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.. � <br /> it. � ' <br /> 'i ., �,� � .. : . .. , _ .:. <br /> . 7C,�. , ,� !i' . • ' . � . ,� ,; . .. �,�,.:...,.,.i�.,`l.,"� <br /> , <br /> .. , � � ..._ <br /> .. . p �' i� . <br /> . , ..,, p���� , ___ . .__. .M�L!__..I3`".�'�' - --- - <br /> . . . 13�.LI���L.G:.��_�d:..�;� __....._._...�....."'_"....__..Y. �. ._« ... _ . ��!�.N 4�� AaF_.� �.._ " <br /> �._`;, <br /> :s ' <br /> . ,.� I w �... _ .r'" <br /> -- -�;--:- y 5- z�u��s� ~ t., <br /> n- 2. Funds tot Tbzes and I�suMnce.8ubjeat to applicable taw or a w�itten waiver by Lender,8orrcwer ehall pay <br /> ., . <br /> � to Lendor on tho day mo�thly pnymonto of priRCipal and I��te�oat are payabie under the Note,untii the Note Is pald In . <br /> �' tull,a sum(herAfn"Funds")equai to one•twetith ot the y�srly taxee and essosamente(inciuding candominium and <br /> � � �� planned unitdeveiopment assessmente,it any)whioh may attnin prlority over this 0eed ot 1tus4,and ground rents on <br /> the Propeny,if any. plua one•twetith of yearty premium inatalimente tor hazard Insuranca,ptuo onatwelfih ot yeariy <br /> " �° premium Instailmentslor moKgagA ineurance,if any�Ali as reasonabty estimated Inidalry and irom time to timeby L,ertder <br /> ' on tha basisof asseeaments and bille and reaeonable eatlmatea thereof.Borrower eha�l not be obNgatedtQ make suoh <br /> ° paymenta�I Fu�ds to LAnder to tho oxtan�that Borrowor makea siach paymenta to the hotd�r of a prlor mortgage or <br /> . " deed of truet if auah holder Is an Institutional tender. <br /> ' If 8or�cwae payaFunds to Lende�,the Funds shall be held in an inotitutlon the deposita c�accounts of which are , <br /> insured or guara�eed by a Fedeiai o�etate agency(inctuding Lsnder it Lender la suoh an institution).Lender shall <br /> � :;S!„��. � apply the Funda to pay said taxea,aesessments,insurance premiums and ground rents.Lender may not charge tor <br /> " so holding and applying the Funds�anatyzing c�taid accouM or ver(tying and compiling satd assessmema and bins.unless <br /> �� , Lertderpaye�orrowerinterestontheFundsandappllcablelawpermiteL�ndertomakesuohacharga.8orrowerand <br /> �, �; Lender may agree in wNting at the time oi executlon of this Oeed of 1Fuet that Interest on tha Funds sheli be paid to <br /> Borrower,and untess euah egraement is made or applicabte law requires such interest to be paid,Lender shail not ,� <br /> � - ' � be required to pay Barrowar any interest or earnings on the Funds.Lender ahall give to Borrower,wlthout charge,an u. _ <br /> �,. r�,; annuai accounting atthe Funda ahowing aredits and debite to the Funds and the pur�os�tor�vhich each de�it to the <br /> ��`�}�'� Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additiona�securNy for the sums secur�d by this Oead of'ifiust. �;. <br />--:�', ; . ,�;,� +' �'-..- <br />_ �� �:�'� � It the amouM ofthe Funds held by Lender,together with the tuture monthiy installm�nts oi Funds pay+able prior <br /> - � {� '� to ths due dates of tezes,assessmenta,insurance premiums and graunti�vnb,shali enceecl the amouM rec��+ireci to <br /> - °,� % • �� � asidta�ces.ass�ssrro�r►ts.i�surancepremiumsandgroundre�sas4haytatidue,suchexcessshallbs,at8orrower's ��;.�` <br /> 'T"'S � �����'�^ pt on,either protto�lry��paid to Borrou►.ar or crecfited to eorruwai or+Tr+a�thly ir�slallrr�aMs o!�e�nds.!f the e�ount of �A''� <br /> r� <br /> ,:t ;::�;,;:f�,,-,x�:.� 4he�unds held by Lender sh�ll not be sufflcient to paytaxes,essesRrnents,insurance premfuma and ground�ents as �titj� <br /> � �r�:,i;-;;;;.vi�; � : 37���+Ialldue,8orrowershall�aAytolendoranyamountn�sessarytomakeupthedefitaiencyinoneormorepqymanta <br /> �j, � as L�ande�may requlre. <br /> - �-y{r�r "°V( UponpaymentinfullofallaumasecurodR+ythisDeeclof7Fust.Lendershalipromptlyrefundto8omowera►�yfunda �, : <br />':ifty" � ...'t'. ;5 <br /> _,� hald by Lender.If under paragraph 17 hereotthe Propertyr is sold or the Property is otherwise ac�utrsd by Lender.Lender �;�i <br /> ;�� shail a t ,no tater than ImrQeediatet rlor to the sale o?the Property or its acqulsitimn by l.enedar,any Funds held by <br /> �.,;� „ �" � '�* Lendep t the time ot application as a credit agalnst tha�ums secu�ed by this Oeed of Tlrust. � ' ;�� <br /> ' `"� '' 3. ApplicatloaotPaymentaUntessappliaablelptivprovldesotherwise,altpaymentsrecetvedbyLenders+nrler — <br /> '. . `�-�•�- -- <br /> t��« , the Note and pa�agraphe i end 2 hsreot si�ait bs a�pll8c!by l�rsslet fi�stln peYment�f qa'o�nte Qayabla to Leinder tiy . <br /> � � '�•��� Bor�ower under pa�agraph 2 hereof.than ta interest payable on the Note,and then to the princtpal of the Note. <br /> :s:�,�r �,�;,;,,:�:��:�` 4: Prtor Mort9ages and Deeda of'I�ust;Charpes;Liena.8orrower shall pertorm all of BoROwer's obligations <br /> � ��'•!����j'� under eny mortgage,deed of trust or other securlty agreement with a Ilen which has prlority over this Deed of Ttust, <br />�� ���: • . , <br />-�`�;;'�..���� lnotuding 8omowe�s covenants to make payments when�due. eorrower shail pay or cause to be patd all taxes, <br /> 'q�_..''�::•; . <br />�f�'.��;L':�t,:l�:��,. assessmer�ts and other chargea,flnes and Impositionsattributsble to the Propertywh(ch may attain a priorily over t s <br /> --�•••t�^ . <br /> =-•—�� Deed of Trust,and Ieasehold payments or ground rents.i any. <br /> °-��`���.• .� S. Haurd insurencv.8orrower shall keep the tmprovements now existfng or hereaiter erected on the Property <br /> --- Tr�;��i�, � <br />'�`` -�--- -° insured against lossby tire,hazards included within theterm"extended coverage';andsuch other haza►dsas tereder <br /> .—s>�_-:�-::�. ,; . <br /> =:K�;T°;�- may require and in such amounts and for euch periads as Lender may�equ re. <br />��..�'�� ��� The insuranca caRier providing the insurance sheil by chosen by Bomawer subJeot to approval by Lender,pmvtded, <br />--"`y��--�=� �� t h a t s u c h a p prcYal ehalt not be unreasonabl y withhetd.All insurance palicies artd renewats thereof shali be 6n a brm <br />_^ry-.l�sa�ti���� accepffibletoLenderandsha111nc1udeastandardmortgegeclauselnfavorofandtnaformaxeptebtetoL�ender.Lertder <br /> -� `��-�'�-� shall have the rtghtto hold the potiatea and renewals thereof�subject to the terms of any mortgage.deed of trust or =:__ <br /> - ��;;;���� othet seaurfty agreemeM wfth a Ilen which has prloriry over this Daed of'�Fust. <br /> ---_=�=�_ intheeventof toss.Borrowershaligivepromptnoticetothe(naurancecarrtorand Lender.Lendermaymakeproof <br /> �;�r�'�'��� of loss U�ot madn promptiy by Borrower. <br /> -__�;,,,,�� if tho Prnperty�abandoned by Bo�rower,or if Borrower(ails to respond W Lender within 30 days from the date <br /> :w�� no2iaefsmaitedbylenderto8orrowerthatthelnsurancecarrferofterstossttleaclaimforinsurancebeneftts.Lender <br /> --�-- ��=�=� isauthorizedt000ftectandapplytheinsuranceproceedsatlender'soptioneithertorestoretionorrepairofthePropedy <br /> ;_;�e;esi�� - <br /> .�-��...� or to the sums secured by thia Deed of ltust. __ _ <br /> `-�u�=�°�Z�'=�-• 8. Preservation and Maintenance of Property;L+easehofde;Condomintums;Planr�ed Unit Dave�opmer�. _ <br /> —�'`��`� Borrawor shalt keepthe Property in good repair and shall reot commit waste or permit impairment or dete�ioration of �.. <br /> ���-,..s^ _ <br /> �����N�°����� ;. 1he Property and�hall compiy with the provisians of any iease if thfs Deed af 1i�ust is on a teasehold.It thSs beed ot _ <br /> '.: .,.. ,.� - — <br /> `,-: ��;�""'„ Ytuatisonaunftin acondominfumoraptannedunitdevelopment,BflrrowerohatlpertormallotBorrower'sob+33gadons �;J_ <br /> f _�, underthedeclarationorcavenantscreatingorgoverningthecondomin�umorptannedun(tdevelopmeM,theby-laws <br /> �__ <br /> �- ' ana reguletions of the condominfum or planned unit d6vebpmeM,and constitueM documents. �,.,� <br /> ` E'. 7. protectiottof I.+ender's 8eaurity.It Borrowertailsto perform the covenants and agreemerits contained in this <br /> ' � � � Deed of Trust.or if any actton or proceeding Is commenced which mrateriaily aftects Lender's interest in the Property. <br /> ��,�`�``�' �� thertLender,atLender'soptton.uponnottceto8orrower,maymakesuchappearances,disbursesuchsums,including , <br /> �.,;n_:�i.,• +. <br /> •�`�" reasoneble attomeys'tees,artd take such ectton as Is necessaryto protect Lender's int�resi.If Lender required rncxtgage � <br /> •� insurance as a condfticn of making the toan secured by th(s Deed of Trust,Borrower shatl paythe premiums required <br /> ., to maintain such i nsurartce in effect until such t(me as the requiremeM for such insurarsce terminates{n accordance <br /> . �" wfth Borrowar's a�d Lender's written sgreement or appilcable taw. <br /> -=?'�`�'---- �-._�....r.u.�....s�h..�e...b�ru�re��on!�n fhic n�netmnh 7 u�[th ItltelB3t MB(@�n.8t Ut9 NOtO fBtB.shall become <br /> !L -.�..�-.---��----= nity otiNMaw v�uvv.w�r�w•.v.n p�.��.-. .��.._r^ro-'T� • . <br /> � additional indebtedness of Borrower secured by this 0eed ot Trust.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to otherterms <br /> - " �. of payment,such amounts shatl be payable upon�otice Orom Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.Nothlrtg <br /> � contained in thfs paragraph 7 shati require Lender to tncu�a�y expense or ffiIce any ection hereunder. <br /> � � 8. Inspeatta�n,Lender may make or causeto bemade reasonabie entries upon and inspectfonsof the Properly, <br /> peovided that Lendershall give Borrower notice prtortoanysuch inspectfon speciiying reasonabte causeMereforrelated <br /> ' " ;: to Lender's interest in the Property. <br /> " .. 9. Cohdemnatlon.The proceeds of any award ar ciaim for damages,direct or consequential,in connectkon wltA <br /> � , .. any condemnaUon or other takirtg of the Property,or part thereof.or br conveyance in Ueu ot condemnallon,are hereby <br /> asstgned and shati be�aid to Lender,subject to the tsrma of any mortgage,deed of trust or other securityagreement <br /> _ with a Ifen which hae pr(orlty over this Oeed ot Ttust. <br /> - � 10. Borrower No!Reteaaed; Porbearance By I.�ende�Not a Waiv�r.Extenslon of the time tor payrrrerit or <br /> - - � moditication ot arnatization of the sums secured by this Oeed ot�i�ust grented by Lender M any successor f n interest <br /> " of 8orrouver shall notcparate to release,In any manner,the tiability of the origtnal 8orrower artd Bo�mwer's succes�ors <br /> . . , • <br /> � � . . <br />