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<br />-; , �-_-=`�. COVENANTB �195� �0���7' � �r,.
<br /> . t. Paym�nU. 8orrower apraos to meke ell peyrnente an the aecurad debt when duo. Uniess 8orrower and Lender agree otherwise, eny
<br /> �� poymonts Londat rocalvoa from Borro�vor or for Borrowar'e banefit wili bo appllud ikot to ot of the sectued debt oa�c rs for eny reasondi debi
<br /> .. exolutiva of intereal or prinalpel,eecond to Interest,and then w arincipei.tf partlal prepeym�p ,„ �
<br /> •� not raduee or excu9e eny echeduled paymeM untli tho eecuted debt is p0id�tud. , �
<br /> �,qdrtw AQ�imt Tltl�.Bor�ower will pay ali taxoe,aeseaeme�te,hnd atne �FerBea etulbutah�a to the property whon due and wili defend titte
<br /> � def enies whiehaeoar�rower may havs epelnsWt partieepwho suppiy teD�r o�r ma�riati to improve or mrafnta�in�therPw�epr�assfgn any riphte,alelms or
<br /> 8. Insuran¢s.Bor►ower w1i1 keep the propetty i�sured under terme eaaepta6le to Lender at Borrowet's expense and for Lender's benefk. All
<br /> ' '' inauranco po�icioa ehuli Includo a atondt�rd moKgege oieuse in favar of Lender.Lender will ba named es Ioea payee or as the insurod on any auch �
<br /> ' �' orsto the 4ecured debt It Leiber lequ rl ee�mortga8e Pnsurenae�th8orrowerTag deea to mekitatn suoh Inaurance of r ae lanp�ea Lendererequires rop¢rq+
<br /> d^',.,_�......,,
<br /> �; ��,�;�r 4.Propsrty.Borrower will keep the property in good eondkion and meke all repaks reasonably necessery.
<br /> �+rt,►+H'�+� 8.Esp�ma.Borrowar agreea to pay alt Londer'a expensea,including reasonable attaneys'fees,it Borrower braake eny coveneMs in this deed
<br /> of truet or in any obtigation secured by this deed of truat.Barrower wlit pey these emounts to Lender as provided in Covenant 8 ot this deed of �ci
<br /> ' uuat.
<br /> „ • . Be u��In�astst�t8orrowei�^w11i per�form alt�of8onow,s obOpat ons unde�any po r mortgage,�deed of uust�ar other�seaau8lty agreemerr�►�tr ff
<br /> ineiudtnp Borrower'�eovennnta to make paymente wMn due.
<br /> � 7,M�t nt ot R�nts�nd Proflb.Borrowm oseipns to lender the rents and profite ot the p operty.Untase Bor�ower end 6ender have agreed � _
<br /> otherw se in wrktnp, Borrowe�may colteat and reteln the rerne as tong es Borrower(s not�n deteult. If Borrower detaufts,i.ender, Lender'e
<br /> agent,or a court appoiMed rece(ve may taka posseesion and manege the propertyr and aolieot the rerne. Any rents 4engdeer colleats shail be ,
<br /> - . � nece�asar�ll reie�ted expenaesf The rem�atni g amount of re�r ts will U�ien apply to paymente on the eeaured deb�t ae provlded In Co�venant tany other "..,
<br /> " 8.I.�as�hddsF Condo�Knlum�s Piwnmd Utiit DwNopm�r�b.8onower agreet to oom�ty whh the provielona of any teaee if this deed of truet Is on
<br /> �f � �' . under th�e�covenant6 eby iewa,uor ieguletione ot the condominium or pianned unit�devebpmantnt,BaROwar wll�paMortn ap of Botrower's dutiee
<br /> �r`... __,. ::_;_.. �._. .
<br /> �' 8. AY1GO►II�O�LGfNlii t0 POAOlfil}OT BOtfOYJCf. If 9orrower talis toperterm eny of 8ortow�'s dutfes under this deed ot trust, Lender may
<br /> " pe►form the dutiea or cause them ta be pertormed. Lender may eign Bonowar'e name or pay any emouM if neceseary for pertormance.if any
<br />•• •� �- �. .`.1�t BecurHy inierest nethe propenyd�This mey include oompledng the con6�uatlonmanner,Lander may do whatever fs neeessery to proteat lender's _ _.
<br /> a . i
<br /> � "" � Lender'a tai►ure to peKorm will not preclude Lender hom exerolsing any ot its other righte undet the lew or thia deed of mtat.
<br /> . �:
<br /> •� �• �t{`� arttl wi�beer�intere tyf om the dete of t�he peyment uMil paid in fuli a�the�tnteres�ra�in�eHect on the aeasired debt���W���be due on demend �'��
<br /> ibd�ti
<br /> '' 10. D�fwlt and AcoN�ratlon.If Borrower falie to maka any peyment whe�due or breeke any covenents undar thia deed of uust or any ��,.
<br /> ' oblipetion eeeured by thia deed of trust or any prtor mortgage or dead of truat, Lender ma�yaaeelarete the meturity ot the secured debi and u:�.
<br /> � � �?, demand immediete peyment and mey imoke the power of sale an�l any other remedies permitted by eppltceble taw. ��
<br /> � t1,R!q!u��Hotic�of D�twh.it is herebv requested thet copiea ot the noUcea ot detauft and ealA he sent to eaoh per8on who la e party - °:
<br /> '�t� '���'�` % hereto,at the addresa ot each euch pereon,ea set fonh herafn.
<br /> ;f.,�'i�'.:`�' �' . �
<br /> �•^��` 12.Paw�r of Sd�.it the Lender invokea the power of eaie,the Troatee shati 8rst record tn the otfice of the registei ot deede of eeah county
<br /> � ' '�a_ whetein the uust property or some pert or parcel thereof is eitueted a notice ot defeult containing the informatlon requtred by Iaw.The Trustee _
<br /> .�.•, ahetl aiso mali aoples ot the notice of defauit to the Borrower,to eaoh person who is a party hereto. end to other pereona eo preacrlbed by
<br /> �_�,; : �, .,'' appliceble tew.Not Iess than one moMh atter the Trustee reeorda the notice of defauft or two months it the truat preperty ia not In Any
<br /> ' -i,^'`� `�` '�"� Incorporetod aity or vilinge end Is used In tarming o retiuns aar�ied on by the uuator,tha'Fruaten shai►ghe Nubllu notiae ot eaie to the persona
<br /> � and in the mennar preacribed by epppifoebte lew�stee,without demend on Borcower,ohali setl tho property et pubiic auation to the hi,4haat
<br />_��.;„�'� :,4;,,'� btdder.If roquirod by the Farm hlomostead Prot on Aat,Trustee ehnll oHer ihe properiy IA two separate aetes ea rnquired by apptioable taw. _
<br />:������_, , �� 7rustee mey postpone sute ot atl or any pereel of the property by pub�te announeement at the time and place of arry previouaty acheduled saie. _ _
<br />-;:�,+_����•�•: Lender ar it�designss m�y puroh�se the propsrty at amr sete.
<br /> ��"''� ��•� Upon recel t of pe ment of the priae bid,Truatee shall deiiver to tho purohaser Trustee's deed oorneyinp tha preperty.The roakials contdned in
<br />.,.,,;,. �z-• p v --___
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