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4 '-.� ��lt�� ..�;: .. . �°�,�n�.-. a:'-:����tw.[:t� M_._� <br /> i,:,,i... . .r,r� ,; <br /> � , ` " - � ., :Av. �.'i�/� � , . ... ' � � -.!:i L r .. <br /> 1.� •'t't'.r: -. .. �.•Fl.r .�., .,_.�... .. .=.r,..�-�Y�. ... . .. . .: : iti7i'�"�i'N`-_*-. <br />._ .. .S �,.4i.Y. _t'�'1, ' .. _ rY''L .xlri�n• ^f .. ��'���. <br />, �-Fr7d iFAd' _ '_ _. <br />��`��' g 5..�446�J� <br /> ----m <br />�,;,;r not to excMd tha maxMum �trtwuet o (�i�idGr t�t o i3�Gy R3fi�0 rtsOrt�� !�n mlp tequlte tor 8orrowers eaorow aeaoun! undu tha � <br /> ��•�► t�l FJWI Es'ato Cratt�t Proc�durn Aot o}1974 ne tmertded kom thie to time.18 U.S.C.Yb01 et seq.('RESPA'),unlesa another lew <br /> � ��Kk• 'th�t�p�ea ro the Funds sita a Iesier amount. It eo. I.�ndw may,at ony timo.oolleat end hotd Fands In en dmount not to excsed Me �,. <br /> ,.,fi 1 1e�as►amoun� tsnAer msy e9timaie tAe imouM of Nrtda due on tho bneia of curtent data end maoonnbb ostlmate3 of e�andkures of � <br /> � � futun Haorow tt�me or otA�rwlss in�ccordu�c�wkA �pplbtbb 4w. <br /> �s.��`�5.r Th�Funds e1W! G hoid b an hmtnutbn wAOS�d�po�its u� lnaurea by a tedertl a�M►cy,hstrumontatiry,or entRy(haludlnp Lend�r.N �� <br /> ....�r F. o�. <br /> L�_�,y L;�fder b auoh tn hstRutbn)or in any Fsdanli Mom�Lo�n 8�nk. L�nder shaU appty the Funda to p�y ths Eacrow Items. Lend�r rtuy not � <br /> -;.:��� chup� BarowK fa holdhp�nd aPPbh9 th� Funds�Iu�nuaNy maNzMp the�row �ccount.a ve�lyhp the Heorow IUma.unte�s t.�dr -- <br /> _., y paya 8crtower htsrost on tho Funda�nd ipptic�ble I�w p�mNf L+9nder to m�ln suoh a ohuq�. How�ver,Lende►may roqub 8orrower to <br />=��"� pay a awtim�ohltps 1or an Ind�p�ndant nal att�e Wc nPortbp savic�us�d br Lender In aonneation wUh this toan.uniras►nppt:eabh tse� � <br /> ,n-,�I ptovid� othMwi�. UnNso an apn�mM�t b mtde or �APfio�bi� Itw requYa Mt�rest to b�Os�d� Lendv ehaM not b� npuir�d to Wy --_ <br /> , . <br /> ��_, gorroyra��ny Int�nst ar arnhps on the Funds.Bor�owar tnd L.ender may�prei h wrRhq.fiowe+ror. thtt Intere�t ehtN be paid on th�Funds. �__ <br /> �� LwidK ehall pNs to Barowar.wkhout charp�. �n ennual ancountinp ot tho Fanda.eAowtrtp crsdb ond dsbRa to ths Funds�nd Ms purpoas =. <br /> * tor whbh wnb d�bt to ths Funds w�ss mads. 1A�Funds aro pied0�d as addtbnat secufiy tor u sums seeured by this SeaurNfr lnaWmenl. �- <br /> "'ti�� It tM Funds h�1d by I.�rtdK aceW ths �moants p�nmltbd to bs tield bY �PPAaabM taw�Lsnder ehaN account to Borrower tar the �_ <br />=-"�' �s Funds b soaOrdme�wRh th� nquMM�nri of�pppcabM t�w. tf th�amount cf ths Wn9s heW by lender at any timo b no!sulflabnt r� <br /> �i, to pay tM Esarow Poems whsn duo,LendK ma/fo notNy Borrowar h wrRtip,�nd, h suoh case Bomuwer shW piy tc Lender ths�mou"t <br /> �.3A a�casary to moka up ths deNabnoy. Borrower sh�N m�ks up the defloianoy h no more than Mreke monthy psymenSB. at I.ertd�d sole <br /> .-v..�� dhcretion. <br />_ _•i Upon PaYm�nt in NI o!aN sums eadired by this 8ecurdy Ins�icrneM. I.ende► ehaU prcmpty refund to Borror►�Er any Funds hetd by <br /> `' Lend�r. It.under paraDnpb 21.Undsr shtN acquk+e or eeN ths Property,Lender.prior to tha uquiskbn ot 8�te of the Property.ehaY appy <br /> -- - any FunQ�held by Lende�et ths tYns of ac�luistbn or saU t�a a cr�e�t�hst Ms euma secured by this Sewdly Instrumen� _ <br /> ---- '� $.Applica+iiion of Pryment�. Uniesl apPYOable IQw provides oMe�w�se.aY paymantb recaMed br Lender under parfOr�phs 1 �nd <br /> - 2 nh�il be�pplMd:Hro1,to anY ProO�Y�t ahupss due undor ths Nom;second,to emounts payabie unde►pan�rapb 2: thtd to ht�rest <br /> M-'�� due; prinalRai due;and Wt. to�ny lat�char0es du0 under the Note. <br /> _ �.Ch�f9Ci; L.IODi. eorrovr�shW Wy aN f�s� asaessments�cAarpes� flnes �nd imposRbns attrbutatrl� to tha ProP�h whbh <br /> �� r,wY att�n Prbfiiiy over!hb Secur�r tnstniment�md teasehotd ptyrt�enta or pround rents. M any. Botrower eht9 paY tAes9 oblipettons tn th� <br />-- �nner pravkMd h pu��n�ph 2, a Y no! paid in that mtnner� Barorr�r shtll paY them an tYne direoty to the pereon owad paymonG <br /> �� 8otrow�r shaN Prompt►!fitmi�h to Latdet aIi nolices ot amounts to be Wdd under this P��A�. It Borrower nbkes theao ptymenta <br /> _-- _:� dYsoty.BorrowK ahftt prompUY tumish to Lendtt recelPts evldenah0 the payn�ents. <br />_-�"_� Borco�wr ehd prampth disoharae eny Ner►whbh h�a priorlyr over this Seaudl�►Instrumant untsss Borrower: (a)aproes h writYg to th� <br /> ��:� WY�t of thf odApatbn�ecured Ey the lien h a m�nner accepLW1� to Lertde�;(D)aonbats h Qood hkh tMi lien br.o��lenda�pahst <br /> - - .. �i�f t�•t�.n b.wga�proceedings whieh b the Lend�a opinion opents to prsurnt th�enfo�ement of ths Nen�or(o)s�eures iran . <br /> �_� ih�hoW�r of th�Mn tn�prsmwnt sttishntary to Lender aubordliutY�the IMn to thia &curh tmtrumenA If L:�nder GeNrmhes that my <br /> , ptR of tl�P�rop�rH b subJ�ot to a tien vrhbh mtY tttnM prbrRy ova thi�9ecuril�►Insbum�n�Lander ma9 ONr Barower a notk�id�ntbtykip <br /> —,� �p�. gpm�y,r�tt slul atigy th�pen pr to)w orts or more of ths aottona set torth Above with„10 d�ys o!tha plvMiQ o!notl�. <br /> �= 6.Masard or Property Insuranee. 8orrower shali keap tAe tmprovsrrwnts now eidstirtp or hersttter enoted on the Propaty <br /> -- insured I�pthEt bss by flre.hWtds included wkhtn ths tertn 'extend�d CowrW�" and anY athe� h�ruds� holudlnp fbOtOs ar tbodinp.tot <br /> whbh I.�rtda requires hsunncs. Thb insur�nce sh�A be msht4hed in tho amounta md tor t�e P�g that l.ender re4utss. TM inauranas <br /> —_- a�rir Provldinp tho Nwranc� shd be chosen bY Borrower aubJeot to tsnders �PProv�l whiah 8h�11 aot bs unroaaonabb wkhh�b. If <br /> - Borroww faYS to mahWn co+rr� desc�ibed eba�w,Lender mey. at Lertders optbn�obWn eo�reraps to proteot Lendere riphia in Ms <br /> J_ Prop�t�r M aceotdtnc�wtth puaphpl�7. <br /> � Atl h:unncs poYCNs and r�►�wab shaY bo aacepribt�to lendor�n0 shtN heUde a atand�rd moRpapo ot�us�. landw eha11 htvs 1M <br /> rlpM to hotd tR9 DoNaies and�ene�rab. It l.endK ro�N��8ortower shtt PromPttY pt�to Land�t aM rowpb o}pttd p�mlums u�d ron�wal <br /> eotiws. In the sw�t ot bss�Borrowx shaN pMa prompt noUee to the haurmes eurler an0 Und�x. Lendor map maks proof of baa M not <br /> � mad�prompty by Bortow�r. <br /> UnM�s I.�rtda �nd Borrow�othwwisa �pne h wrkhq� hsuroncs ProcNds ehatl Oe eDDYsd to reatanUon or np4tr of ths Propry► <br /> d�rtiep�d, k th� restattlon a► �ep�Y b �cconamicaly teasibM ertd LenQ�s seourky is not Mssen�d. It tM reatomlion or reP�ts not <br /> economicay Ntsbia or L�ridws t�aurky wauld be IosaeneB.ths Uaurano�procwds shtl W�pPWd to the s�ma secura9�y Mb S�urNp - <br /> �._;� tnttrusrent�whetha a not thm dw.wkh any ex�ss Wid to Borrowxr. tf eotrower ab�tdons tM Propert�►.or does Aot antw�t wtlhin 90 . <br /> dqs a notic�trom Und�r th�t Me inaurmee curbr has offored to se4tM a oWm,than Lend�r maY coll�ct ths heunr�oe proc�eda. Lend�► <br /> rt�y�a�tM proceeds to np�t ar reston the Propaty or to pny sums secured by this Securly Inabument.whether a not tMn due. TA� <br /> _; 90�dsr 0�����wMn th�notif�b ptwn. <br /> - -3 UnMte l+N�dK vtd 8ortow�othNwisa apria B wrRinp�N1► apP�icit4Dn ot prooe�ds to D��t ehat not aod�rtd ot P�atpons the dus <br /> date of ths monMy peynwnts ratertsd to M Pu1pr+�Ohs 1 and 2 or ohanpo th��mount of tfw p�yments. Ii unda►puapn�ph 21 the P►�,p�rty <br /> � Is acqulrod bY l.mder�Borro�were rtaht to anY hsuru►ce polbies and procesds resuthp trom durwpe to ths ProP�f►Prbr to the aoqui�llon <br /> -�� shtN p�sa to Lendar to the eoRent of ths sume sncursd by this Smcurtty Pnshumsnt tmmedf�tsy prbr to the acqutsRbn. <br /> —=a 8.Cccupeney� PresernWon, Meintenance end F�otectlon of the Property; •Borroanrer's Loan <br /> -- — AppllCat1011; Lc�tQh01d0.Bomowar ehat oc�cupY.asMblbh. end uss the Prope�ty ts Bortowers pdnoipal rosidencs wkhU skly dt�ns <br /> ---=��,- eRcr the executlon of thls Securiqr Instrument 1nd ehM conUnue to occupy the Properyr as Borrowers pnc�ipal residence tor at te�st oM <br />____�,3K� yeer atter tho date ot oecupanoy�ur+�esa Len06r olherwise aqrees h wrRinp,whbh eonsent ehap not b9 unrensonaby wkhhetd. or unless <br /> ° � ex�uathp alroums0u�oes ex�st whtah an be�Ond BoROwere aontroi. Borrower sh� not desOroy.dunaQo or tmpair tDe PropeRy.tlbw ths <br /> ��� PropeAy to deteAorate,or commft waste on the Property. Borrower shalt be h dafwt!H any fo�feituro aodon or proceedhp,whether cN8 or <br /> _�� artminat,Is bepun thet h Lendera�ood t�Rh Judgment could resuh M tortekure ot Ne Nroperty or otherwisa matertvyr htpalr Ne uen ere�ted = <br /> - . by Mis Sacurity InoUument or Lende�e eecurAy tnteresf. eorrower rtnay cure suoh a dettuh�nd rehstate. aa provtded in pera9raPh 78,by <br /> �,.�f ;. causinp the eatbn or proceedM�p to be dl�nissed wfth a rulhp that, b tendete Qood 1�th determinatton. preoludea tortokure of the <br /> _. •--�� _ _.�.. <br />-=-'�':' ' Bo�rowers hterest h the PropeAy or other �il1 ITpStl�t Ot Ifl9 I�II Ct9Ci80 Oy�tiS S9C1tnry instrunteni 6r a,srtaa o oouv�q ucwwi. <br />.:T��°�=4 ' Borrowe►sM9�tso be h datwR M Borrowar.diutnp the ban aPPltcadon procese�Wva�yl false or haacurate htormntbn or etatements <br /> :� :,.�.�� to Lende�(or faAed to provlde Lender wkh anf nuteri�t htormstlon) h cor+eeotlon with the ben evldenced by the Note. haludlnp,but not <br /> �� �''-'+^` Itmked tp� representallons ooneeminp 8omowefs occupanaY of Me PropeKy as a Pmolpal nstdenae. tt thb Securit�r tnsbument Is on a <br /> V. ��. <br /> �": °a IetaehoW.8orrower eM�U eompy with aq the provlsbns ot the tease. It 8orrower aequlrea teo titb to the PropeA�r�the leesshotd and the <br /> �r��...,;' ►�e tRte ehall rto!rt�e►p�unbse the t.�onder a�roes to the me�per tn wriNnp• <br /> �" <br /> r ' . <br /> ,. 'yr;�,. <br /> .:.,�� Ptp�Z of 6 Fe��n aoae aroo <br />__�.�+'.,:ii�� FtO�.lMO(t/oS) <br />-- = -�' i <br /> . 6tlSo <br />