;' ""� . . „ ... � ,:�'j+r.�v�
<br /> . •• • .�:4�•
<br /> ' " . , , ' • �_._• .,:t,��LL,:
<br /> • • . •„ '��a; " .f .�ar��'�'{��}�/ 'M�'��iN�• e�r� �t' ' -n . ._.��� ..-:
<br /> �IM� ��.`�..'. .. ::�f.';ii�����•,�,.:�-- ��y �
<br /> .. . 4- .!r�:w�7L�a�-T-1._..K._I.:.:.lr:+':�._r__...J'_.'."1.ail�.�.a.__.. "_ La�_."
<br /> :.� . t . � 9 5_ �M��� E. �
<br />.:`.�?i '., . r:�i��,` . .� �`_..
<br />_-�� .,�-.��.�.+�.-+? • Hae,swar en�y aurs auoh a d�taft and tMn�ts. a provldad In Pu�O►ePh 18, by oaufl{np the aoUon or procs�dnp to bs �,__-
<br />�' ' � ditmttaed wlth a mUnp that,ln lenda'e pood tUtA dotamY�atlon,preoNdea fosferturo ot the Elortower's interat in the Prop�iy ar �
<br /> " � othsr mat«hl impakmmt of ths ben cn�trd by thta Seoudty Instrum�nt or LOndrr'� seaurity Int�r�s4 Bartower ehap�o b�In
<br /> en
<br /> �� � defQUR H Bortower, durinp ths lom appAaUon proaese,av� mat«'�aNy fatas o�N�aaurate IniarmaUon or atatementa to lender(or
<br /> 4tlIM to provld�LendM with or►y matedtl Ontomzatlon) I� coanectlon wtth the loan evldenaed by the Note, tnoluding, but not
<br /> " . qnVt�d to, teprosrnUtUans aoncemtnp 8ortower'� o�xupancy ot ths Prapaly a� � p�no{p�l nald�noo. It �hla 8eaurtty
<br /> Instrumont It on a le�a�hold, 8orrowK eluN compry wltA�II tha provl�lana of the le�ee. It 8ortower aoqul►a tee UUe to tP�s ;
<br /> .s •. . PropMy.tAe leuMold and the t�s Utls duN eot m�rp�untas�L�ndw�8nes to the moper In writinp.
<br /> �• . 7. Proteetion of Lsnd�r'� Riphb In ths Prop�rly. M Bortowet feYa to parlortr�ths aeven�nte ena�preemeo►ce
<br />- , .. , aont�in�d In thi�SsouritY In�trum�6 a th�n 1� a►e6v Pro�O that nry�nMan1N aff�nt l�ndw'a�hri In tM Propwty
<br /> (auch ne o prooeedlnp In bmkrupioy, probatr,tor condsimaUon ar tortettute or to entoros{awa or re�ukUons),then lenda may ,.
<br />, � ��,��r, do�nd poy for whatavw te�vousuy to prot�at th�vdu�of th�Propwty�nd l�nders d�ha�the Prop«!y. LendK's aattoea
<br /> : �_;� mty N�dud�p�yhp my sums asaurod by �Im whieh hae pdodty ovK thla Seeurlly Inahument, appe�rNt� in eourf. P�Y�O
<br /> roiaontbls tttomeya'!Na�nd«►tainp on the PropKty to mike rop�irs.AlthoupA Lender nay take aoUoe undw thta panipnph
<br /> 7,Lando do�s not h�ve to do eo.
<br /> 'a.. : ' • My unouMa dlebursed by Lmd�r under para�ph 7 ehali baoort�e iddtdo�uf dsbt of Botrower aecured by lhls 8ea�rih
<br /> ,, . Uabumant Unteas 8orrower and L.w�de►�pro�to other terma of payntent,the�e amounte ehaN bear interest ham the date of
<br /> �eburoement o!the Nots rt�te and ehafl be psyible,wlth hterest,upon�oUce trom Lendev to Borrower roqueattnq payntent
<br /> � ' 8� Moet�w� Insuranes.M Lendsr roquirod mott9epe haunnc�aa t condido� ot m�kkip the toan securod by thla •--
<br /> '..� . .::
<br /> 9eGUrNy inetrum�n� Bortawe�eh�N pay th�pnrnN�ma►squksd to maint�h th� mortqaga Inaunncs h effeot.M,tor u►y roason,the •°;;-
<br /> � � ' " mortp�Qs Innurrnas aoverage roquked by Lender I�paea or easea to be in a((�ot�BaROwar ehall pay the pro�niuma requirod to
<br /> � .' obtain aov�p�aubatantl�Ny�quN�lent to th�mortp�ps Inaunnae provta�ay In�ffect. at a coat aubatemisly aquhnla�t to the _.
<br /> ..�� ;
<br />_ �.�;h,w. ,, ooat to Borrdwx of ths mortyip�k►wruics prevlouay In affeet,tram tn altemate moRpape insuro►approved by Leader. N ;
<br /> =, . ...���� eubat�lWY�quNaNnt matp�p�tntunno�eqv�p ts not a�bls�8o�rower�hdl pay to lettder each moMh�t aum equ�l to s..
<br /> " � •:;�'r � on�tw�tRh ot th�Y�N�9�Os „surenoe prertdum being p�td by Borrower when the inaunnae eoveRpe lapaed a ae�aed to �x
<br />`-p :�'c. `�``; i» in �Hsat. t.ender wp accopb usa�d r�tain the�e poymmsnts ar� a loaa rasa+re!n 6eu ot mortp�gs insunmoe. Loaa naerve
<br /> . ::�,:,
<br /> =:;,�..�.:. �.� pryrm�nts m�y no tonQer b�roquirod.at ths aptlon ot Lender,if mong�0e�suru�es eoverape(tn ths unount and farths p�Md �
<br /> • ��� _,. e that Undn roquk�s)Vro�►Idad bp �n Inwnr �prov�d bY Under aydn beoomis avail�bte and ta obtiined. Bonowr slut pay —_-:,
<br /> ` �, tM ptaniuma roqutrod to mek�Wn morty�ps Ineuranee tn atteat.or to provide�losa reaave�u�ll the requYemeM fa►moRps�s �r,:
<br />:__��� .,.,s4 .�� ."�' Nauru�m�nds M aocotd�nce wkh u�y wrNten�p►een�nt bstw�en Bortoww and LendK or applta�bte Iaw. —_.
<br /> � 9. In�ps�tton.LendK a tte ape�t mRy m�ke reaaon�bte ent�iea upon and hapectlona o!the Property. lenda ehaA Oke =_
<br /> . '.� Bor*oww noUc�at th�tt�of a ptior m�n inepeotlon ePedNlrtp naean�bk ctuse br the tnapndton.
<br /> ' Uc
<br />�-'` `. '- 1O. Cond�mn�tt�n.Tha proce�ds of�ny�watd or ddm ta daneges,direat or e�naaqttenN�l. h connrctbn wlth any =_
<br />•���'•„ .� ` �ti cond�tnnatlon ot oth�►Lklnp ot�ny p�t ot ths Prop�ly� or tor cornnytncs in Nw of aondamdlon.vs henby su��d and _
<br /> , � .. � �• ehd bs pdd to L�ndu. _--
<br />,�-;":`•°:..; ''� '.'� le the evart oi a tot�t Wdnp of ths PropettY. the ProeeMa ehv bs�ppNed to ths suma seeund by thb Seourky �
<br />"r�_• ._•.:•. �`'�:. • I�umw�t�wh�tlu►ar eot th�n du�,wkh any ac�s P�id to Bortower in th�wertt of a partW Wdttp of the ProR�IY In wh�h _ _
<br /> �.•�•,t 1���_;. fhs teir rtwkst wW�ot the Properh k�r�dtatAp bNore the qkhp Ia equai to a yr�ter thm th�amount oi th�wna seound
<br /> ;*>, ��_r�•f_' := by thl� $OCYflly 111611t1111Md ifMlsdltlly b�fOf�tM 1�WI10� UIIIlid B01�OWR IRId Le1idR olhwwian Ugie�i�ii WF�3Q,ili8 IItiiiiII .
<br /> s;.." :� .:;:r .�.,��'� c�ured by thia S�ourty/Instrument eh�t bs roduced bY the�moimt oi the proceeds muitipYd by Ne fofowin0 tmctlm: (e�ths -
<br /> �p..�;,.,,� ,.i. '','� total�rvtouM of ths auma e�curod hwn�d4tey bsforo the taldnp�dMded bY!b)Me tak muket vdus of the Pro�ty tnne�Mt�lY �
<br /> „ �ry
<br /> ;�� befaro tha teWnp.My bwnce ahaM bs pdd to Bortow�r.ln th�eveet ot a parU�!WdnO af the Property b wt�loh the bir m�rlc�t
<br />`='`°'�'-x`�'��' v�s of the Proparty Immediatey M�ton ths Wdnp la le�s thtn ths mauM af the sume•securod Mewned�taN bafase thr t�idny�
<br /> �.r-,,�,1'��,� unteaa 8onawer and Lander othenrtss�pr�h wrfdnp or unlea�s �ppYabb Nw otherwise prov{dee, ths proce� aDW bs
<br /> -= , .. �,�,.• '
<br /> =��F�A�C+��,'_• �PP�to Ns eums��curod by thb Searlty Inetrument whdha ar eot the sums vs tMn du�.
<br /> .�,,:��:�__�i�� N th�Propwly b�b�ndon�d by 8arow�r�or M�afta e+otics by l�ndu to Barower tbat tht aond�rmor otl�s to m�k�an
<br /> - �r+ard or�ettl�a d�tm tar d�ms9es. Barowr taYe to�pond to Lender wkhin 90 d�ys aRx th�dab th�notla is yM�rt�
<br /> `����-'��q"�'.�� Und�r b�uttiori�ed to oaMat�nd�ppy th�proweds�at Its option� dtt�r to natoratlon a ropdr of the ProPe�ty or to ths
<br /> v,----.•
<br /> _����4 •C��
<br /> ,:�,`��'1;:, eurns s�an�d EY thb Srardly Instrumen4 wh�the►a eot thm du�.
<br /> --- -,�,:-_,�,�� UnNsa Land�r and Bartoww othertwlse a� h wdtMO. mY�p�y8ation o} proceesta to pr(noip�t sM1 not e�dend ar
<br /> -�-°' -7° postpot»ths dus d�of M�monthy p�yma►A retwnd to b p�nptiphs/and 2 or ah�npe ths attoiu�t at suah paNn�nb.
<br /> _ ���:x�;�r,�-� 11.Banrow�r Nd Rd�s�di F�aranc� 6j► L�nd�r Not�Walv�r.E�aen:son ot the tin»tor pay,r�ent or
<br /> � modAcRtlan W a n w r t tr a t l e�o f t Ae�ums a e a u ro d by M t a B e o u r t t y I n a tr u m e n t y ro�t d b�l L a+d e r t o�n y su c e�s t o r h Int�nst of
<br /> .����ar;��_'g Bonoww thaN trot ope�ate to rote�m the qblty of tho a9gind 8oero��ver a 8ortowere wcaasars h ht�nst. Und�e ah�N oot
<br /> --="r�`�� be required to a�onrmnas proaNNnBs�ga1nK any sueceaeo�b �tarost d rduse to wdend tlme ta paymad a oth«wtea -•-
<br /> `_;,��� modity an�o�salbn of the auma aecurod by th�a 9eauiW IneWm�nt by re�son oi any dertwnd mtd�by th�orlpinat Borraww or
<br /> --.�,�� 8o�rowde suooessoro In kitereM. My torbeoranoe by lende►In accrcla6►9�nY dpM or rem�dy shaM oot be• wtNar of or
<br /> - ��--=a predudB tht a�rore�ss of my dQht ar romedy. - -
<br /> -_':;-�.--=.�.�; tZ. 8uaa�ssors ated Aalpns Bound; Jotnt and S�wrst IJeblllt�l; Co-sign�n.Ths ao�wwna end �–
<br /> --_�.��
<br /> -------.- ��ri of thls 8�curity tnshuumsM ahY bind�nd baieflt the euecesaoro �nd aaaipns ot landw and 8arowr�aubJ�at to th� _
<br /> `_�_..�.—�,�;�� prav�tona ot DareQrePh t7. Botrorler'e eova�nt�and epe�ta ehJ!be �ant end ee+renJ. My @otrow�r who oo-ei�na Mia ---
<br /> -- �--T,� 8s�urlty Inatrummt but doe�not �cea�te the Note: (y b oo-atping thb 3ecudry lnatrument ony to morty�s,�r�t�nd oanrey ----
<br /> --- - th�t 8ortower'e tMe»st in th�Propaiiy under the txma of thta 8eouity ina�umx►� tb) ts not peraonaly obYp�d to p�y the
<br /> - --M eums seaned by tMs Seourtty Inebuma►Q �nd(aj a�ees th�t Lendx and eny other Bortowet mty��ss M a�Gend, modly, -
<br /> ��'�`; , . :, toribe�r or meke�ny accomrt�odnNons wilh reptN to the terma ot tNs Sea.idly insbument a the Nots w(thout th�t Botrowde ==
<br /> �.���� ,.
<br /> o, ;4 r��!, OO�iftflL
<br /> - ;. :},.;• . 13. IAan Char�p�s. Ii th� ►wn searsd Dy thia Securtrj inadWnent le aubjeat to a law whicA sate n��wm lwn -,.
<br /> ���,=;,:..:� : ..,.. charpes,�nd thn law is M�Ny interprated ao that the Aitenest a other Ian cher9es coYeoted or to bs coNeatod In oo�n�c4foa -
<br /> wtth the lan mcesed ths pe�n�lted Ibnite,then: (��ny suah loan charge sluJl 6e roduced by the amo�mt neoessay ta roduce ��
<br /> .. � the ohuqe to ths permitted Ami� and(b)u►y eums eke�dy ooltected irom Borrower whloh oxeeeded pemdlted lmits w81 be �4
<br /> � -�" m�unded to Barowa. Lender may ohooas to rc�thie returtd Ey reduaing the p�tnolpN owed unde►the Note or Ey mddn�e �'r
<br /> ^ '�• ' dr+ect p�yment to Bartowe. M •neNnd reduaea pdndpal,the►eduetlon wIN be troeted as � parlW P►ePryment wNhart any �'o;�
<br /> � ,°,�.. �;.�.
<br /> • ' `� PrePaymeM a!►erge under Me Note, �y?��
<br /> ' 14. NOtiC��.My rtoUee to Borrower provided for in thta Secu�lty Inetrument eheU be glven by delNedng ft o�by rtwAing it
<br /> ., �`f�/ by Wet c{�ea mail unkae appNaabte Iew requlroa uae ot another me�hod. The notlee sh�N be diteoted to the Pro�xty Addrose
<br /> •+- ' ar eml other addreas Borrorre� deaignotea by no8ce to Lender. My �otice to Lender nhni! be gNen by tlrot dtas meU to
<br /> tander'a.ddnma atated heroh or anv other addreaa Lender dealanetes bv notEce to 8omower. My noUce provida�tor fn thta
<br /> _ . - --. ,= Seau�fty Inatntment ahtli be deamed to heve been ghen to Borrower or len�a when gMen as provtded in thta puagnph. ••�S'.'�
<br /> = •,. . ., i S. Eiov�mirtg L.aw; 8�wnbllH�►• This 9eou�ily inetrument ehaY be govemed by fedaal �nw and the kw ot the ",
<br /> _ � , . Jurtsdatton in whleh the Property Is loceted. In the event thnt any provialon or clauae oi thla 8ecurtiy Instrument or the Note
<br /> oo�wltb epplle�ble Iaw, sueh cortlNot sMH oot aHeat other provkians ot thta 3oewity Instrument er the Note whiah aen be ,
<br /> � ' pNen e�eat without the conQiotlng provla�on.To lhia end the provisions ot thls Secwlty InstrumeM and the Note are doGtered to
<br /> ° be savenbte.
<br /> 18.BorroN��'s Copy. Botrowa aMV be gNon one coMormed oopy of the Note end uf this 8ecwity Instrument
<br /> . ,, , Ft31&lM�t10/�J1) Pepe S ot 6 �. .
<br /> y � ,
<br /> } � � 95000
<br /> -k � . _. . . . .. _ . _. . . . ---- .. .---- •- -�
<br />