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<br /> So-
<br /> -..., ' �, -= COVENANTB l'95--�04`7:1� ., �
<br /> 1. Psymfnta. Borrowar apreos to �ieko utl �aymante on tho eeeu►eQ debt when duo. Un�oss Botrower and Lender agre� o erwise, any
<br /> peyment�Lender receivea Irom Borrowor or or Bnrrower's bonofit wlll bo appllad tirnt to any amounto Borrowar owoo on tha uocurod dobt
<br /> • ' nat reduee or excuie�eny�seheduib piymenttuntil thee cured deht 10�peld tn 1ut1��p�epeyment oT tha �ecurod debt ocaun tor any reeaon, it wlli
<br /> . �,
<br /> 1, q�kn�AprtMyn�t Titt�.Bortow�r will p�y atl texe�.��satmmtw,md other charQaa�mlbuta6is to the property when dus end wlli detend tltte
<br /> ` 1. dsfinsi��wlucl►eF3onowir miY hi�Napalnit partt,ipwtwiuppty labar or�miteriita�i M imp�ove or miinteinglie propeny selpn eny rlphts,ctatmt or
<br /> � ' 9. tnwrw�a�.Bortower w{I�keep the property In�ured under tesm�aaeeptable to lender et Bos�ower't expense and tor Lender's bensfft.All
<br /> Inswanc�poiick+s�hst�i Inctuda�nandard moetpapopcpiau !n tavar ot Londor.Londor v�ilf!so nnnted na lorse peyee or ee the insured on nny auah
<br /> . or to tM sicuid d�i t.I t Lendsr equirss�mo rtp ps i n au�aet e�orr wii�apriii t t mnitnu ntiuoh i�►atn ae for ei IonO ss lsnder ieQuirei f���
<br /> '��•����=`� 4.P►apwq►.Borrowes w(II keep the propsr4y tn Qood eondhion�nd make ait repatn reasonebiy necesesry. �•
<br /> `"' "��'�� 6.ksxpm�es.Borrower•��es to pa �it lender•�expnnse� Includinp�ea�onebta ettomeys'fe�s.it Borrower breeka any aovenena in thts deed
<br /> of uuat or in my obQprtlon seeuted�y thit d��d of trust,�ottower w11i pay thsse smounte to Lender�t providad In Covennnt 8 of thb deed of
<br /> , . trust.
<br /> t�ecwiiys t�ni�s.Bo�rt wa w� �or�m i I of Bonower a oblt�eUonis�iu�dar sny p8tor mortpige,�deed of trun or othei eec�ur ti y ay er err�e�M,
<br /> Ineludinp Bonowsr's oovsn�MS to m�ke paym�nri when dus.
<br /> , �,�sature�t o}p�nq�nd P►o11q,Bonower atttpns to Lender the rente and proHte of Me property.Unlaea Barower and Lender hava epreod •
<br /> • otRs rse fn w►kinQ, Bonower may witaot and retdn the rents n lonp ss Bomws�i�not in default. It Bor�owe►defauits,Lendur,Lendet'a
<br /> �� apeM,or a eoutt�ppointad recdvsr maY t�ke pouesston and mmap�the property end colteot tha re�ts.Any rents Lender cdleate shatt be
<br />��'. . �ppltsd�rQt to the aasta of inempin ths Qrope�ty,inctudlrtp�ourt cotts +od�ttorneyra'foes, con+misalons to tentat agents,and any other
<br /> :u�, � necesa=ry�e�ned eup�nts�.Ths remt�ninp�mount of rents wfli then eppty to payments on the sewred debt es provlderl in Covenent t.
<br />-F:. ; g.���hp�dyt Candom�lums;plwtnad Unit pevalopmetlts.Bonower ap�e oea to compty with the ptoviabns of eny lease i}thte deed of trust is on _
<br /> "' underthe�covenanta byIaw..NOr repu�_eot s�ot t e c�R domin�u m or p�ennnd unit dtevetcpmeMnt. 8orrower witl perform ali of Borrowet's dutles
<br /> • g,Auy�aiq ot t�ndn to Pa"axtii ta Borrower. 4!Borto+:ter tatta to DeAorm airy of Rorrower•e duUes under thls de�d of trutt, Lende�may
<br /> • � .�ror�retruottlon on�the prrope�ty ta dii.ro�ndnusd ar not atti d on In a rouon�ble maener,I.endar may do�w1►aMteii ei ise�seary t rt�a�t�Lende�i '
<br /> . � • "� . aecwklr Intenot In tha property.ThIa mny Inctude compteUnp the conatruotion.
<br /> ° .� ' �� Lender's fetlurs to psttarm will not preclude Londe�8om exardainp artry of it�atf�er rlghte under the Inw or this deod of trust. � _
<br /> ,;�, AnY amou�U patd by lender to proteot Lender't seeurity irrteroat wili be Becured by Mis deed of trun. Such amouMS wfll be due on demand .; �
<br /> a�xl wUi bear fnteros�hom ths date of the pelnnent until p�►d tn PoII at tha irKereat rote In sffeat on the seeured debt. ��
<br /> ^� 10. DNwlt and Aea�t�raa4�on. If Bonower fatls to make any psymeM wMn due or breaka amr covsnaMS under thh deed ot truat or anY
<br /> � ' obifpadon eecure�by this deed ot trust or any pria mortpape or deed oT trust Lender m�y aceetor�ta Me menulty of Me socured debt antl ' �
<br /> �, demand Immedfate peymeM and may invoko the power of sate and tny other remedles permitted by epplieebte taw. • -
<br /> ; R
<br /> } �.n � heroto,�st t�h ddr�=o�eee�h s�uch pe►son�e set torth�erein.�Q��4f ���a of defautt snd sab be eerrt to eaah peraon who is a party
<br /> .?�. � , 1 Z.PowK ol SaM.If tha�ender irnokes the power of eeis,the Tn,stee ah�A tkrt�ecord in the otflee of the repkter of deeds of each county r=---
<br /> �. �� ': wMrein ths truat property o�some pert or parcel theteof is siNated a notiee of defauft coMelnit�p the intormetion required by lew. The Tnntee _
<br /> � ' '�`;<� shaU atao m�ll copiee of ths notiae of default to the Borcovier,to each penon who b a perty hereto, and to other petsons as preaoribed by
<br /> �� •� •• appUc�hle Mw. Not Ie�s tAnn one mamh attet the Tvustes recorde the RoUce of default ar two monthe ff the trust p►operty in�+ot in eny n-�
<br /> �• � � ; �, ineorporated atiy or vYle�e and ts u�ed In farminp operatlons a�nUd an by the tn+ator,the fn��ta�ehaA gWe publio notfce of iale to ths psnon� -
<br /> end En�manner preeo�ibed by�appptieabte�aw.Truatee,without demend on Borcower. shell seli the property st publla auation to the hipheat �•'a.
<br /> y�, '�r: ,., . t i bldder.it roquired by the Farm MomestetE Piroteation Aat,Trostee shell ofter the propeKY in two sep�rate sates a�roquired by applioabts law.
<br /> ;;,,v,;,�e�,.,�. ..,� � Truatae may postpone sele of sll ar any parcel of the property by pubda en�aumemeM at the time and ptaee of any previoudy scheduled uio. ��
<br /> • Lender or Fb desipnee msy purchsse ths property at any�ale. _
<br /> ����.,•r�•..._'"�„�i = Upon ncolpt of p�vmoM of the pries btd,Ttustas ehail deiivet to the purahaeer Trustee's dee0 conveying the propeny.The roclt4la eontained In �,,,�
<br /> Trwtee'�deed ehall be pHme tecie evidlence of the uuth o!the stetemente oorminod theroin.Truatee ehati apply ths proaeede of the eete In tM _.
<br /> �� • q, �,�'� ' fottowlnp order: lal to eIi expensea of the aale, inotudlnp,but not Ilmited to, reaionabte Tnmtee's feea, �enaoneele attomsy'�test end
<br /> retnstatement fees;(b)to ali sume secured by this deed of wat,and tol the betance,H any,to the penon�legally entitled to reeehre k. �
<br /> - °,�'""`' . �' 19.Fonelowr�.At lander'e option,this deed of wst may be toreetoaed fn the manrnr provide by applleebts I�w for foroetosure ot mortpepsn —
<br /> --`"Y,., ' •�'""�:-- onreetproperty.
<br /> .> �+•.
<br /> „.�.,<.� �: 14.tntp�ation. Lenda msy onter the property to Inspeat k if Lender givee Botrower notice baforohend.The notice must stete the reasonable ��
<br /> - � cauas fo►Lender'e in�pectlon.
<br /> �:;�:^;�..-+'. � --
<br /> -�4„.`� -�;; 18,Cond�annttion.Ba►ower aeaf ne to Lender the proeeede of any awerd or atdm ter dama�ges eonneoted v►dth e condemnedon or other tekin�
<br /> -. .. �:, of a0 or sny psrt of the properly.�uoh ptoeeede wlu be epptled e�provlded in Covenent '1.Thfs esatpnmoM ts�uAJeot to the terms of any prtor -
<br /> Lc '•:,,� . " Becurity egreement. __
<br /> .� -�� 'r'- .�
<br /> ��;��-� . ,� 18.Wyv�.By exeralainp any remedv evellabte to lender,Lendor doea not pive up amr rigMe to Ietar uee anY other rertesdy.By not sxereiehp
<br /> _ .Y any remsdy upon Bortower'o default,Lender does not waive any rlgM to tater conatdar the even!e defeutt it it happens�paln.
<br /> .�r���"V�• .�•• �•��.
<br /> _ '� •{ �Z ddnt�nd 8w.nt LhhiBtr: Co-slgrMas Suaeuson�nd Aui�Baund. All dudes u�er this dsed of trust are jolnt and severN.Any �,,.
<br /> '-`i`��':'.,�'.' .� 'ir 8ortowet who co-etpns this deed of bu�t but does not castgn the und�In9 debt imtrumentto)doea sa onlY to�.sant and comroy thet �;-,__:
<br /> :_..a+��.•.:..-- � Borcow�r•s Interost In the propeRy to the Truaee under the terma of ihis deed ot truat.in�ddition sueh a Bottowor aaea�tl+at the Lander nnd
<br /> -����>•^� .: an1I other Borrower under this deed ot truet mey extend,modit�or make my other ehen�e�in tfie terms of thta Eeed of truat or the seeuretf ,�.
<br /> . " �� � � debt wfthout that Bartower's consent and wkhout roteadng thst Borrower nan tha terma of Nis deed of truat. �'�=
<br /> ', ;....�,,�..:`. }
<br /> _, ..� �L Ths dudss md bsneflte of this deed of trust ehell bind and beneHt the euecetson and aaetpr�s ot lender end Bortower. ;�:i.
<br /> �'.,� 4i'.:
<br /> •� � �F � 78.Nofie��Unlea�othenviss requlred by lew,any notice to Borrower shall 6e glven by de�ivanng ft or by metitng k by certified meil addros�ed to
<br /> � Bonowcr at tha praparty addroas ar enY other addrose thet Bonower hes Iven to Lender.8a�rower wtU yive amr noUce to Lc�er by�e rt�fted
<br /> - ' � ! m�it to lender's eddrea�on pape 1 of tfdt deed of trust.or to amr other e�dreaa which 4ender M�deitgnated.Any bther notice to Leeder shalt
<br /> •� • be sem to LendePs adOrete ae atated on pe9e 1 of thta Ceed of trust.
<br /> . Aery noUce eheQ be doemed to hsve been yiven to Borrower or I.ender when given In the manne�eteted ebove. :
<br /> , i '� 18.Tanshr o!tl►�VropMy a�Ba�Rdst IM�nn in tM Barow�r.lt alt a eny pan of tl�e property or any G�toroat In it Is sotd or treneterted
<br /> without Lende►'i prla written consent, Lender mey demand fmmedlate payment of the�eeured debt. Lender may etao dem�nd lmmedt�te
<br /> • " . d e m a n d p a f y�m e r�I n t h e e b o v e s l t u a tl o n si i f hpt s p ro^N b f d u d b y t°e�d e r c l l ew es f t h e G a��of�le deead�d or��ansferced. Howevar,lende►may not
<br /> • Z0. R�ao�vqrsna. When the obligallon eocured by thla deed o}truat hae been paid end Lender hna eo further oblipetion to meke adveneea
<br /> - under tlx�Inetrumome or agroements secured by tAie deod of uust,the Troeteo shalf,upon wrltten roquest by tho Lander roconvey the truat
<br /> ��, pro�_The I.e�nd�soell deiive�w��h�Bo�ow��oo��wer's eucceasor In Interest,the truet doed and u�e noto or olhor e�idonce of the
<br /> , - ° ...,..tla.,....,.�.:..�..�..----° .-• • ---•°--••------ —
<br /> � 21. Suecutor Tntsta. Lender, at Londer'a option, may remove Tn�stee and�eppolnc a euceeusa vustee by tlrst, mnlitng a copy of ths �
<br /> • �� eubstitutton of uuatee as roquired by applieabto law,and thon, by tUing tMo eubstltution of truateo tor recoM In the otNee of tha regiatet of deeds
<br /> of eteh countb in wNoh the trust property,ar some part thereot,fa eltuated. The succesaor trustoe,without conveyence of the property,sAatl
<br /> , • � � eueceed to eq Me powor,duties,euthnrity and UNe of the 7nreiee named tn the deed ot truet and of any succeasor uuetee. �
<br /> IOsg�Y ol?1
<br /> .. BANKERB BY87lMS.WC..BT.C10U0.AtN 8030t tt�E0P7li)•�utl FOHM OCP-MT6N88n9/91
<br /> i , � _ - -
<br />