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<br />• ��c• ,(, . PART(ESs This Oeed af Trust is msde on Ttft�ts �F�..1QQS ,amonp tM OraMOr, neu»ae� e,��ww •*m =
<br /> o. .�-'�"E� t�TR�aR1MA►7�HifA L��1�I► WrFR _ ��BO��OMMT����r _
<br />. ..>:.�,`�..•4+"^ AA�,7D R A1ln(!K� AT'mRN__RV _ _ ^- V
<br /> �;'�:`� .��''� � whose reaidenca eddreae is pq.8nr �gn, C�TIITA TAl�fl[I_ N�II VYYM�,Nsbrask�(•Truitee"t,and ths Ben�flctary, �-
<br /> :�{i� :'}.' �! ue� m3nr.»nr. anv�A��3��Aage�SATJ01,1 .a aorporedon orpaNxcd
<br />;y;�,ti'";y.• 3 and oxteUnp under ths Is•�ro ot �msitiaa�_ whoae addreaa ts ��1 �aeI7TH_?�SOgT_..8'TM�RT''�'_ _ �`
<br /> _ � ��:}' raoa*m TAT.AN7]� A1F�RRnfOKn aSpn�..�nA4 ('Londe►"1. =
<br /> '?'�,.?�} CONVfiYANCHs For wtue roceived,8arrower IrrevocaEly g�ants and conveys to Truttee,t�truR,with power of sate,the re�l p�op�rty,ot whioh -
<br /> -:.;y�Y� Ftonower ie lawfuly sei:ed,deeo�ibed beiow and ait bulidinga, flxturos, end exlsGnO and tuNre improvertronts thereon and ali rfghri�of•way.
<br /> _ � " — eazeme�rts, rente, issuea, proflte, income,terromertte, hereditemente, privilepes end em/ eDPurtenenceo ttioreunto betonpi�p Iatl opftQd the
<br />_ � �1- ' 'ProDenll�l.
<br /> ,.., .
<br /> --,,.,,�„�,,.o., PAOPER7YAQORES8t 915 RART 5TR , nrtnwn TAT.�TtI'f ,Nabssske RppAl =
<br /> -". .' . ''� 16uotu mtYl R�A Cow) =
<br /> . ����,.. ' LEOAL DESCRIPTIONt =
<br /> ���::',�s"�� BRA�TIONAL LOT TWO (2) IN 8R3►CTTONAI, BLOCK 80URTB$N (14), EVANB =
<br /> �`,..�
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<br /> ��-'�'�� toaated tn__ , County,Nebratka.
<br /> ------_=-= TITLl:Botrowar cqvenante and wanante title w tho popetty,exoept ipr ,.
<br /> - QCtlll[D OEiTt Thia deed of trust secure�to Lendel repeYment of ths eecurod debt and tMe p�rtorm�ncs of ths cov�na��nd �pn�m�nri
<br /> '°"""''�� coMain�d In thf�d��d o#trust and in any othar documerrt ineotporeted heroin.Sew�ed debt,n used in thi�deed ot uut+t, k�ctud��any amouMa
<br /> --- Ba�own ow�s to Lender under thia deed of wa or under eny insuument eecurod by chlt deed of uuet, and eli modifloaUon�,extenaforo and
<br />----�-w---�-�-a nn�wai�tMroof.
<br />��;������ Th�svau�debt ir avldenced by t Wt ell inet►umor�u Rnd agreements aeaursd by thti deed of trust snd th�d�tea thenvf.l:
<br /> �
<br /> A DRAMiiRR�RY NATR ANt1 RR(RfRTTV n�lOARMRNT TlLTT211 .7t�NR 76� 1995
<br /> -- -- � ❑Futw�AQvanw�:7h� abov�emount la oacured even thouph oit a put of It may not yet bo advencsd. Wture advme�� �ra
<br /> — coMSmplated and wlli be secu�ed to ttre same extent ee if made on the date thh deed of truat is oxecuted.
<br /> ❑R�whdng Une of credit apreement dated ,wtth tnitial annus�Int�rest rate of 96.
<br /> '� Ail aaqunt�owtd und�r thtt�pre�meM aro sscured ewn thouph all e�mou+iu m�y not yet be edvanced.Fuwro advances und�r
<br /> -- =�� tM�praamsnt�ra contamptatod and w1U be secured to the earr�s extent e�If madn on the d�te th►e deed of auet ts executod.
<br /> TM�bov�oblf9nlon la due end p�ya0ie on :rrn� 2q, 2eee _ If not patd eartler.
<br /> ---�----° Thf tot�l unpsld batanaa seauretf bythis deed ot huat at sny one time ehell not oxceed e maximum princlpsi emount o}
<br /> ____-_-- :e::n:am:suema�m � n� ��r n�+ �ee/1ne Daltsre t0] z,�aa_6n 1,Piva Tiitaract,
<br /> ---.---- _-- ptu�my�mounn dbbur�ed under the terma of th�e deed of uuat to proteot tAe soaurlty of thts deed of hust o�to pertam eny of the
<br /> --- cowntnt�conUlned In thfi deed of tNat,w{tt►Inta�est on euoh diabunemente.
<br />- �'�+�� D YaANia R�t�t Tho inteteat rate on the abltpeUon eoaured by thls deed oi trutt Irtiey very accordinp to the terms ot that obtiQetton.
<br /> ___='- — CJ A copy ot the toan epreemer�eometntnp the terms under which tho Intereet rete mey vary ie ettaehed to tNa deed of vuet and
<br /> --�=--=- m�d�a put hereof.
<br /> �� Y`-� IIIDEIIet Q Comm�rcUt �1nsR=et�arr eg Runrrs ❑
<br /> �'�-a-"��1��
<br /> '�. '�`�_�� • -_ Fhxeu�nt to th�Farm Homettot►ti Protection Aot.deaignetion of homeateed � ts ett�ched to thla deed oi trust and made�plrt Mreof
<br />�='�,'t!{:�:r:i'-, -
<br /> •r�°^�- .1 ��e�tfMn dltot�im�d;the ditot�hnet ia ettsolied to thle deed of truet end mede e paft hereof,
<br /> ;%�'�;��1 =
<br /> SIQPtA E�t fy tlpMnp ENow,Borrow��enne to the t�rms�nd oovanmU corns[n�d[n this d�ed ot st,Irtcludinp thos�o�pep�2.�nd in
<br /> � • t� Q�n d� ribM s •ttpned by Botrower. _ _
<br />-.--�,°°`'�• �� �T LI C BAB -
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<br /> s;.; . . _.. . _ _,... ,
<br /> -�.;��:= ..
<br /> . ., .'..
<br /> - • • •� �, ACRNOWIEtlOMENTt BTATE OR NEBRASKA, County Be:
<br />- .- The lorepotnp lmuument wae acknowledged before me on thie �R�ru day of.�*�, �ao�
<br /> OY CBRYHH Q �n�tewf ett� f.rftn an ea__ftnasi*un n*m wtv�
<br /> . _ _ imaai�
<br /> . • : Capa�ua� `
<br /> ypt�qyy O} . Wame ot Capa�non a VatnaMbl
<br />-- �c►novneep,n�m s �pN� �� on behaif of the caporatlon ar portnerohip.
<br />,. .', My oomml � 01I�.E�P O�o.19.19�5 • p) //I�(/e
<br /> � .,lQ��,/itk� ft.�!l��/��/)� tNauv vuoue�
<br /> . ••���'.`• 16w1
<br /> '. , . '[hla Imtannmt wu pnp�rW by__nuna�ex xr_ut►rr
<br /> .. - • _t ..►_
<br /> o�et��.eeesr�nMe.a�c..er.c�aue.�Neeu����eooaa►•.a+u�oaMOCaMroa�eener�� ApPL# 00009286 ���O�j�� ��KA
<br /> " CCDlk 0100445071
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