.. ... ..I�,ti,�r' . � i . . �� .• � .. ' . .
<br /> y. , . � . �.
<br /> .. . oi���TF ... . " . ' '. .. '. ^ J4 ,.e.d«iY� �. •�� . . .
<br /> . . , .
<br /> .. .. ,
<br /> ' � 'ii'""�q:o�.re�`b' � : .., ,..«• �r.��YN4�Y4.eb�xw'�f�tY+r'i.M� ' , .. '. _ .... . . ..i� _. . ....'__" ^:4v;*
<br /> .
<br /> - r�.`.wV"� 1�'''. ..�.� � ' .
<br /> . . . • . . . .. . ..,
<br /> l � -� • '- ... ..._..._... . . .. .... .. .....
<br /> .� ' .r . " ��.i_.."""..._..w:. .... ......... .... �.. ._. .
<br />. � .T
<br /> . . � TOt�EZFtEIi WITH aA ths Imp�vements now o►haedt�ercotad on th�propaAy, and aN easemmte, �Ppurten�nc�s,md . .
<br /> � � tixWros'eow or hmeafter a paR of the proparly.AR►ePlaoements tnd addUaae ehdl alao tH aova+sd by th�s 8aaurUy inrtruman�
<br /> 6+II ot the toregatag le rote�ed to In thte 8ecndty Inotrument ae the'Properly.' •�-•
<br /> � BORROWER COVENANTB that Borrowes la lawtutry�eUcted ot the estate hereby conveyed and hna tbo dght to pmnt and�
<br /> convey the Properiy and that the Proparty la unena+mbered� except tor e�cumbnneea ot reoonl. Bo�rower wnrnnte�nd wlll�
<br /> ° dotend yenenNy the dUe to Ut�PrapeRy�ONnet aB alalme nnd dert�nds,aubJect to�ny encumbaneea of roaord,
<br /> THIS SECUR1fV �NBRRUMENT aombMea unlfort� aovenante tor nntional uss and non�nitorm aoventnte wtlh Iimlt�
<br /> v�rkUom by jurlsdadon to aomtlwU�unBarm s�ourlry Inetrument coverinp rod property �
<br /> UNIFOitM COVENANi'8. 8or►oww�r►d Under cov�ns�a�d�prM a fallovwc
<br /> ° 1.Paymsnt ot Prineipai u�d Intons� Pnp�ym�n3 and Lat�Ch�rQss.eorrower eh•n p�o,�uy ay wne�
<br /> ° due ths princfpal of and int�aa!oe tht d�b!Mdsnwd by the Noit srtd ury prepiym�nt artd kb aiw�es duo undcT tho Noto.
<br /> .. �> . 2. Funds tor TacYS�nd Insur�no�.subJ�at ta�ppYatie t�w a to R w�lthn waNK by L«tdw. 8arow�r�haN pa �
<br /> � °� to Lender on the d�y moathy paymeMs ve dus under ths NoU,until the Nots it pald In tuN,• sum('Fu�d�') tor. (�) yM
<br /> . ::=��"��' qzes and aeeeaameate whlah may�in pllodry ova th�s 8eeudry lnatrummt as a NN► on ths Prop�yr, (b)Ya�fY teaaeho! .
<br />. ., , ;�. WYn'ien�a or pround ronta on the Prope�y6 N any; (o)YeatN hwrd or propeAy Insurmw pnmiumac t�Y�►N tlood bsur�nee .
<br /> premtums.H any: (e)Yood1►mort�aBe Insuranee proMuma�H any;and (Q any nums payable by 8orrower to Lender in�coordmae
<br /> , " with the provlalone ot parapraph 8,h Neu of ths paymait of mort�aqo Inauianos p►omi�+ms. Thess rtema ue aUed'Eaoraw
<br /> . ttama.• lendar m�y.at aeY dme�ooitaot �nd hdd Funda in �n wnount not to exaesd the maximum amount n lender tor a
<br /> federaey rotated mo►tgage toan mxy requko tor Bortower'e eaatow�ezount under ths tedePat Real Eetato Setttement Procnduroa
<br /> � Aat ot t874 as amended trom Uma to tkne, 12 U.8.0.�2601 et seq. ('RE3PA•). untean mothe� I�w tAat appitea to the Funde
<br />" sets a tesae�amount It so,Lende�may, at�ny Ume,ooHeat and bold Funds M an amount eot M axceed tAe Ieaser amount
<br /> � �- �� • Ler►der may esttmate the amount of Funda dus on ths banla of ament dabi and roasonable eat4mte�s of�pa►dlluroa of tutum
<br /> Eaorow ttema or otheiwiae h acaotdonce wtth appNoeble law. ,
<br /> � . , 1'hs Funda ehd be hetd b an InatNution whoae depoake are hsuzed by a tederd�penaY.Inatrum�nLRtY•a a^mY M°w�B
<br /> .;; . l.aider,if Lender tn nuel� an InsUtWon)or In�ny Fadani Horne t.oar�Btnk Lendx sh�N�Ppy ths Funds to pty the Eeaow
<br /> _° Itenfa. lendx msy not�hu�e BoROwer for hoi�n0 and+PPh�A tM+ Funds�annu�iy anafy�o tha esa+my acaount, a vedryAn9 :
<br /> `:�'i � .. the Eserow ftema� unksa Lender pays Bmrowe► �tetest on tho Funds and �ppWaEl� I�w perrtdta L ender to melce auoh a
<br /> charga However. Lende► mt►y►e4ub Bomcwer to pay a oao-ti�ne cMrQe tor an hdepandent rerl ostate tax repa�n0 scrvlce
<br /> . �a`;:�, ' �pNa le law requfros irtaeat to be paid��Lend ehal not bs requ�4ed tovl���aw�ld�y��N��o^uhe Funds.
<br /> ; .`.:" Bomowa end Leader may Rproe In wrkhg� haweva. that intera�t ahd�e pafd on the Funda. Len��MM 4Ns to Botrowa►� . .,
<br /> �..N��',i�,;• wNhout charqe. tn tnnueS accourAhp of the Funds. ehowhp eredts ond debtta to the Funda and the purpoas tcr whiah esah
<br /> ,� ��' debit to the Funds was mada The Funda�re pledped�s addttlon�seourity tor�II sums securod by the Seou�lY instNmaK. =
<br /> B the Funda heid by Lendet exeeed the amounte pe�mttted to be hdd by�ppllabls 4►w,Lender afuN acoount M Borrowa �;'.
<br /> far the exceas Fundn tn aacoMmce with the roqukemente ot appYoab�e Inw.li ths amount of the Funda held by Lender at any ��'•
<br /> » 1� tlms la�ot aufQdent to pay tlie Eeaow Ite�ms when due� Lender tru�y so noWy 8otrower in writhp��nd.h suaA ease B�rowe� ?
<br /> ° ,,,r,,.'?! � ahaN pry to Lender ths amouM neaeaeWy to m�ks up the dellolenay. 8ortowx sh�N m�ke up the detldenay tn rto mon than �r°
<br /> , ,:° tweAre monthy PaY►narts.at l�ndeP's ade diaorollan. �"=
<br /> ,. '- � ' uP�f�Y'+��t tr�tuR at aB�sr�t�sd by 2lst.s Sxus!!y Inetr�nl. t,ander sluY prompti�r rdund to 8arower anY Fureds �-`
<br /> hald by Lertder fl�under pera�raph 21�Lande►eha�aequlro or aeM the Propaty.Lander�Prlor to the aoqutaitlon or ed�of the �.�.�,
<br /> '�a � propaty. ehet appy�ny Funda held by L�nder at the Ume of acqutaldon or sde as a aedit a�N►n th�suma seuued by thb �:,.::.
<br /> �:' . 3eourtly tnaUUmenR ��s,=
<br /> � " 3. Appllo�tlon of Paym�M�. unieae apPNca4te law pr+ov�des otheiwtae. vt payments reedved by lendx undar �'
<br /> . : " ; ptrapnphs 1 �nd 2 eh�l Oa appNed: Anst,to anY ProWYn'�����e unGa the Note:second.to�mow�ta pay�ble under =-
<br /> �� # Pu�Ph 2:thtrd�to Yrterest due:fou�th�to prk�dp�i due:and t�st,to any Inte charqea due under tha Note. �,,
<br /> �` ' 4. C h a r Q�e: L l�tlm. 8orrower ehaN psy aq ta�ces, ass�ssments. ctuupea, Mes and knpoaitiona attrY�Lbb to th�
<br /> �`L`�:-:.
<br /> „° .�;.�'n.,, . `�; ; propedy wh{ch rrwy attatn pdority ove►thia 3eaurily IneAumen��►d le�hotd P�YmMnts or prouad ronta,it�ny. 8arrower shB --
<br /> • ' Pry thess obli�ariona in the m�nne�ptovlded in PatayraPh 2. or if eot pdd in that mmne►.Bonower eha!pay them on tlme --
<br /> :•� ." .�..�..::'� ? dkecty to tho person owed paYma►t 8orrower s h a N proroP t y t u m i s h t o L a n d e r d n o U u s o t�mounte to be p a td under this =
<br /> . . '.r ^ P�9�Ph. n Borrowa n�ekea these paymeMs dkecty. BoROwer sMll P�P�Y Nmish to Lenda reoeipts enidmainp tRe u•T:-
<br /> . r.,.,,
<br /> �; < .. . ` �";`
<br /> ._�`,.'.' ' � 8�ortower eMY promnUy dluai�uge ony pen whlah Mia priodty ova thia 3eourNy InatrumaM w�esa Borrower. Q�ayroes In o L�
<br /> "' �� ' '�', ;:�.� w�thg to the p�ymant of the obMpiUon eewrod by the{len (n a manner aoaePl+�O to I.ender. (b� aontaste in�ood takh the -
<br /> .;s,�;., ., .�.4� �^ Yen by� a defmda eyok�at entoraement o t t he I i�a n !rt�t e�o l P ro o e s d h p s w h i o h i n t h e L e n d e�'s o p i nton o p e a te to p r a vent the �J-:��::....
<br /> ':-4�.���i- ...
<br /> : �+ ertton�nent ot th�Ilen� ar(o) seaures from th� halder of the Yen an���r►ent sWstactaY to Landrr suborBnat�D the ien to �'f`;:
<br /> ,���,.�: :-i �� Y this 8eattily lnshumenL fl Lender determinea th�t u►y P�of the Prop�xty is eubJeat to a Nen whkh trcey atdih prlo�ly wer thb ;%_�-_
<br /> ::i�'. `. �� 8oeurUy Inatrumnt, Lendet maY�Ne 6orrowe►s notiee identifyhp the Ban.Bomiwer eh�l satleity th�Yen u Lke ons a more ot �_--
<br /> •� � ' the aollona net tonh above wkhh 10 d�ya of the gMng of noUce.
<br /> ' ` 6. �iwrd or Prop�rty Insuranc�.Borrower ehal keep lhs Nnprovementa now odstlnp or Aersttter ereded on she 4``�-
<br /> ,-��t .` .'Y ': j �__r_.
<br /> '•,: ProPertf� Maurod a�inat loas by 1f% hmrds tno�ded wfthin the tam 'e�danded coveraps'and any oth�x haards�indudfnp �;,':'
<br /> ';�''; .• �•: ". Aoods or flooding,tor whioh Lender roquqea inaununx. Thb inauranoe eheN b�rn�k�Wnd h the amants md tor the padoda ° -
<br /> .-:$�_,:�_;:• _'' thzt lendar requirea. The inaurence earrie► providinp lhe Nsur�nce ahaSi be ehosss by Borra�ta cub�L to l.ende�e r.pprovr.t s,_
<br /> ,;��::.�:---- �' whfah a�e11 not be unre�eonnby wlthheld 8 Botrower hYa to rt�eY�trin cove�aps deaaib�d above. lend� may.n Landete
<br /> ` jn.�7M..-,�,f i �.'4 ..
<br /> ��vz , ,-. r ePUon�ObW11 COYlRg!t0 proteCt Landlr'8 dpMB kl tAe PropeAy h ROOOTd�11Ce Wlth�ragllph 7. rn
<br /> _,:,�,�y,,,n� .. � AN tnauwnee poAc�ea �nd renewats ahaY be aoceptabb to Lendx and ehdl holude • ehndaM moR�e dautm. Lender r%;_:.
<br /> .:. . . :" , �.; ^'
<br /> w eh�p h�ve the�ht to hoW the poYdee and renawal�. If Lendx requtres�Borrowar shal P�Vf►qMa to Lertder�t roedpte of -��:�;,
<br /> .."g''.° " .,: :
<br /> ` �; . --s.. ?•• paW pertduma and ronewd noUcee. in th�eveM ot loas.8orrawx ehd gNe prompt noftos to th�tn:unnce aanler�nd I.mdr. k%.':
<br /> t lender msy m�ke proot of toss!t eot made prompty by Bortower. �
<br /> Unleaa Lende�and Borrower otherntse agree h wMing, inaur�nce protxeds ah�ll be�ppYed to roatoratlon or ropak of the ���
<br /> '� ± property d�m=Qad.M the roatoratlon or repatr ta economfoary teaai5ts end Lender's seaudty b nat kasened.H the�eatortlton a <;��;
<br /> ,•,_ .
<br /> � � ; �epak ts not eaa�omta�l�r teaalbte or t.�nder'a securtty wauid be Ieaaend,Ns Nauranee pooceada eh�tl be��d to tM sums �;.;;
<br /> aeaund by thia 8ecurtry inatrument, whethe� or not then due,with�ny exaese psld to 8arowx. It Berrower abenelons the ;::��:
<br /> : �Pah• a doea not anew�witA4�30 daya� notiee trom Lender th�t the ineuanos e�nte�hae oAend Lo setBe a oWm�then ';;�
<br /> - � � Lertder mny�oYeat the k�au�nce Proeeede. Lender may use ths proa�eda to ropat or roatoro tke Ptoperty or to pay suma
<br /> " { aecured by this Seaurky inatrument,whather or not then due. The 36dny period w1N bepkt when the noUoe le 91ven. ,
<br /> � Unteas Lender end Borrowa atherwlse agree M wdtlng, tnY ePPUmUon af Pro�� � P�� a� �ot extend or %i�
<br /> postpone the due d�te of tho maMhy payments rofemid to In Da�BraPha 1 md 2 or ehange the smourrt of the pey�nenb.M �'�j�'
<br /> ty4�.
<br /> ' under paragraph 21 the Properly Is acqutred by Lender, 8orrower'o d8ht to amr Insurance poNdes and praoends hsut0'n9ltom
<br /> � „ damage to the PropeAy prlor to the aaqWsttlon shall pasa to Lendc+r to the extar�t ot the aums by thia SecurUy Instrument
<br /> . - . _ _�- - ImmeBatey prtor to the acqu�atuon. -
<br /> ' - 8. Ocaupanay. PresorvsNon, Matnton�nc� and Pral�tlon o4 th� 6�r�prA�; Boerovwr'e L�n
<br /> ' APPpeatlon. LpWholdf. Berrower ehab occupy� esteblish�and uee the PropeAy aa Bor►owere prindpsl residence wtMin
<br /> : .. sixry daya atter the executlon ot thta 3earily Inatrument an0 eh�N ooethae to oaoupy the Propeity aa Bortov+er'e pdndpd
<br /> � � restdenae tor at teaat oee yesr�1ter the dete of oeeupnnay, untesa Latd�r otherwtae aprees(n wridng,whfch aonaeM aAn9 not
<br /> �� � be unreananaby withhetd,ar unteaa extenu�tlnp akcumstances e�dst which are beyond Bortowerb contr+ol. Bomawer ehall not
<br /> destroy. demage or Ynpatr the PropeRy,sYow Me Property to detertonte, or commtt waate on ths PropeAy.Botrower sh�A be in •
<br /> detauft M ar�y torie�uro adton o� prooeading, whether eivY or aNnina�,la begun th�t in lertder'e good tdtf►Judgment could ronut2
<br /> In fortetture o!the PtopeAy or otheewtae n�nterltRy impek the(ten o�ented by thle Securtty lnetrumeM or lender'e aecurfty Mtereat.
<br /> . .. V ��....�.LY.�. Y ..
<br /> , . � ' �s,a.u�no rore�� r�go s o�a
<br /> asaes
<br />