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F•..-, <br /> �Q]/8D19 QCC�I{311ty a.0 �.,io .`.�'�' �a �'�s w�!�sa Mr nthwr �llBil�tlRldAtB 1 D1'OV�dO$. �• <br /> haxever, that the totai prinaipai iadeb�edneee outsteading en9 secused hereby et F <br /> at�y one time ehall not exceed the eum oi $800,000.00, exalueive of intexeat ead �"`:"' <br /> protective advences nuthoriaed herein= provi4o8 PurCh�r, ehat this paragreph �°�;� <br /> shall not coaaieitute a aannitment ta mske luture or additional advance� ia eay -• <br /> amount, at erzy time, Mhethes or aot the eotei pr3acigai ladebteMee� above haa �, <br /> beest a�itvanceol j and, G <br /> b. Pa►yment of all sume advaaced by Heaeliaiary to �rotect the Tsvst <br /> Bstate, Mith interest the�eoa at the rate ot txeive (i2t) pescent per aranum. <br /> Thie Deed oF Truet, the Note, aad anyeythes instrun►ent givsa► to eviQeace <br /> or further seaure the payment a:td perfosmeace oP anY obiigation eacured hesciby <br /> are roferred to coilectively as the °Loea 2n�truunente". _ <br /> Tp pgpTgCr THg gSCp1tITY OB THIB DBBD OH TRIIBT: <br /> • 1. PAxi+ffit�OF 2ND88TBDNSSS. Txuetare e�heil gay rhex► due the priacipal of, <br /> nad the interest on, the iadebtedaess evidenced by the Note, charges, fees aad <br /> ell other eume as provided ia the Lcaa iaetrumeats. <br /> a, �R?+!• BST1i'!'R TA�B_ TsuBtors aha11 pay the awaua�l reai estate taxee to � <br /> the Hall County T�ceaeurer before the taxee became delinqueat a:sd sball <br /> tax receipts to Beaeficiary oa or bafose Mey i and September i earh year. 7xi the <br /> event t2uit special nesesemeats are levied 8gaiaet the propertY, the Trustore <br /> eha�ll make the anauai payroeate bafose the eame becoate delinquent and provide <br /> 8e�aef�.aiary vith a receipt for payment. <br /> ' g, rx�nrmnucr: � pgPp=Rg. �poa cioaiag. Trustors e1�a11 neme the <br /> Benefiaiary ae•a loes payee oa auay caeualty ineureace maintaisied by the Trustore <br /> on the premieea. TYUStoze ehnll proaq�tly rep+sir, maiataia ead repiace the Trust <br /> Bstdte nr aay part thereof so that, except for ordimary Mear and te�r, the Trust <br /> Bstate sheli aot flateriorate. in ao eveat elaali the Txus�ors ccaraiG Maete on or <br /> to the Truet 8atate. <br /> ,�, ne+rm�g pgp��INf; TR�T 8 ATti._ Trustozs ehall appear its and conEesE ' <br /> eay a�ction or proceedistg purportiag to aPfect the seaurity hereof or the righte <br /> or po�ere of Benefiaiary or Trustee, ead ehali pey ail aoete ead expeaeea, <br /> inaludiag coat of evideace of titie aad attorney�e fees, in any euch aatioa or <br /> proceeding in vhicla eesieficiesy or TsuBtee�y appear. 3hould Trustore feil to <br /> make au�►y paymeat os to do a:►y aat ee and ia the �er provided iu aay o� the <br /> L�an Inserumente, 8eaefiaiasy and/os Trustee, eaah ia ite o�m diecretion, Mi.thout <br /> obligatioa,'_ma�y �m1�e or do the same ia euch manaer and to such exte�t as either <br /> ' mny deem neaQasery to protect the secwcity bereof. Tsustore ehall, in�xfliately <br /> upou demaad therefor �► Beneficiaxy, pay ail coste and exeenses iacurred by <br /> Besie£i�ciary ia conaection aith the exerciee by Hene�iaiaYy of the foresgping <br /> sigbtB, inaluding, Mithout limitatioa, coets of evidence of title, court cast�, <br /> epprsieale, surveya emd attorney's feea. Arxy such coste aac3 expeiases not paid <br /> vitl�in tea (10) daye of Mritten demaud shali drav interest at the default raEe <br /> prov�ded ia the Note. <br /> g, B�JiP81�7T_D�1�. Shouid the Tsust Betaxe, or arsy part thereof or , <br /> interest thesei�a, ba taken or damaged by reaeon of any publics impsovement or <br /> � condemnat3on proceedirig, or in any other manner includiug 4eed ia lieu oP <br /> Coiadenmation ("Coadennaetii4a"), or ehouid Trustors zecaive aay notice or other <br /> infora�ation regardiag euch proces4ing, Truetors ehnii.give prampt �rritten aoriae <br /> rhesooY to Sene�iciaiy. 8erioficiary ehali be entitled tc ali con�eneation aad <br /> condemr�ation axardA aad ather paymenes or zel3ef thesefor, aad shail be esstitied <br /> to make +�Y a�D=�� or settlemeat in carineation Nith such takiag os dnmage. <br /> � Ali Buch caa�er►sation e�ad condenmatl�on, avasds, daunagea, rights oE actioa and <br /> proceede aaazded to Trustors (the "�roceede'f ere hereby seaigned to 8enefiaiaryj <br /> easd Truator� agree to execute such fustT�ea aseignments of the Proceeds �se <br /> Heaefiaiasy or Truetee may require. <br /> 6, novn OH �QCCB880R TR��s13 Herieficiery lney, frCm time to time, <br /> by a �rritiea iastzument execute8 and arkao�rledged by Beaeficiary, misiled to <br /> Trustors and recorded ia the Couaty !a �ihich the Trust Bstat�s is located e�nd by <br /> othernise csartplyirig rith the proviaions oi Che npplicabie la� of the Stt�te of <br /> �ebraek� eubstituta a successor or successose to the Trustee nented herein or <br />- acting hereunder. <br />= 7. Si�CCBSSORS,�ANA Ass�c��� This Deed of Trust epgliee to, iaures to the _ <br /> - benefit of and binda all partieo heseto, their heirs, legateee, devisees, _ <br /> pereonai repreaentt�tives, suacesaors ea8 aseigns. The ee�rm "Seaegiciary" shall =. <br /> 9 . meaa the o9aner and hoidex of the Note, +rhether or not named ao Henefiaiary - <br /> - hnmin. - <br /> - 8. INSQBC_r ONS_ Seneficiery, or its agento, representatives or worlanen, <br />- are authorized to eater at eay reaeonable ifine upon or ia any part of the Truet <br /> - Bstate �or the purpose of iaepectiag the seme and for the purpose of gerformiag - <br />'� aisy oP the acCe it ie authorised to perfonn under the terms o� any of the Loaa ^ <br /> - instrument9. <br /> � 9. SVBiPr OF DSEAVLT._ Any of the �Fo1loMiag evants ehall be deemed an <br />-= eveat of de�nult hexeunder: <br /> :-: 3 <br />