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<br /> s To d�fend, settle, adjust, cnmpound, aubmit to arbit�ation f_
<br /> and compromise all aatione, auits, accounta, reakAnings, claime and
<br /> demands whatsoe�rer with reapect to the property that now are, or
<br /> herea£ter shall be pending between us and any person, firm,
<br /> asaoaiation or aorporation, in auch manner and in all respects as
<br /> our said Attorney shall think fit.
<br /> � To hire acaountants, attorneya at law, alerk�, inspectora,
<br /> appra3.sera, brokera, woxkrc�en and othera, and to remove them,
<br /> appoint othere in their place, and xo pay and allow to the peraone
<br /> so employed �uch ealariea, wagea or other remunerations(s) , ae our
<br /> aaid Attorney ahall �hink fit wita respect to the pzoperty.
<br /> ♦ To conotitute and appoint, in ite place arid etead, anc� as
<br /> its aub�titu�e, one or more �tt�rney(A� : for us, with �uZl power of ._
<br /> revocatiafi.
<br /> � To exexaise suah other powers as may bQ neceseary or
<br /> . deeixable with respect to the sale, purchaee, mort�jage,
<br /> disposition, management and control af said property, whether �he
<br /> aame be like kind or charactea to those herein enurnerated or not,
<br /> in paxticular, to enable the Attarney to act under changed
<br /> conditiona, the exact nature of which cannot now be foreaeen, it �
<br /> being intend�d to vest in the A�torney, and we do hereby veat in
<br /> the Attorney, full power to aoatxol and manage eaid property, '
<br /> giving and granting to the Attorx�ey-in-Fact ful�. power and
<br /> authority to do and perform every act and thing what8oever
<br /> requieite and neaeeeary to be done in connection with aaid property
<br />._ as fully, to all intenta and purpoaes as we might or aould do if
<br /> .d
<br /> pereonally present.
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