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<br /> 1.Payrthnb. Bottower egrees to make a0 payments on th�teeurad debt when due. Untes� Borrowor ond tandet aprea otherwtsn, eny ,
<br /> p�rrn�nt�Lertdar tecei�eo hom Bonowa�or Tor Bor�ov�er'o 6onotit wNt bo apptted fl�at to eny amounts Bonowas owea on tho secure�debt
<br /> ' �ot ie1�co or exc�ie�nny ec�heduled p��Yrt►�tn�unU�l thsN���d�b='pv+�d tn tutjaf prepeymont of the aocu►ed debt occuro for any reeaon, It wili
<br /> • '• ` �.�r A�inst Tiri�.Bortower wltl pay atl twnt,au�sattNrt�i, and oths*eharpes etulbuabls to the proparty vrhen due and wfA detond Utle ,
<br /> to tM�op4� ao�i it my ctalrq�whien woutd 1mpaY tfie Uqnf�1 thb deb of trust.Lander may re�ulre Bortower t4 aasipn any tiglm,elalms or
<br /> , ,,� . drtsm�s wht�6onowa m�y havs�p�inst WrtMf who aWP�Y 1�bor or mneri�b to Imprave or mnintetn the property. ,.
<br /> 9.tnwranet.8mrower wttl keep ths propsriy tnurc�d und�r termt aapptabN to Lerder�t Bonowa►'s axpana�and fo►LerMsr's banetit.AII ', '
<br /> � in�.�onco pn}Ictoo ahnU Nctud;,a atemferd nse�KQ=ye etauae fn fevor of Lende�.Lnndor wlli he named as loas payae or se tfa Inauted on any aueh
<br /> � IMw�oo�icy.Any In�wpnee prausd�m�y W�pp�i�0.witAin I.end�r'�dbaetion,to elther ths ra�to�atbn or tepair of tho damnycsi DreRcrtl►
<br /> ,.f r!��' a to tl»aewsd debt.N L.�ndu nquka�wr�s0�inw►anc�.8onow�►pr��to m�t�in suah Enaunnce ta ss brq as Lenda►roquires. :�,�
<br /> .�;�,,;r,�o� . �.Ptopwty.Borrower will kaep the prop�RY in�ood eonditfon afb make eA�ep�ira roasonably neeesury.
<br /> ���� 6 E�aa.8orrowsr�r en to paY aD LendK's expsnse� traiudinp raaonabis motMys'fem�,it 8orcower brako amr covenants tn thb dssd
<br /> �� , ,, o�t�wt er in�ml oblipttwn neurod by tAb d�sd of trttst.�orrowet wIU p�y ihess trteouMS to I.endet as providod in Covenant 9 of thla desd of ,
<br /> , , uu�t
<br /> ,� � ��g�eutlty M�fs.Unfass Bonowet tkst obuina Lendar'o wriKen eonsent,Bonower vrill not maka or pmmR nny ehanpea to nnY prtor ,
<br /> t�t�s}i gorrpyrar wiU p�r(orm�It of Bartower's oblipations under rny grior mort�aps, deed ot truet or other secudty apreemert, ��
<br /> ,,. ,-i' UataidYg Bortowu'�carsn�ma to mak�psYrtunn wh�n dus. -?����
<br /> ,•�• .
<br /> ' 7�•�,°,_,_,,,•ot R�nb�nd Pro�u.Bortowev aastpns to Lendm ths snu and proflt�of ths propartY.Untau Borcower and Lender have apreed
<br /> .�:•` o �w se�In virtriinp. earowsr muiy cotisct and rot�tn ths�erne as�rq�s 8orrows�b not in def�uh. B Borrower defautta,Lander, Lendora ;'`:_
<br /> �I._.
<br /> �t•' psau,or�eourt appointed reesive►ma uks po=ssssbn a1nd mamge ths property and eotlea the roMr.Any rorrts len�deer coltects sh�il bo ..�.,,.
<br /> - - :. '�k'' , M��C ua�ynttatid ixP��sf Thi n�rW amou�t�of t�wlllfh�in+iP9M�0�� on•�a�edmde�Dte�s p�tov�i�ded�tn Cov�eits�1���� --
<br /> _ -. ,_ : `,�*� �,.
<br /> - ....• .-�•: ����j�=plrieMd Uri[t Dav�WoptNe�tt.Borrowrer•�roes to comohr with ths ptovisions of arry lease if thts d�of uust b on _F_
<br /> "'� yrR'^ ,r` S •Fau�lwld.If Ws ds�d of trust is on a unit in a condomintum or a pinreed unit davelopmeRt.Oonowar wi►!pertorm ait ot 9orrowet'a duties ��:
<br /> � ;,�, � u n d K t h s c o v e n m t�.b pdavn,or ro p utitions of d�e condomfnium or plermed unit devefopme�. mT�•:
<br /> �:.',-. .. . �', -
<br /> g,/tu�o�aZ L«�d�r to pwtomt tor BartowK.It Borrowo�feUa to_pufom�any ot 8orrowm'e duttes under thls deed of uuat.Len�ler msy
<br /> � perlorm the dutlea or eeuse thsm to be performed.Londer may efpn BorrowePs name mpe y any emount If neeesaerY tm porfortnanca.It anY
<br /> ; •,•., -. aorattuallcn on thepropa*tY is Eiswntinued or�wt wrri�d on�n a roason�bia monrar.lenda��uy do wn.cever i•.�ecesaw m aouc��+neera =.�.
<br /> • ., , ,'� t�urky interest in ths ptopKlY.nrs mw w�aua.comq.ww cn.eonwn�aon. --
<br /> ;;"y.' _
<br /> _�,.� .., .'• �.� UradK's hNure to P��wlll not PrecTudo tende►trotn sxercbinp my of its other risMs unda ths uw or Usis dasd ot truaL --
<br /> �•�•'��' 1nd wiil b�r itm�re tyfr t�d�ts ot tlN P�e1rtu t�Wid�i!�t�tM i e�test�►� ft ctdon tM sse ed de�urtta wilt be due on demtnd --
<br />. . . � �� 10_Dat�uit�nd AcedralMx�. it Bortower hib to maks an!►DaYmem when dus or b►eaks anY coven�ts under thb dead of uust or an1t =-
<br /> '�,~r • �� �Snnd��(mm�n p�al�nt,�nd may inwk��p�ow���isk�n�dr any ot�t�fee rt�ied�I permlttod�by aPPIlcaDle liw�of the secued dabt ena _--
<br /> ..r�;:'.'�� `±�.��.� !! .!le�a!!x�lo+±^s c►�Q�tanit-k b hsreby�equasted that coAks ot thm nottces ot defeuit and sele be som to each Psnon wla b a pariy -
<br /> _;�u S 1 '.Tr t,erno.at ths�ddr�ss ot e�ch sucb panon.a sat fanh Aerein. _.
<br /> -`�• �'-' 12.iow�r o!8iM.M the landu invok�s t!N power of wb.tla Truatet sJult flrat�ee�M in tha oHiee of tbe npiater of deede o4 eacfi courtty -
<br />-:-_z ' �n tM trust proD�rtY a soms p�rt or presl tlanof ia ahu�Ud�nottw of d�fauft eorttatnin�ths iMamatbn roquked bY f�w.TM Truttw
<br /> �iso m�ii oopks ot tla noUoe ot dsfauR to ths Bortower.to�ach penon who b a WKY Fisr�to. �nd to otfia per�om aaprsscrib�d by
<br /> ';M::��-. ' �pnYCabM taw.Not te�s than nns rta�ril+�tt�r ths Ttuttes rocwEs tM�mieo o!dofault or two morRhs i!the trwt D�P�Y it ooi in�ny
<br /> � �'�� h�orpaaud city a vf�o��u►d b us�d h tarmirg ope�atlom c�risd on b�►the uuttot.th�ttuatM�haN qlve Pub�io notice of sak to tM prtoTM
<br /> ,'�Y_-_�"�_'_s..";�� u�d in the m�nnar P�aibMpy�ppplicabte I�w.Trust�s,witAout dsmu�d on Bartower.sha11 se11 ths propertr at publlo auction to tfM fRplwst
<br /> �.� bidbr.H nquind Q1►ths frm Homost�ad Protection Aot.Tnntee ahal oftet ths proDertY intwo sepa►aU�ata ae reyuhed by apptEaat�I�w.
<br /> ""'�"-`-�� Trautw m�Y�sats of�U cK am►D�p1 of ths DroD�Y bY p+btle arniounaert�eM at tM tim�and P�of��N'O�eviDVih►sCtMdu1�0�aN.
<br />�;,�.��,,�� lssdr or ks d�ci7nM m�p D�►ehise ths prop�rtY at aqr sde. . ,
<br /> ������•'•'%'��� Upon red1�t of pay�nt of the urtce btd,Trustee shefi deiivm to tAe purchaser Truatee's desd eonvovk�a dis propereY•Ths reeitl�aontMrnd in
<br />.:��:r,sa�� trauroe's desd�lt be prim��seie svidknce of the mrth of the sutsreNnts eontaMsd thxsin.Tmstee�fi�l apply the proaNds of th�aM in the
<br />�g;,�,.�i��� totkwinp orden 1s1 m eil expensea of the uls. irwhidirg, but oot Ih+itb w, �esfonsbts Trustss's Nes.nasonabM mamaVs fs�s�nd -
<br /> rsirrttt�rtNnt fan:(bl to�II sums secund b►r thi�ds�d of trust,and(al the balance.if�ny.to ths penom MB�Ih►errtttled w ncefv�R.
<br /> -��� 1aJ.Far�fo��.At landeYs option,this deed of uust m�q De farecbsed in ths m�nnet provlds b1r aPMiubte Uw tar f�xadosure of mo�tqqa
<br /> _=_:Y�!�a:�.�€.. ors reN property.
<br /> -�:_:.�r.�r-���i.-+se. is.Nsp�� Londor may emer tho Propwty to inspeat it H Ler�der pivea Borrower notics befonhand.The notlee must st�ts tAs ma:onabN
<br /> --- ------ csyw fot lender's itupsctlon.
<br /> � 16.Cor�n�eAon.Borcower as�{yns to Lsndu thsp�ooseds ot aml�wxd a alaim tor d�mege��cotmsatad with�condMnns@on a oth�r pkinp
<br /> -"��rEb?f� esa�ri�try iaePsm�ir tf tM atlpm�r.S�cch P�oee�ds wiU be�APlied a P�oMded In Covenant 1.YNs aitypnmmt is tubpot to tt�s ama of saY P�
<br /> _ �-�Y�—� 16.W�fwr.By exs►dsinp�ny r�y av:ii�bls to Lender.tsnder doet not ytve up�amr�iyhta to t�ter uae sn�r ott�r reth�dy.BY eot exerdsG+p -
<br /> _����. ony ronndy upoe Bortower'e d�autG l.ender doea not watvs sny Npht to Iww con�id�rr tno event a dsf�utt U ft tupqns�yain. _
<br /> 'm--��� 17.JoLrt�nd @w��U�Coek�ai SueaMSOn�nd Atupns iand. All dudes under this daed ot trust ate[o!rt and s�v�N.Anp
<br /> ..���. Borrower who casipns Nia eed of tncst but does not cosi0n the u�y�np debt imtrumernfs) doe� ao o�ty to�u►t and conwlr tlut
<br /> --�_-____��,��' Bortower's intereat in the pro,S�6rtY to tha TruCtco tttsdt:r tha ts�1�sysa ot!h�de.�d of ttets�In e�dkfnn,6aeA e Bortower�g►ees Met Ufs Lerxler ab _--
<br /> .�`�i;•�� d�t wi�thout�i e�rrower a+co���entind witfw�ut e�toa�ilrq�t Eo�r�o�we�irom��ert�s of Mii d�eed o wif thta Qesd of m+�t a ths aar�d
<br /> _�:`"'?�'.?�.•
<br /> ,��r y.�� TM dutis�and heneflu of this deed of ecust sMsli bind and beneflt ths acceuon u+d usigns of Lender�nd Borrower.
<br /> '�s��,�� �r: �` 1�.Not1c�.Unteas otherwiso�a9�+1rod bY low.any noUce to Borrowet sha71 De piven by depverinD It or Ey m�itinq k by eerURed mall sddress�d to --
<br /> - -�f=�� •� BettOwer st ttH p►oDaty sddroas or any other addresa that 8orrowes has 0lvan to�nAar.Borrow�►wlA Oive�ny notiee to Lender by eertifNd -
<br /> -_ •�.;j'��'� ��8 to Lencter's addre�s an p�ys 1 of ttfis desd of truat,or to any otlnr ad�ess whioh den6er hss desiqruted.Any oMer noUe9 to I.end�t sh�tl ---
<br /> -;:r-:'�!�::; -r tr�teM to Lsnder's addrou�s�tated on paps 1 of thts deed of trust. `..__.
<br /> �.a ,; ..,_,...�. --�
<br /> -}, . ,... , :!a.-� A ny notics sh�1i be d�emed to h�vs bnsn piven to 8orrowar or 4endar when pivan in the menner st�ted above. `.^
<br /> - 1�.Trnnsfa of tM FropNiy w�8w1kla�M►t�nst 1�tM Sar°wer.it nU or any part of ths propert�or�ny Ntereat in ft is sot0 or uensterred �_
<br /> ••::�a;_^� wtthout Lender's prbr en canaenL Lender may d�mend imrt�edUtepeYment of the seaured debt.Lender msy aiso demu+d imnediate
<br /> paymaM it the Borcower ie not a nanuaioe non artd�beneflefet imerert in the Qorrowsr ta s4id or vansterred. However,Lender m�y not �'^
<br /> ` � . '. demind payment in the above situatlona it it ta prohibked by tederat law ss of the dete of thts Eeetl of uust.
<br /> . ��,;_ • �O,R�aonwp�ne�.When the obligatior►soeured by M�S deed of trteat has bnen pafd end Lender hns rto further obiipatton to make edwnoea
<br /> .Y;w u�der the InstrumerM or agreemerrto seeurod by this deed o}Wat, tlie Trustee shiif upon written�equest b1r tl►e Le�ber,reeonvey the trust
<br /> __ , ��The Londar ehail deliver to tho Borrowar,or to Borcowero suecossor fn interest.the t►uet deed end tne noto ar other eviderics o4 the
<br /> ��.rtett.a.Beerewu shnii nnv env recordatlon coats.
<br /> � 21.6uensnor Trusta. lende►, at Lsndor•s opUon, mey remmro Trustoo and appoiM a succes�sor Vustoe by first, maiiing a copy ot the
<br /> � � sarbst(tutlon of truatee as roquired by eppticeble law,and then,bY ftling the subaUnrtion of trustee tor�ecoM fn d�e oNice of the repfster of deeds
<br /> .. p t e�ah cwnty in wNeh tho trust ixoperty,or some part thereof,ia elwated.Ttre succoasor trustee.wlthout cornayanee ot tha property,sh�ll
<br /> ; ;.' eakeeed to efl the power.dutiea,authoHty end tkle of the Truatee nemed in the deed ot truat end of any wceeasot trustt�e.
<br /> - ., �
<br /> - , ' 1
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