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Borrawer warrnnts and will <br /> .�� dcfenJ generally thc title tu thc���NT umti n�!unifarm�avcnum�for nut anat�c und an nifarm ovcrdiants with limited <br /> �g�°.g„°'"'-'� _ <br /> 'fNIS SECt1RITY INSTRUM <br /> •-�--;---� vnriutiuns by jud�dictiun ta canstitute a uniForn�sccuriry instrume�t caverfng reul Pr�PertY• <br />�;'r��, . UNIFORM COV�NANTS.&�rrawe�and Lcnder cnvensnt and agree as fullows: when due the _ <br /> � '-''-- - �` 1. puytr�ent of Prinri{utl and lnteeesti Pimpoyment nnd Late Churg�. 8orrawcr shall promptly puy c <br /> � `-�-� pfincip:st of and intcrctit on ti�c dcbt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment und{ute chargcs due usuter the Note. <br />-��'�;;a;��:�: licuble luw or ta a w�ltten wuivcr by Lender. Barrower shall pay to <br /> 2, Fumis for Taxcs und Insurance• Subject ta upp <br /> -- -m"�'��� Lrndcr an thc day munthly paymm�ts arc duc undcr the Note.undl the Natc i�paid in full.a sum("Funds")far:(a)yearly taxes <br /> .,�,.1;�a�` <br /> �� und ossessments which may uttain pri��rity over this Security Instcument us a�ien an the Property:lb1 Y��Y��ho payrtten <br /> -�-'=�� or ground rents on the Prapercy.if any;(c1 yearly ho•r.ard ur prapeny insurance pmmlums:td!y��Y��insurance premiums• <br /> """�- ;f;iny; (el yrarly martgage in.sumnce pmmiums. if any:und(0:�►y sums puyable by Borrower to I.ender. in acrordance with <br /> __��"'-'-"^�=� the provisions of parugr��h 8. in ticu of�he paYment of mortgage insurn�ptemiums.These items are culleci'Escrow Items.° ^ <br /> �'���� Lendti:r m�y. :►t uny time. rnllcct and hold Funds fn un amount not to excoed the mvcimum umaunt a iender fur a federally <br /> �=�,��;� relatc�d martRaBe loan may rec=uire for Borrower's escmw account under the fedeml Pteal Estate Settlement Procc�ures Act of - <br /> _-���- �q7q as amended from time to time. i1 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").uniess unother luw that applies to the Funds <br /> _��.� sets a less�r arn�unt. If so. [.ender uny time.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the laser amount. <br /> ==�=�' Lender may estimute the amount af Funds due on the basis of current datn ru�d reasflnnb�e est�ma��s of expendituc�.s of futut�e <br /> =i;,��;�j �sctow Items or alhenvise in acrnrdance withappticable luw. <br /> _.a��,�,�,� The Fuods shap be held in un iastitudon whose deposits are insured by n fedcrsl agency. inst�umentaltty. or entiry <br /> (incladin�Lendcr.if Lender is such an inseitution)or in nny Federnl Home lAari Bank.1-eader shall appiy the Funds to pay the <br /> �"-�"''`� Escrow Icems.Lendee may not ch�e Borro�ver for holding and applyieg tlie Funds.unnunliy analyzing the escmw ucxoum.or <br /> - �-�`��; verifying the Escrow Items.unless l.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds und upp�icab�e�aW Perm�ts��er to make such <br /> -= a cfiarge.tivwcvc�.i.�'�l�s sm3�4���-'�""'er to guy a one-time char�e for an independent reat estate tux rzPorting servlce <br /> -_��� used by Lender in connection with this loan. unless aPP��cuble law pravides otherwise• tlnless an agronli��tt ;s � °_ <br /> -- -- uppli�ble law requires interest to be pa[d. Lettder�h�ili not be�equired to paY d on�the F�t��e rs�i�ve t Borrowr• <br /> -_�"�� �orrower and Lender may agree in writing.however.thnt intecest shatl be pti � for which eash <br /> without churge, an ar►nuai a000undng of the Fu�s.showing credits and debiu to the Funds and the purpo <br /> ----� debit to the Funds was made.7Ue Funds are pledged us nddltional security far all ,sumglsecu�rad�nder shaq uooau t to BoRaower <br /> If the Funds held by Lender excead the amounts permitted tu be held by upp <br /> for the exoess Fe�nds in 3ccorclaace v►ith the requimments of upplicable law.If the amoant of the Fu�hnl� h���W * <br /> - � time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.L.ender muy��YNe�h�'e�e p�t�h�e�deficlency in rto more than <br /> -- stuill pay ta Lender the ainount necessa�Y co makt up the deficiency <br /> -- twelve monthly paymenu.ut Lender's sole discretlon. <br /> L'pon payment in fW�of nil sums s�cured by this Security Insteument. Lender r+h��e�rio re W ucqw�s���n or sale <br /> -- Fu�s;��'d by Lender.If.under par.�graPt�2�• l.ender shall uoqnire or sell the 1'roperty. <br /> ,�f����periy� Shat�app�y any�unds hel�t by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agsiinst the sum�secured bY <br /> this Secuurity Instntment. <br /> 3.Applicatfon of Pnytg�ts.Unless applicable law provtd�es othenvise.all payments reoeived by I.ender under paragraphs <br /> -- 1 and 2 shall be applted• any p�epaYment charges due under the Note; amo�nu payable under puragraFh 2: <br /> - - = third,to�nterest due; prirtcipal due;and any late charges due under the IJot sttions utaibutable to the Pmperty <br /> 4.Ch�Best LEens. Borrower shali pay atl taxes.assessments.charges. tines And impo . <br /> - - which may atcain priority over thls Sacurity l�twnem.and ieasehold paymenls or gra�rents. 1f nc►Y•Borro�ver shall pay <br /> --_ these obligations in the manner pmvided�n pa�ragmp6 i[uot pa[d io.that msnceer. Bomoaer shall pay them on tlme direetly <br /> ° = to the pe�son owed payment. Botrov�+er shall p�omptly fumish to l.ender atl norices of sureounts to be pald under this patagt�ph• <br /> -_�� If Borrower m�lces these payments directly.Bosro�cer stuill promptly fumish to Lender reoeipts evidencing the paymettts. <br /> ------- ��� ��rrower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over tl�is Security instrument unless Bomc�wer:(a)agcces in <br /> _�~'''="-'r writing 10 the payment of the obligaaon seared by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;lb)contests in good faith the lien <br />---•�--—i-' by. or defends against enforccment of ehe lien in, legal proce�dinSs which in the Lender's apinian operate to prevent the <br /> -__-_��L� enforoement of the lien:or(c)secures fr�om the holder of the lien su�agreemists b s�norY�en which�mayta tain p ority over <br /> _�-:-:��„�:� this S�vrity Instnyment. If i.ender determines that any put uf the PropertY � } <br /> - �_���ry�`r�` this Saaurity Instnunent,Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Bor�o�ver shall saeisfy the I[en or take one or <br /> - _::;:..�_�.. <br /> -� �= mm,e of�he actions set forth above�vithin!0 duys of the giving of nodoe. <br /> ='��; Fwm 3028 9►80 <br /> ... . „-�� Py.ro2ors <br />.. �~Cd!]L� • <br /> •s�'�:��. _ <br /> .\C r �. �.r ... _ . � o . ' ,� 'j• .,�'ts ,.. '�- ' „ •y�. i. -.. <br /> ' . � ., • '� _. ' � � <br /> . - t'-:;,4.ti1'� ., . .. . .. . . - �e4:%?`�'�'qY . . . . . . � c' <br /> r '• _it.,5:� ` _ ., - ' � '`., ... .. 1, . n� .. - ; `:a� Lt' '_tV� _ .. '' , ' - .. �7.1 <br /> �_ .. .._ " " . .. ' .� H .. • `j8+u j � ".. ' ., � o o .. , 4^-� <br /> '._ ,.(�O S�I J�' �L ..j4� .. . Y <br /> 1, ' 2` -� ` . �. .� . .. ` .. 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