� .`��� ' -
<br /> ,.�y • � w)dch may attain prlority over this Se�urlty Inauument,end leasehold paymeuts or gronnd reuts�iF eny.Bauower si�all pay these
<br /> .�c.�:'r:r�`".`-� eb8g�oas la!he me�provided in paragraph 2.or if not gaW in that an�nne�.Aorroaer Sha�U pay them on Nnro direcdy to the ■�z_=��_.
<br /> .�,v,,�','�w"'. `•. �.. pe�son owed payment Borrowu shall prnmptly fu:nish w Lsnder eli nodces of amounts to be patd under this paragcaph.If =-
<br /> ' .,...
<br /> _;:.i;�;�;r•,j' . �; ...
<br /> .�.:.• ' Bocrower makes these paymenu directly.Borrowar shel!promptly furnish W Leader receipts evidencing the payme�►ts. --
<br /> :.:,���`~ ��'� Horrower shall pmmpily discb�rgo any Hen which t�ag priorIty over this Security Iasp�v�nem unles�Bomc+wer:(a)agrees in �=
<br /> ,�;�,;;`.'.'�`." vuridng to the payment of the obligation socured by the liea in a manner ecceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the llen __v=°
<br /> ..';;,. ..`..�.
<br /> � �-• by,or defends egeinst enforameat of the llen in. legal proceedings which in the Lendar's opinion operata to prevent the :-:-��
<br /> - �.. � .�. enforcement of the Hent ar(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agraemeat sadsfectory to Le�eder subordi�atiag the lien to _
<br /> r;..� this Secudty Insuumeat If Lender detennines that aay part of the Prope�ty is subject to a lien which may etffiin prlorlty ovcr this
<br /> Serur[ty Insb�ument,Lender mey give Borc�ower a nodce idendfying the llen.Borrower shall satisfy d�e lien or take one or more
<br /> . of the acHons set foith altsve within 10 days of the givit►g of nodca
<br /> �s Form 90 lIDO
<br /> „ �J� (�-dR1NE)ros��) aap•zors �nmus�_
<br /> '.. o ..'_
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