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<br /> � ' 7�OCiBTl�R W17H gll the lmprovemeats�iow or hereaRcr eracted on�o{xopc�ty.and all ease�����d ^
<br /> . tintures now or hareafter�►paR of t�e propesty. A1►reAla�oements end additfons shaU also ba coverad by thls Stxnrity Inswman�
<br /> Atl of tho fongatng ia nferrod to ia thia Security Instrument as the"Propaty" .
<br /> �,��A�I BOItROW6R COVBNAMB that Barowr�!s lawt�Uy Eeised of tha esmte bereby oonvayod and has Qo right to geant and
<br /> ,.;;:,:,:��'� wnvay the Prarputy end tbat tha Propeay is unancwabrred.except for encumbranoes of rocard.Boicowa werrants and wlU ,,,
<br /> ;.,,�.:>"""� defead gene�ratly the d�a to the Prope�ty�sinsc�!1 claims and demands�sub�ecc w any aecumbranoc.v of r000rd. ,
<br /> . . TFIIS SBCURPI'Y II�iS1RL1I�NT combines unifonn coveaants for nadanat uso and non-unifonn cavcnants arith Wnited
<br /> variatlons by jurisdlcdon w cons�wu►a unlform s�curlty insWmeat cove:idg real propaty.
<br /> , ., 1 , UN�ORM COVEN.AN!'S.Bozruwer and Lertdu coveauant and a�ras as follows:
<br /> . , l.Payaaeat at�1�nd Interesti�Wi'ment and Late C�utrgta eomower sneu �omr�y �y ahea dua du ;
<br /> . , principal of and inu�aton tAe debt evlderwed by die Nota and anY P�Y�euc and late ct�arges due under theNota �
<br /> �,� . 2.Faada tar T�ea and Losurana. Subject to appl�Cable l�w or tn a wriuen waivu by I�da� Bmroarr sball pay to .
<br /> '� ' Lenda an die day moathlY P�Ymeuts ere due uudr,r du NoOa.undl the Nou is gaid in fa11.a sum("Ftiunds'�for.(a)yeatly taxes .
<br /> _ ' _— and a�srneats wbicd may a�ain prIotity oves thls Sa�utity Iusuuittent as a llea on ihe Property:(b)Yeasl�leaseho3d paymeata ,�
<br />�; , - • or grflund reuu�on tbePmpe�ty�if m►Y:(a)Y�Y��FroF�Y insuranca pnmiwns:l�Y�Y flood in�nranoe pnmiums.if :+:=-=
<br />�-°.� „ �. : any;(o)Ye�IY mart�ge L�uance Ptemiums�if any:end(�enY$�PSY�Ie by Bo:mwer m Leaslei. inecootdanoe wlt4 the . ��`'
<br /> . , '.�: provlcionv of paeagaaph 8,fia lieu of the paynaeat of martgage insiuenoa preuaiums. '1Leses it�,as sn ca�e� "Bscroa Iteans. r':
<br />_ ��•�•� Leader may.at aay dmo.collect and kold Fwds la an asaoant not w e�coeed the maximum aawunt a leader f�a tad�ralty m�ate�d ;,r
<br /> �.; . ..���,,�'�t�j��,� mastgage laan may raquire for Boirower's escmw ecoount unda tbe fe�asl RealBstate Setde:rxat Pracedures Act of 1974 a� �
<br /> � �;,r,,,> ameadod f�+ern dme m dme,12 U.S.C.Sec�on 2601 et u . ("RHSPA"),temisss anoWa Iaw that appins tID the Funds sets a Ic�r t "
<br /> 9 t;4�::.
<br /> �,' ' amoin�t If so, Leada may,at any drae,collect and hold Funds in an amonnt not to e�coeed tbe�unount I�idu ma�y - _
<br />•- ra
<br /> ,:. .,• estImaDe the amount otFunds dua on the basis�f c�ent data and�easonable e,stimates of eapendidu�es of fWrB Hscrow Ioans�x :."'_
<br /> ,� oths�wlse in eocordarka tvUh app2icable law. �=i`
<br /> • " '!be Funds sdall be t►$Id in au iasdtudon whose deposits are iasured by a federel ageacy,instcumeatalitl,oz eatiry C��B ``�'
<br /> ' .:;�:
<br /> ,� ., " ,� ,.� ��,, I,endet.if Imda is such an insdtudon)or!n any Federel Home Lflam Bant. I�cla shall apply the Fund�t�pay tbe Bscrow =�°.
<br /> ' , ; - ,�;-°� I�ns.Lcadrs may�t cbasge Bazra�foz l�sg ea�!�gg!ying tL F+�s,ann�elly analyzing t6e esemw�ocam�ar vedfyInA
<br /> . .. tho Bscrnw Ite�ns.unkss Lenda p�ys Bomnwer iatarst o�ti.ie Funds and applicahle law peimits Leuder oo mah smd�a chazga
<br />:,� �'�;,:�`�;. :. Y� !��,`-'
<br /> . ..:�.� How�ves.Leader a�ay require H�mower to pay a ona6rna o'hnrga far aa indcpeackat meal�smte tax re�paidng s�ioe used by _-- -
<br /> µ �';'�'' � .� '.;c L,�a�der in�on with d�is losn.nnless applicable law pravId�aifi�vlse.Unless m�a�oement is made a a�pt)c�bb law
<br /> �r�-,='-°';r.��,�;�"� �� roquites 1nte�e.si to be pa�d,LRader sdall not be requirad to pay Boimw�aay intae�st or eamin�on the Fuuda Harower end _.
<br /> y_,��•« ' L.eader may egne in arlt�ng.however.tBat iaterest shari be paid on the PY�nds.Leader sball glve to SaAOwa�wIthout cbarge,an
<br /> -...•��,�$•`�.'r:=�r • . -
<br />:___;;t�;;,:;� '::� mmual aiocoandag of the Fiinds�ahowln8 cndtts end debits to the Fwids and tho p�upose for wt�h each d�bis to the Funds was -
<br /> ='"��T"..-: , mnda Tlte Fnnds are pkdgad a9 add�donal sa�rIry for all sums socurod by this S e c u r l t y Instrumeat --
<br /> -�_..:.-.,.,.,.�
<br /> �.._�,:;.,.,� � If the Funds held by Lead�eaccaed tbe amounts pamitted to be heW by applicable law.L�eader s6aft acoonnt m B�rowa fa
<br /> :�;�'�. tha excess FunE1s in axordence alth the roquire�aeats of appllcabie law.If the amount of the Funds held by L�dv ai any dme Ls "_
<br /> `;�;:; ,�. =�r''•� � aot su�cient m pay the Bscr�w Items aben due.Lenda may so not�iify Bocrowes ia wdting.end.in such cam Baaowa shall psy
<br />=}`"��f`+:�•K;; � to Ianda tde amovnt aeass,aqr to malce up the deflciency. Bon+ower shaU malce up tha defieieacy in n� maa than twelve
<br /> ' "�.�
<br /> ::`�_�;�_;�.;.: : moA2NYDaYmeata.etLendet'ssolediscretton. _--
<br /> "',�,i.,,�,-,`'-�,:•. , Upon ppymeat in full of all suma secured by tbfs Sec�isy Insuument,Leader shall promptty refund toBoimwer any Funds
<br /> _9`,;`7'` : held by Leadec If. wder pa�a�aph 21.Lend�ahall acqui�re or salf the Aropesty�T�endea.ArIor m the aeqeftsition or sale of the
<br /> -_":��`��°" prepe�ty�sNall apply aay�nds held by Lent�a at We time of acqu�sldon or sale es a credit againsn di�wms�ecurod by thfs
<br /> ��'��"' �� Security Ins�wmea�
<br /> _=,;�,.:r _.
<br /> =�:T{�"°�°. 3.Appltcatlon ef P�'mente. Unless appllcabla law grovldes othetwise.all paymea►ts recdved by L.eader unflar paregrephs ----
<br /> '=�i;�.i 1 a��2 sdall be applled:fmst,to any prepuymeac cdarges due wedei the Note;sacea�.to amounts�yabh undet pa[$gt8ph 2;
<br /> -�- '�`n s�:..�� . thirt�,tfl intsaestdna:fanih,m prind�al due:and las�to anY Iate charges due ureder the Noso. --
<br /> _�"�:�,.;a.n. �__
<br /> .�.�.';,, 4.COargd;Li�em. Bo�rowes shall pay a71 taxes.as�neitts,cbau8es�flnes aad imposttions a�tribwaDla� the Property _--
<br /> •�wY*�w� wpich may a�ia priority over this 5ecutiry Jnsuument,aad leasehold pay�acnts or grouud rents.ff any.Srnrowa st�all p�y dtese �_
<br /> �-+,���t_`: obii�atlons In tAe maoner provided in paragteph 2.or if noi pa3d ia that mawier.Bonaw�slwll pay them ae tima alirealy to dte =—
<br /> �.;�;:r�'�,�':»� � pason owed paymeac Bom�wea st�all promptly fumish w Leader ell nodoe.v of amannB ta be paid undrr tbis paragcaph. 1f -
<br /> -° � Bomower malces these paymeats ditecdy.Bonower sdall promptly fumish to Lextdet r x e 3 pta e v l d e�q g d t e payment4. ;:==_:
<br /> •� �� Bomower sdall P�F�Y ��68�Y llen ahich has priortty over tbis Security Ins�umemt� Harower: (a)agroes in ' _
<br /> -- �' `+�� wrltinng w the payment of the obli�etton secuc�ed by the lien in a manner ecceptable to I.endcr.(b)oonttstsin good faith the Hoa �";-
<br /> -_ ,. �:. by, or defends against enfo�ncnt of the lien in. legN pmc�edinSs whfch in the Lender's opinian operata t�pmc.weat the
<br /> .. . eafa�oemeat oi tbe lien: or(c)sac�res from the holder of the lien en egreement sa�sfacwry►to Leader subord'a�g the lien o� .ri,::.:.
<br /> . this Sxurity Luwmen� If L.ender deLezmines tfiat any pa�t of the Pro is subject to a liea whicII may aoain priortty ova this f''�'
<br /> ,:� � tsi��
<br /> ° Securlty Insuumeat,Leada may give Bosmwes a nafloe ideatifytng the llen.Hoaower shatl sati�fy the liea cr take one or moze ..
<br /> - ° t of the acttons set fo:th nbove wlthin 10 days of the gtving of tcot�.
<br /> ' „ .:.;}'- . Fo��nsoza�roo
<br /> ^ ". - . ��88(NE�t��t�1 Pap�2ote IMt1ur. -
<br /> .,�> �
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