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, :�,� � �.. .,. :?i`"`t." ;"[r`::%J:tiJ:1.'p; ' • , . <br /> i� .. _'��'� . <br /> ;p,. . ,. " .. ,ti .�r., . _ ' . - . . .. . . . ..-----�'qI[ ._ . <br /> . r _ix• ��s.:i_..,a.. ..._..._...---"—'—�_�..�..,_ —___. _.._.. . . ._......... �.�,-,.*..•". <br /> ° , o --°- - — [ �_ _. <br /> _ �_��_ ..__Y�.'__ � _ -... <br /> � � y 5- �0��5 -� ��_ <br /> .. � ° � COVENANTS � "'.' '= <br /> � 9. Pa�rtunt�. Boaowor epreea to meke all payments on the eecured debt when due. Unless Borrower and 4ender agree othe►wise, eny <br /> •� ^ peymento Lender receivee irom 8onower or ior Borrowar'e menefit wlll bo appilod flrst to a�y amounts Borcower ow�ed on tho eeeured debt <br /> � not�reduco or ox�auee nny�eaheduted payment untll tlroRaecurad debt is�pefd in tull��propoyment of the eeaured debt oo¢urc for eny reeson,It will <br /> Z.q�m�Aarnet Tftl�.8orrower wllt pay eti texes,asaeeamer�te,and other cherge� amibutabie to the proparty when duo and will datend titte <br /> to the prope�ty ap einst amr olatme which wouid tmpelr the Ne�ot Mta deed of uuet.Lender may roquGe Borrowor to assign any righte,atalmn or , <br /> • defonsea which 9orrower mey heve apainst perties who euppiy lebor ot meteriete to Imptove or meintaln the property. <br /> 8.Inwnna�.Borrower wili keep the propeRy ineured under terms aoeeptabte to Landor et 8ottowar'e expense and tor Lender's benafit.AII .. <br /> ' Insurance pot?etes eheil inotude s�tarMerd mort�e8e atause In fevor of Lander.Lender wiil be nemed aa�oea peyee ar aa the InauteQ an nny nuah <br /> . ,. r: . <br /> oi�to t�hcs teau ed debt+If Lender roquiroe i�mortgage insatancekh8oriow8i egaees to meinialn auch Insuronco tor au ton88�fns Lando�r roquhos���� <br /> ���;,�: 4.Proputy.8mtower w11i keop the property in good conditbn and meke alt repeira reeaonably�eceseery. <br /> � ti•�''�`�, 8.Fsp�ns�s.Borrow�r agree�to pay eIi LenOes'e expensea tnciudtng�easonabie attornays'fees,if Borrower breaks any covenants in thie deed <br /> ' o f t r ust or in an y obiig�tlon eeourod by th�a deed of�rust.�or�ower vdli pey�heaa amounts to Lender ae provlded In CovenaM 9 ot this dead ot <br /> . uuat. <br /> g.p��g�u�(�y�M�nst�,Uniase 8orrower flrst abtuins Lender'a written oonaent,Borrower wiq not make or permft any changes to any prior . <br /> � inatudlnpiBonower's c�oveWi�ants to m�peyments�when d�Qbllgationa under any priar mortge88, daed of trust or othe� security agreamant, <br /> 7,pstipnmvit of Rents md Proflb.Bortower eesigna to Lendet the rente and proftts ot the ptoperty.Unisae 8ortower and Lender have agread <br /> otharw o�o in writing,Borrower may aollect and retafn tha re�to as long ao Borrowor Is not in defautt. If Barrower defaulte,Lender, Lende�'s . <br /> � apent,or&court appolnted recelver ma tek:: PoeseqsEon and manapo the propmty and colleet the rente.1R+iY ronts Lendar co��eas shall be <br /> � applied Nrst to ths coatb of l�ane8in �eimowi o�t r�entY w11i then epply to Pnlrmenu on the�e�ea�ired debt as provtdsd�in Cov�enaM lgny othar <br /> t, rnaes�ary releted ext►enses.Th0 te�nf . <br />`' 8.i.�u�lrotdst Condomintumr,Pl�nn�d Udt Q�vdop�riri.Bonowsr agrees to eomply with the provi�tooa ot any lease ff this deed af trust b on r <br />�+R•�� a lea s e h o l d.I f t h i a d e e d o f t r u a t I s o n a u n i t i n a c o n d o m i n i um o c a p]anned unii devetopment,8orrower wlll pedo�m eil of 8ortowor's duties ;� . <br />� � � � under the eovenants,byaawa,ar regutatfona of the condomfnfum ar plonnod unk deve lopment. - <br /> __ ___— __ _ a.A�����.,�p�o�{ov gorrow�r. ��BoROwer falis .�pe�form any of Borrower's duHea under this doad of truet.ber►dar may <br />' � T � pertorm tha dutiea or eausa them to be performed.Leneler may e�gn 6onowei s oem�n p�ay�ay��o�Ver�s n�Cesearyt o�pio���lender e ^�- <br /> cor�t(�uotion on the propeRy la discontinuad or not canied an In e roasonabie manner, d , <br /> _, „,� securriY IMerost in the propetty.Thie mey inctuda completYre the construadon. „.; <br /> x. ��"��.` <br /> " y lender'a faliure to portotm wAt�ot preclude Lender hom exeraising any of tts other rIBMa undor the law or this daed of wst. , <br /> ° �' Any emounts paid by Lender to proteat lendot'c seaurfty interoat wlll be eseured by this deed of tNSt.Such amounte wNl be due on demand :��. <br /> �l end wlll bear intereat hom the date of tho payrnent until pefd In fu�t at the IMerest rete In etfeot an the secured dabt. ";`��� <br /> �'�I �p, p�}�uh and qao�la»tlon, If Borrower fails to make any payme+yt wAen due or breeks any eovenaMs under thle deed at trust or sny . r <br /> �. �• obU gat n sewrcd by this dead ot uwt or any prbr mortpaee or deed of uuat,le�der me1r acceterate the mawrriy ot the eeourod debt end �'�i,; <br /> ' �� deme�immediate payment and m�y fnvoke the power o t e a l e a n d a ny o t h a r ro m e d i s s p e r m t K e d b y e p plloabis I�w. ---..:� <br /> �A; <br /> :ty. 11.R�Qn�st fo�Rlotla�of D�ta�dt•it ia hereby requested thet coplee of the noUces of defeutt end toie ba sent to eaeh peraon who ia a party � ;, <br /> �- - - �yt�,��hs addreas of eaoh such DerBOn,as 68t forth hereln. _ <br /> ;;* . , �� iZ.Powat o!8�1�.If the Lender invokes the power of sele, the Tnutee shnil flret record In the office of the register of deeds of useh eouMy — <br /> •��•,� „ w h e v e lp t M t r u e t W o p e r t y o r s o m e part or Darcel thereof Is ekuatod a notico of detault conteinyq�ro��a r d t�o o t h e4ulre 8 o n s�e s p�r e s c r l T b ry e d by _ <br /> • shatl e 1 KO mail aopies of the no UCe of dafauit to the Bortovrer,to each peiaon w Ao is a pa r t y fi � s not in am <br /> "' . • ;. eppQaebie taw. Not tess then one mqrtth efter the T�uates rocorda the notice of defa�1t,or two montlu if U»truat prope►ty i <br /> . Incorpor�ted olty ar vUlepe and ie unea In ferminp operstiom oanled on by the uuator,the Trustee eh�li pive publlo noUee of sate to the pereona <br />`• F,��,��.;�" . � ! s n d i n the mennar preaalbed bv�appplleabie law. Trustee,without demand on Bortowsr,ehetl seil ths propertY et publla auoNon w the hfghest. <br /> ,_^•;, a4,..;,,,, _ � bklder.lf►epulred by the Farm Fiomeatead Proteatbn Act,Y�ustee slu+l t o ff e r t h e p r operty i n t w o s a p e r a t e s e l a a a s r e q utr ed b y q p pileabU law. <br /> °� X:, � Ttuatee me y p ostpone u�e of ait or any parcei ot the praperty by publla announcemeM at th9 dme tnd plece of any previouoly scheduto0 cele. -- <br /> :,-:a:� .ti'.;a,.. � c h ase t h e Pro P e n Y a t e n y e e i e. <br /> S: �:._,:;a�+�'�f�� Lender or ita de�ignee mW Pur <br /> _ +��. . <br /> "-,::•.��-,����' Upon r�ceipt oi p�vment of the ptce bi Q,Truatee thatt deliver to the purahaaer Truetee's dead conveyinp the property The roeitiab aoMained in <br /> _ _ �, „`,� y Tnr s t e m's tla s d s h a l i b e p�i m e t a e t e e v i d t e n c e o f t h e t r u t h o f t h e s t e t e m e m�a o n t a f n e d t heroin.T�uatee ehstt a p piy ths ptocesds of the sals in the <br /> -.;:�.. .,.: .•�..L � <br /> roinaWtn me ern teeea,lb)to�sli eumisseeu ed by Mis�deed of tr�ust and to)thet balenee e t sny bto the�eone bvaliy o Utied�to recetv��t teea a n d <br /> �;,�;ux;.._;...:,, ` <br /> ��-••�•-• •� �r� iS.Ra�clotun.At lsnder'o optlon,thto deed of truat mey be foredosod in the manner provide by epp��oabte tew tor totecloaute of mortQepst <br /> –"'..,,J..��;'�' ,{ on reei propertY. <br /> '::.;':rt,yi=il��c�.� ',Y <br /> .E'�"'� • 14,Irpo�oNon.Lender may enter the proparty to Inapeat h It Lendor qives Borrower�otice betoreTend.The notice must�tMe the�eatonable <br /> =:�'^' –"..�` � , oauae for Leoder's Inspeotlon. <br /> - --�.t"°"�.ak`• <br /> ==�"' '`'' " 1g,Ca�d�mnation,Bortower esti ns to Lender the procesds of nny eward or clatm tor dame�ge�e cnnneated with a gondemnaUon or other taWnB <br /> `��'�="�•:� of all or aM►part of ths property.�uch proceeda Mill be apptied ae provided tn Covenent 1.This asafpnment ia sub�eat to the terma ot ar�y pria <br /> -"�: ' �eeuriry epreement. --- <br /> .`-.t-',: � 18,Watv�r.By exacisinp eny romedY available to Lender,Lender does not gtve u any dpM�to Iatsr use an other romady.By not exercistnp <br /> _�'+'�•.'".-.`,.-. '� any romsdy upon BonoweY�default,Lender doea not wafve any right to tater conePder the ovaM e defnuit if it Xeppene apein. �_. <br /> L `�.-�==:�`._ 1� 17, Jdnt�rn1 S�wrN U�Co-sipmns Suansson�nd Aaipm Bound. All dudes unde�thb deed of trust nre jotnt and eevarat.Any – <br /> ---��„ �.. Bprtov+er v„iw cer�ty�is ti►I�deed of trust but doc�a �sot co•atOn tha undcrlvi:+o debt instiumentle! doee ao enty w grant and convay that -__ <br /> -��`�'�,'��, Borrower'�IMerest In the propertll to the TruaMS under tM term�of thta desd oftruet.In addl�oo wch s Bonower aQrees Met the Lender and <br /> ,._ ,.,.a.�,,� en1I other 8orrower under�Ir dead ot uuet mny extend,nnodifY or make any other ahan�es n t�ie terme of this desd of vust or the securod ■•� <br /> s,� ,• •w �; debt wdhaut tRat Bor�ower'e eonaern and wkhout reiesalnp thet Borrower trom the term�ot this deed of uust. �+� - <br /> :}��:�!'.'�.,R T:',� � The dutiae end penetits of this deed of uwt shatl0tnd a�benefit the aucceaaors and eselpna of Lender a�d�ortower. „�. <br /> .. �n,, ,,,. • .;�,� , �•yr. <br /> _ : ��r� 18.Notle�.Untesa otharwtee requlrod by I�w,eny notke to 6orrower shali be given by dativerinp k a by meilinp h by eenNfed meli addroaaed to f=_=� <br /> �T Bor�owpr at the pro�erty addre�s ar eny atNer a�ddress thet Bonower hea given w Lender.Borcowar witi give eny noUee to Lender by certified <br /> Y,;;. <br /> mait m tender'a addroai on pepe 1 of tt►is deed ot trust,or to eny other eddreea which Lender hss desian�ted,Any�othar noUee to Lender shell �;�: <br /> - „ �� � be sent to lend�r'a eQdreea es eteted on pape 1 of this deed of truat. <br /> ..;... <br /> . � Any notice shail Ee deamed to heve been given to Borcower or Lender when gtven in the me�r►er steted above. <br /> � . ' 18.7nnsfa ot tM P�op�riy or�QN�floW Mt�1tt tn tM Bor►owa.if a�!or any part of the prope�cY or eny hnarest In k le sotd or uansfened <br /> ' wkhout Londor'e prfor written eonaent, Lender may demand immedieto DaYment of the secured debt. Lender mey atso demend immediate <br /> •:�••� pa y m ent if the Borcower Is not a natural person and e beneftciei tnterest in the Borrowe�la aold or trensterted. Howaver, lender mey not <br /> ., demend psymem in the ebove sltuationa if it ia p►ahiWted Dy t e d e r a t I a w a s o f t h e d e t e o t t h i s d e e d o f t r u s t, s• <br /> - 20.Reconveysnae.When th0 obligation secured by this deed of Vuat hes boen pald and Lender hns no furcher obligetton to make advances <br /> .� under the Inmumente or agroementa oecured by this deod ot truat,the Tnisteo shelf upon written request by the Lender,reco�vey tho truat <br /> - oblfget}tonTso eatiat ed B�Borrowereahali peY eny recordation c�osts�r'e suc�essor in interest,the truat deed and the nom or othor oWdonce of the <br /> " - -----� r_.�.. _��.�...i...� ..•-----.�. �..u�m hu fbef mulline a mav et the ... <br /> . .- ------_�_ <br /> � -----�----�-�`------�- � <br /> .. . Z1. Suae��ISOr TtustN. L811�84 HI LBnam b v�iwsy a�6 .o���...o �wo.w o.....�.�.......� �.�-' - - ... <br /> substitutfon ot trueteo ns roquired by appticabie aw,and t�ien,by fflin the substhution of Vuatee tat record in the office of the iegistei ot deode <br /> - ,� � �, succe�c�o eilihe power tdutleaaeuthoreit�ji�end teitt°mo ofpthe T�stee�ne�a i��e a d of i�at ar�idgot enyieu�ccea�sor�trust8e of the property,sheli <br /> - . IPsy�?ol� <br /> . ` , BANKERS SV8TEM9.INC..ST.ClOUD.MN 66301 I1�L00-�81•2Stt1 iORY OCV�MT(FNE 0119181 <br /> : _ � <br /> � � <br /> __._,.,_.—��-_..��-_-�---- <br /> .��,'= <br /> � _ ,��L-- -, _.-.�t<._...,,--,._.._..�—._.—_-- ._,....�•_ - <br />