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<br /> - .. ;, MoxTO�aE t,���, 104640
<br /> ' 7U�s�Moirqp�s b entered Into bet�veen�James D. Peteraen anc] Dawn L. Petersen, Huaband
<br /> an� t;'fe (henin"MortQ�tor'y aua
<br /> i e oin,ra Bank. a Nebzaa Corr�orati�on (keaela"Mort��ee"). ..
<br /> ' .., ' Mort�egor is lndoAted to Martqa�e in the p:indpal eum of�ln.na�_�n �evldenced by Mon�iQor's aote
<br /> � d�ted�LY �• 1��' (��1e►"Note")ptovidin�tor psyment�oi pstncfpd�nd tntaresi,wtlb t4e b�laace ot the
<br /> . ... (ndebted�►e�,!f ao!sooner pttd,due and psyable an n,x",A� �: 1998 .
<br /> .� ".',�, � 9btecure We payraant nt tde Note,wltb[nterett as pmvided therein�LAe p�yment of dl other�uapa,witb intereat,
<br /> . .,. Mvanced by Mortpqee to protec0 tbe secudty of tIW Mort�qe.wd tlie poitonaaace of t6e covenante an:d t�emeats of
<br /> We Mostp�or cont�lned henfn�Mort�a�or doen hereby marl��e and convey to Mort�ee the tollo�luB describud
<br /> progerty located ta �� Couaqr,Neb:nl�a: ,..
<br /> .. Lot Ztrenty-Nine (29) Jeffrey oake Subdivisfon, In the City of Grand Island� HAll _
<br /> ' Oounty, Nebraska. „
<br /> .�:. . �
<br /> . , ,_..
<br /> �;;;�:if.,
<br /> � �� , .�;, , .
<br /> .• ���� . . , . . ;�f':
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<br /> � '�'71 �s.�'
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<br /> . . � *' 'lb�e,ther�rith atl bulldinp.ia�pmremen4�tlutune��te�eeu�alle9a.P���Yb e�emenb.riQhts,PrivUa�and --
<br /> � . �pp�utenances located thenoa or in anywtw pertainin�theraW�urd ths tent��Ycua�nd prottte�tmetsio�,s ufd nmatnden
<br /> We�not;lndudinr,but nAt Iimtted to.deatla�and eodin�equipruent�t►d�ucA pe�onst prope:ty tt�at fa�ttached to the
<br /> �� Im�ronn�nb�o a to con�4ttute�tixture;W of�ehicb�laetudia�npl�oemsnts�rtd additiau th�reto.t�herebY deciu�d
<br /> . ; � to b��ptYt ot the�e�t atate aeaumd by We llen o!tbis Mort��e�nd W of tda foe�e�oin�betn�eefened to beTeia�tde
<br /> - � '.. ' u�OpN'�yn.
<br /> :.•. " . �.' —
<br /> � •� Moripjor fntth�r coaren�nt�md a�Mith Mortp�ee�u toUowa:
<br />_ �.,
<br /> „ � 1,Paym�nt 'lb pay tb�Indebtedne�and tlse Usteren tbenon n provlded[n chu Mo�t�e ond the Plou. `.--
<br /> • �.Ttt{t. Morip�or 1�the owner of the Property lu�the e►�t and tuthoiity to mort�ate the Pcoperty.and .-=
<br /> _ .�.�>..,;.��;: x�e�n4 thet the Uen crest+ed henby i�a lint and prto:ifen oa the Ptopetty.except ta may othecw(te�e tet torth herela
<br /> '��. ' .: ,. m Zbe pcoDerty is�ubJect to�Mort�a�e wheretn�'t"Q Pe rl a nk w N�raak� C`rrrbmt-i en _ �Y
<br /> .. _: .� ■ �`--.
<br /> ;-�,,,.� • ��ic � ���j��cxxxx nt tha Mortp;e Recoids of riai i __..,,_.County,� - -
<br /> -::��=h�,-�.•:... ti tlu 1[oit�ee.morded
<br /> .-'� .,.. %'.' N�b�lu,�itich Mortp�e b s Ilea p�tor to the Qen created h�reby. --
<br /> ..:n7:'� . ti
<br /> .�,'.� ... O Other p�tor Itens or encumDrances: - __ -
<br /> _ - .<� c.=�
<br /> � . �__
<br />- ' - ....- . Fr.
<br /> ����'71�v.ti... _ ' `�.
<br /> .:-.II��� �N<.. -„�,�
<br /> �;.,w T4, •}� 8. Tucr�A�enb. To p�y dhen due�114xes.�pecW�ntenta and ul other charges�tlnit the PtolPartY
<br /> md�upon�►iitten demutd by Mortga{ee,to add to the p�yasenta requtYed under the Note secueedhereby,cuch tmount u ''''
<br /> - � �:� may be wtQcient to e�uWe the Mo:t�ee W psy tuch tauei��ce�menb or other chac�es�s they beco�se due.
<br /> �•: �. In�uauea To keeD the imp:ovemeats aow or hereafter loc�ted on�he eeal estate d�sctibad hetein inaured
<br /> . � �inst d�roqr by fln'antl wch oWor haz�rd4�M Mo�ee maY eequiee,in anlouals md wlth eompanteaaoeeptable to t2ie
<br /> •.� MortpQae� �nd�vtt8 los psyab(e to tbe Mo:t�ee.Ia cue of lass under�uch poUctes tde Mortp�ee B�uthaelsed to
<br /> adj�ul, colteet �nd compmmfre,tn!4 di�cntlon,all el�im�thaannder at!b solo oytton,tutQ�tir,edtoeltherapplythe
<br /> ptna�d�to tht�nbntlon of th�Peopetty ut qpau tde indebk�e�s tecuted he�by►,but pqymenb hereunder s6�11 eon� '
<br /> ', . � �nue�undl the snm�teci�red nerepy�re pud tn t�ll. ' ' •
<br /> � � 6. �Escco�v Foi T�cei and In�ee. Notaiqfetanding uiythfag eontnined ta Pue�nDbe 3 and 4 tiereof to the
<br /> _ , . co
<br /> �. conteaty�Mortgagor thail p�}r to the Mortq�gee at tAe time oi•p�yipg the monthly Iqtiatintenfa of peiacipst and Interest�
<br /> .---_ -----�_-�, onedweltih of the yeufy tt:es,�sscrsementa�h�z�M tnsurmee pramiums.�ad gound uestt(it.tny�whlch m�,y attnin a
<br /> _ - ---`---�� prto�tty over this MortQage�Ut as e�easonaDiyr eaamated arom aeae w iime i�y iae i�?magqee:•ane amaunB w
<br /> paia�nui'w
<br /> ; Aeid Qy the bfort�ee without intetest aud�ppIled to the p�nnent ot fhe Items tn eespect to wl�ich euch amounts weie
<br /> � depodted Ttte tums paid to Mott�ee hetreupder ace pledqed�a additio�ul aestadty to:the iadebtedneas�ectued by tbis .
<br /> Mott�ge.Mort�a�or ehdi pay W Mo�rt��ee the amoant of any defleiency bet�eea the actu�l ta:es,�saesemeab�insueance
<br /> .. ; premtum��nd ground reafs and the depaita hereunder within 10 dsys atter dep�and Is mide upon Mortpgor requeating '
<br /> � payment ther�of �
<br /> . . 8. Repafr�Malntenneee u►d Uto. 'Po promptly�pair,reatoYe or r�bvild any bull�tn�s o:Unprove�nenb ttow or
<br /> hereatber on the Ptoperty;to keep Ehe Yropeety In�ood condltlon tnd cepdr,without waste.attd ltee ilrom mechante's ox
<br /> •� • � oLherliens not exptesgly subordttuted to the iten 6ereof;not to tueke,sutter or permlt eny nutsence to extst,nox to dtn►tn•
<br /> %�:• � � . � tsh or imputr the v�lue o4 the Roperty by any ict or omiasion to ant;and to comply�h atl tequtrements of uw w[th. ,
<br /> re�peat to tt►e Property. d„
<br /> _ � .• � �
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