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<br /> . E7{HIBIT �iArr :
<br /> � . � � ��95-�047�a _
<br /> - � . .4 t " LEGAL DE3CRIPTION =
<br />-�_.;�,,� .�A 1! traat oP land aomprieing ail of Lots One (1) , Two (2) and -
<br />_`�"�'�� : �.� Three (3) , end part oP Lat Four (4) , Hloak Seventeen (17) t the
<br />- ,-� �� tJoatorly 44.0 Peet oP Lo� Two (2) ertd all of Lats Three (3) and `
<br /> S'�°� Four (4), Block Bighteen (18), al l�in Kernohan and Deaker Addition
<br /> ,
<br /> •��� to the City of arand 2sland, Nebraska, aiso that ps�rt of vacated
<br /> '=��� , Kor�roe 8treet iying botween Hiock seventeea (17) and Biook Eic�hteen
<br /> -_�-:��; (18) , Rernohan and Deaker Additior► to the City oP Grand xsland,
<br /> ' �.._ .:t;�i Nebraska, lying North ot the Southerly right-o�-way line of said
<br />-:;::'.;r T:..:�_.�y� Bloalte seventcan (17j and eighteen (18j, more partiaularly -
<br /> >��z��":"{�� Q dascribed as fol.lows:
<br />..=-7..h:=: �f &
<br />_,ti�_�7���; •� —_
<br /> Heginning at the 3outhwest aorner o� said Lot �'our (4), Block
<br />_" ������ Seventeen (17), thenae running Northwesterly along the
<br /> _=��; Westerly li�e of said Lot Four (4), BLoak Seventeen (1'7), cn
<br /> - � an assumed bearittg oP Noxth 30•00•00�� Weat, a distanae of
<br /> -�.ea��A _ I06.70 feett °
<br /> -�'t'Ki�".L.'�i7Y[
<br /> :��:;,.~ -'� thenae running Nor�h 24•27�12" East, a diatance oP 43.Ox fest m
<br /> �r'.;r"' -� to a point on the Noa therly line of �aid Hlaak seventeen (17) _
<br /> --.�:.�
<br /> ��r'�Y.'.� thenae running North 59•59•ii" East, along the Piortherly line
<br />=-k-�.� � of said Bloak Seventeen (].7), a diBtance af 229.0 Peet, to the
<br /> -::��,:��, Northeast aorner of eaid Lot One (1), Block Seventeen (17)t
<br />,�.:`�,'r
<br />-�_._�,_,;. thance running North S9•4S�57�� Bast, a distance of 79.SS feet,
<br /> __;y�:�� to the Northwest aorner of said Lot Four (4) , Block Eighteen
<br /> -�.._�:.,��- - ;i$j�
<br />..==�-���N�:�.��
<br /> -�i-=����. thenae running North 59°38�27" East, along �he Northeriy line
<br /> _==_�� 4f said B�loak Eighteen (18), a diatance oP 175.81 Peet, to the
<br /> --_=�:� Nnrtheast aorner of eaid Westerly 44.0 feet of Lot Two (2) ,
<br /> -�----��__,� Block Eighteeri (18) _
<br /> -_--�
<br /> ����:�6� thenae runninq Soutti 29•57'47" East, along the Basterly line
<br /> __ oP said t7esterly 44.0 feet of Lot Two (2y, Bloak Eighteen
<br /> � � (18), a distanae oP 132.0 feet, to the Southe�st aorner of
<br /> - _ snid Wea�erly 44.o feet oP Lot Two (2) , Sloak EigP�teen (18j t
<br /> ___ - thence running South 59•53•57" West, alonq thQ Soutcheriy line
<br /> - of said Weatesiy 44.0 feet of I,ot Two (2) and Lots Three (3)
<br /> - and Four (4) , Hlock Lighteen (18) , a distanae oP 178.62 Peet,
<br /> to �he 3outhwest cor�ter of said Lot Four (4), Block Eighteen
<br /> �- - (18), eaid point alao being an the Easterly rfc�ht-ot-way line
<br /> --- __ ot Monroe stre�t;
<br /> ���� thenae runninq South 30'03•06" East, along the Sasterly riqht- �-
<br /> �-��_, ot-way lit�e af �tonroe �ttreet, a distattae oE 16.0 feet, to the -
<br /> �-�"- Northweat aorner oP Lot Five (S), Block Eigh�e�n (18jt
<br /> .__—_�
<br /> -�_ thence rur�ninq South S9•52•11n West a distance of 80.�4 feet, -
<br /> ___ �-� �o the t�Tortheast cortter of Lot E�ght (8), Hioak seventeen
<br /> -_�.:�:�::�;� (17), said point also being on the Westsrly riqht-of-way liae
<br /> =-2°�;:�=_:�.� of Monroe 8treett -
<br />-+"..'.•!i L, ,
<br /> . �iy 4 =.
<br /> ��~�;�;��,,�Y. � th�aae running North 29•58�38" West, alonq the Westerly rfght- -
<br />__.�:�:,-..� o!-aay line oP M4nroe Street, a distanae oP 16.0 feet, to the -�-
<br /> � ����^��. 3outheagt aorner oE said Lot One (1) , �lock Seventeen (17)f �=
<br /> thence runnia�q South S9•50•33" west, alonq the Sautherly line -
<br /> � � �� oP st�id Lots One (1) , Two (2) , Three (3� and Four (4) , �lock
<br /> ��� rL�r� I�A• J! _ -
<br /> - ----- " "°�Q���'�si l+�J � a �+syBnCe OI $63.91 YHAt� CO t11@ Point OP
<br /> � , °`',`�'��°� Heqinning and aontaining 1.587 acres mora or less.
<br /> •w�c:��wst�a►ta�rwwo�vuu►aeuu
<br /> r v ..�' ., -5-
<br /> ,. .•�; ,�
<br /> �•: -., ._...
<br /> � i.
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<br /> . , � ,_ ..
<br /> ,
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