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,_ ;�.,.,,:.�;,,;,;... .. •� <br /> 1, � . . . -.,,';r.n �� .. � . , - . -^r-Yr <br /> • , �..w <br /> `,- , .. .. , r . � .. '.F� "f3�:.�.:' �.. <br /> . • ii . �� . ., _ . ., ' . •iJ . - _ ___...�..�-. <br /> . <br /> � .� ,� <br /> � . , .. <br /> � ,.- ..,y, . ..... . <br /> .. ,. . ,. • � . ' . �.. <br /> � ... '� '�41�.`1�5�''tY.�L!+L�:1M�Jl�lltlaa.�o....ri�w..w.....u._,...=.w..:...__��..�..._..�i�_,._.yc—=---- "•_--_ <br />" ` ,r ,ltit ..�� =---- <br /> q ���_ <br /> :. ,; . .' �'g5' 304'�4 -�: <br /> � �a� , �- <br /> 1. Paymeab� Barcawar a�iroos to mako all payments on tho securod debt whon dua. Unias� Dotrownr and Lender egree otharwise, any <br /> p�ymenta Lendes receivas from Borrowor or Tor Borrower'e benefit wilf be eapIled firet to any lmaunta Bortowor owoa on tho aucurod debt <br /> exetuzive of intereat or princlptl,�scond to[rrtereat,and then to partial p►epayment of th�sacwed debt occura tus any roason,it wllt <br /> rtot reduco or ex�euss my�oMdui�d p�ym�M uMlt the secured debt fs patd In tuti. " � <br /> Z.p�Wns Ap�trt�s4 Thfi.9orrower'wtil p�Y���t�ocea,�ss�ssmeMS,�nd other oharpos�mibutsbte to th�property when due and wtp d�isnd titl� <br /> , to t1�e prape�y•3 atnst my ntetms whihh would Imp�ir the ilen of this deed ot wat,lemter mey roquire Bo�ruwer to assipn s�y�Iphte,cldma or <br /> ' , detsraaa whlch eortowe m�ytl�v�pdn�t pWtke who wppty tabor or m�teddi to Improvs or mdr�t�in ths property. , <br /> 9.fnwtaow.Borrower will keep the�properiy Insared under terme eecepteblo to Lersdar a4 Bortower's expe�sae and for Lender's benefit. Alt <br /> � - i�tun�s poltcies shdi Inoluds a rtandard mort9ape ctau4e In favar of Lendcr.Landor uUl ba nomed aa to3n payoo or ns 4ho tnsured on eny eueh <br /> inwrance policy.Ar+�l i�n mes procesda may w a�ptied,withf�Lendar's diee►stion,to ehher tf+e renoatlon or repair of ths d�m�p�d prop�rty •• <br /> .;,:;�,� ' �• or to ths�ecursd debt.If LeMer�equfres mortpige nwrmes,Bortorrer�prees to matntsh�sueA insunnee for as lonp�s Lender requlna. <br /> ����: 4.P�opwir.8onower will keep the properiy in pood condltton and make eU ropotra reaaoneb:y neceaaary. <br /> �;,.,,..r�a�w 8.8xp�su.Borrower agreas to pay ail Lender'e expenaea inetuding roasonnble attomeys'feea,it BoROwer breaks any eovenertts En thU daed <br /> � of trun or En any obltpetton secuted by this deed a4 trust.�oROwar wi�l pay these amouMs to l.cnder as provided En Covenar�t 9 ot Mis deed of <br /> . , ttttat. <br /> 8.Pria S�autt�/kKKat�.Untesa Bortowet ftrot obtdna Lender's wtitten eansem,BaROwer wiN rtot make or pmmk eny ehangea to any prbr <br /> � seaurtty iMarssL. Barrower vriii peKotm ali of 8artower's obligaBons undet avry prfor mortpepe, deed ot wat ot other security apreement. <br /> , " inctudiny Bortower'�covenar►ta to make peymems when due. � <br /> .. • 7.Astip�xmnt of RaMs ond P►olits.Bonower esatpna to lender tha rame and proflts of tha prape►ty.Untess 8onower and Lendm heve aQreed <br /> othe �ss in writinp,Bottowu msy colleat and retain th0 renta ae lotg as Borrower ia not in detauh.if Bonowet deieuita,Lendar, Lender's <br /> • . � apem,ar a court appointad rseeivet mey take poseessfon and menage the property end collect the rents.Any rente Lemler cotieetn ahnll be �' . <br />_;.., `' �� applied flr�t to the costs of maneping the properiy,tnck�ding�.ourt coats nnd ettotnaya' fees,commissions to remal apente,and sny oth4r - <br /> __ . x;,...;;.,'�(.� ��ry roi�d expenses.Ths�emtiMng amoun4 of reMS wu�then appiy to paymeats on the Becured debt aa provlded in Covenu�t 1. ��, <br /> ,7�; `. �ti <br /> - 8,teasafioldr Cmeelomirttums;Plenne+)Unit D�velopme+Ke.Renower++graea to comp�y wfth the provfsbna of eny teaae if this deed of t►uat is on c� <br /> .j . � °`•. 1 e ba�ehoW.lf thia do�d o�auet is�n�unk in e condomSntum or e p�anned unit dovelopment,8ottower wili peAorm a�t of Bonower•s duUes —�^^ <br /> �:. .. ., undsr tM cov�nar►U,byla..s,ar�eg..'aUona ot fhe�ondomi.tum or plennsd unit devetopment. <br /> •a�.s,_:-�-��_�:.:x_ � <br /> � �- -� 9.Antl�a�lty of N�to F�eform Ya Bmrow�r. It Bottower failt to pertorm eny ot BoRpOwer•e auth�urxfet this daed of uuar, iender may <br /> �� e�w��str�uadon o��pT oapeuA�y b dmia��m�°d oimm�cu ie�d on in a reaa�nebleemannei,lande�rtuy do w�hamver i�ee aw m pto ee���otd�i �� <br /> .-L,.`': '"�`��' securky intorost in ths property.This m�y Inctuds campleting ths construatlon. ��t: <br /> ��£:. <br /> _ .•..;• . .'�k�.�t� Lender's fsiNro to perfam wiit not prsclude Lendar from exaolstnp any ot its other riphte under tha IAw or thls deed of uun. ����` <br />=t�� ';.,�• . � AntI�mouMS pald by Lsndor toproteat lsnder's seaurlry f�ereet wiU be secured by thi�dsed ot uust.Sueh amou�s wiil be due on dem�rtd �:s'- <br /> - • 4 and witl bear interost hom ths dMe of the paymeM wttit pafd in!ui!at the iMerest nte in effeet on the eecured dabt. E -- <br /> '� • !� . 10. D�fadt�nd Acc�Nr�tlon. M Bortower fetia to make any paymeM when due or broaks any covonaMS under this deed of trust or u�y e�`� <br /> - obllpetbn secured by thb deed of uust or any prlor mort9aQe or deed of uust,Lender ma�yaccelerata tM meturity of the�ecured debt u�d G=�-_ <br /> �� ,°%x,= ''i demtnd tmmedlate p�yment and may invake the pawer of oafe and any other remed�es permitted by epplieable law. ___ <br /> 'r= �,�t,; ii.Rat��-2 ts�:#�i�o o?�tzitli.!i(s 118�. by�sqtt�L�d!lsat coplss o!Llts sso!lCes ot dststt!!end ssle�s t�M to ee��1 g!�ec�t►who ta a�w�y . - <br /> �: , hareto,at the adQrese of esaT�such percon,aa set forth herein. <br /> :•y� '� 12.Pow�►ut the Lender Envokes the power of esle,Mo Trti4teo�Nail flrot record in the oHice ot�he►eptster of deads of oaeh eourny <br />_ :, wheraln tho aust ptoperty or some pert or parcel thereof fs aituatad a notie�of defeuR coMatntnp tha infarmatlon requfred by tew.The Tntstes <br /> ,�:n..;��.;"�' shalt a18o mati eopies of the notice ot default to the Borcowar,to esah peroon who ia a party hetam,and to other penorss rs pre6cribed by _ <br /> � appilpbb law. Not bes ti�n one momh�fter ths Trustes rocords the noUce of detsult ot two mo�ths R ths t►ust property is not in my <br /> "'T'G:�„.`. incoiporaUSd dty or village and ts ussd in term irp opera t ions can ie d on by t h e tr w tor,t h e f r u s t e e e h�l i p ive pu b Ua�o t i c a o f a l e t o U►e p e r a o n s <br />_'��.r�..t..�r�a,�� and in tM mmner Ore�ibed bY�appplfoahte taw.Tagtee,without dem�nd on Bor►ower,aha0 setl the property at pubUo�uoUon to the Npl�est <br /> -,_;�'y� biddet.If required by tAs Farm Flomeatead Protentlon Aat,Tnistae shaii oifer the proye►t1l in two aeparate ssiet es nquksd by�pptiaabie I�w. <br /> =-� �:�'�€,� Trust�e mey pastpone ats of itl ar any parcet of the property by pubtio announcemsm at the time and piaos ot sny prevbusty scheduted sais. <br />___:�`y�':�'_•:;1s:.��rr:- lar�der a its destpnss m�y purchise the propertY et any�ale. <br /> �-3'-•�-�� Upo�roe�lat of paYmeM of the priae b(d,Ttustee sAep doltver to tha puroheaer Trustee'e deod eonveyit�Me propetty.The�ecfdeta conuhted in <br />_ �:�'4'.�.^.c�'6�• T.ustee•e d�ed nhsll be pHtn�hcte evidlence of tho truth of Me statemenuo eoMelned Merein.Truetoo a att appty the procesda of the sate in tho <br />_'�- ""`""--. totlowinp order. ta) to ati expenses of the eate, Includinp, but oot timited to, roaaonatrle Tmatee'e feea, rosaonable attomsy'e feea uW <br /> `t�'`'� ` reinsUteme�teea;(b)w atl sums secwed by thia deed of truat,and(e)the batenca,M arry,to the pereons lepelry eMfded ro recefve It. <br />_-_�..y���r.v�� <br />���s.��� 19.Fardown.At lender's opUon,thls deed of vust mey be torocloaed In the manner proWde by�ppttcabte taw for torodosure of moRyap�s <br /> ��s��'���,� on►eal v►oPeriY. - <br /> ==°^�+����=� 14.�p�tlon lemler may eMer tha property to inspact k If Lender yives Borrower notiCe betorehand.The notice muat stete tha reaeonabta <br />=-°'=�"���'�g cs�as for Landers Inspeatton. <br /> ---=_�-�_��� 15,� on.8orrower saaigna u Lender theproeeada of arry award or alalm for damspIea eoruieoted with t eondemnatlon a othsr tekhg <br /> -_-=R of at o� �any pa�rt ot the property.Such proceede wiu bo apptEed as provtded in Cavenar►t 1.Thle�ssianmet�t is aubJect Lo the tertns of any pdor <br /> 'n,,,c±v�, sscur(ty�preemeM. <br /> ' ,c-.�-'"�� 18.WatvK.By exercisinp any nsmedy evaiiabie to Lender,Lender doea not yive up anY rfphts to later usa an1I other remedy.By not exerciafng -.__ <br /> ;:��c�.y-..� any romady upon BottoweT's deteutt,Lender does�ot welvs arry dpht to later coroider ths eve�a dehutt if k h�ppena�a�fn. _ <br /> .v,.y.J�wv.::' �. <br /> -=_ ��� 17.Jaint rnd S�d� Coaipr��s 8uaaawn rxi A�iGiw Ba+nd. AIf�iuUea u�ar ti�iy duu0 of uuat aa�otnt and sev�n��l. Any � <br />_;�•_���Fj Borrower who caatpns tl�is eed of wst but doee not �o-sign the unde►hrinp detrt lnatrurtNntU1 does so or�ty to qrarrt end conwy that �.__ <br /> :-,., @�-• BorrowePs IMerast in the property to the Trustee under the te�ma of this deed oi additlon,such e Borrowar ep�eea thK tha Lender end _ <br /> �� a�n1l other 8ortowsr under this deed of Wat mey extend, modiiv or make emr other changes in the terms of this deed of uust or the�ecured e_,_, <br /> =�"". tl�bt without that Borrower•�cor�sent and wkhout roleaainq ffiet Bottowar Rom the terma ot thts deed of trust. __. <br /> r.-�:. .r.,. . �.�. <br /> _A��;T;�r.,�..� ;. The duties end beaofla ot this deed of trust shatl bind end baneflt the eucaeasors and eseEpna of Lender end Bottower. va; <br /> " ,r��• . 18.Notie�.Unlose otherwfae roquired by law.anY notiee to Bottower ehali be gtven by de0v6rtnp k or by matiing ft by eertlHed me8 addressed to � � <br /> BOROW�f 8t th0 pt0perty addrtlaa or any other addroas tAat 8orrower hes ghren to Lender.Boirower wUt yive em►nottce to lander by cerdHed �`� <br /> � � •��•' �� mail to LsndePs�dGross an pape 1 of thto deed of truat,or to eny other eddreaa whEch lender hns deatpneted.Any other rwtiee to Lendu ahall ___ <br /> - . `.;,•:::,;;•. be seM to Lendm'�addreas ea etated oo pape 1 ot thir�deed of truet. -- <br /> ' '�'��'Y,'�; .f Arqt notles tMsq be deemed to heve boen yiven to Borrower or Lender when gtven In the menner eteted ebove. �,�;., <br /> - . �,�tl'�.���'r. �� .. <br /> . . � ,, t 18.Ttan�lw ot t1N PropMq►a�O�Rolal tnt�nst fn tM Banowa.If atl or a�y part of ths propertv or any Imeroet in tt is sold or uensferrod � �„�•; <br /> wtthout lander's ptla written eonaent. Lender may demand Immedlate payment ot the secured debt. Lender mey nlao demand tmmedi�te �__ <br /> j��' payment N the Borrower la not a neturatpe rson end a beneHciot interest in ffie Borcower la aold or t►onstenod.Howovar, lender mey not <br /> " domand paymern in the abnve sftuatlons H it la prohibkod by fedorei taw as ot the date of Mis deed o}4ruat. <br /> 20.R�omnY�.When the obligeUon securod by thla dnad of trust hes boen paid end Lendor has no furthor oblfgado�to make edvances <br /> - 't '. ;;�t, under the tnstrumer►ts or agreemaMS seoured by thle dood of bus� the Trustee shelf,u�n written requeat b1r the Lender,roconvey the truat <br /> ',:•�•,` _ proymty.The Lender ehnil deliver to tho Borcower,or to 8onower's sucaessor tn irrteres tho trust deod and the nom or other evtdenco of the <br /> -_- 0 �V�it��..�w.�..ww..l�Hwww...M <br /> ' ...-.--.-- --."--.- yw�a�nnr wr Wv���vv.w�.�rww www rI r..�.�•w«�..���. <br /> � � 31. 8ucc�uor Tn,m.. Lender, at Lendor's option, mev removo Tnisteo and appoint a succossor trustoe by first, mal�ing a copy of the , <br /> �. subatftuUon ot Vuatee ea requked by eppliceble few,end then,by tiling the aubstitutlon of truates tor�ocord in tAa oHice ot tho regtstor ot douda <br /> " of each county in whfeh the truat property,or some part thereof,la situatod.Tho suacasear trustea,without canveyance of the properW, ehett <br /> -• aucceed to e0 the pow'r,duties,authority end titte oi the Trustee named in the daed ot trust end of eny successor truatee. <br /> -: , .. . <br /> _ IP�D�2 Ol?/ <br /> • , lAN1IERS 8Y8TEMff.WC..ST.G10U0.MN 68s0111�60P�981•2�11 WAM OCRMT6N8 8118/Bt <br /> , a <br /> � „ � + . <br /> ' i <br />