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<br /> C(DAIt�CTED W�►YtItA1VTY D��D �,g�m�t1��,� __
<br /> DANNEL SCOTT WOODIVIAN and DENA WOODMAN.Partrters in the C S&D Partnershlp,
<br /> tiratitor�a pa�htersliip or8anized snd exis�ns wtdsr and by virtue of the Iaws of the Stute of Ncbraskts,
<br /> in considei�tion of One Dollar($1.00)and other�ood and valuable considsration,ceceipt of which is
<br /> hereby acknowledged,co�vcys t�DANNEI.3C0'!T WUODMAN and DElVA Wt70DMAN,C3rantees, .
<br /> the followin��escribed real estate in Hali Caunty.Nebmska:
<br /> The West Half of the Northeast Quarter(W I/2 NE 1/4),Section Thlrty three(33).lyins Narth of
<br /> the River Road,also known as the Elm Island Road,and Lot Nine(9).Section Twenty-eight(28).
<br /> both'I'ownsbip Nine(9)r3orth,Rsnge Twelve(12),West of the 6th P.M.,Hall Connty,Nebtaska,
<br /> all of the above with accrerions thereto;
<br /> All of the Noriheast Quarter of the Sauthwest Quarter(1VE 1/4 SW 1/4)lying South of thc Paver
<br /> Itoad,also known as th�Elra Island Road, Sectlon'I7titty-thre� (33),and Lot Taree (3)in the
<br /> Sauthwest Quarter(SW 1/4) uf Section'I`hiriv-thre�(�1�al i Townshin Nine(91 North_Range
<br /> Twelve(12),West af the 6t�I�.NL,Hall County,Nebraska,all af the above with accrestions thereto; -
<br /> Lot Five(S),and th�Southv�est Quarter of the Narthwest Quarter(SW 1/4 NW l/4),both Section �
<br /> � Thirtythree(33�aaid�e Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Q�arte:�(NW 1/4 SW'l/4)��S�ection
<br /> Tl�rty-tha��e(33�exc,e+pt a Tract containing S.6 acres�ore or less ly��g Noith of the River�Load, --
<br /> � aLso knovam as the Elm Islan.d R�id,and more particul��y desarilaed in a dltac�aa�t�,Dee�recorded
<br /> as Docwnent Na.91-105939 in ilie o�ce vf the Hall Coum�+Registet of D�eds,��All of Lo�i Faur
<br /> � (4)in the Sovthwest t�uarter(3W 1l4),Section 7'hintythtes t33�all in Tov�mship Nirte(9)Nortly,
<br /> Range'i'a�elve(12),Wesic of 4he�Gtb P.M.,Hall CountS►,Ncbraska; �
<br /> The Northwest Quarber nf the Southwest Querter(NW 1/�SW 1/4),Section Thirty two(32),�nnd z
<br /> the North 11.6 acres of a Tra.c,�t containing 31.68 acres(lying south of the River Road,also known
<br /> as the Elm Island Road) in the Southeast Quarter (3E l/4)� Section Thirty-one (31), more
<br /> paficularly described in a Warranty Deed recorded in Book 90,Page 481 of the Deed Records of
<br /> Hall County,Nebraske,both un Township Nine(9)Nonh,Range Twelve(12),West af the 6th P.M.,
<br /> HaII Caunry,Nebraska.
<br /> (irentor covenants with the C3rantess that Grantor. �
<br /> (1) is lawfuliy seised of such real estate and tlaat it is free from encumbrances subject w
<br /> easeraents,reservations.covenants and n,strictions of record
<br /> � (Z) has legai power and lawful authority to convey the same;
<br /> {3) warrants and will defend the title tu the real esmte against the lawfiil claims of all
<br /> Persous. . �
<br /> Exe�uted: July /7 N 1995
<br /> � �,,.�a_. 0 /1�J�/[��� �.� ,,ew-
<br /> rrr.
<br /> ) ss. �
<br /> � COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> The foregoing instrurnecit was�cknowledged before me this /7"� day of July, 1995,by
<br /> DANNEZ SCOTT WOODMAN and DENA MAN, pa:fiers on iseh�lf of S & D
<br /> Partnership,a parMership. ,
<br /> ntarv l�c � _
<br /> S'TATE OF NEBRASIC�► �-�--- I.�.MIr�a��I
<br /> Couaty of Hall
<br /> Filed for record and emered in Numerical Index on ,�at
<br /> o'clock m.�an�recorded in Deed lav��cl ,Page
<br /> Register of Qeeds
<br />