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<br /> . C�VF.�IANTS •r,s
<br /> 1, paymtme. Borrowor ngreas to meke ail payrpents an the eecurad debt whan due. Un�ese Botrowor and Londor eproe othorwlae, eny
<br /> � paymonta Londer roeoivea from Borrower or for Borrower's benetit wlll be appIfed first to any am�untd Borrouret owes o�tho eecureA deQt
<br /> not reduce or ex�c�i+�se�any saheduied pewmemtunUltth se ec�ured dobt Is�paid In fu I�P�npnymeM of tha eoaurod dobt ocouro tor uny raaeon,it will
<br /> 2.Cl�tms Ap�(nst TId�.8orrower.wl,l pay aIi fexes,aesesements,and other chargea atulbutebla to the p�Operty when du0 elnd will defend title
<br /> � to the properri egatnat any clelma wnloh wpuld impek the Ilen of this deed ot uust.Lender mey requfre Borrower to aseipn any rlphtt,alelm�ar
<br /> • detenee8 whlah eonower nsay have sgaintt partlee who supply labor or meteriets to improve or maintain the propetty. „
<br /> � 3.Insunnae.Borrowsr wili koep the property inaured undar terms aaaeptabte to lendar et Borrower's exporue and fa�ende�'s bemttt. All
<br /> Insurance polieies shell inoiude a etendard mortgege cieuse in favor of Lender.Lender wlu be named ao tosa peyeu or ea the ineured on eny suah
<br /> "- or6to t!b se�cured debA ItuLendetpequlresemortga8e Inauranae�Boriower�agieea to ma�intdn suoh iniurenca for ae lonp as Lartder ioqulros��artrty ,''.
<br /> ���'t� 4.Prop�rty.Bottowe►wlll keep tha property in good condition and make afl repaire reasonebty neeeasary. .
<br /> � �•� S.Expmsa.Borrower agrees to pay ail Lender's expenaea Inoluding reasonable ettorneys'feea,if 8orrower bteake any aovensnts In thit deed
<br /> of truat o�in any obiigatlon secured by this deed of Wst.�anower wilt pay theae amourts to l.onder ae provided in Covenant 8 of this daed of
<br /> trust.
<br /> �� ' 8.PAor 8ocurtty IMerests.Untesa Borrower ftret obtalns Lender's written consent, Bortower wfli not make or pe�mit any ahengpe to any prlor
<br /> ' sqcurtty inteteats. Bcrrower wili pertorm all ot Borrawer'e obiigatlona undet any prior mortgaga,deed ot uuat ar othe► seourity egreement,
<br /> inctuding Borrower's aovenants to make paymerrta wheR due.
<br /> � "' 7.AnfmnmrM of R�r►ts and P�oAts.8arrawer aeeigne to Lender ihe rents end protite of the property.Untees Borrower and Lender heve eg(eed
<br /> otherw�se in wttting,8orrower may oolieot and�etaln the reMS as�ong ae Bottower it rtot in defauit. If Bor�ower defauitn,Lsnder, Lendor'a
<br /> apent,or a court appotMed recelver may teke poasesalon and manege the property and adteat the�ente,AnY rente Lander coileots�hail 6e .
<br /> appiled tirat to the costs of ineneAing she propany,Inolud� court coate and ettorneys' teea, oommisabns to reMal ape� nu, nM any other
<br /> •ti " •• neceuary releted expenaea.The rematninp amount af renta wllt then apply to payments on the seeured debt es provfded in Covenent 1.
<br />"'�' 8,Ltt��hoid�t Cardomtnfumsi P���d����+�opm��.8onower agreea to eompty with tha provislona ot eny teaae if thie deed of uat i�on , .:
<br /> �______._ _ „1 _ uri}eithn�da�ave��nts by tawe uar regulettons�of the ao�nd�anln�lum ot plananed untt deveto�pm�nt, Borrower w{II perform all of Borrower's duties ..
<br /> .. ...._. .. .. __ . ..,
<br /> �G.
<br /> "' 8.Authoiiq of L�nd�r to Per(orm tor Bortowa. if Bonower fails to aerform cny oi Barrawar's duties under this deed ot aust,Lendar mey �
<br /> , , peKorm the duttea or aause them to 6e pertarmed.Lender may aign 9ottower's neme a pay any amount It naeeseary for perfo►manae.If any ;�
<br /> ';�%; iicuri�ty IMereat tnetheop a��di�ienmay inolude completinp tho conatruaUonmanner, Londer may do whetever is�ecesaary to proteot lender'e
<br /> .�c
<br /> h�. Lender's failuro to porform wfli not preotude Lender frorn exercising any of ite othar�ighu under the law or thie deed of uuat. "
<br /> ,. .� :;.,�.
<br /> • ,� . ind wAI beet�iMerest fromdthe date�of�e psyment uMil pa d In�fuli a theei tn ereatdte e i�n eHe don tfre secu�red debt���Wilt be due on domand y.,,.
<br /> <.
<br /> � �, t0. Wfwlt�nd AaoNennlon. It 8orrower falis to meke any payment when due or 6reake eny covenente under thia deed o@ Vust or any
<br /> � dsmi�nd Emmed at peyment and may invoke the powermo�f e�ie e�idr eny otheri emedie�s perm�tedcb�p appilaable mew tity of the�ecwed debt and .�r.
<br /> 11.R�qu�n tor Notto�ot DHwft.It Is hereby requested that copi�s ot the oottcea of default and sale be sent to eeoh penon who is e party +�.
<br /> Mnto,at tNS addreas ot each such parson,as sac iwti�heran. ��"=
<br /> 'i� 17.Foww of SN�.If the Lender Invokes the powet ot eale,the Trustee ahaQ flrst recad in tha otfiae of the regiater of deed�ot aoh aaunty �"
<br /> o Wlnaln the uuat propeny or eome part or percel thereot is sltuated e notlee of defauh corneining the Infarmation requlred by lew.The Trustes =_
<br /> ^ �IUiI aito mdl copias of the noHce of default to the Borrower,to each pereon who is a perty hareto, and to other peroon�as presadbed by ___
<br /> " �ppilable I�w. Not leae then one month efter the T�uetee recorda the notice of deteutt or two months If the trust property lt not in �ny R
<br /> . . 1 ? Inaorporat�d oity or vllisge snd is ueed tn terming o�peraUons oattied on by the ttuator,Me fruatee ahell give publto notice of�ele to the ps�sons �-
<br /> � a In t�n+�nner preauibad by appp�icable taw. 7rustea,whhout demend on 8orrowa, ehell ooll the property et publfo auotbn to the hlQheat
<br /> b�rd�r. f nquirod by the Ferm Homesteed Proteotbn Aot,Truatee�hatt otter the propwty In two separate ea�ea as requlred by app�loabb iaw. -_
<br /> . ! Li�or�tti diilO�may purctiaaeethe proCepe ty t�e^yroee1 rty by pu6ilo announceme�t at tha time and placo of any previoualy scheduied sds. �._
<br /> e '•�
<br /> 1
<br /> Upon r�e�ipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shall delivet to the purch�ear Truntee's deed convey�ng the Oroperty.The redUsle com�ined In
<br /> � "^• ^ Trutt�e'�Ai�d shtli be prima taale evidienee of the Vuth of the atatemente eomoined thareln.Trustea shall appty ttre proceeda of the eaie In the
<br /> �� ,.� . � k fotlowlnp ardars (�1 to att expenaea of the sale, Inaludinp, but not Ilmfted to, reaeonable Troetee's feea, reaeonable attorneWe teee and
<br /> nimt�t�tn�nt tees;(b1 to ett sums eeoured by thls deed of truat,and tol the baianae,if any,to the persons Iegally entitled to reoeive It.
<br /> � ,••:,r� •.; 19.FaRaolouu�.At iender's opUon,thie daed of trust may be foreeloaed In tho manner provide b� epplloebie taw tor tareelo=ure of moKpepss
<br /> -w��c,� ; - 1 on n�l prop�rty.
<br /> '• ""��'"'"µ 7 14.Mtp�atlo�.Lander may enter the propeny,u�mpecc it If Lender Bivoe Borrowe� .qt�ce sefuehend.The notice muet etete the reasonebte
<br /> .. • a�ut�fa ltnd�r•s tnnpeatfon.
<br /> '"�" ' 16��a�dNnntlon.Bonower aesigna to Lender thoprocesda of eny award or cielm for demag ee conneated with a wndemnedon or othor teking _
<br /> � � � of�II or�ny p�rt oi the property.Suah proceeda wNl be appiled es provided in Covenant 1.7hfa esaignmeM ia aubjeot to the terms of eny prior
<br /> "�:,. . t�curlty�pnsment.
<br /> � " .* i y�medy u�n Boriow re e defautt,Leodee�rdoes not walire eny rigM to tate9aonsider the evoM e de autt If it heppena egai y�BY"0t exereteing �
<br /> I! -"'���'�' ^ 7.JWM�nd Q�v�rr UaEqity� CatFpn�ns 8uacasan and Aulyns Bound. AU dutiea under thie deed of uuet are Jotnt and�everai. Ar►y �-�r.
<br /> �:`.` ""�` '�� �orrow�r who eo•sfpm thi� deed ot trust but doea not eaalpn tho underi�Ing delx InahumeMts) daes eo only to grant and eonvey that -_
<br /> �•-:t'';M,;,�;:. ;� Borrow�r'�Ut�raft�n the Oroperty to the Trustee undet the te�ms o4 thJs dned ot truat,in eddkion,suah e Bortower agroes that the leoder and e,,,_
<br /> � 4n1I otM�Borrow�r under�his deed of trust may extend,moditv or make eny other cAenges in the terme of thia deed ot truet or the eecured r.r`
<br /> :� ^' d�bt wlthcut that 8orrower s conaer►t end without reteesing that Bartower hom the terms ot this d�ed of wst.
<br /> E:-ti_
<br /> },. . -
<br /> � !• � _ Tla dutla md b�rNflt�of this deed of uust eheN Wnd and benefR the suaaec�soro and eeaigne of Lender end 8orcower. ����
<br /> ��
<br /> ��' li.N�tlo��Unt�a�oth�rwlp required by taw,any�otice to Bonower sha11 be givan by detivering k or by meNing it by certtfled matt nddressed to - -
<br /> ° �, . BotrOwt��t tM propetty addrea o►enY othor addroaa thet Bottower has given to Lender.Borrower witl give any notlee to Lender by certlNed �,:
<br /> ' m�il to L�nd�r'��d�r�u on paye 1 of thia deed of truat,or to eny other addreae which lender hea deatgnatad.Any other notice to Lendar ahail ;,,
<br /> .. b�unt to l�nd�r's�ddr�s�et�tawd on pnge 1 0}thia deed of truet. ;:':
<br /> Any notic�th�ll bs deemed to have boon gtven to Borrower or Lender when given in the menner stated above.
<br /> - • . 18 TtRet�tet of tM�op�ty a�Bm�ftotat intenst to th�Borrowu.if a�i or any part of the propony or any lircerest in it le soid a tranaferted
<br /> „ , .'_.+ pl�:t1l�nAn'1� p or writt�n consent, lendet mey demand immedlate payment ot the secured debt.lender may atso demand immedlete .
<br /> q tht eorrawer f�nat a neturai pereon end a benoticfai intereat in the Barrower la eofd or bensterred. However. Londer may not
<br /> , dom�nd peymont In tho nhovo eltueUona It It Is prohiNited by federal Iew as of tho dato of thh deed of trust.
<br /> �� 20.R�aonvWteono��When tho obligetion eecured by 4his deed of trust hes been paid and Lendet hes ta turther ob�igation to make advances
<br /> under the Instrument�ot tpreomnnte aecu�ed by tNs deed of truet,the Trustee ahaif upon written requeat bv the Lender,reconvey tha trust
<br /> :� prope�y.The Londm ehetl dellver to the Bonower,o�to 8orrower's succeaeor tn intarest,the trust deed and the nnto or other evidenco of the
<br /> _________- obifpAtlan to eeU�fled.8orrower ehell pay any reeordatbn eosts.
<br /> - -- ' _
<br /> - -- - - =
<br /> � • �� • Z1.8ucp�asa Tnc�th. Londer. at londer's option, mey remove Ttustee and appoint e successor trustee by tirst, malYng a copy ot the
<br /> su�stltutlon of ttu�toe s�requlred by eppllcabie lew,end then,by tlifng the subatRution of truatee for recwd in the office of the regiater ot deede
<br /> o}e�ch cour1ty In which the trust propetty,or some part thereof,is sftuated.The su�xeaea buatee,wkhout conveyance of the property,shell
<br /> •• eucceed to ult the powor,dutfos,euthority end titte of the Trustee nemed In the deed of trust a�d ot any auaceasor truetee.
<br /> „ .,
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