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4! .. .`� ,� '` �_ .. o } .. �, '_ �, ? ��=�_:::�°`- <br /> ,. . �:x_ <br /> • • u . . �, . • , , _.._�___�__�� <br /> �?- .. . ._. . '-a� ..;.�i..�an•�:_--, <br /> , . � ., . � /J `.s:.''�•IS�—� ____ L�y��'��4V�G'T�•���v3'�':�'";�rurrcnz�— _.�.-. <br /> .� - . ' � � - ��.�."i�v(/e�lft_t.'bY:�iY�4��.'_.__Jtc--.�c.�c- <br /> ' • . _.� __.�.�..�.. �'� _.. <br /> ��r�. Y.�.tA�;�,"S 95 1U4689 -- <br /> -_==_�;- ° <br /> �� �"` � : 7: P�oteation ot Lender'a Riphts !n the Property. If Borrowr hib to pertonn the oovenmts�na apree�nente aonptn�p n = <br /> . 4 •. � thb Se¢urRy In�trummt,or tha�b a kptl proceedhp thit may siBniffccanty afte�st Lsnders dph�s In the Pro <br /> a P�Y(suoh aa R procesdlnp M �: <br /> � btnkruptoy. probate,tor candemn4Uon ar toAeiture or to entonce Iaws or repulstians),then Lender may do and pay tor whatever 1a necessery � <br /> „ io pr�tect the vaiue of tho Property and Londor'a �ight�In !ha Fhaperty. Lenders aottone mny Inoludo paytrtg nny aurMS aocutad by n Ik�n <br /> � whloh hns prbrfly over tht9 Seauriqr IneWment,tppetttnp b eoujt,payhg reasonrtbie attomey's tees and entednp on tho Propatty to make ' Q <br /> � . roptYe. AhhouBh L,�nder may taks�ctbn under thb puapraph 7.Lendar does not heva to do so. <br /> � � . My arrtounts dbburosd by I.mdar under this parap►iph 7 ahalt become addidor�ai dabt of Borrower eeeured by thb Security Instrumsn� ' <br /> _. ;`.,. UnMas Borrow�r�nd L.ende►apree to olhsr terms at payment,ttsese amounta Bh4il bea.�hterest trom the date of disburssment et the Note • <br /> • nte and shaA bs payabM,wkh hterost,upon noNcs 4rom LrndM to 8orrower requostinp paymen� "-L-= <br />_. .. _ . 8. Mmrt�t�fle ln�rance. If lender requirod mortgaee heuru�Ce as a oond'�21on of rtwking the b8n setured by this Securiry <br /> � � Ina7ummt, 8arowrr shal pay ths premlums required to mahtth ths mortpeDe haur�nee h etteoG If,for any retaon. th�nIORQt�Y heutanCS ,,.r� <br /> � • � s <br /> •���� covrap�requMad by Lender kpses �w ceases to be in eHeot, 8ortower sha0 pay the Qremluma requtred to obt�on covenps eubsanttay <br /> ei� equivatent to tha mortpape�surancs previousy h ett�t.�t a cost substanti�ny equhratent to the cost to eorrowcr ot the rt�ortpaps hsurance <br />:=�:,;�1a�" prculousy h etfeat,trom an altemtts mort�Qe Ma�+ror �PProved by Lendeu it substantWy equkabnt mortqtpe hsurmee oovarepe Is not - <br /> �� avtil�ble, Bartower ehaq pay to Lender e4oh month n sum equai to onedwetRh ot tha yearly moRpepe hsuronce premtum behp ptid by <br /> " 8ortower when the hsurtnoe covera�e IaPs80 or ceased to be h efteoG Lendet wilt eccept,use and retah these paymente as 8 Wss ., � <br /> ;, • � r�es�va h Ileu ot mortpps ineuranca. Wss �eserva PaYrt�onta may no bapor bs raq� the optEon o!Lendet.b mortpege Insurence ��• <br /> , „ ..t. esoveraps(in ths amount�nd for ths period that Lender requtres)provided by sn hsurer approved by Lender ayain beaomea avaiYble�nd Is ����- <br /> `���;�*�°; - obtthe�. Bor►ower ehaY pay the prembms requhed to mahtain mortpepe insurance b eiteat, or to pravidu a bas roseae, untG the `' <br /> .�,r,. • �• requtsrtbnt la mortpape hsuru�ce enda In ecaordssnce wRt►any wrNten aareement between Boaowor and Lender rn ��, <br /> --�:'�,.. �,::_. .N�� aPPraBbla taw. .''':_ <br /> 9. IQ�ECt10t1. Lender or fts epent may rtu�ke reesonable enCies upon and Nspeadons of the PropeAy. Lender sha8 ghre 8orrawar �'`r <br /> _`- ...a�.& notN�at tf�e tYne nf or p�lor to an hspecNa�speoHYinp reesonabte oause tor the Mspeotbn. �•'- <br /> � �z_ ot eny eward or olaM for dt � •° <br /> ..::,�Q,�..;:,� � ` 10.Conde�nnatton. The proeeeds mapes. direat or oonsequenti�i, tn conneoUon wBh any <br /> = aondamnatlae or othcr talctng ot any peR o t the Proper�y,or tor ao m�e yance h �eu ot aondemnetlan,are hereby asstpned and shtp be paW �" <br /> - .',�.•,. �� [!,r.-r` <br /> �,Y :.Sa. �O LerldBf. �L : <br /> '. °�, ��. �n the euent o(a total takh�o!tl:s Properqr.the proceeds shntl be applied to the sums secured by thts Seourity Instrument,whather or �'',,. <br /> • not then duo,wftb�ny excase paid to BoROwer. In the euent ot�partlal tekhg of the PropeRy h whbh the tak market vatue ot the Property ' . <br />.. +y',,'�. �:' <br />-_�,,,,���� � Irnn�dMtey befots the takhp b equel to or�re4ter than th9 emount of the sums ser:ured by this Securitp Instrument hanedlately beloa the _Jvi-� <br /> . r"'�' tQk hO,u n i ess B o r r o w e r a n d L e n d e►o t h e�w t s e e p r e e h wrRM n�1he eums seeured b y thb &ecu d t y instrument shall bs reduced by Ma amoun! - <br /> N: • of ths proce�da mukfpNed by the Poibwhp fi¢otton: (q the toffiI amount ot the sums secured immediatey 6eiore the tekhp. dNided by(b)the �'�`- <br />• ��,��' . k y <br /> � tat market viUe of the Property tnmed�leN beTcre the takhQ.My balance shaM be paid to the euent of a partl�i lakhp of the ,_ <br />`-'��"''�' " P�opsrly h wAl¢h the tair muket value of the PropaAy(mmadi�tey before tha takhg Is tess then the amount ot Me suma secured Mnmedletey _ <br />_ `.,��,.�t,, bWore th�ttkNg.uniess Borrowe►and Lender otherwise aQree i� wdthp ar untess epplloabie law otharwtse provldes,the proceeds shtll be _-`= <br />_ '�:r. j applMd to the aums secu�d by thb Seeurltfr InsUUrner�t afiether ar not the sums are the�►6ue. _ <br /> E�„�� it th�Prop�ty b abtndsned by Bortowet.or H�tRer not�e by lsnder to Botrower that tho condemnor otfera to moka en award or seitl� -- <br /> ; �•� �.�° 8 r.l s�s s!a r�9.L�x ro w�I a N o 4 s re s¢o nd to Lender wkhin 30 dey8 8fter the date the notit�Is gH9n.Lender Is authorined to 6ollect 8ns� - <br />.-;�a;"•:� i_. - <br /> appy ths proasds,at it6 optbn,ettt�er to restorallon or�e p a i r o f t he Properfy or to t he sums secu re d by t h t s S e au d ry te s b u m e n t,w h e t h er <br />- ' �.`'�; or not then dw. <br /> --__ `�--�•�"�-; Unbsa t.�nder and Borrower otharwiss apreo h wrNb�O� enY ePD�n of proceeds to pnc�pal shaU not e�dend or poatpoM the due -- <br /> ll.,�``�v`'�'' date of the monthly payrtwnte referred to h pan�raiohs 1 end 2 or chenge the amouM oi suoh paymenta. <br />-'�''�'��' � 71. Borrower Not Reteas�d:Fo�bearanae By Lender Not a Walver. 6ctensbn m ene crne ror paymwn or <br /> -,_.�.:f.,�t. . <br /> �'=��'�``��s modNkaation af amortiratbn of•the eu�ne aecured by tAis 8ecurity lnsbument praMed by Lender to any successor N tnterest ot 8artowor ahaii <br /> --��a�"'�'� �tOt Op�ts!0 �Bki59 thB IfYbW�l O} ths OfIQU1Y1 B01fOM6r Ot BOtfOW6re euccessors in interest Lsnder shail not be roquYed ta eortmienas <br /> "'°=r���� proca�dhpa aytbet any sucassor in i�est e►�etuae to mdend tYrte(or payment or oMerwiss modfy amoRhratbn ot the eums s�cund by <br /> ��-�°"���`��- thb S�eurity Instrument by retson oi any demand rt�da by!he or�hel 8orrower or Bortowers sur.eesoo�s (n hterest My torbe�nnrs by <br /> �.',-•1�r•=r <br /> :-':��';�;:�� L,e�dK b 6o�erobhp�ny rqht or rert►pdf�d'�aN not bs a vinher ot or prealude tha exercise of any ripht or rert�edy. <br /> -=-���r� 1�.5ucceaora and Aeelae�Bound; JoiM and Severat Uabiitty; Cn-ai�nera Tne caven�n�s and aar�e«nenn ot <br /> ---�""=�""� thb S�eurRp In�trummt ehar bad and bmeftt the suxessoB�nd asatyna ot Lender and Borrowe►.aub�at to th� provtsbns of pawpniph <br /> -._��_=..�,� 17, Borrowete coven�nta end apreerrwnts shM be Jok�t end severab Any Borrower who co-aqna this SecurRy t�atrument but does aot <br /> °-���'�=��� eowcute ths Note:(s)Is castpnh0 thES SecurNy Instrument onry to moKpape.gran4.and aonve�r that 8omowers hterest h the Properl�r under _ <br /> —= the t�ms of tBb Sewrtty Instruman� (b)Is not personaty obligeted to pay the eums seaured by this Sewidty Instrumen�a�id{a)aproq thtt _ <br /> L:entNr and any other BoROwer may eproe to extend, modiy.torbev or mtke�ny�ccommorlttbns wtth rop�rd to t�rma ot thls Securily <br /> � �t`'� Inetrurtwnt or the NOts without that Borrowar'e consen� <br /> _um,c� <br /> ..- 13.LOdD Ch��E�. If the ban seoured by thts SecurHy Mstruma�t is aubjeat to a law whlah sete max(mum btn aharpes,and thtt _ <br /> `°-==� law b fin�ly htefpreted eo that the hterest or other ben eharpes ooUaot¢� or to bs eoBeeted in eonneatbn wtih lhs ban ezce�d tAe <br /> - _�� pKmkt�l W�mR6,thon;(a)any suoh ban oharpes sha8 be roduced by the amount oeces�sary to reduco Me charoe to thb pe�mtttad link:and <br /> ---=���l�� (b)�ny sums alr�ad�r coA�ctad from Borcower wh�h woc�ded permRted IImRa wiU bs retunded to 8orrower. LAnEe►may ohoose to m�kY =_- <br /> ?���,� Mb reNnd by reduofnp the prinopal owed undar!he Note or by mekhp a dkeot payrt�ent to 8orrower. It a retund redurAS prhopa4 t�a = <br /> -___='�,.� npduodon wip M+treatwi as e ptrtial preOaYment with0ut eny PrepaYmen!oharye under the Note. <br /> "�`_"�'��'"'� 1�.Not�ce�s. My noUce to 9orrower provided tor in this SecurB�r instrument shalt be pMen by delNerhp k or by ma0ing k Oy flrst � <br /> _��s�.•+�:-_ cYas maY unleaa appUctbte law requireg use of another method. The not�e ahaU be dir+�oted to the Properly Address or any other address _� <br /> -.;��'�'��:�. 8orrower deslpnate�by not�s to Lender. Mr aotice to Lender shalt be pben by flrst eiess mtll to Lende�'s address stated hereh or eny __ <br /> r;;,;,.'�l"�'-',+,� other a0dress Lender desipnates by notk�to Boaower. Any notbe provided tor In thia Seau�ty InsWment shtli be deemed to have been --° <br /> .�;�.:'r. . . ;�,, Oken to Borrower or Lender when OMen as O ro v i d e d h t h b P e r eGraD h. -�_ <br /> �`,. �;�: 18.Governing Lew;8everabittty. Thts Security Instrument ahail be govemed b�r lederat law end the law of the jurtsdbNon in �:, <br /> �� �:,• �� =r whbh the Property Is �cated. In!Aa e�ent that any pravtsbn or olause ot thts Securky instrument or the Note conflbta wkh applicabie Iaw, ��=� <br /> ' r. �si.. <br /> ;i�;,�,:,.;��: . suah aontUot shalt not aHeot other provisbna ot this Se¢urky Instrument or the Note whtah oan be 9Nen eMeat wdhout tho aonfUcdnp --_ <br /> proviston. To this end tho provisbns ot this Seounty Instument and the Note ere deotared to be sevenbte. <br /> ,. 96. Bonower'e Copy. Bomower shall be ghrert o�ne oontortned Copy ot the Nofe and at thfs Seaurlty Inshument. <br />- ° �Y� 17.T�anster of the Property or e Beneflctel Intereat in Borrower. If ail Or 8ny p&R oi the PropeAy or any tlterest h <br /> � . _ Et Is eold or trenaterted (or N a l�eflofai Interest In Bortower is soW or transferted end Bortower Is not a naturai pereon)wkhout Lenders <br /> .�. <br /> ��: ......�...,. �. s.0..�au <br /> ., . ..__�� .��..�.� ' "' �...rr aaw.•wnA I�u M1e Cnw...J1..iweb..ww� Ywu...r �••• <br /> .. ---; -- pt10f NftRBtt Wn8Bf1f. i.Onaoi mn�.ai �w Ww....o.q...o �.....�..�..� r.y...�... .. .�' �•..- �...� �.�.��� ....� �...�.. ....�..«..�..�. . ----- <br /> : " this opthn shall not be exercised by Lender If c�cise b proh(blted by taderal law as ot the date of thb Security Instrumen4 <br /> ° � It Lender exExoL�s thb optbn. �_ender shaA ake Borrower notice of acceteration.The notice ahatl provide a perbd of not 19sg th¢n 30 • o <br /> ' duys from tha date the noUce fs detivered or malted wkhh whbh the Bonower must pay elt sums secured by thts bbcurity inBWn�ent.If <br /> = Barower tatis to psy these sums prlor to the e�Metbn ot this period,Lender may hvoke any remodies permitted by this Seaurily tnstrumen! <br /> . • ' wkAOUt tuRhar nodce or demand on Borrower. <br /> . • Papa�ot 6 Ferm 804II o190 <br /> ' RtOpO.LhtO(1/9SI <br /> � . <br /> .5., . "� ¢oa ------ -- -- - - - } <br />